The Wounded

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The Wounded Page 29

by Marilyn Foxworthy

I said, “It is the name that I have for you. Do you like it?”

  She started to throw herself into my arms, but caught herself and held back.

  She said, “Master, I’m Aspen. You’ve claimed me as your own and give me a name.”

  I smiled and said, “And you’ll never wear the tunic and hood again. May I take them from you?”

  She said, “You may take anything you like. I want you to like me.”

  I stepped closer and pulled the hood from her head and dropped it. Then I undid both of the ties at her shoulders in one movement and let the tunic fall to the ground. I quickly crouched, keeping my face very close to her body as I stooped to take hold of each of her ankles and have her step out of the discarded garment. Sure enough, I did detect the evidence of small rivulets of the girl’s excitement at the inside of her shapely thighs. As I stood, I kept my body close and let my penis drag along her leg, all the way to her belly. Aspen was short, about five foot three inches tall, and the base of my shaft was at about the level of her navel.

  I whispered, “Don’t kiss me yet. That will be soon. Hold my hand and walk with me.”

  The other girls were a way ahead of us now, and I quickened our pace to catch up. I had her tunic slung over my shoulder. Aspen walked beside me as if she were in a dream, and we came to the cove a few minutes later.

  The garden cart was waiting for us. I directed the girls to put the groceries in the cart, along with our clothes.

  I said, “The Tanda cove is where the new life starts. We come here to get rid of the old clothing of our past life. Aspen, all of these girls have done this. Now it’s your turn. Take the tunic.”

  Aspen took the tunic and hood from my hand and I continued, “Now, go to the point of the cove out at the river. I’ll go with you. You will throw these symbols of shame into the river. They will sink into the water and be carried to the sea. The fish will eat them and they will disappear.”

  Aspen started walking on her own toward the point. I hurried after her. When she reached the water, she didn’t stop, but rushed in. I was afraid that she was going to go too far, but after a few steps, she drew back her arms and threw the bundles out into the river. The two of us watched it sink as it was carried away.

  I put my arm around her shoulder and guided her back to the beach. I motioned everyone onto the cart, all five of us. Brenda and Lark sat in the front, and Viola, Aspen, and I crowded into the small bench seat in the back.

  I said, “Take us to Newsprings Breast.”

  I held onto Aspen as the cart began to move. The motion broke the girl back into consciousness of where she was and she was suddenly startled.

  She said excitedly, “What’s this? What’s happening?”

  I said, “This is our cart without horses. This is how we travel and carry goods. The next place that we’re going is about five miles away. This is a faster way to get there. What do you think?”

  She said, “I don’t know what to think. It’s marvelous.”

  Lark said, “Aspen, you’re going to see strange and marvelous things in Goldenwood.”

  Viola said, “Do you want to touch it?”

  I looked to see what she might be talking about and noticed that Aspen seemed to be very interested in my lap.

  Viola said, “It’s OK. He has a really nice penis. Touch it if you want to.”

  Aspen looked up at me with a question and unsureness and I smiled and said, “If you want to. I am yours now.”

  Viola said, “Go on. Be gentle at first. But, as you stroke it, it will get bigger and harder. I know that you know about that, but don’t be surprised when it really does happen.”

  Aspen stared at my lap and finally reached out a hand to touch me. At first she just touched me with her fingers, but a minute or so later, she had her hand around me, exploring the size and feel.

  She whispered, “It feels so nice. I never imagined. And it looks so nice. But it’s bigger than I thought. I thought it would be big and hard, but this is bigger, and harder. It will never fit in me. They were right, I am defective. I’ll never be able to do it and make him happy,” and she started to cry.

  Viola said soothingly, “No, Aspen, you don’t understand. It will be fine and it will feel wonderful.”

  Lark said, “Yes, Aspen, it feels tight at first, but it feels wonderful. You’ll see. Don’t worry. Listen to my voice for a minute. Think about what you have dreamed of. Think about being in bed with him. Think of him between your legs, going slowly and gently while you have a thousand climaxes. Think of how much you love him and how much you will do for him. Think of your last orgasm and how much better the real thing will be when it is your lover between your legs.”

  I added, “Aspen, I won’t rush you. My arousal is because of our love, but I won’t hurry you.”

  She said, “But I want to hurry! I swear I do. Yes, it’s huge and it scares me, but it scares me more to turn away. And does it hurt? My mother said that it hurts, but only a little. Does it hurt a lot or a little? I don’t think that she could have meant that it was so big. She showed me a carrot, but much shorter. When I was alone in bed, I tried the carrot, and it did hurt for just a minute, but not much. I put it all the way in, but this is so big!”

  Brenda said, “Aspen, calm down. You say that you already tried a carrot?”

  Aspen said, “Yes. I wanted to see what it was like and I was afraid that I would be Nogud and never know, so I tried it. It only went a little at first, but I pushed hard and it hurt, but I did it. I hurt myself and I bled a little bit. But that was small. I know that I can never be satisfying for you now. What am I going to do?”

  Brenda turned around in her seat and knelt on it to look back at Aspen.

  She said, “Aspen, do you believe in magic?”

  Lark said, “Yes, Aspen, Brenda is a magic medicine woman. She is very powerful. If you listen to her, she can fix you. But you have to trust her and believe.”

  Brenda said softly as the cart carried us along, “Aspen, do you know what a hymen is?”

  Aspen said, “No. My mother told me that it hurts at first, but I’ll never be able to do this! I’m so sorry!

  Brenda tried to calm her saying, “Shush, it’s OK. I can make it all OK. If you will trust me, I will make it all OK. You believe in magic, don’t you? When it’s time, I’ll help you and it won’t even hurt. You’ll have a very good first experience, I promise. I can make it so that it doesn’t even hurt. You will like it from the very first moment. A girl’s vagina is small and saves itself for her husband. But when the day comes, her body responds to the magic of his lovemaking and expands to take him, even as big as our Master is. I’m working the magic even now. Let go of him for a moment and feel what I am doing to your body. Feel how your womanhood is expanding even now to receive your lover.”

  Of course, Brenda wasn’t doing anything but talking softly. That was the only magic involved right now. But it would be enough. Aspen was scared, and if she was scared, she would tighten up and go into muscle spasms and her first experience wouldn’t be pleasant at all. Aspen had already broken her hymen, experimenting with a carrot, and if she relaxed, she would be fine. I knew that she was highly sexual and if she would just relax, her arousal would be more than sufficient to ensure that she enjoyed it.

  Brenda continued, “See? Can you feel that? How your body is getting warm between those very pretty thighs of yours? You are a very beautiful girl. Small girls like you are wonderful lovers and every man wants a pretty little pocket rocket to love him. He’s your prince and he comes on a white horse to carry you to your castle. Aspen, spread your legs just a little and let me see if my magic is working. Oh, I need to massage you, but I can’t reach. I need you to do it for me. Take a hand and make a V with your fingers. Now, rub there, between your legs very gently, so that the magic spreads. It’s starting at the top. I can see it glowing very faintly. Rub there and make it spread. If you feel it in a certain place, rub it there and help it flow into your soft places. Good. That f
eels good, doesn’t it? Raise your leg and put it over your husband’s knee so that the magic can get to all of you. Joshua, you’re her master, help her spread her legs so that the magic will fill her.”

  I carefully pulled Aspen’s lovely leg up and over my own so that she sat with her legs wide.

  Brenda said, “Now, you feel it now, don’t you? Is it working? Is your vagina getting warm a and wet and bigger inside? Tell me how it’s feeling.”

  Aspen was breathing more deeply and a bit more calmly.

  She said, “Yes, I can feel it. It’s happening. I am getting bigger. It doesn’t look bigger, but it feels very hot and very wet. Oh, I’m leaking again. Brenda, don’t make me have an orgasm. I want to wait for my first experience. I can wait, can’t I? Please, can I wait?”

  Brenda smiled and said, “Of course, you can wait. But you will have to be strong. Your body is getting ready and it will feel very aroused from now on. You’ll have to fight the urge if you’re going to wait. You keep rubbing down there because it isn’t quite done yet, but no matter how aroused and wet it gets, no matter how hard, you need to fight it. If it goes on long enough, it will feel just like his wonderful penis is already sliding in and out of you, filling you with his love, taking your body for his pleasure and for yours. But, you have to think about that and rub your pretty lips and wait. It will feel like those lips are kissing the tip of his cock, but you have to resist. Rub the magic into your little lips and if you want to, even push it in with a finger, but don’t let it make you climax. He’s yearning for you, and he is eager to satisfy you, but if you aren’t ready, tell me and I’ll climb on his manhood and try to satisfy him for a while until you’re ready and the magic has done it’s work and you are certain that he will fill you, but not hurt you. If I climax and can’t keep him in me because of the pleasure, I’ll have Lark and then Viola do the same. And if you’re still not ready, I’ll climb in his lap again and keep him fucking me from behind until your tender pussy is fully expanded and ready for your prince’s magic wand between your legs. But, I won’t make you come for him in orgasm until you’re ready.”

  I was pretty sure that Brenda had already made Aspen climax at least a few times by now. She had a knack for it. I was glad that she was talking to Aspen, and not to me. I didn’t really want another spontaneous event like we had this morning in the shower, here in the garden cart. At least not right now.

  Aspen had her eyes closed and was rubbing herself very sensuously now. It was fairly certain that she was no longer worrying about me being too big for her. I wasn’t that big. Really. No matter what they kept saying.

  The cart came to a stop at the edge of the cove, near the sand.

  I said, “Everyone out,” and we climbed out of the little cart. I let Lark and Viola help Aspen out and down to the water’s edge.

  Chapter 31 Baptisms

  The four women stood on the sand, facing me. I stood at the edge of the water, facing them. All of us naked in the afternoon heat of summer.

  I said, “This is Newsprings Breast. We discard the old clothes at the dead woman’s cove, at Tanda. Here we let the old person die under the water and all shame and our old lives are washed away. Brenda, you first.”

  Brenda smiled and walked down the few feet to where I stood and I took her hand and led her into the water until it reached half way between my waist and shoulders.

  I said quietly, “Brenda, I’m sorry for what was done to you. I’m sorry for what you had to do for me. I’m so grateful for your love and sacrifice for me and for all of us. This baptism might be more for me than for you. I am the one who feels shame. You have no reason to be ashamed of anything. Everything that Irene said was a lie. You are a perfect woman and I love you. If I tried to tell you all of it, I would talk for several days. But for my sake, will you do this? And let me know that I’m forgiven?”

  She smiled and said, “Tell me what to do.”

  I said, “You take a breath. You go under the water. You let the breath out and let the past that made you less than a woman die as it is drowned in the water. When you are ready, you emerge and know that your past is gone and that you are always loved. I would breathe my own breath into your lungs as a symbol of my life in you. But Brenda, I feel so inadequate for this.”

  Brenda said, “Then, let’s do it together. What if we both go down and let our shame die? I will give up what Irene said about me and you give up the shame that it was said to me as well.”

  I said, “OK. I guess.”

  Brenda pulled me into deeper water, until the water reached my shoulders. We both took a deep breath, and then ducked under the water. We floated below the surface for perhaps half a minute and I let my breath out and tried to rise to the surface. But as I did, I was surprised when Brenda pushed herself on top of me so that I lost my footing. I struggled to stand, but Brenda was on top of me, holding me tightly. The little bit of air still in my lungs started to give out and I let it out in the beginning of a panic.

  As soon as I did, I felt Brenda press her lips to mine and force air into my lungs, and I heard in my ear saying, “This is my life that I have saved for you all these years. We’re fine here. We’re loved here. Give me your breath and we’ll share it between us.”

  I breathed back into Brenda and tried to relax.

  She said, “Oh, Joshua, how wonderful. You are my life, as I had always hoped. Take our breath and live.”

  Brenda exhaled into my lungs again and I breathed it in.

  We stayed under the water in each other’s arms and she said, “You are not responsible for what happened to me or the little sisters or your father or even Irene. That is dead now. It swims away on the river. You are free. Now, give me life again,” and I breathed back into her.

  Brenda kicked her legs, moving us quickly into shallower water, and then stood us both up. We came up in chest deep water, our breasts pressed against each other and our arms around the other’s body.

  She smiled at me and asked, “And what now?”

  I said, “Now, we get to wash each other. We wash away all of the things that were said and done and let them go.”

  Brenda grinned and said, “But, things were said about me, not you. I need you to wash me. Very thoroughly. That’s how it works, right? You wash and wash and wash every part of me until I am all clean and can’t remember anything but your touch. Isn’t that what we do? Well, if you insist.”

  Brenda lay back in the water and I caught her as she floated in front of me, breasts and belly just above the water line. She was a sight. I smiled and saw her smile back and then close her eyes, waiting for me to begin. I held her up with my left arm behind her back and washed her face, stomach, and chest with my right hand. Brenda smiled and let me touch her, running my hand up and over her breasts and around each nipple. As my hand ventured farther down her body, rubbing her thighs, she spread her legs and, when it was time, I washed gently and thoroughly between them. Brenda, like Clarice and the nymphs, was completely hairless down here and the smooth skin of her sex was beautiful as my fingers slid over and between the folds. I moved still lower and washed Brenda’s legs and finally her feet.

  When I was done with her front, she rolled onto her stomach. She was surprisingly buoyant and I easily supported her with one hand as I washed her shoulders and back. When I came to her buttocks, she again spread her legs widely to let me wash and play between her cheeks.

  As I rubbed my fingers up and down between her buns, she said quietly, “Are you thinking about what I’m think about? I hope so.”

  She was probably referencing her sexy talk in the shower this morning about wanting to experience some love-making in that area.

  I said, “Brenda, how could I not be? And, I’m as stiff as a post.”

  She said, “Good. It makes me happy.”

  I finished up by washing her calves and ankles and then I stood her in front of me so that I could do her arms, hands, and fingers. I kissed her at the end and we hugged tightly.

p; Pressing her lower body against me she said, “Aspen is a good girl. I know that we have an obligation to her, but we will love her the same as the others. And, trust me, the ‘magic’ in the garden cart worked its wonders and she won’t have any trouble fitting you inside herself. Clarice and I can see in the thermal spectrum and Aspen’s body is hot in all the right places now. She doesn’t have an implant, so what I can detect is limited to external responses, but she is absolutely aroused by you.”

  I smiled and said, “As I am by you.”

  Brenda and I walked hand in hand up to the beach. I stopped in thigh-deep water, but with my crotch visible above the water line and called to Aspen. I saw that Clarice, Raven, and the nymphs had joined us and all six of the girls and three of the little ones were together on the beach. Aspen took a few steps forward as I smiled and beckoned her to come to me. She kept glancing down at my lower half and then back up to my face.

  Wendy said, “He has a nice penis.”

  Brenda said, “He sure does. We are lucky, aren’t we?”

  Ellie said, “We got made to be lucky with him. Oh, that came out funny.”

  Mandy said, “You mean that we were made to get lucky with him. ‘Get lucky’ means that you get to sleep together.”

  Wendy said, “I’m happy that Aspen is going to get lucky.”

  Aspen may or may not have heard all of that. I didn’t know. She still seemed to be in her own world. When she reached me, where I stood in the cove, I took her hand and led her into deeper water. We stopped when it came half way over her breasts. Aspen was short, two inches taller than Raven, but two inches shorter than Viola, and fully six inches shorter than Lark.

  I said gently, “Aspen, my beloved, I am going to wash you first…”

  Aspen immediately tried to lay back in the water, the way that she had seen Brenda do it, but I stopped her.

  I said, “No, just let me touch you. I’ll show you where and how to be. I’m going to touch every part of you. I’m going to wash you. After this, you come to my house fresh and clean. All of the old life, before you became Aspen Jensen, my mate, is washed away. Any mistakes a little girl made are gone and they run away down the river.”


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