The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 3

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Lark said, “Sister, let me say this to you. Your man wants you to have pleasure. When you do, if you are alone, let yourself scream in orgasm. Your mate will feel that he’s a good man if you do. The more you cry out and shudder, the more he’ll feel pride at being loved by you.”

  The brown-haired woman asked, “Should I let him know everything that I’m feeling? Should I tell him what trembling and wetness is between my legs? He’ll think me a harlot!”

  Lark said, “No, he won’t. But, here, do you remember any of your lessons about pleasing a man? Just do this. As soon as you have the chance, drop down in front of him and suck on his member. If you do that, he won’t be able to think of anything but how lucky he is to be with you. He does find you to be beautiful. Tell him that you desire him and when you shudder, make it apparent to him. Don’t hide it. If you find that you’re aroused by him at any time of the day or night, tell him and give him the opportunity to be happy with you. At the baptism, encourage him to touch you as intimately and thoroughly as possible. Have him scrub your body and caress it. As it progresses, and you get used to his touch, use your movements to ask him to play with your tits and pussy and even to linger at your ass and anus. He will kiss your lower lips, the folds of your pussy, and make love to you until you are truly fucking. If he’s tentative or shy, tell him plainly what you want him to do for you, the same way that you want him to tell you what you can do for him. He won’t be offended, but rather happy to have the instruction. Now, go and take your mate up the road for ten minutes and let him get to know you. Go!”

  The woman stared at Lark for just a moment and then rushed to Aaron and stood before him.

  She said, “Master, I am yours and I will do whatever you say. I am called what you name me and I wear what you tell me, or nothing at all. I will sleep where you say and love you. Master, I had the little death already and my virgin pussy is wet and yearning. Forgive me if I’m too bold, but my body betrays me and I won’t hide it from you.”

  Aaron quickly took the woman’s hand and hurried up the road, away from us.

  I called out to Paul and said, “Lark and I will go now. Give us five minutes and then take the path. Aaron will be fifteen minutes behind you, so don’t linger at the first cove too long. I will see you late tonight, or tomorrow.”

  With that, I grabbed Lark’s hand and hurried into the woods, down the path toward the river.

  Chapter 3 Taking Lark to Havenrest

  We hurried along the path, deeper into the woods and out of sight and hearing of the others. We were both smiling and cheery as we rushed toward nowhere that we really had to be. It felt wonderful. For one of the rare times since I’d arrived in Bonvale, I felt like there was nothing that needed my attention. I had delivered two of the Nogud out of their hopeless bondage and into the arms of two fine men who I knew would love them and make them happy. Paul and Aaron would work out what to say to them and how to build a relationship and it was none of my business now.

  I didn’t know what things were like in the days before the cataclysm, but I felt like it must have been more complicated. It was like the fires and storms and darkness has burned away he old world and things were simpler. Relationships were simpler. The old world had been destroyed and the new world was more pure and innocent. These women had met two fine men and they were able to love them before they knew them. Why not. They knew that Paul and Aaron must be kind, otherwise they wouldn’t have been here vowing to make the Nogud happy. What else did they need to know. They would be loved. They would love in return. It was simple.

  Another person might have felt responsible for what was to come next, but they would have been wrong. Paul and Aaron and these women were adults and they would make their own choices. And if they made mistakes, they were perfectly capable of working out what to do about it. I was happy and free of responsibility for the moment.

  Suddenly I slowed down our pace and said, “Oh no! Viola is alone. Today is Sunday and the shops are closed. Raven is at Havenrest and you are with me here.”

  I thought, I may not be responsible for Paul and Aaron, but I do feel responsible for Viola.

  I said to Lark, “Let me call her.”

  I said in the ear-piece, “Viola, are you there? Can we talk?”

  Viola and Lark had received their ear-pieces and their sub-dermal implants when Mandy had spent the evening, a few nights ago.

  I heard Viola respond, “Yes, Joshua. I’m here. Is everything well?”

  I said, “It is. We found two of the sisters and now one is with Paul and the other with Aaron. And, Lark is with me.”

  Viola said, “Good. Go and have a good time. You and Lark should have the day to play together. I’m sure that Paul will be busy today and so will Aaron and Beatrice. I want to go and get Aspen and have her come to stay in the apartment for tonight so that we can get to know each other better. If you’re staying away with Lark, then I’ll have Aspen sleep with me and neither of us will be lonely. I think that she might feel awkward at her home when her father and mother take a new mate, when it’s been just the three of them all of these years. I think that it will be easier if she goes back to her home tomorrow after they’ve settled a bit.”

  I was surprised, but happy as I said, “That’s very kind of you. If that’s your plan, then Lark and I will stay away for tonight and we’ll come to see you in the morning.”

  Viola said, “It may be that in the morning you’ll go to find a little sister for our own house. Beatrice’s daughter will be ready if my thinking is right. It will be a good time for the transition. I’m going to have her bring the tunic with her this afternoon. Tomorrow morning, I’m sure that she will be very eager to go into the woods with you.”

  I said, “If you think that she’s ready. But, I’ll have to come and get a dress for her. Or have her wear Lark’s. But I want her to start with a new one of her own.”

  Viola said, “No, I don’t think so. She’ll come in the tunic and hood and you will take her to the cove and throw it in the river. Then, take her to Havenrest naked. In fact, I’d have you keep her naked until you return to the farm. Stay for at least a day or two. Perhaps Lark will come to me, and when you tell us, perhaps you’ll have us come to our new home in the Golden Wood as well. When will the house be ready for us?”

  I said, “I don’t know for sure. It would be wonderful to all be there together when it’s finally opened and livable. Tell Lark what you’ve been telling me.”

  Lark was joined to the conversation and Viola recounted her plan, saying, “Lark, this afternoon, I’ll ask Beatrice’s daughter to come and be with me at the farm and to stay overnight. I’ll have her bring her tunic and hood, and I’m convinced that by morning she’ll be eager to run to meet Joshua at the path on the road. Her father is bringing his second mate to his house and they will be together alone for one night at least.”

  Lark said, “It will be easier for her if she’s not there, and if she decides that she’s ready to go with Joshua and not back to her father’s house. Viola, it’s very good of you to think of this. It’s very kind to her. And also to her parents.”

  Viola said, “So, tomorrow morning, if it goes as we think, then you come back and be with me and Joshua will go to Havenrest with the girl. I’ve told him to keep her naked until he comes back to the farm.”

  Lark said, “That’s a good thought. It will make it much easier for her. She’ll be naked and unashamed and in a different magical house and everything will be foreign and wonderful. Because she’s naked, she won’t have any expectations of what her life will be like and she’ll accept everything as it is. And she will be surrounded by Raven and Clarice and the nymphs and they’ll all be as naked as she will be and absolutely everything will be new. She’ll adjust very quickly.”

  Viola said, “I thought that when she comes to the farm, she would be uncomfortable and shy about her body and ours and Paul’s family, because she’s never been around a big family and family bathing and changing or loungin
g in our apartment or sleeping together. I thought that this will make it easier. She will want Joshua to see her naked, and to see him, and then if she stays naked, and Raven and Clarice and the nymphs act as if it’s always like that, then she’ll adjust very quickly. If she drinks the milk, it will be even better.”

  I asked, “Why?”

  Lark explained, “It’s very intimate. In a certain way, more intimate than making love with you. It’s a ritual bond.”

  Viola added, “It has sealed us together and we must love each other forever because of the bond. If Raven hasn’t done it, you need to get her to. But do it separately. Not you and Aspen and Raven together. Do you still intend to call her Aspen?”

  I said, “I’ve been thinking it over, and unless something changes, I do.”

  Lark and I had reached the little cove, the one we called the Tanda Cove, and we turned up the Golden Road to the west toward Havenrest. It was another five miles to the larger cove and a mile more to the house. I could have asked Clarice to send a car, but the walk was fine.

  Viola said, “I’m leaving to go and get Aspen now. It will be easier to talk when she has her name.”

  We told each other how much we loved each other and left Viola to go on with her day as Lark and I continued up the road. When we were out of sight of the cove, I stopped and we stripped off our clothes. I had wanted to keep them on until there was no chance of being seen by those who followed us, in case they overtook us on the path somehow. It wouldn’t have been all that uncomfortable if it had happened, but I wanted to be careful for their sake. Discovering Lark and I naked would surely interrupt their ease, and I wanted them to be as at ease as possible.

  Lark was beautiful, as always, and I told her so. Now that we had our clothes off, and stowed away in the little pack that Lark had brought with her, I was excited by the prospect of staying naked for the next few days. It promoted a peaceful outlook. Without clothing, everything was simpler and the urge to accomplish things melted away. Now that Lark was nude, I had no desire to do anything that would require either of us to get dressed.

  The only time that I’d been able to be naked for any extended amount of time was the few hours when Lark and Raven came to me, here in the woods, and the morning that I’d spent with Clarice before going to Paul’s farm. Of course, there was also the day that I’d spent at the house in Havenrest, before the nymphs and Clarice woke up, but I’d been alone during that time. As far as the peacefulness of it was concerned, that day naked alone was as good as the other times, if not better, because of the length of time and the sense that I really had nowhere else to be.

  Being with Lark like this felt even better. This time, I knew that we planned to relax at our new home and stay naked for the duration. We would walk together for a while and breathe and relax, and then we’d stop and make love in the forest, or in the river, or both. Then we’d travel on to the house and be greeted by four more nude cuties, and we’d probably make love again. Tonight, we’d climb into a bed and two or more of us would sleep skin to skin in each other’s arms.

  Lark and I walked hand in hand, west along the path. Clarice and the Nymphs had used the tractors to widen and define the path into a narrow road, about six feet wide. It was just wide enough for the electric cars that would carry us back and forth from the house to Paul’s farm. It would also be used to carry the extra lumber available from clearing and from thinning various parts of the land. The trees that were removed would be rough sawed into lumber and taken to a small cleared space near the village on trailers. Any waste wood, created as a byproduct of the lumber production, would be stacked and available to the village as firewood. Anything too small for firewood would be shredded and used for mulch and as a top coat for the paths through the property.

  My companion was so beautiful, walking beside me now, and I took notice. She was about five foot nine inches tall; about three inches shorter than myself. She was slim and her legs were long and toned. The muscles of her thighs and buttocks were noticeable, but not pronounced. She was soft and round and smooth, but fit, and it showed just the right amount; the right amount for my taste, anyway. Lark’s breasts were large, as were the breasts of all of my grandmother’s descendants, the so-called ‘Nogud’. They were amazingly firm and stood out from her chest beautifully, each perhaps the size of medium-sized cantaloupes, and certainly larger than grapefruit. And best of all, the nipples were large and hardened at the least stimulation. They were hard and standing out visibly now, being sufficiently stimulated by the very act of being naked with me. Her areola, the pink circle surrounding her nipples, were not large, maybe two inches across, but the nipples themselves were perhaps three-quarters of an inch wide and the same high, like raspberries in the center of small pink flowers. The fruit metaphor was perfect for me, since they looked so delicious and called to me to suck on them and fondle them tenderly.

  Lark was a blond, and the little blond fuzz between her legs was the same color as the hair on her head. Her pubic hair was sparse, and it looked as though she’d trimmed it with scissors. As such, the area of hair was only about two inches wide, and didn’t extend down to her crotch, leaving the tight folds of her vulva clearly visible. When Lark was aroused, those little lips blossomed into a wet flower, eager to have me visit the warm tunnels of her love.

  The truth was that Lark and I hadn’t been together sexually nearly often enough to satisfy either one of us. Our most intimate and loving time had been that first day with Raven. And there was the evening ritual, before dinner each night, and it was sometimes very intimate and might include sex, but it was different than being alone and making love in the way that I was currently expecting that we would before much longer today.

  For now we were enjoying our walk. The path was much smoother then it had been a few days before. It appeared that it had been scraped by a blade, then the top half an inch plowed into dirt, and then rolled flat. It was soft to the feet, but firm underneath. Walking west as we were, the river was on our right. At some points it was maybe twenty feet away, and at others, only three or four. The day was warm and very comfortable.

  After a bit, Lark said, “Joshua, I’m very much in love and so thankful for what you’ve done for me.”

  I smiled and squeezed her hand and said, “I’m glad.”

  She continued, “You’ve done so much for everyone, for the women of our house and for the nymphs and for Clarice, and for Paul and his women, and for the orphans and widows, and for the entire village. But most of all, you’ve done so much for me. I’d be happy with you in a hut near this river, sneaking into the village for vegetables and eating the fish that we could catch, but you’ve done so much more. I want you to know that I do truly love you and will do anything for you.”

  I said, “I won’t ask much.”

  She said, “But you need to truly understand, not just for me, but for all of us. When I say that I’ll do anything for you, I mean that I will do it happily. Not because I owe you or obey you, but because I adore you. Because I’m one with you. Because I’m not afraid of you. Because doing anything you ask is the same as doing what I want. Especially when it comes to sex. At every other time as well, but especially for sex. It’s very important to me that you believe that you can never ask for anything that would be objectionable to me in any way. Did you enjoy the deep throat that Clarice taught me? It’s yours whenever you want it. I enjoy it. I love it. I love it if you suddenly grab me intimately and tickle me under my dress. It pleases me to do anything that you ask of me. And it especially pleases me when you don’t bother to ask, but simply take what you want.”

  I asked, “Lark, is there something that you want me to do?”

  She was quiet for a minute, and then said, “Master, she wants you to help her with the deep throat. She can’t tell you directly because she doesn’t know consciously, but unconsciously, she longs for you to help her.”

  I could see that once again, Lark was her other self, the one who sometimes appeared when L
ark was unable to say what she wanted. It had happened first during the baptism at the Tanda cove on the day that we met, when she told me how much Lark loved me already.

  I said, “How do I help her? Can you tell me what to do?”

  She said, “She wants you to help her by taking new ground. By going places that she has not been. She wants you to help her by pressing your penis into her more deeply. Or in the other place, your finger. When she has your cock in her mouth, she longs to have you press forward and help her take you as deeply and as easily as Clarice does. You are so considerate, and she loves that more than anything, but she wants you to show her that she is truly yours and that you will do whatever you want. She knows that you will not hurt or humiliate her, and she is afraid that you will never go far enough out of fear of doing so. Master, she is afraid.”

  I gasped and said, “Afraid of what?”

  She said, “Afraid that Aspen will do all of the things that Lark wants you to do with her, but that she’ll never get the chance. She wants what Clarice had and she’s afraid that you will never give it to her. She knows that with Clarice, you do whatever you want and Clarice loves to do it for you. She wants you to be free and unafraid to have her held down while you drive her to places that she can’t go otherwise, like you did with Clarice.”

  I thought about it and realized that she was talking about the time that I’d told Viola and Lark to hold Clarice down while I licked her pussy and the girls sucked on Clarice’s nipples. Clarice had ended up begging me to stop, not because she wasn’t enjoying it, but because she was about to squirt hard all over the bed. I didn’t actually stop, but I did change positions so that she came on my cock, not on my lips and all over the sheets.

  I asked, “Lark wants that?”

  She said, “Lark wants to lose control, the way that Clarice did. She wants to be out of her mind, like Aspen says that she wants. Clarice enjoyed what you did to her, and how we girls were part of it. Lark wants the big bed where she doesn’t know what will happen next. She’s intelligent and intuitive and often knows what people think before they do, so she wants you to take her away from that at times. And the time to take her away is during sex. Heavy, loving, hard fucking, shove your cock deep sex.”


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