The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 27

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  I sat on the edge of the bed, next to her, and put my hand on her cheek and said softly, “Time to wake up sleeping beauty.”

  Raven stretched and opened her eyes and smiled. She said, “Oh, hi. I fell asleep. You undressed me. That’s nice. It’s OK if you played with me while I was asleep. Did you?”

  I said, “No, I just got here. You sure look lovely. Sweetie, today I am going to go with Brenda and Viola to the village.”

  Raven said, “But do the baptism. And Lark wants to go too.”

  I said, “That’s right. OK, I’ll make sure to do that too.”

  Raven said, “I love Brenda. I mean it. I love her. Like I really love her. If I just met her, I would make her come live with us. And, I don’t know, she makes me feel like she loves me. I feel like she even likes me if I’m impatient or silly or say that I am really a nymph. It’s like everything in the world is OK with her. She just held me and fed me and it was like she was feeding me love. I know that she’s like Clarice and the nymphs, but she’s like more of a woman than any woman who ever lived. Take her to the village and do whatever you want to. It’s like if you love her, then you love me. Please, love her for me. I mean it. If you love her, then I will be really happy.”

  I said, “Raven, what would it be like if you and Brenda and I slept together?”

  Raven said, “It would be like everything. You could make love to one of us and it would take all night and then the other one and that would take all night and it would be slow and last forever and we would fall asleep making love and we would wake up making love and we would take a bath making love. Master, It would be so different. I have loved every minute with you, but now, I feel like I’m more grown up as a lover and next time, it will be even better. Like with Lark and her rituals. With Brenda, sometimes it will be a ritual of love, like when she fed me.”

  Raven sat up suddenly and hugged and said, “Of course, sometimes she’s just going to fuck our brains out though.”

  I smiled and said, “She is?”

  Raven grinned and said, “Oh yeah! She’s like a love machine, you can just tell. She’s a total sex machine. I just know it. And it will never be the same with her two times in a row. How many times did you do it this morning?”

  I said, “Well, twice.”

  Raven said, “And it was different both times, wasn’t it?”

  I said, “The second time, she just held onto my penis softly and whispered in my ear. And she gave me an orgasm by whispering to me. Sort of by telling me how much she loved me. It was…well, I never expected that, anyway.”

  Raven smiled and said, “So, yes, please. Let’s spend the night with Brenda.”

  I had a thought as Raven talked. The first thing that Lark had done when she met Brenda was jump between her legs and started licking Brenda’s pussy. Brenda hadn’t asked her to, and as far as I remembered, Lark might have never have done that before. But, she did. And she said that it was her way of showing Brenda that she was accepted and loved. Brenda was a sexually love-oriented being. Brenda had one language and that was to love us. Emotionally, physically, sexually. Like a sister, a mother, a wife, and a lover all at the same time.

  Raven said, “I love it here so much. And I love you so much. And you rescued me and brought me here. When the merchant said that we would go with you, I didn’t know what to think. I was excited because he said that you had asked for us, and no one ever asked for us and somehow that gave me a thrill that I didn’t understand. I loved you right away. It just took a little time for me to adjust. Clarice said that’s what happened with Brenda; that she had been used to one life for so long that she had to rethink how to be and that’s what she was doing yesterday. It’s like we have to throw off a life we had and put on a new one. It takes a few minutes.”

  I hugged Raven to my chest, but before I could lay us down on the bed, she said, “Master, I’ll go and work now. I want you to love Brenda for me. OK? Make us happy. I don’t think that she has ever been to a village.”

  By this time, it was about mid-morning, and if we were going to buy food. We probably did need to get going before it was too late. In fact, we might have to hurry and do the shopping first.

  I was already dressed, but Raven found my shoes and helped me put them on. Of course, ‘helping’ me took more time than doing it myself, but we enjoyed the few extra moments together.

  Chapter 28 Brenda Goes Out

  When everyone was ready, Brenda, Viola, Lark, and I had one of the gardening carts take us to Paul’s farm. Because it was already late morning, we went straight to the farm, and I even had the cart take us all the way up to his house.

  The family was pleased to see us. Paul, Susan, and Amanda were all gone, but Yuki, and Tanya hugged us warmly. Aspen, dressed in the tunic and hood, with her face covered initially ran toward me, but a look from Viola stopped her and she stood a little apart and kept quiet. I could see her face for an instant as she raised her head and smiled at me. Paul’s new woman was here as well.

  First, I introduced Brenda and then Yuki introduced the new addition to their house.

  She said, “Everyone, this is Marvella. Marvella, you know our young wizard, I think, and of course his woman Viola. This other lovely girl is my own daughter, Lark. Brenda, welcome to our home. I am Yuki, and this is Tanya. We are very happy to have you with us. Will you all be staying to dinner? We can eat outside.”

  I said, “That will be very nice. Viola, Brenda, and I will stay tonight, if that is OK. Lark will most likely being returning to Havenrest before dinner. We need to buy food and have it taken back to the house.”

  Yuki said, “Joshua, this is your home. You come and go as you like. But if you are buying food, you should hurry. The morning is late. Run along and we will catch up on your adventures later.”

  I said, “But first, who is this lovely girl?” indicating Aspen.

  Yuki said, “Oh, this girl is a servant that our dear Viola has found to help us here for a short time. She is a very pleasant young thing, and I must say, having seen her bathe in the cove, she is much more beautiful than you would expect from the rough clothes that she wears. I’m afraid that she will not be with us long though. I’ve heard stories that sometimes a girl like that finds forbidden love and runs off with a young man, never to be seen again. I would keep her here forever, but alas, I’m afraid that she’ll find happiness very soon. Oh well, it can’t be helped.”

  I smiled at both Yuki and Aspen and said, “Well, what a blessing that will be. But, we had better hurry. Viola, Lark, Brenda, and I will go to the market. Viola, shall we take your girl to help us this morning?”

  Viola said, “That will be a good idea. She is wonderful, and I think that she deserves to stretch her legs in the village.”

  Tanya laughed and said, “What she deserves is to spread her legs in the privacy of an apartment. But, one thing at a time.”

  We all smiled. We said that we would explain about the cart when we returned and even give rides to everyone who wanted one.

  The four women and I left for the village and hurried toward the market. Many people greeted us as we walked through the street. It really was almost too late to shop for fresh food, but there was enough of good quality. An hour from now, there wouldn’t be. Viola suggested that we split up and let her and Aspen go toward one end of the market and Brenda and Lark go toward the other. I tried to go with them, but they insisted that I go and greet people at the cafe or in the shops. We needed food for five people: myself, Viola, Lark, Raven, and Aspen, for the next several days, and the girls believed that they could get what we needed fairly quickly. They would meet me at the cafe when they were done.

  I left them and went straight to the cafe. Jonah and Lucy hurried to seat me and say hello. I asked if I could have just a pitcher with water and a lemon, and they graciously welcomed me to sit for as long as I wanted. Jonah reminded me that my food and drink were free anyway, so I didn’t need to worry about ordering too little by any means. He and Lucy
were eager to hear any news, but I didn’t have any that I wanted to share, particularly. As for the two of them, they smiled, but had nothing of import to tell me either. When Lucy was away for a moment though, Jonah mentioned that both Paul and Aaron had recently found new women for their houses and that he was more and more inclined to see if Lucy would be willing to be his bedmate. He was nervous, but obviously exited. I encouraged him to make his decision and that if it was right, to move on it quickly. If not, put it out of his head. I told him that his thoughts were certainly not hidden from Lucy and it would be kindest and most loving to let her know directly and not think about it longer than necessary. I didn’t want to push him in one direction or another. He and Lucy had a fine arrangement and Lucy was not one of the Nogud, so it was none of my business to recommend a specific course of action.

  I passed an hour or so at the table, and then the girls came with their purchases.

  We had several things to accomplish today. I was about to suggest that we go back to the farm and drop off the groceries, but then I had another idea. I called Jonah over and asked if it would be an imposition for us to leave the food with him for a short time while we took care of another matter. Jonah was eager to keep our purchases for us and I thanked him and we all left.

  As we walked, I said, “Girl, come walk beside me.”

  Aspen came to my side and I continued, “Brenda is one of my bedmates. She was once like you. It’s a solemn secret. If you have heard of me, you know that because of the specialness of all of your kind that they must one and be part of my house. I will take you very soon as well. If that’s what you wish. Do you still want me?”

  Aspen looked at me quickly and said quietly, “Master, I am yours already. Though you take a hundred like me, I will be one of them.”

  I smiled at her and said, “Good. So, how does it feel to stretch your legs like this?”

  She laughed and said, “Like this, you ask? You torment me, Master. I was fine until just now, but now that you play with me like that, I feel a bit of moisture begin to run down my thigh. And here in the street, I have no way to mop it up. But even if I could, I would leave it there as a reminder of my feelings for you.”

  I said, “Good. If it needs to be cleaned up later, I will do it with my tongue.”

  She gasped, “Master, have mercy on me! Oh No!” and she stopped and grabbed my arm and stood still for a moment and shuddered. She turned her eyes and looked into my face pleadingly and said, “Thank you, but Master, have mercy! You may toy with me if you like, but I am Nogud, and I must not touch you or speak out of place. You make it impossible and Mistress Viola may punish me. I will take her punishment if you ask me to, but I tell you so that you will be aware of my condition and the difficulty of my situation. You are a kind man from what I have seen.”

  I smiled and said, “You won’t be punished by Viola. But, isn’t this what you deserve for what you did to me at your father’s farm a few days ago?”

  Aspen lowered her head and whispered, “Master, I was a foolish girl who didn’t understand the way that the world is and I acted like a selfish little spoiled child. I know more about love now. What I deserved was to be left at my father’s home and sent to the school for women. You have showed me extreme kindness and I love you more than ever.”

  I said, “Then, I won’t toy with you.”

  She said quickly, “I don’t mind it so much!”

  I said, “Then, I will toy with you because I do love you and I find you to be delightful. Little sister, you will find happiness before morning.”

  Aspen lowered her head and dropped behind us again. She seemed perfectly happy in her role for now, so I didn’t complain. Apparently Viola knew what she was doing and what Aspen wanted.

  As we continued toward Grayson’s jewelry shop, I took Brenda’s hand and held it.

  She said, “Joshua, I’m very happy. Just in case you were wondering.”

  I smiled and said, “The custom is that when a man takes a woman as his bedmate, he can never send her away. He goes to the registrar and pays for a license of marriage. They will ask you your name and if you consent. Your last name is Jensen. Brenda Jensen. After the license, a woman may take a token of marriage that shows her commitment to the family and the man’s commitment to her. It’s like a wedding ring, but here it’s fastened permanently. We have our own family crest.”

  Brenda said, “The collars that Clarice and the girls wear. It is beautiful. I will be proud to wear it. I’m still getting used to how fast and how completely my life has changed. Yesterday morning I was…well, I wasn’t a woman. Now, I’m loved by the man that I longed for all my life, and his women. Joshua, did you know that we were afraid that you’d never have human mates? Things had gone in very strange directions before the cataclysm. Marriage was almost unheard of and between a man and a woman it was especially rare. Your grandfather, grandmothers, and I were concerned that in this country you might never have the chance to meet women who would love you. I’m going to tell you a secret. There was talk that it might come down to having you marry girls that were perhaps even clones of your grandmothers. Human cloning was of course prohibited, but the world was already starting to fall apart in some ways and it was a consideration. Your grandmothers were beyond the age for having children, but part of the thought was that if there were clones of Honey, Buttercup, and Peach, you wouldn’t be genetically related to them and there would be no reason that they couldn’t be your wives.”

  I sighed and asked, “Do you think that’s what happened? That the Nogud, the four girls who appeared with Clark and Irene were these clones and were meant to be my mates? But how did they get here?”

  She said, “I don’t know how they got here, but it makes sense. If your grandfather and grandmothers sent them here. What do you know about them?”

  I said, “About twenty years after the cataclysm, Clark and Irene appeared at the door to the guest house with four young girls. We don’t know how old, but maybe young teenagers. Irene murdered Clark and left with them.”

  Brenda said, “It could be that after the cataclysm, when there were no governments left, that Robby and Alice cloned these four girls and then at some point asked Clark and Irene to bring them to the residence, with the thought that you would have recovered and awake by then. The time-line is reasonable. The girls would have been perhaps fifteen at the time.”

  I said., “So, these girls are descended from clones of my grandmothers, the ones that weren’t really genetically related, and were always meant to be my wives in the first place! Clarice and I thought that was the case. And you and Clarice too! Not clones, but meant to be with me. Brenda, that makes me happy. Um, so you’re OK with the license and the collar idea?”

  She squeezed my hand and said, “I’m yours. I asked to be yours. I waited for years, and then centuries, for you to be ready for me. If you do this or not, I’m yours. Is this what you want?”

  I said, “I really do.”

  She said, “Then do it!”

  We walked along and when we came to Grayson’s, I introduced Brenda. Linea was there and she just smiled and went to the back of the shop, returning a minute later with her book and the equipment to fasten the collar.

  Grayson said, “Well, I guess we don’t need to ask what this is about.”

  I smiled and Linea opened the book and grinned as she wrote the preliminaries. When she came to it, she looked at Brenda and asked, “Woman’s name?”

  Brenda said, “Brenda…Jensen.”

  Linea said, “And you consent to the registration?”

  Brenda said, “Yes!”

  Linea smiled and said, “It’s a formality. I could yell to any unattached girl in the street and call her over and she would consent to a registration with our wizard without a second thought. Joshua, where did you find this one? She’s as lovely as the others.”

  I said, “The haunted woods is full of them, if you know where to look.”

  Linea said, “Of course. You are
a treasure hunter, and a most successful one it appears. OK, I have your token and crest here. My dear, this requires that I ask you if you have had your first experience.”

  Brenda said, “I did,” and she smiled and squeezed my hand.

  Linea said, “Then, if we do it like before, Joshua, you may sit here,” and she indicated a chair in the shop.

  I sat down and had Brenda sit in my lap as Grayson went through the steps of attaching the two halves of the collar around her neck. It only took a few minutes and when it was done, I kissed my new bride and we stood up.

  Chapter 29 Teasing Me In The Market

  Linea smiled again and said, “Just so that I can plan, how many more crests do we plan to need for you?”

  Viola handed Linea the coins for the registration and the token while I turned red with sudden embarrassment and tried not to answer.

  Lark laughed and said, “Plan for another collar before the week is ended at one more after that. We’ve decided that the number will be seven.”

  Viola said, “At least. There are five who wear the crest now. One more dish is in the oven and will be ready very soon.”

  Lark said, “And another is being brought from faraway, but may be delivered to us soon. We’re looking forward to them being with us as soon as possible.”

  Linea whispered, “And, um, he satisfies you?’

  Brenda, Lark, and Viola exchanged glances and smiles and Viola said, “Our Master? Oh, the question is not if he satisfies us. We would never talk about such intimacies. No, the question is how many more will be needed to satisfy him. The five of us have only so many hours in a day, and someone has to take care of our home. I am afraid that I only do my part to satisfy him but a few times every day. I hope that the two more who will join us are more robust than I am. If not, we’ll be back with an eighth one soon. His cock is frankly enormous and as legendary as his magic and his ability to deal with thieves and rovers. Girls, now that we mention it, perhaps we should see if there’s a girl in the street and call her to help us.”


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