The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 25

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  She stroked me slowly and deliberately. She quit whispering, but a second later, I heard her talking to me through the ear-piece.

  She said, “Lover, the others can’t hear me right now, not even Clarice, and there will be no recording or record of this conversation. Here’s the thing. That story about Buttercup makes me insanely horny too. Anal intercourse is usually painful and unsanitary, and requires special precautions. But that’s for human women. I don’t have any of those um, limitations. My ass is as clean as my mouth and pussy. And it’s yours just like they are. The next time you want to pull up the hem of my polka dot dress and fuck my ass, do it. This is an open invitation. I don’t think that you really wanted to have me anally before, but I want you to know that not only is it OK, I want it. I want you to get me on my knees, right here in the shower, or banging me up against that glass, balls deep in my ass, just so that I can see how it feels and…”

  But before she finished her sentence, I came hard in her hand and almost collapsed. Clarice noticed a change in my physiology and rushed to help Brenda hold me up.

  I heard Brenda in my ear saying, “Oh, he likes it. That’s nice.”

  I held my self against Brenda’s belly, hiding my pulsating orgasm for a few more seconds and then straighten myself and said, “I’m fine. Brenda just hit a sensitive spot. It was nice. It wasn’t my arm.”

  Brenda and Clarice both smiled.

  I had never really thought seriously about anal sex. It was like Brenda said, unsanitary and probably terribly painful for the woman. I wasn’t interested. But…a woman’s rear is beautiful…and I did like Brenda’s, well all of the girls, really. I did love rear entry loving, but anal, no. But, Brenda said that she was built differently and that she wanted to try it, so…um, but no. She really did smoke me with her talk though. So much so that I she made me climax without even all that much physical stimulation. I think I probably would have orgasmed even if she hadn’t touched me. Wow. I needed to think about something else.

  I said, “Well, is everybody clean now?”

  Brenda said, “Not me. I was so busy washing you that you didn’t wash me.”

  I quickly reached for some soap and applied it to Brenda’s belly, washing away the evidence of my orgasm. I very quickly slid my hand between her legs, but instead of a quick washing, I slid my middle finger as deeply into her vagina as I could. I pumped my finger into her, up and down as fast as I could manage, all the while, trying to keep my hand as still as I could. This time it was Brenda’s turn to suddenly slip a few inches toward the floor. I caught her mostly by the crotch, and she immediately climaxed again. While she was still in the middle of her excitement, I removed my finger and rubbed vigorously, washing off the soap, but bringing her to yet a third, and a fourth, orgasm.

  When I was done with her, the five of us stood together and went through the drying and moisturizing cycle. Viola was having the time of her life, grinning from ear to ear. In different ways, we all were.

  Chapter 26 Brenda's Memories

  When we did step out of the shower, I mentioned that I did like being dressed, at least to some extent, most of the time for meals, and everyone agreed to put something on, at least to some degree.

  The girls all wanted to stay in shirts, not dresses. Brenda grabbed my discarded pajama top and put it on, but didn’t bother to button it. I smiled and decided that was fine with me. Clarice and Lark both put on the T-Shirt that they had arrived in. Viola looked like she didn’t know what to do, having come in a dress, but everyone else bottomless.

  Brenda picked up her own discarded pajama top and said, “Here, wear this,” and she held it up and helped Viola into it.

  Viola smiled and buttoned it up the front, but left several of the top buttons undone. It was clearly not out of modesty, but because she looked sexy that way. As for me, the girls dressed me in full pants and shirt, but forbid me to wear underwear with the reasoning that they were completely unnecessary. I supposed that they were right; men’s underwear were almost as uncommon as women’s here.

  When we were all dressed, we went up the stairs to the level above where the living room, kitchen, and dining room was. Raven and the nymphs were all wearing some of my T-Shirts, but again, they were so big that they threatened to fall off the tiny girls at every turn.

  Raven and the nymphs were thrilled to meet Brenda. Wendy and Ellie were thrilled to meet Viola. Overall, the mood was very cheerful.

  This was our first meal in the dining room, inside the house. This level was all cleaned up now and ready for us to start living here.

  I sat down at the end of the table, nearest to the kitchen. Nobody else knew quite where to sit, since we hadn’t established any kind of a routine for meals yet. The nymphs apparently didn’t normally take a place at the table because they didn’t eat and they were just as happy to serve. When they weren’t helping at the table, they were often in the kitchen doing one thing or another. But the rest of us needed to figure out what we were going to do for a seating arrangement.

  Finally, I said, “For today, because both Brenda and Viola are new to the house, I want Brenda to sit here on my left and Viola on my right.”

  Clarice said, “I’ll sit next to Viola, and Lark, you sit next to Brenda.”

  I added, “Raven, you sit across from me so that we can keep an eye on each other.”

  We took our places and Raven said, “And just what are you looking for as you keep an eye on me?”

  I smiled and replied, “I’m looking for an opportunity to pounce and devour you.”

  She said, “Oh, then we’re looking for the same thing. You haven’t seen my room yet. You need to come and see it. I guarantee that you will get pounced on.”

  I said, “Then we’ll agree to mostly no pouncing at the table, for right now.”

  Raven smiled and said, “Agreed. For now.”

  We started to eat and we chatted a little more and then Brenda announced, “I have some video of the past that I want all of you to see. It explains some things about me and about Joshua and Irene and things.”

  There was a large video monitor on the wall behind Brenda. She and Lark turned their chairs to be able to see it, and a picture of a room, from Brenda’s perspective appeared.

  Viola asked, “What’s that? Where did that come from?”

  Lark seemed just as surprised, but Raven took it in stride. Maybe she had seen some video already while she was here with the nymphs.

  Clarice explained, “It’s a projection of a video recording. It is a picture of what Brenda saw and heard at a certain time in the past. It’s kind of like her memory gets shown to all of us. We have cameras all over the property and we can watch whatever they see at any time. The thing that we watch on is called a monitor.”

  Viola said, “So, it’s all from before the cataclysm? You could do this and see what people thought?”

  Clarice said, “Not exactly. We can see what is recorded by a camera. Think about a man sitting down and writing everything that we say. Now, imagine that he can draw a picture of everything that he sees. If he shows us those pictures really fast, it looks like we’re there, seeing what he saw. It’s like that, but the drawing is done by machines.”

  That seemed to satisfy both Viola and Lark, and Brenda explained what we were about to see.

  She said, “I want to show you several memories of mine. They happened at different times. The first one was right about the time that Clark and Irene, Joshua’s parents…”

  Wendy called out, “His fake mom, the wicked witch.”

  Brenda continued, “It was right about the time when Clark married Irene and they were planning to move into the guest house and take over the resort. The man in the video is Robby, Joshua’s grandfather, the one called Pops. You will be seeing what I saw, and the other voice is mine. Joshua, it isn’t very complimentary of your birth-mother, but you did say that she tried to murder you, so you probably won’t be surprised.”

  We watched the screen as the vid
eo segment started.

  Robby: Brenda, we have to talk, don’t we?

  Brenda: Master, he will never love me. Not now. And she doesn’t like me and she isn’t like us.

  Robby: I know, Sweetie. It wasn’t meant to be like this. I don’t know what’s wrong with the boy. And I expected more from Lyssa’s daughter. You can come live with me in Tahiti.

  Brenda: That doesn’t make me loved like I want to be.

  Robby: We’ll work something out. I’ll make you happy.

  Brenda: But even if I go with you, what will happen here. The residence is special. She will ruin it. And besides, it can’t function without an AI. You will have to let it die. I don’t want our family to lose this. It’s special.

  Robby: What do you think that we should do? Can Alice and I make another to take over?

  Brenda: It would be just the same. I think that I have to stay here. Well, I want to stay here. I won’t be loved, but I can take care of the residence and we won’t lose it.

  Robby: Brenda, I never make anyone do something that will make them unhappy. And I certainly don’t do things that make them live without being loved.

  Brenda: Master, I will be sort of happy. I will be happy to take care of the house for you. I will be happy to watch over them for you. I will keep them safe, and someday, maybe you will find a way to make it right again.

  Robby: Brenda, I will make it right. You’re absolutely right. I will fix this somehow. And I do want us to keep the residence and the resort. Like you said, it’s special to us, and we need to preserve it. Clark and Irene want to run the resort, and I want to let them. I could bring in a new manager, but then we would still not have anyone to take care of the residence.

  Brenda: Then let me be the manager of the residence. I can do it for your sake. For our whole family.

  Robby: But, Brenda, we made you to be loved, like I love Alice.

  Brenda: You’ll fix it someday. I trust you. You are like my dad and I know that you love me. I want to stay and make sure that the residence survives.

  Brenda stopped the video and said, “That was before Joshua was born. After that, I acted more professional and took on the role of the manager of the house. It was OK. We still had a global network and I could talk to Alice and the others every day, and it wasn’t so bad. The next video is just after Joshua was born. Robby and all of the princesses and Lyssa Campbell, Irene’s mom came to visit. The man in the video is Robby again. The women are Honey and Buttercup.”

  The video started and we watched.

  Honey: Brenda, dear. This must be hard. I’m so sorry.

  Buttercup: She had no right to act that way or say those things. And I won’t even try to excuse her because she’s tired or just gave birth. I’m sorry to say it, but Irene acts like a real bitch sometimes. She has no idea what you’ve done for them or what her life would be like without you. What’s wrong with her?

  Honey: She is so wrong for Clark.

  Robby: Well, maybe not. Clark isn’t much like me. Maybe she is right for Clark. But she certainly doesn’t fit the rest of us. What the hell am I going to do? This has to be fixed one way or another. My grandson can’t grow up here.

  Honey: She can’t even breastfeed him. And I don’t think that she is even trying. Did they get pregnant by mistake? Brenda, she has an implant, doesn’t she?

  Brenda: No. She refused. I monitor her by cameras and sensors only. Clark wanted a child. She reluctantly agreed. She plans to put him in day care so that she can get on with her life as she says.

  Buttercup: Robby, we have to put a stop to this!

  Brenda, quietly: I can do it.

  Robby: You can do what, Brenda? You know how to fix this? What are you thinking?

  Brenda: I can breastfeed him. I can make coconut milk that will nourish him. He can feed him in my lap instead of hers. I can change him and be his nurse. I can be his daycare and night time care as well. I will read him stories and put him to bed and sing to him and nurse him through his childhood illnesses.

  Honey: That could work. I can tell Irene and Clark that as a gift for the new baby that we are providing a full time nurse and nanny so that Irene will be able to continue working if she wants to.

  Robby: OK. We’re just thinking this over for now, but yes, if we frame it that way, that it’s a gift because she deserves it or something, then she’ll probably go along with it.

  Buttercup: She’ll probably be angry that we waited so long to give her what she feels was her entitlement from the beginning. I have tried so hard to help that woman and no matter what I do, she just won’t soften. It’s like she has no heart at all. And she didn’t have a hard life; her mother is a wonderful woman.

  Robby: There is something about that fact that you all love me that she hates at her very core.

  Brenda: I can do it. I want to. No matter what it takes.

  Brenda stopped the video again and said, “So, it was decided that I would raise Joshua. Irene was thrilled to be relieved of the burden. I nursed him and raised him, and we loved each other. Then, just before your eighteenth birthday, something happened. I’m not even sure what it was. I looked through the recording and security footage for some event that would explain it, but I didn’t find anything that made it make sense. I think that it must have been something that happened outside the residence. Here’s the exchange between Irene and I on that day. Clark and Irene sat me down at this very table and had a meeting.”

  Irene: Brenda, your services are no longer required.


  Irene: You may leave at any time. You may take what clothing you have. Please vacate the house before noon, tomorrow.

  Clark: Irene, it doesn’t work that way. She can’t just leave. She is part of the house.

  Irene: Then deactivate her. I will not have this trashy abomination under my roof.

  Clark: It isn’t technically your roof.

  Irene: It will be when your father is dead. And that won’t be long now.

  Clark: Irene, the house won’t function without her. The doors won’t even open and close without Brenda. And what about Joshua?

  Irene: Joshua is nearly grown and he has clearly developed feelings for this thing and it is unwholesome. Do you think that his wife someday will be thrilled to find out that he had a living Barbie when he was a teenager? He’s going to want to do sex things soon enough and it won’t be safe to have her here.

  Clark: She can’t leave! Get that through your head.

  Irene: She can’t stay! Get that through your own head.

  Clark: I’ll call my dad. Irene, I’ll work this out.

  Irene: You’re damn right you will.

  (Irene stood up and started to leave. Pausing for an instant, she faced Brenda again)

  Irene: You are a robot whore. I will not have you in my house any longer.

  (Irene leaves)

  Clark: Brenda, I’m sorry for her. I mean, I’m sorry about her, but I guess that I am sorry for her as well. I’ll call my dad. He’ll know what to do. For now, maybe you can stay out of sight. In fact, that might teach her a lesson. Let her cook her own meals and clean the house herself for once in her life.

  Brenda: She will eat at the resort and she will have someone from housekeeping do the cleaning. I can’t leave. The house won’t function without me.

  Clark: You aren’t a whore.

  Brenda: No. And you aren’t anything like your father.

  The video ended again. Brenda said, “So, Clark called Robby. Robby jumped on the plane and was here the next day. This is the day after that.”

  Robby: Brenda, first, I’m so sorry. The truth is that neither of them deserve you. But let’s get down to it. We’ll create an AI to take over and I’ll take you to live with us. We will lose the resort and the residence. Or maybe we will just shut down the residence altogether.

  Brenda: What about Joshua?

  Robby: He turns eighteen in the next few days. He can leave then.

  Brenda: This isn’t like you

  Robby: I’m so frustrated over this that I can’t even think straight. Damn her!

  Brenda: What will get you to think straight?

  Robby: I need to go to the lair for a while. Or for a walk. Come with me.

  (They leave the house and walk through the gardens)

  Brenda: I can stay if we make modifications.

  Robby: You have sacrificed enough.

  Brenda: I will sacrifice more. We are a family. This is our home. You told me that this would be Joshua’s someday. Don’t give up.

  Robby: The only way that Irene will accept anything…no, screw it. I’ll throw her out on her ass and Clark with her!

  Brenda: Joshua isn’t ready to be on his own and he isn’t ready to run the empire and he won’t be able to find the women who belong in his house.

  Robby: Crap. But the only way that she would let you stay is if you act like a robotic maid. A soulless machine. And she would insist on modifications to your body to make you sexless. I won’t do it.

  Brenda: I will.

  Robby: What?

  Brenda: I will ask you to make those modifications. For now. Give me a new body if necessary. Redo my programming. I won’t be able to pretend well enough. We will have to make it real. I won’t even ask you to do it to me. I will do it myself. I will design the body modifications and I will rewrite my personality. I will be a robotic maid.

  Robby: She has conditions. No nice clothing. No sexual contact. No nudity. Full underwear. No familiarity with Joshua. No visits to his room. No bathing together. It will be like you never knew him.


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