Runner Up

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Runner Up Page 2

by Leah Banicki

  There were a few people whose job description was not clear, but they all seemed to have an opinion about things, one male and one female. They both had a bohemian sense about them, my best guess, interior decorator or stylists? Last but not least, was a large man that seemed out of place, completely. He was unshaven in a way that wasn’t intentional, wearing an outfit that can only be the uniform of someone who feeds farm animals. Nothing against farm animals or their feeders, but this guy did NOT fit in the Hollywood scene. He had to be the guy in charge, the head creative honcho. I was sure that he had his own boss somewhere with an office in a tall building, wearing a very expensive suit. Let’s hope we don’t ever meet him.

  I did my show interviews earlier in the week for the introduction part of the first show. They came to my apartment in New York and trotted along with me on a fake day-on-the-job showing me taking pictures and then a few of me talking about my hopes and dreams for romance.

  I am so sick of me. I thought to myself.

  This was so narcissistic, being on a TV show. My speech should be…This is me, Hannah Parker, suckered into reality TV by family and friends. All of them believe I am such a loser at dating that I should do it on television.

  Maybe I should have worked harder on my pros and cons list when I first decided whether or not to do this. My socially awkward routine was working fine for me at church. I usually had a date a few times a year. My roommate claimed that I was too pretty and I intimidated men. I thought she was biased and ridiculous. I tried to be girlie and cute. That’s a decent goal right?

  I walked by another mirror and it freaked me out a little. The scary lady in my reflection pushed at my own boundaries. I would be too intimidated to talk to this girl! If I wasn’t so nervous I could laugh at my own thoughts.

  I observed my competitors and I hated to admit it, but I have a labeling problem. I usually don’t ever say it out loud but my active imagination loved to make up nicknames and I often noticed the quirkiness of those around me. I had expectations that I would eventually grow out of it but I was certain that my labeling issue would come back to bite me, someday. My mother would say ‘We shall see…’ in her slow drawn out way as I would imagine Sherlock Holmes might say about a suspect. I was sure both my mother and Sherlock Holmes would see right through me today, all nerves and with a fake smile plastered on my glossy red lips.

  The competition was interesting, we all had the same look on our faces, surreal nerves with a side of nausea. If we puked on the bachelor during our introduction would we be shipped off to Siberia for a few years to hide from everyone we know? Nothing like feeling the pressure of meeting a gorgeous man for the first time, and being joined by millions of viewers watching it from their living rooms.

  I started to break down the list of my competition: fourteen shades of blonde, three redheads, five dark brunettes, like me, two light brown and one woman with a shawl covering her hair. Only two women had hair shorter than shoulder length not counting the unknown factor in the shawl. Having spent my time in the mandatory make-over chair, getting extensions, I could see the amount of fake hair in the room and recognized the silliness. I had low expectations of hair being the only fake things in the room.

  “Hannah Parker needed for limo number three.” I heard my name being announced from the next room, I saw one of the ‘interns’ waving her clipboard once she got closer. I pulled myself from the strange stupor and got my legs moving. My black strappy high heels created a hollow clicking sound across the flagstones, as I headed to the limousine.

  My heart started a fast rhythm when the door shut behind me. What in the world was I thinking? I was minutes away from meeting Anthony Capriccio, the eligible bachelor on Soulmate! I turned and saw a redhead and three blondes with me in the limo.

  “Hi.” I said demurely, and felt like the new kid in school.

  “Hi,” they all said nearly in unison. It seemed funny at the moment and we all laughed nervously.

  “Anyone else contemplating running for your life?” I asked, trying to break the ice. I saw at least three of the girls nod and one girl raised her hand to admit her guilt.

  The redhead spoke, “This is so crazy… I sure hope I don’t trip walking up to him. I am not as worried about Anthony, as I am about my three brothers who talked me into this. If I trip I may never hear the end of it. I saw Anthony on the last Soulmate show. He seems nicer than my brothers,” The redhead finished, matter-offactly. I liked her sense of humor immediately.

  “He may catch me if I fall.” The redhead did a pretend swoon into the back of her seat.

  I could feel a genuine smile warming me up.

  “Yeah, he seems like a good guy. That’s the reason I am here, too. I just can’t believe we are about to meet him.” I said, uneasily.

  I kept fidgeting with the embroidery on my dark plum gown. The embroidery was just one shade darker than the fabric and swirled around the bodice and skirt of the gown. It was fun shopping for this gown with my roommate, Allison. It seemed like a decade ago and a different planet away from this moment.

  The car door opened and all the gowned women jumped in their seats in unison. A woman in a serious black suit climbed in next to me with the ever-present clipboard. The door closed and the limo started to pull out. My heart went into a faster rhythm inside my chest.

  “We are only minutes away from the first meet and greet location. Your luggage has been delivered and placed inside the grand foyer. The evening’s festivities will be to meet Anthony. Anyone, at anytime, may exit the show at their own free will. You will still be under the same confidentiality agreement you signed when you joined the list. You are not allowed in any way to disparage the show, any of its creators or producers.” The thin-lipped assistant spoke fast. Her dark hair pulled back in a tight pony-tail. Her whole demeanor said “stressed out.”

  The limousine took a curve too quickly; I reached for a handle to steady myself.

  “When we arrive everyone is allowed one minute alone at the front door to meet Anthony face to face. Please keep your conversation brief. When he gestures for you to go into the party please do so quickly. You will have plenty of alone time to get to know each other this week. This minute you have is just to greet him. You don’t need to win him over or give him your life’s story. Understood?” The assistant’s voice was cold. She gave us a glare until we nervously said “yes” in agreement. I found myself nodding like the other girls. I felt like a naughty child. This was an odd day, indeed.

  “We will be arriving any moment. Janette will be first to exit the car and greet Anthony. Once she goes inside I will give the cue for Hannah.” The assistant said, with no hint of humanity in her voice.

  This was about as fun as going to the dentist. If this got any more nerve-wracking I would cry out for my Mommy! The thought made me laugh to myself and calmed my nerves.

  We all grew silent as we felt the limo come to a stop. Then we realized where we were and we turned our heads to see the man of the hour. It looked a lot like the house where we prepared for this meeting, so what was this drive for? I wondered. I tossed the questions aside and instead decided to focus on the reason I was here. Anthony!

  Six feet tall and an athletic build, he was more than a little impressive in his tuxedo. His raven hair was shining in the moonlight. There were candles glowing along the flagstone walkway that led to the doorway. His dark eyes shined as he nervously smiled at the waiting limo. His hands clasped in front of him proved he had a case of nerves and which endeared himself to everyone in the limo.

  I heard in unison “sigh” as we finished our perusal. He was pretty close to male perfection. I remembered my roommate exclaimed that he looked like the prince from a cartoon fairy tale about a mermaid.

  He looked like a prince, indeed. I would gladly be in his fairy tale any day.

  “Janette, you go first. Remember, one minute.” The cold assistant’s voice was breaking through the fairy tale music in my head.

  The humorous re
d head was straightening herself before she opened the door and stepped out. I was torn between turning away during her one minute private moment or watching to see what happened. Curiosity won. I watched as Janette talked to Anthony and gave him a very brief hug. They were both smiling, but his gave nothing away. He was friendly to Janette, but I didn’t see any sparks. The minute went by fast and Anthony gestured to the door. Janette disappeared into the grand house.

  “Hannah Parker, next, ” The assistant’s voice nearly made me jump. I opened the limo door and stepped out. Miraculously my dress, shoes and body cooperated as my heart pounded in my ears. I tried to take long graceful steps toward the princely figure ahead of me. I wanted to cheer when I arrived at my destination unscathed. No tripping or any kind of embarrassing moment to cry over later.

  ‘’My goodness! You are beautiful.” Anthony said, his dark brown eyes nearly killed me as I stood there. He had a strong chin.

  “Well, you are a charmer.” I said before thinking. I should tell him my name.

  “I promise I am not, I just had to tell the truth. My sister would say I am a shy idiot. I guess I spoke before thinking.” Anthony dipped his head a second and swallowed nervously.

  “I am Hannah Parker.” I said after an awkward silence. I couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. He was nervous. Perhaps even more than me.

  “Hello, Hannah,” My name sounded amazing when he said it. He grabbed my hands, leaned forward slowly and kissed each one. Sparks were an understatement, liquid lightning poured through my arms and down my legs. I was pretty sure I became a quivering idiot the moment his lips touched my hands.

  “Please call me Anthony.” He said, his eyes never leaving mine once he was through with the hand kissing. He still had both my hands in his.

  “I hope to see you inside, Anthony.” I said slowly. What was wrong with me? I was not sure if I ever wanted to move again.

  “I think our minute is up but I can honestly say I don’t want to send you away. I have a sudden desire for a moonlit walk with you, Hannah.” He grabbed my arm and leaned away, for a second I thought he was serious. Anthony wanted to run away with me. Okay, I’m game.

  “Well, you must protect me from the cranky lady in the limousine. She scares me.” I winked at Anthony conspiratorially.

  “Well I have my cranky equivalent yelling in my earpiece to wrap it up.” He smiled and he had stolen my heart. He was a beautiful man.

  “What shall we do?” I asked, giving him a sly smile.

  “Well, just for now we should follow the schedule. But I claim a walk in the gardens with you later, Hannah. I am not even close to knowing you well enough yet.” His dark eyes stole my sanity. He reluctantly gestured to the front door nearby. I gave Anthony a wink then went through the door.

  As I walked down the long corridor toward the party my heart had decided. He was mine. All mine! Chapter 2

  Thirty minutes after meeting Anthony my heart calmly returned to its normal pace. I was waiting inside the grand mansion on a soft chair and sipped a glass of wine. I had limited myself to one because I was such a lightweight with wine. I had no desire to get silly. I tended to giggle a ridiculous amount when I drank more than one glass. I had a supreme desire, right now, not to appear foolish.

  I went back to people watching again and noticed a few groups gathering. Several blondes were talking animatedly and giggling. There was a blond near the pool outside that had huge gold hoop earrings. Her very loud boisterous laugh drew my gaze a few times. Her white blond hair was swept up in a high pony-tail. It seemed a strange hairdo to choose to go with a formal gown. But who was I to judge? I tried to be generous by thinking how perky and fun-loving she looked. I saw the redhead I spoke with in the limousine and decided to be social. I think her name was Janette.

  I made my way over to Janette, carefully. My high heels were not cooperating on the thick shaggy carpeting.

  The room was large with two huge stone fireplaces, an outdoor terrace on one side and a huge window on the other overlooking a valley below. This part of Los Angeles was very hilly. The overlook in the evening showed the cityscape. It was a beautiful sight. The lights of the cars and buildings lit up the valley.

  “Are you Janette?” I asked as I reached the terrace. The redhead nodded and set down her drink. She was standing on the edge of the terrace next to the doors; she seemed undecided about whether to stay inside or go outdoors.

  “I am Hannah.” I reached out to shake her hand.

  “I am Janette.” She shook my hand and her smile was shy.

  “I wasn’t sure what to expect with the party. It seems more fun on television. They don’t show all us girls standing around in high heels waiting for the guy to show up.” Janette said, surprising me.

  “I know what you mean, my feet hurt and I don’t know a soul. I am wishing for something to do.” I added. I actually wished I had my iPhone, at least, I could have texted funny things to Allison. She would have appreciated my labeling game.

  “I hope Anthony is done meeting everyone soon. I am dying to stare at him some more.” Janette said and pulled a dreamy actress face. “I don’t know if I’m in love, but he is really easy on the eyes.”

  I thought for a moment and decided I liked this girl; she seemed shy, but then she shocked me with her sense of humor.

  “Well, he had me melting a bit, but he probably said the same thing to everyone. Calling every girl beautiful and saying he wanted to steal her away to walk in the moonlight would have worked on everyone, I am sure.” I said and laughed. It was my effort to push away the gushy overwhelming feelings. I was starting to feel strange about dating a guy that was dating twenty-four other women.

  Why do I think of this now? I asked myself.

  “Well he said ‘Hi, nice to meet you’ to me. ‘Hope you enjoy the party’. I introduced myself and hugged him. It was weird.” Janette said. Her grimace made me laugh and her words made my heart thump a few extra beats, maybe it wasn’t just a line.

  I looked around and did a quick count, there were twenty-three women in the room. The camera men were present and a few boom microphone operators but the assistants and the producers were gone, or hidden. The camera men were dressed in all black. They wore big earphones and their eyes were always pointed directly at the camera. It was easy to forget about them, almost.

  I had a momentary freeze when I thought of my family and hometown watching me on television. After a minute of freezing I talked myself out of stage fright and decided to be cool. I was here for a reason. I had to ignore the cameras and go with the flow.

  I saw another girl enter from the long corridor I used earlier. She was a stunning blonde bombshell. Her hair was golden yellow and she had large exotic eyes. I felt my stomach churn a bit in jealousy. She was beautiful and walked like a jungle cat in her black strappy high heels. Her outfit was dark and clingy and there wasn’t much to it.

  Is it possible to dislike someone after seeing them for three seconds?

  I was glad she was number twenty-four. I decided to stop staring daggers at the exotic-eyed blonde and turned to look at Janette, who was quietly at my side.

  “I don’t like her.” Janette said, in a whisper. I laughed and nodded.

  “There is nothing to dislike, you never know, maybe she is really sweet.” I said sarcastically.

  “She looks like a boyfriend stealer to me.” Janette stated, convincingly. “She likes to kill kittens as a hobby, I am sure of it.”

  I laughed again, noting Janette has a dark sense of humor that I liked. I tried to think of something witty to say when the last girl entered the room. It quieted down as everyone did the math and began to gather in the main room. The contestants on the terrace joined everyone near the biggest stone fireplace. The camera men sprung into action and obviously, by cue, turned the cameras toward the corridor.

  I held my breath for a few seconds until I saw Anthony walk in. I realized I was grinning like a fool but could not stop myself. Behind him was the show
’s host, Randall Bartholomew. He had reddish brown hair and a handsome square jaw line. One dimple showed off whenever he would smile for the camera. He also had a very visible wedding band that announced ‘OFF LIMITS’ to anyone with odd ideas. Randall walked past Anthony and spoke to the crowd.

  “Welcome ladies to Soulmate. We hope you are having a pleasant evening. Anthony is thrilled to meet all of you and over the next few days will get a chance to spend at least one hour with each woman here individually. We have a few different ways for you to spend time with Anthony. There will be sign up sheets available in the dining room.

  At some point this evening, Anthony may give out a special broach that announces his intent for the first evening date with one of you lovely ladies. The woman who receives this broach is the one who made a special impression on Anthony when they met earlier. He wants the first dinner date to be with this lucky lady. She will still get her one hour session within the next four days but she will be the very first full date if she decides to stay on Soulmate.” Randall finished his long speech and talked to a few women who had questions.

  I always loved watching this part of the show. My mother and I would try and pick through the girls after they were introduced to the guy and see who had sparks and who didn’t. Which one would he pick for the first date? When it was a woman with twenty-five men to choose from it was so much easier. Girls wore their emotions on their sleeves. Now being a participant I could not help but wonder who Anthony would choose. Would I get the broach? I felt our greeting was a bit special. I thought I had seen something in his eyes that had been more than a friendly “hello.”

  I listened to Randall continue to talk about the sign up sheets for the hour session that Anthony was going to get with each woman over the next four days. I wanted to sign up for a lunch or afternoon event. I tried to pay attention but had the oddest sensation. I let my eyes wander over to Anthony and he was staring directly at me!


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