The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 23

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I called to Clarice, “Clarice, my beloved, will you help me sleep for a while,” and without a reply, I went unconscious.

  Chapter 24 Brenda Wakes Up

  I heard Brenda saying softly, “Master, wake up.”

  I opened my eyes. It was light in the room and the curtains were open. I was laying against Brenda’s chest, draped over half of her body, my left leg across her thighs. Her pajama top was all that she was wearing right now, and it was unbuttoned.

  I said, “Oh, good morning. How are you?”

  I didn’t bother to move off of her right away. If she was OK with me being here, I was more than OK staying where I was.

  Brenda smiled and said, “I’m pretty good actually. But, I need to show you something. It’s about my past. And it involves your women. It needs to be resolved before we can go any farther. I’m really happy though. I have my memories and all of my restrictions are resolved.”

  I said, “Brenda, that’s wonderful. So, what does that mean?”

  She said, “Well, basically, it means that we can be like we were before. But, that’s all for now. So, When we’re alone, I can let you touch me and I can help you shower. I can breast feed you, if you want me to. You can talk to me about sex and things like that. But Master, I want more than that.”

  I said, “Brenda, you don’ have to call me master.”

  She smiled and said, “Yes, I do. You will see why. And I want to. I want to so badly, right now. This is it. This is what I have been waiting for. You’ll see. It’s all about Robby and Honey and everything. You said that you don’t remember. He was your grandfather and she was his first wife. We said that she was the queen of the fairies and everybody did whatever she said. And she promised things and she promised me that it was going to be OK and now it is. Um, but I can’t ask you to do things with me, but if you ask me, then maybe I can do them, but if we do the other thing, then we can be together, as long as the other thing is done, but I am sure that it will be because Honey promised me.”

  Brenda was obviously very excited, but I had no idea what she was talking about.

  I asked, “So what do we need to do? Brenda, can I touch you?”

  She grinned and said, “Anywhere you want. You’ll see why, now that it’s my birthday and my present is ready. And I don’t know what to do. If it was before, then it was all set and we would just ask Honey and Robby and it would be done, but now I don’t know how it will work. Oh Master, I have never ever felt like this before.”

  I slid my left hand down Brenda’s body and as I reached her stomach, I felt her spread her legs. I took it as an invitation and kept going until my fingers rested against her mound. I stated to stroke her gently as I explored the feelings of her flesh. I had, of course, been with the other girls and had touched them while we made love, but with Brenda, it was as if everything was very different. With Brenda, is was more sensuous. It was slower. It wasn’t about bodies, it was about the tips of fingers and the touch of lips and tongues. Even looking at her was more delicate and more detailed. My fingers moved slowly and lightly, brushing against her skin, or pressing gently to experience the feel of every tiny hill and valley. I let myself linger especially at the very bottom of her labia, where her sex transitioned between vagina and anus.

  She squealed, “Oh, that feels nice Bunny. I used to call you Bunny. My big bed Bunny, when I used to be able to visit you before Irene was in charge. She lived with us even before you were born, but she didn’t really have full control until you turned eighteen. Until then, it was your dad that was supposed to be in charge, but Irene really made all the rules. OK, so I should tell you everything. But, I don’t know if your princesses need to be here or what. Or maybe it’s Clarice? Master, who is the first wife? She has to be it I think.”

  I said quietly as I continued my exploring, “You are, aren’t you? Isn’t that what was supposed to happen?”

  Brenda said, “No. Not exactly. You’ll see. Sort of, but not really exactly. Of course, the first one was Clarice, but what about the others? Is one of them more in charge of the family? I know that you are in charge and they don’t tell you what to do and make rules like Irene did, but is there one like Honey? The queen for us?”

  I said, “Clarice is the first mate of the nymphs and the house everything. Viola is the first mate of the human princesses. But Viola is young and inexperienced and is still learning. I don’t think that she’s like Honey in the way that you’re talking about. Brenda, you are amazing! Your body is amazing.”

  She said, “I’m glad you think so. You’re pretty great yourself. I am still curious about you too because we never were, you know, all in. So, I guess it is Clarice.”

  I said, “I still think that if there is anyone like Honey, it’s probably supposed to be you.”

  She said, “I wish that Honey was here. It would be so much easier. She would just say it was OK and then it would be because whatever she said was the right thing. She was wonderful. But she isn’t here. You call them first mates.”

  I said, “Yeah, the customs here are that women find homes where they can work. They don’t always get married to the man that owns the house, sometimes they just live there and work there and he takes care of them and provides for them. I guess in Pops’ day, it was unusual for a man to have a big family with more than one mate, but here it’s very common now. My friend Paul has five mates now. So a woman lives at a home and the man cares for her, but if they ever have sex, then she becomes what they call a bedmate, and then they are bound forever and he can never send her away. She can run away, and if she does, then she just claims that she is a widow and nobody asks questions.”

  She asked, “How do they decide? Is it like a job that they advertise?”

  I said, “No. There’s a man called the Merchant of Women. If a woman needs a home, she goes with the merchant and he travels from town to town and holds these events. They look like auctions, but they aren’t quite like that. But anyway, the men who have a place in their home come to the event and they bid on the women. The woman normally goes with the man who offered the most money for her. If they fall in love, then she can go to his bed and they become bonded as bedmates.”

  Brenda said, “So, you found our princesses at one of those events? And they were what they called the Nogud?’

  I said, “Yes. The Nogud were considered worthless and the merchant did his best to find them temporary homes where they could work for a little while. But when he came back to that village again, the Nogud normally moved on to a new village with him. No one kept them or loved them, except under very special circumstances.”

  Brenda said, “That was Irene’s plan. She was the biggest witch. I never said it before, but she was. Robby always let everyone make choices. Your dad chose to marry her. I chose to live with you and asked for the present. Robby said no at first, but then he said that if I really wanted it that he would allow it. He loved me. Not like a bedmate, of course. He said that I was his daughter and that he would do anything for me that I wanted. I promised that I would be OK so he let me. But he was sad every day because of it. But, now it’s time for my present.”

  I said, “What is your present? And, what do we need to do?”

  She beamed with excitement and said, “You’ll see. It’s marvelous. But I still have to know that it’s really OK. Living with Irene made me afraid. I’m still a little bit afraid, so I have to know if the princesses are like her.”

  I said, “They are nothing like her. They are the children of Pops and Honey and Buttercup and Peach. You knew them all, didn’t you? They are like them. I can’t remember them, but I know that they were wonderful and the girls are like them. They love you already. And whatever this present is, they will want you to have it.”

  She said, “You mean be it. But no matter. Can we have them all come and they can meet me and can I show them what Robby and Honey said and what I said and see what they say? Oh, Master, I am so flustered that I don’t know what to do or what I’m saying.
I think that I won’t be like this afterward.”

  I sat up and crawled over the top of Brenda and sat beside her while she laid on the bed.

  I said, “Brenda, I’ll have them all go to the dining room, and we can talk about whatever you want us to. Viola isn’t here right now, and it will take her a little while to get here. I don’t think that I want Aspen to come yet, because she hasn’t become my mate just yet. So, I think that she won’t be part of whatever this’s going to be. Let me call Viola.”

  I stroked Brenda’s breast tenderly while I connected to Viola.

  I said, “Viola, I’m doing fine. My arm is healing well. But something has come up, and I want you to come to Havenrest this morning. But I want Aspen to stay there. Can she work with Yuki at the farm or something until later?”

  Viola said, “She sure can. She’s doing good. And she is well. I can have her stay here today.”

  I said, “That will be best. Reassure her that I’m getting her place ready and that I will come for her soon. I will send someone to come and get you at the edge of Paul’s farm. Can you bring me a dress when you come? One the right size for Clarice? She has a work dress, but bring something a little bit nicer. And, I might want to take her into town, and you too, so wear a nice dress yourself as well. But have Aspen stay at the farm. I don’t want her to go to the village by herself.”

  Viola agreed to do everything that I asked, and we disconnected.

  I had Clarice connect me to everyone else and when they were all listening I said, “Girls, Brenda has an announcement or something that she needs to share with us. I need Mandy to take a cart and go get Viola at Paul’s farm and bring her back here. When she gets here, we all need to talk about whatever is on Brenda’s mind. Maybe we can all have breakfast together.”

  Mandy said, “On it boss man. I’m on my way. Back with the package in a tick.”

  Clarice said, “Brenda has shared some of this with me just now. Not the details, but that there will be a video. Well, several videos. There is a large monitor in the dining area, so that will work out fine.”

  Lark said, “Oh, Brenda, we’re so happy that you’re awake. I can’t wait to meet you and hug you and tell you how much I love you already. It’s going to be wonderful. Please don’t be scared. Joshua, can I come right now and see Brenda?’

  Raven said, “Me and the other nymphs will make breakfast, so Lark doesn’t have to.”

  I said, “Brenda, is that OK with you? If Lark comes right now?”

  Brenda said, “Um, OK. Lark, I hope that…”

  Lark said, “It will be! I promise!”

  We ended the call and there was an immediate knock at the door. Lark hadn’t wasted any time.

  Brenda sat up at the edge of the bed and yelled, “Oh no! I’m not dressed. And I don’t have underwear! Where are my pajama bottoms! And I’m in your bed.”

  She stood up and pulled the front of her pajama top closed just as Lark burst through the door. Lark took one quick look at Brenda and literally pounced. She ran forward and knocked Brenda backward onto the bed, landing on top of her.

  The first thing Lark did was kiss Brenda. She kissed her hard, and then sat up. Brenda was laying on her back with her legs hanging down over the edge of the bed, and Lark was on her knees, straddling Brenda’s hips. Lark wore one of my T-Shirts, but her naked bottom was pressed down on Brenda’s own naked pelvis.

  In the scuffle, Brenda had thrown her hands up and they now lay behind her head, leaving her shirt completely open and falling away from her ample breasts.

  Lark yelled, “Brenda! I’m so glad to meet you! Wow, you are very beautiful. Nice boobs! Welcome to the family. Oh, I’m so happy. We all are. Raven too. She’s weird and thinks she’s a nymph. I know that you’re scared, but it’s all OK. Clarice told us what happened to you and she said that you are like her and I see by your eyes that you are but I love you so much!” and she leaned down and hugged the frightened woman warmly.

  Lark rolled off of Brenda and said, “Come on, get in the bed and tell me all about it. Come on Joshua! Let’s be in bed together so that Brenda can be with us.”

  Lark pulled at the covers and shoved Brenda into the bed, pushing her toward the middle. Lark climbed in beside her and motioned me to get in on the other side, sandwiching Brenda between us. As soon as we were covered up, Lark threw off the covers again and grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. Tossing it across the room, she did the same with her own shirt and then pulled the cover back over the three of us again.

  Lark Pressed up against Brenda and hugged her with a loud satisfied moan.

  She said, “Brenda, first, tell me about it? Was it nice? I know it was and I want to know all about you, but first tell me how it was?”

  Brenda looked a bit shocked by Lark’s enthusiasm and the fact that she was in bed naked with both Lark and I and Lark seemed to like that.

  Brenda said, “Yeah, it was very nice. Um, wait, how was what? I don’t know what was nice.”

  Lark stroked Brenda’s chest lovingly and said, “Your first experience. Last night with Joshua. When he made love to you for the first time. Oh, did you do it before? I somehow assumed that last night was the first time. Anyway, even if it wasn’t, you haven’t been together for a long time and it must have been really wonderful to do it again. Did you have a lot of orgasms? I always do. A few days ago, he fucked me in the grass till I passed out. I liked that a lot. Do you know how to deep throat? I’m not very good at it yet. Maybe you can help me. I want to be with you when we fuck next time. He was so busy the last few days, but it was all worth it because here you are now. You like his penis, right? Of course you do, what am I saying? I’m just so excited that you’re here. And just wow! You are so beautiful,” and she threw off the covers again and stared at Brenda’s body.

  Lark went on happily, “Are you like Clarice? You know, with coconut milk? Can we try it? Does it taste the same? Is it the same from your pussy? Clarice has it and Joshua licked it from her pussy and said it was good. I sucked it off of his cock the first time we were with Clarice. Oh, I’m so happy! If you ever want to let me taste it, I will. I like doing it because it means that we love each other. Clarice was scared too. But we all love her. Oh, I can’t help myself, I’m so in love and I want to show you how I feel and I want to bond with you like we did with Clarice. Can I just taste it so that you feel me kiss you? You don’t have to, but if you want to, I will. You can call me Lark and you can sleep with me any time and even if I’m in bed, you can be with me no matter what, just like Clarice can. And if you want, after you fuck, I can suck Joshua’s cock and clean him up for us to go again. I won’t be selfish, I promise.”

  Brenda was still very taken aback, but said, “OK.”

  Lark yelled, “Thank you!” and jumped to her knees throwing off the covers again. Brenda and I were both surprised, Brenda more than me, when Lark jumped between Brenda’s legs and spread them wide and shoved her tongue directly into Brenda’s exposed sex!

  Lark licked Brenda and Brenda arched her back and moaned. With a wild look on her face, she grabbed Lark’s head and pulled it forcefully away from her crotch.

  Brenda yelled, “Lark no! Um, I mean wait. I mean, come back here beside me for a minute and let me tell you something.”

  Lark looked surprised and a bit worried, but moved up to lie next to Brenda again.

  Brenda said, “Lark, I didn’t have my first experience and if you lick me like that…”

  Lark said quickly, “Oh. I see. I’m sorry. And I didn’t know that you could feel that way with a girl. I thought that, well, we like it if it feels good, but we don’t have orgasms that way. At least we didn’t yet. Did I do something wrong? Do you want me to not taste your milk?”

  Brenda sighed and hugged Lark and said, “Lark. It was really exciting. I think that it was too much for me because I want to finally be with my master so badly.”

  Lark said, “Did I ruin it? Did I make you have an orgasm that you wanted to be w
ith our master instead? I didn’t know. I thought that since you love each other so much that you would have started doing it already. Is everything OK? Is he too injured? Or is there something still wrong about you? Don’t worry, we’ll fix it and you’ll be happy, I promise.”

  Brenda said, “You know what. I am happy. Meeting you has made me very happy. It is going to be OK, isn’t it? You really do accept me as a part of the family and you even want me to make love and even to make love with me.”

  Lark was very calm now and spoke quietly and softly. She said, “Of course we do dear. I had to convince you. Are you convinced now? Brenda, we love you and we always will. All of us. And you never have to wear a stupid ugly dress. And girls never wear underwear. And you get to make love whenever you want to. I belong to Joshua, and so do you. He belongs to us, me and you. He is yours as much as mine. If you want to make love, even right this minute, you can, and I will help you. So, Brenda, you never had you first experience yet?”

  Brenda shook her head.

  Lark said, “Sweetie, if it is like mine, it will be better than you have dreamed of. I think that you are prettier than I am. I’m glad. I’m happy that my Joshua has such beautiful and wonderful women to call princesses. You are perfect for him. I belong to him and I belong to you, too. We want to give you to him so that you belong to him too. What do you say, can I give my wonderful husband a wedding present? We always give him a present that is a license for him to touch us and do whatever her wants. But you are different, aren’t you? You were taken away from the one you loved, so you need to be given back, don’t you? Irene is dead, but me and Clarice and Viola run the house now. Raven is a nymph, so we won’t talk about her right now. But Viola hasn’t been here yet, and it’s really me and Clarice that are really in charge, because it depends on the magic that’s working right now.”


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