The Spiked Wolf

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The Spiked Wolf Page 20

by David Shiels

  Claudia Deblonge.

  There was an extensive bio about the woman. Jessica never knew such information existed about every single person in the world, she almost got side-tracked and searched herself but her anxiety stopped her from doing this, she knew it would possible make her spiral into depression having to read over her mistakes in life.

  This Claudia woman though, business woman from Saint Petersburg, a business she inherited from her father after his death. She has a twin brother named Studley who suffers from an extreme case of autism; he also lives in the same city but they live apart, he lives with his mother who was divorced from the father because of her having an affair fifteen years ago. The detail of the database was truly staggering, but why was this woman showing up when searching with the wolves DNA? it was a perfect match.

  Jessica had some hunches but the most immediate, logical as possible explanation was that this poor soul less than two days ago was a human, and this woman with her business and her looks was now laying torn open and shot to death on her operating table. Jessica shed a few tears after the heart breaking thought of such a waste of life.

  She reported what she knew to the authoritative man and he agreed with her hypothesis. The next few hours went by slowly and quietly, no more normal wolves were brought in to be mutilated but nor was she allowed to leave the room. While the computer had access to more information than anyone would ever need, it was severely limited and the temptation to search up friends and family was all too great a temptation, so she managed to keep herself away from it and spent the time merely thinking about the wolf, the flame haired woman, and what was happening to the world above ground.

  Eventually the awkward man yet again returned and as expected, had with him another of the large mysterious wolves. This one was from the Canadian border.

  Jessica was excited. She felt like how a detective must feel when he is on the verge of cracking a case. She never knew she would be excited to tear open the corpse of a wolf, this one killed by a bayonet right through the skull. Seems to be a weak spot.

  She wasted no time in repeating the same routine as before, this time the drill managed to snap while ripping open the beast's stomach, yet this did not faze her, not now she was in her element and on the edge of success. This side of Jessica knew no anxiety or hesitation. She powered up the razor sharp blade which looked like a pizza cutter and tore through the rest of the way, not even caring about the blood splatting her face any longer.

  She hopped to the computer to see what results she came up with.

  Claudia Deblonge showed up, again.

  Two wolves from two different locations, many many miles apart, both with DNA matching this woman from Russia, in the same exact location where the outbreak was first reported to begin. This case was almost solved, the only thing now was to experiment on this woman. It was the key to solving everything, Jessica knew this.

  Jessica quickly passed all of this information onto the voice at the end of the speaker and he sounded extremely pleased with the news.

  He informed Jessica that she was now able to leave her lab and rest for a while, but if she was to leave the complex she would be killed. Bluntly put. Jessica agreed to the terms and she left her lab when one of the men who brought her here showed up to escort her. Now her mood was in a completely different state. She wanted to stay here and continue the work she at first dreaded to perform. She wanted to know more about this Claudia.

  The man ceased his conversation with Jessica and turned to the woman lying on the lavish bed next to his desk.

  “I was worried her anxiety would get the better of her when I met her, but looks like she managed to get to get us results, I’m glad you weren’t needed after all.”

  “I think keeping you calm and relaxed was more important, don’t you?” Kathy winked and giggled like a woman half of her age.

  “And you did a great job at that, I’ve always admired you and I couldn’t have you shut away in a lab while being in the same building...some things are more important than the world.”

  The man’s charisma oozed off of him so vibrantly that Kathy immediately felt gushes of pleasure enter her nether regions, letting out a small moan as she slowly reached her climax for the third time in short space of time.

  He beamed a smile and picked up the handle on his large vintage phone “I need information on a certain Russian citizen, this is top priority, look for any recent phone calls from her address or mobile phone, it is of the utmost importance that this woman is captured, alive preferably. We need to know her most current location”

  He spoke on the phone for a further time, Kathy’s eyes on him every single second, listening to every single word, his voice giving her pleasure she has never felt from verbal echoes before.

  The man turned back to Kathy. “Seems the last time this woman used her mobile phone was on a small island off of Saint Petersburg a day before any of this began, another team is being sent to her company headquarters.”

  Kathy smiled and replied “I love a man who gets things done”

  The man’s face turned stern and he reached into his pocket.

  “Is it time for round...5? 6? big boy?” Kathy removed the covers from over her naked body, her legs spread as wide as possible, her bones creaking with each inch moved, her aging skin hanging over her genitalia.

  “No, the only round you’re getting is to the head.”

  And she was dead.

  Outbreak: Day Six

  A Nuisance Prisoner

  There was a gust of wind that would swim across the peak of her head with a consistent time gap in between each wave lightly combing her hair. She didn’t know where she was and she had a slight feeling of nausea. Her vision had been blurred for the best part of an unknown span of time and she could hear muffled voices; it sounded like men at a bar, joking and laughing. The other sounds were like those of a muffled dog whimpering in pain after being beaten in a fight over a bitch.

  Occasionally the voices would come closer and she would feel a painless thud to the side of her head; she felt no pain, was it meant to hurt? she couldn’t understand what she was thinking.

  After some more time passed the area she was in went from a dim artificial light, to a beaming new-dawn red then to that of an average afternoon. It was when that this light began to fade and the need for the artificial light was called upon that Claudia felt that she was back into her own mind.

  For a brief moment she wished she hadn’t.

  She was in a medium sized transport helicopter, but to her it felt like a small size helicopter. Sat directly across from her, his back up as straight as possible against the wall was Studley. Luckily he was sleeping so he could not give her that stare that he always gives her when in her presence, that besotted stare that follows her every move. However, it wasn’t a perfect solution as thick wet drool was slithering out of the side of his mouth; his torn yellow T-shirt had wet patches all over it.

  Next to that disgrace was an even bigger one; Lisa. She was sleeping while making horrible whining sounds, it looked like she was having a dream and this one didn’t have any cakes in it. Claudia smiled to herself at the thought of this, and then the smile emerged even bigger when she remembered why she appeared to be in such pain; she was now bound in blood and bandaged up where the pieces of metal had impaled her; the job was so hasty completed that blood was slowly seeping out of the sides.

  She looked to her left and saw two people sitting in the pilot seats, they were chatting away at such a fast speed that Claudia could not understand their thick accents. She thought they sounded uneducated and dumb, but she expected nothing less from American soldiers.

  Claudia went to look to her right, slow measured movements as her neck was stiff from and sore from being almost comatose in the same position for many unknown hours, but before she could complete the manoeuvre a hard slap came across her face.

  “You murdering bitch! You killed so many of my friends out there!” Said the man who had
crossed his palm across her face. She couldn’t see his face through the helmet. She wanted to know who it was.

  “Excuse me you fucking redneck hillbilly, you’re the ones who came into MY property and destroyed my ceiling and took me out of my beautiful war bunker, oh then you shot me with some hard-core drugs and kidnapped me!” Claudia spun her head around vigorously, if her arm’s weren’t chained behind her back then she would be flying at this man no matter how much bigger than her he was.

  “You have destroyed the planet and killed billions of people, you make me feel sick you Russian scum” If he had showed his dislike by spitting on her then it would have made no difference as saliva would escape through the gaps in his teeth every two words.

  “I have done nothing to no one, I was just relaxing after having a weekend break with a male friend, not my fault you and your friends decided to pick a fight with a pack of wolves” Claudia let out an exaggerated obnoxious laugh, the fury in the man's face was clearly visible.

  The man uttered and mumbled many offensive and racist words as he clenched his first and launched it towards Claudia’s face. Before it could get even half way towards her face, another arm approached and stopped the man’s assault.

  The other man spoke with a much softer, educated voice. “Stop. we don’t know for sure she is the cause of all this, plus she was requested to be captured in as pristine a state as possible for research purposes, do you want to sabotage any chances of saving our country?”

  The brutish simple man removed his fist from the other man's hand and walked to the other side of the helicopter, out of view.

  Claudia beamed a smile and flashed her eyes at the man who rescued her face from being turned a shade of black and blue. He returned the smile with one of his own. Claudia knew that this man had saved her because he was already in love with her, and if flirting meant that her face remained the picture of perfection, then flirt she would, but she could see more of his face than the other man and wish she had not been able to, there was no chance that the flirting would lead to anything further, no chance at all.

  A cough came from nearby “Should have let him smack her smug face” Lisa’s voice was cracked and hoarse, pain could be heard with every word she released from her blood stained face.

  “Shut up pig, don’t you have some wounds to attend to?” Claudia slid her back against the floor and stabbed with her bare toes at the dressing on Lisa’s left and right legs, this made Lisa squeal out a sharp whinge.

  Claudia looked up and giggled at the unattractive man as she did this; it seemed to grant her the reaction she wanted as he was too busy staring into her hazelnut eyes to stop her from causing pain to Lisa.

  “What is going on back here?” The man firmly brushed the back of his hand against Claudia’s cruel legs and looked up at the unattractive man.

  “Sergeant Stone, why are you letting this happen? You are meant to keep the prisoners safe and under control until they are back at the lab” his medic bag swung side to side in the gentle wind that still swept through the cabin.

  Claudia seductively bit her bottom lip, gaining the attention of Stone while he spoke.

  “Sorry sir, I haven’t been sleeping well and must have zoned out” He fought his vision away from Claudia slowly as he spoke.

  “Well zone back in and move the package further away from the patient while I attend to her”

  “You what? I’m considered a package and she a patient? I was drugged and assaulted!” Claudia was shocked that Lisa was more of a concern than her.

  “You just be quiet and enjoy the ride, you’re going to be quite the lab rat soon”

  Stone unshackled Claudia’s hands from the small pipe trailing behind her and grabbed her up by her arm then began walking her to the other side of the helicopter, he ensured that his hand rubbed against her firm breast all along the slowly walked journey.

  The words of the medic would have worried Claudia but this man was going to be her ticket out of this situation, she was sure he would release her at some point if he even faintly believed that Claudia would drop her pants to her ankles and bend over for him.

  The Guinea Pig Arrives

  The rest of the journey was solemn; filled with longing looks from Claudia aimed directly towards Stone but other than some banter between the medic and pilot, all else was quiet.

  When the helicopter reached its destination the man in the pilot seat picked up his bleeping radio and signalled for the landing pad to be opened.

  At this point Stone approached Claudia, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of black silk, he placed it around her head, covering her eyes, then released her hands yet again from the wall and placed them into basic handcuffs.

  “Oh, you’re into kink, oh this I like” Claudia let out an exaggerated gasp of air that made the man feel his penis fill with blood.

  On the rocky desert landscape below, the sand and stones began to quake and shiver as the ground beneath them parted, some sand and stone would slip through this ever expanding gap, but landed on a large square white pad that zoomed up like an elevator. stopping in line with where the earth used to be.

  The helicopter began it’s descent, landing perfectly on the white square that reflected the light beamed from the sun which was almost hidden behind the mountains in the distance.

  Once the full weight of the helicopter was felt and the blades had begun to slow their violent spin, the white platform edged down slowly, the earth above swallowed it whole and no longer would anyone notice anything unusual or out of place about this desolate location.

  When the lift reached the bottom of the platform it emerged into a large room that resembled a warehouse more than a heliport , there were shelves upon shelves of boxes that looked to contain many kinds of medicines and scientific equipment, the amount so plentiful that it was impossible to see one end of the shelf to the other end. Near to where the white square landed were two more helicopters; these were just normal sized ones.

  The door to the dark transport helicopter flipped open and touched the ground, revealing a staircase on its inner side.

  First, the two pilots descended the steps carrying Lisa on her stretcher, who had fallen unconscious soon after her toe attack from Claudia. Stone and the medic lead a bewildered and amazed looking Studley down next, his head looking around the warehouse in shock and awe.

  Claudia had the pleasure of being escorted by her favourite army personnel; the guy with hillbilly teeth. Her currently blind eye’s didn’t know this but she knew straight away when he had a firm grip around her arm; sure to leave a bruise. He used his other hand to push her along and down the steps, not giving her enough time to find her footing, his grip conveniently loosened at this exact moment, causing her to slide down the steps face first, grinding her arms and legs against either side as she flew down like a sled on a winter race course.

  Before Clauda could even pick herself up the man was already down the stairs dragging her to her feet. Studley turned around, witnessing the whole ordeal, but did nothing to protect his twin sister from being rough handled by this man, he loved his hateful sister but these people were the men from his dreams, he always wanted to be a part of the army but never knew why he couldn’t join. Now he feels like he is where he belongs and will do his best to fight for his country.

  The trio were lead through the soulless warehouse and into the bright lab, Claudia could feel the brightness penetrate her blindfold as they entered each new section.

  The long silence, only accompanied by echoed footsteps, was broken when Claudia heard a familiar, yet irritating voice.

  “Bye bye, Claudia see you later” Shouted Studley, Claudia knew he only spoke like that when he was very happy and knew that he probably thought he was here on some top secret mission to fight against an alien hoard.

  Lisa and Studley were taken down a different path to Claudia. She was taken further down the way they had been walking the entire time. After light had entered and exited her s
hielded eyes four more times, she was lead into a room, her blindfold loosened and the door slammed behind her, no longer was the sharp grip of the unattractive man snapped around her now aching arm.

  When the blindfold slipped off of her face and delicately onto the cold grey floor, she knew that she was in a small interrogation room. She was alone.

  In the centre of the room was a small table and a single chair, she decided to sit herself down; she felt no need to wait for an invitation.

  A Worthy Opponent

  After a short time a voice came from behind the mirror that decorated the entirety of the wall facing Claudia.

  “I’m so glad you’ve come to see me” Said the voice from a man who Claudia would describe as someone who is in a lot of power.

  “Not as if I had much choice, you kidnapped me from an extremely comfortable, luxurious location” Claudia attempted to hold her arms but they were still chained behind her back.


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