Shades of Gray

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Shades of Gray Page 1

by Rachel Ann Nunes

  © 2011 Deseret Book Company.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Deseret Book Company, P.O. Box 30178, Salt Lake City Utah 30178. This work is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church or of Deseret Book. Deseret Book is a registered trademark of Deseret Book Company.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Nunes, Rachel Ann, 1966– author.

  Shades of gray / Rachel Ann Nunes.

  p. cm.

  Summary: Though the police believe Dennis Briggs left voluntarily, his wife is convinced something sinister has happened and turns to Autumn Rain for help. Autumn has the extraordinary ability to receive impressions from objects that have special meaning to their owners, but what she discovers about the victim only leads to more questions.

  ISBN 978-1-60908-051-8 (paperbound)

  1. Clairvoyants—Fiction. 2. Psychometry (Parapsychology)—Fiction. 3. Missing persons—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3564.U468S53 2011

  813'.54—dc22 2011001391

  Printed in the United States of America

  Malloy Lithographing Incorporated, Ann Arbor, MI

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  * * *

  To my family, who love science fiction and fantasy as much as I do, and who never tire of the question, “What if there were . . . ?”

  Other Books by Rachel Ann Nunes


  Saving Madeline

  Eyes of a Stranger

  Fields of Home

  Flying Home

  A Greater Love

  To Love and to Promise

  Tomorrow and Always

  Bridge to Forever

  This Very Moment

  A Heartbeat Away

  Where I Belong

  In Your Place

  The Independence Club

  Huntington Family Series

  Winter Fire

  No Longer Strangers

  Chasing Yesterday

  By Morning Light

  Ariana Series

  Ariana: The Making of a Queen

  Ariana: A Gift Most Precious

  Ariana: A New Beginning

  Ariana: A Glimpse of Eternity

  This Time Forever

  Ties That Bind

  Twice in a Lifetime

  Romantic Suspense

  A Bid for Love

  Framed for Love

  Love on the Run

  Picture Books

  Daughter of a King

  The Secret of the King

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  About the Author


  I’m grateful to Anne McCaffrey, Piers Anthony, Frank Herbert, Roger Zelazny, and other great science fiction and fantasy authors whose books showed me new worlds as a teen and who taught me to dream the impossible dream.

  Thanks also go to the folks at Deseret Book, especially Jana Erickson and my editor, Suzanne Brady. From covers to marketing, thank you for all the work you did to bring this book to my readers.

  And, lastly, thank you to my readers for going on this journey with me. Many of you asked for a sequel to Imprints, and here it is! Thank you for the many e-mails of encouragement. Don’t worry. I won’t quit writing.

  Chapter 1

  Psychometry. The word sounds like a method for measuring a person’s mind, not a scientific term for reading emotions mysteriously imprinted on random objects. I hadn’t even heard the word until I’d been reading imprints for nearly a year. In no way did the term reflect the vivid scenes or the raw feelings that often left me dazed or confused.

  Neither did it convey the lives I’d saved.

  Or those I hadn’t.

  I hoped today’s imprints would be the saving kind.

  “Sophie should be here any minute.” My sister, Tawnia Winn, sat on the tall stool behind the long counter at my antiques shop, her swollen belly stretching all the way to the counter. With four weeks left of her pregnancy, I didn’t see how she could grow any larger and not be pregnant with twins, but the doctor had assured her there was only one baby. “I called her before I left work, and she was already on her way.”

  Traffic was often busy in the Hawthorne District of Portland, Oregon, especially on Fridays, and I knew Tawnia was worried about the possibility of Sophie not arriving before she had to return to work. Since I was the one who had to read the imprints, I wasn’t as anxious.

  “What about naming the baby Lark?” I asked, leaning over to move an antique toy soldier closer to its opponent. For the safety of my younger customers, I carried only the plastic kind, not the lead figures. “Or maybe Saffron or Rose?”

  Tawnia let out a long-suffering sigh. “How do you know it’s even going to be a girl?” She took a last bite of the sandwich she’d bought on her way to the shop. White bread, mayo, processed turkey with preservatives—I was proud of myself for not mentioning how bad it all was for her.

  “How about Sky or Cyan? Those could be for either sex, I’d think,” I said. Tawnia wanted the baby’s gender to be a surprise, a decision that had both me and her husband, Bret, mad with curiosity. I planned to have the child in my shop a good portion of each day, and I wanted to know if I should focus on buying more soldiers or antique dolls, though when I thought about it, they were actually the same thing.

  “I think we need something a little more traditional. You know how my parents are.” Tawnia’s dark brown hair had grown thick and long during the past months, and she had the means to buy the latest maternity wear. Her face was a little bloated, but the added roundness and a good base made her absolutely beautiful. By contrast, when I looked in the mirror I saw a gaunt copy, a shadow twin, with numerous freckles and chopped hair dyed red on the top, who looked decidedly on the scroungy side in camouflage pants and a T-shirt.

  Of course, the adventure that had landed me in the hospital three and a half weeks ago while rescuing two women from a cult masquerading as a commune hadn’t helped, but my broken rib was healing, my cuts were gone, and the bruises faded, except for the narrow green half moon across my left cheekbone. My right wrist gave me problems only when I carried something heavy.

  Reading imprints had definitely made my life more interesting, if not exactly safe.

  “Look,” Tawnia said, moving from behind the counter, one hand resting on her stomach in the agelong way of expectant women. “If it’s something really terrible, go easy on telling Sophie, okay? It’s hard enough with Dennis gone and having to take care of the children by herself. I don’t know how she’s going to handle bad news.”

  She meant, of course, if Sophie’s husband had left of his own free will. “Either way, he’s missing,” I said. “It can’t be good.”

  Tawnia frowned. “She�
�s such a sweet person, you know. I couldn’t ask for a better neighbor.”

  Tawnia and Bret had built their new house in a cozy settlement of houses owned by couples who were in the same stage of life—married and having children. Sophie Briggs and Tawnia had taken to each other instantly, and though I really liked Sophie, I missed having Tawnia around as much. At least for now my sister still worked in town and we could have lunch together, so I could make sure she ate decent food for my niece or nephew. Tawnia was the only person I knew who consumed as much as I did, but she tended toward junk food while I was a health nut. It wasn’t really my fault—growing up with hippie parents who owned an herb shop had a tendency to do that to a child.

  “How about Sunwood or Gypsy?” I asked, moving my bare feet into a patch of sunlight that came through the window. You’d think the shop would be warm in July, but I felt cold in anticipation of the imprints waiting on whatever Sophie was bringing for me to read.

  Tawnia wrinkled her nose at the faint shadow of dirt on the tips of my toes, though they were as easy to wash as her hands, which touched far worse things in the course of a day. Doorknobs, for instance. “Sunwood? You’re joking, right?”

  I was, a little. “Okay, how about Tempest, if it’s a boy?”

  “With a name like that we’d have nothing but tantrums and rebellion.”

  Children did tend to live up to expectations. Tawnia and I had, in our separate adoptive homes. Tawnia had grown up to be an organized, forceful, wildly successful art director, while I had become an herb-loving, shoe-hating free spirit. I loved cooking and was good with a needle; Tawnia burnt everything she cooked and hated sewing. We both were directionally impaired, which was why Bret had finally bought Tawnia a GPS so she would stop getting lost while driving her car.

  Strong brown arms came around me at the same instant I perceived Jake’s presence. He turned me around and gave me a kiss that warmed me far better than the sunshine, but I noticed he didn’t hold me too tightly, and his gaze lingered regretfully on my bruised cheek. He thought he’d failed at protecting me, though I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Rescuing two women, putting two bad men behind bars, and freeing that tiny community had been worth everything I suffered while undercover at the commune. That and learning Jake loved me.

  Tawnia beamed at us as though she was personally responsible for our relationship. Maybe in a way she was. She’d kept throwing us together when I’d given up hope of ever being more than best friends.

  “Tea anyone?” Jake asked, releasing me. “I have a new one to try before I start selling it.” He held up a hand. “Don’t worry, Tawnia. No caffeine or anything weird. It’s completely safe for little Indigo.”

  “Indigo?” Tawnia guffawed. “You’re as bad as Autumn.” Her smile vanished as the electronic bell above my door sounded. “She’s here.” She hurried over to meet Sophie before I could tell her not to look so devastated—she was probably thinking how awful she’d feel if Bret had gone missing. I knew how I’d react if it were Jake.

  As though reading my mind, Jake, already a few steps away, looked at me over his shoulder and winked. “I’ll put the water on and be right back, okay? Don’t start without me.”

  Since the commune and a few imprints that had left me barely conscious, he’d been a bit overprotective. Something I needed to get him over. After thirty-three years of doing things my way, I wasn’t about to lose my independence, new boyfriend or no. I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Whatever.” Jake threw me a grin that melted my resistance. His brown skin emphasized his muscular build, and the short dreadlocks added an air of mystery. He was entirely too handsome, my Jake. A handful of female customers often came to buy something from my shop or his, expressly for the joy of feasting their eyes on him. I didn’t mind as long as he knew he was mine. Though if I were to tell the truth, my relationship with Jake was still so new that I wasn’t comfortable with it yet.

  He hurried to the back room that ran the width of my shop, while I turned to face Sophie Briggs. I’d come to know her fairly well in the past month. A wholesome-looking young woman several years younger than I, she was the kind you wouldn’t think twice about leaving your child with—if you had a child, which I didn’t. Average height, a little baby fat around her waist, nothing really to set her off from other housewives who’d recently given birth, except an adorable dimple in her left cheek and a mass of brown hair with natural curl that was carelessly swept up in a clip, the awkwardly straying pieces betraying her state of mind even more than the reddened eyes. Lizbeth, her three-month-old infant, snuggled in a carrier next to her chest, and she pushed her toddler son, Sawyer, in a stroller.

  Tawnia placed a hand on her friend’s arm. “How are you holding up?”

  “Okay, I guess.” Sophie looked between Tawnia and me as even our closer friends still had a tendency to do, taking in our similarities, especially our eyes. Those didn’t change regardless of weight or hair color.

  “Hi, Sophie.” I smiled to put her at ease. I’d shared a half dozen dinners with Sophie and her husband during the past month, but it’s surprising how things like my unusual talent didn’t come up in social situations. If she’d noticed that I avoided touching certain things on the table when we were together, she’d never pointed it out. Tawnia had only told her about my ability this morning.

  Sophie came around the stroller and reached for my arm, looking ready to burst into tears. “Can you really help me find Dennis?”

  The fingers that touched me were cold, and I was glad she didn’t shake my hand or press the ring she wore against my skin. After the past two days of her worrying, the imprints wouldn’t be pleasant. “I don’t know, but I’m willing to try.”

  “This isn’t like him. He always comes home. He doesn’t stay after work to play computer games, he doesn’t go to bars, he loves to be with the kids. With me. We planted a garden. We’re going to paint the baby’s room. He wouldn’t leave us.” Her voice broke, and I felt her fear. Though I knew she believed what she was saying, there was always room for doubt.

  “Anything missing from his closet?” I asked, more to calm her than anything. That was something Detective Martin would ask, and it was possible, depending on the imprints I picked up in the next few minutes, that I might have to talk with him about the case. I doubted he’d be pleased to see me, however, and he was definitely not high on my list.

  Sophie nodded. “Some shoes, a pair of jeans, T-shirts, and one suit, but he might have been wearing that. His shaving stuff is gone, too. There was a withdrawal from our savings—two thousand dollars.”

  Not a good sign. Still, if he’d been planning to leave his wife and children permanently, he would have packed far more.

  “Where does he work?” I asked.

  “At Simeon, Gideon & Associates. It’s a law firm. He’s their IT guy. He does programming and keeps their network running smoothly.”

  “I see.” I really hoped his job didn’t figure into his disappearance. A law firm would be careful to cover their tracks.

  “What did you bring for Autumn?” Tawnia asked.

  “I wasn’t sure what was best. Everything’s in that bag under the stroller.” She reached toward it, but I waved her back.

  “I can get it. I want to say hi to Sawyer anyway.” I squatted down beside the stroller to speak to the three-year-old.

  “Hi, Autumn.” His brown hair was curly like his mother’s, though better combed, and he was dressed neatly in cargo jeans and a red T-shirt. “I wanna get out.” His tanned skin told of hours playing in the backyard. Obviously, he was the outdoors type and not at all used to being confined.

  “Can I play with the toys?” he added, pointing at my soldiers. “I bringed the other ones you gived me.” He dug a chubby hand in his pocket and brought out a blue-clad soldier carrying a rifle. At some point in the toy’s his
tory, someone had severed one of the two places where the rifle connected to the soldier’s hands, and from the moment Sawyer had seen it in a bunch I’d taken for him to play with during a barbeque at Sophie’s house, he’d loved how he could move it back and forth, pretending to shoot. I’d given it to him to keep, along with another soldier mounted on a horse, which he confessed he liked a “tiny bit” more.

  “No, Sawyer,” Sofie said. “Just play with those you brought.”

  “I don’t mind, if you don’t,” I said, thinking that if Sophie could name her son Sawyer, maybe there was hope Tawnia wouldn’t settle on a boring name for my niece or nephew. “He can’t hurt them.” I kept the most valuable toys in a glass display box.

  Sophie eyed the shelf of breakable antiques beyond the soldiers. “Okay, but it’s better that he stay in the stroller.”

  When Tawnia’s baby was born, I might have to rethink the placement of a few things.

  Tawnia swept up a row of soldiers and deposited them in the boy’s waiting hands. He laughed and promptly started placing them at strategic locations in the stroller.

  I retrieved Sophie’s bag from under the stroller. It was one of the reusable grocery bags that were popping up everywhere and heavier than I expected.

  I gently tipped the contents onto the counter. Books, several tools, a letter, a recent family portrait, a tie, a stamp collection, a notebook with baseball cards, a signed baseball packed carefully in a little box, a phone charger, an electronic book reader, and an elaborate pen and pencil set.

  “He doesn’t like a lot of extra junk around, you know,” Sophie said. “Not like me. I have a lot of knickknacks and keepsakes, but he doesn’t care about that sort of thing. I got a lot of this stuff from his office, but I’m not sure how he felt about any of it. His keys are gone, and his phone. So is his car. I didn’t know what else to bring.”


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