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Mercy (Sin City Outlaws #2)

Page 18

by M. N. Forgy

  “I am going to run home and change. I’ll catch you later.”

  Standing from the booth, I race home to change into something morbid and black.


  FLEXING MY KNUCKLES, blood splattered on them, Flex, Machete, and I have cleared out those who were patched in by my uncle, or those who turned on us and sided with him. There isn’t a lot of us left, but I’d rather have ten loyal men, than thirty untrustworthy men behind me.

  Sitting on a stool, Machete hands me a beer.

  “You.” I point at him. “You trashed Jillian’s house.”

  “It wasn’t that bad.”

  “I picked up a pair of your fucking underwear, man,” I explain with disgust.

  “You probably have the clap now.” Felix laughs, sipping on his beer. His hair pulled up into one of those man ponytail things.

  “Shut up, she was clean.” Machete throws a beer top at him.

  “Wait, you fucked someone in her house?” Machete looks at me with wide eyes. “You get prospect duty for that, asshole!” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “How did you let the club get this out of control, I never understood that?” Aunt Carola interrupts our back and forth as she picks up some broken glass from one of our fights.. “I mean, you were the President of the club, baby, why let anyone but yourself make the rules.”

  “I respected my uncle, hell, I was just a kid when I was put in the position of being president. I looked to my uncle for direction on a lot of things. It never occurred to me that at some point he started working me, making me do shit for him out of his own best interest and not the club’s. Not until it was too late, and even then I didn’t want to believe it.”

  Everyone goes quiet, and I take a sip of my beer.

  “So, if we’re done swapping sentimental stories, we going to finish getting this place cleaned up or…?” Felix asks, derision on his face. Laughing, I punch him in the arm.

  “What are we going to do about Cross?” Machete asks the million-dollar question when Aunt Carola walks out of the room.

  “You guys didn’t find anything on him?”

  “Nothing. Not even a blood trail,” Felix informs.

  “Work the town, find him.”

  “You think Frank was blowing smoke up your ass when he said Cross was your dad?” Felix flicks a brow, a beer halfway to his mouth. I sigh, sick of this conversation. It makes me sick to think about the possibility.

  “No, I don’t. That’s why we need to find him.”

  “Why is that?” Machete looks confused.

  “Because if I was Cross, which a part of me is, I’ll be coming back. And when I do, it’ll make the fucking history books.”

  Every weasel has to surface at some point, and when he does I’ll be there with my gun down his throat.


  I LOOK ON FROM AFAR. Everyone is at the cemetery circled around my father’s grave, a flag draped over his casket. It doesn’t feel right to step up there, not when I have the baby of the man who murdered my father in my womb.

  Plus, I’m not sure I wouldn’t get arrested on the spot. I still need to handle that.

  After everyone leaves, I spot my mother sitting on a concrete bench. Wiping my tears, I head over to her. My black heels sticking into the soft ground.

  “I thought that was you.” She doesn’t look at me, as she looks up to the sunny sky. She’s in a black lace dress, with a matching black hat that is two sizes too big.

  “Mom, I…” I stop. I don’t know what to say. I want to tell her Dad was dirty, that he wasn’t the man we thought he was, but I don’t want to break her heart more than it already is. Maybe her remembering him the way I thought he was wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

  “Sit.” Her voice is sharp, her face serious. Pulling the glasses off her face, her makeup is perfect. It doesn’t even look like she’s been crying.

  Turning to me her stone face breaks, turning into sympathy. “Don’t you waste your tears on him, baby.”

  My heart stops. “What?” I mutter.

  “I loved your daddy, and he loved you, but he was crooked as they come. Him being in that grave is probably the best for us both. To be honest, I expected this to happen a lot sooner than it did.”

  I shake my head, a tear spilling from my eyes and slipping onto my lips.

  “You knew?”

  “Of course I knew. How could I not know?” she laughs.

  “Well, I just found this out,” I state, feeling stupid for not knowing.

  “Good, that means I did something right in raising you. I did everything I could to protect you from his side deals. One time he took money from a gang here in town, and I guess he didn’t go through with his side of the deal.” She narrows her brows at me. “They set our house on fire and we lost everything. If it weren’t for the department and Red Cross we’d have slept on the streets, Jillian.”

  Oh, my God, I remember that fire. “You said it was an electrical fire.” I blink rapidly, remembering the flames licking up the side of the house as we set outside in our pajamas.

  “Yeah, well, you were a kid.”

  I rub at my forehead, I’m so stressed out. “Everything he taught me about being a cop.”

  “Was out of the goodness of his heart, he didn’t want you like him. I do commend him for that.” She nods quickly, pointing at nothing in particular.

  “I could have been killed as many times as I rode around with him.”

  She bites at her cheek, looking away. “We fought about that regularly. I wanted him to retire, give you the reins so you could turn the department around. Your dad giving up control, that was the tricky part.”

  “Doesn’t matter anymore, I’m not going to be able to do anything after they think I killed him.”

  “I know you didn’t kill him, as soon as that came on the TV I knew his dealings finally caught up to him. I was worried sick trying to find you. Alessandra and I even printed out fliers,” she smiles, grabbing my hand. “I’ve hardly slept, nervous something had happened to you. The department wouldn’t return my phone calls, or tell me anything about your case. I prayed, and hoped in my soul that you would return unharmed.”

  I smile, looking down. Not sure how and if now is the right time to reveal I’m with child.

  “You alright, dear?” She brushes a hair behind my ear.

  I shake my head, the urge to cry strong. Fuck these hormones. “I’m pregnant, Mom. It’s what kept me strong the whole time I was away.”

  “What?” her voice is high, her body leaning in like maybe she didn’t hear me right.

  “I’m pregnant.” I get straight to the point this time. Looking up at her, a big smile spreading across her face. She heard me that time.

  “Oh, my!” She clasps her hands, and looks up at the sky. “I never thought I’d see the day!”

  “Mom!” I chastise.

  “Was it with that fella, the one with the big—”

  “MOM!” My face reddens. We’re so going to Hell.

  “Well, is it?”

  “Yes, his name is Zevin, but everyone calls him Zeek.”

  “Oh, you have to have him over for dinner. I want to meet him, with clothes on this time.”

  She starts jumping in her spot, excited.

  “He’s not what you think, Mom.” Here comes the news that is going to break her happiness, but I feel she needs to know who he is to fully accept him. I’m not going to tell her everything, of course, she doesn’t need to know Zeek killed her husband, but letting her know that Zeek is no choir boy might be a start.

  She stills. “Is he good to you?”

  I flinch, not sure where she’s going with this.


  “Do you think he’ll be a good dad?”

  I nod. I’m sure of it.

  “Then that’s all that matters. Bring him over, we’ll have my casserole you like so much.”


  “DEPUTY MCADAMS, I’VE GONE over your statement and just wanted to con
firm a few things?” Sergeant Chang pulls a chair out, and takes a seat. He’s got a potbelly, his head bald with little dark freckles all over it.

  “Yes, of course.” My palms are sweaty, afraid they won’t believe me. Why would he, I’m a terrible liar.

  “You said here that the Italian gangster who goes by the street name Cross, was the one who shot Lieutenant Oaks, correct?”

  “Yes,” I respond surely, but my back is sweating like crazy, my fingers tingling as I lie through my teeth.

  “Unfortunately we were not able to locate Cristoforo.” I don’t recognize the name. Noticing the confusion on my face he frowns. “That is his birth name, Cristoforo.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know him as anything other than Cross,” I explain my confusion.

  “Right, well, like I said, I have our men out looking for him, and a search warrant for his property. We’ll find him. It also helps that we received a call from police officer Alessandra Lucas who testified to your statement.”


  His big eyebrows narrow. “Yeah, she explained that she was called to the scene that night, and didn’t see the shooter, but saw you clearly and you were not the one who pulled the trigger.” He bites his cheek. “Is that not accurate?” I swallow, my chest doing this tingly thing. Alessandra lied for me, and now I’m about to lie some more.

  “No, no, it is,” I respond quickly. It’s official. I’m going to Hell.

  “So, here is what we can do in the meantime. I can open an investigation, and if it turns out Cross did kill Lieutenant Oaks like you so clearly believe, and the results from your polygraph are clean, then you’re cleared and will be back in the department.”

  I wring my fingers together tightly. “Yes, of course.”

  “If not, I’d stay in town, deputy.” My heart just fell out of my chest.

  He pulls the papers up, tapping them against the table and holds his hand out, shaking mine firmly.

  Leaving the interrogation room I smile, act friendly and happy to see everyone, and leave the department. As soon as I get in my Jeep, my tongue becomes too thick, my gag reflex pulsing to the point acid fills my mouth. I grab a fast food bag, and vomit in it. Only this sickness isn’t from the baby, it’s from being dirty. Turning on my code of blue to save my family.

  Now I’m the outlaw.



  CURLED UP HERE IN BED, Jinx hiding under the covers with me, I think about the baby. I think about Zeek going to my mother’s for dinner. I think about…too much.

  Warm hands wrap around me, pulling me into a strong, warm chest. The familiar smell of leather and exhaust comforting me.

  “How’d it go?” Zeek whispers into my ear.

  “I went to the department, took a polygraph. I lied.” I word vomit.

  “Won’t they find out you lied if you took a test?”

  “Maybe, but if you keep your heart rate normal, and blood pressure down, then you can pass them sometimes. I’m not sure if I pulled it off though, I’ve never lied in my life.” Clawing for the comforter I pull it to my face.

  “I’m sorry you had to do that.” His words breathe into my neck, his arms pulling me closer.

  Shaking my head I inhale a large breath. “I didn’t have to do it, but I wanted my job back.”

  “You could have told them the truth and got your job back, baby.”

  I shake my head. “No, my family comes first.” I turn my head, my eyes filled with fucking hormonal tears. “You’re my family. This baby is my family, and I wouldn’t ever put myself first.” I cup his cheek, the scruff against my palm nice.

  Turning his face he kisses my palm. “I fucking love you, Rookie.”

  “I went to my dad’s funeral today.”

  He stills, his heart beating so hard in his chest I can feel it.

  “My mother was there, I told her about the baby. She wants to have you over for casserole.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “Yeah, because the last time went so well, why not.” Sarcasm drips from his voice.

  I turn toward him, giggling.

  “She’s really excited about the baby.” Zeek places his large palm on my stomach.

  “With death, comes life.”

  “Do you think this will get any easier? Us, I mean? You being a bad guy and me being the cop?”

  He sighs into the crook of my neck.

  “It won’t. But it’ll be worth it.”

  “I love you, Zeek.” I bury my head into his chest.

  His hand slips into my hair, his lips kissing my forehead.

  “I love you so fucking much, Rookie.”



  SITTING AT MY DESK I aim for the basket, and toss the lid. Shit, I missed it again.

  The months since everything went down pass by swiftly.

  They found the rifle that was used in my father’s murder in Cross’s closet, with his fingerprints all over it. I was cleared and allowed to come back to work, but because I’m pregnant, I was put on desk duty.

  It sucks.

  I’m always bored.

  I thought they’d do a full investigation on Frank’s death, but they didn’t. I guess everyone was just relieved he was gone. The news deemed it was a suicide. I think Zeek and his pull around here had something to do with that conclusion. He denies it though.

  Frank’s remains were cremated, and Zeek scattered the ashes on his father’s grave. Said they both could dwell in Hell together, that with both of them being underground, Earth wouldn’t be so maniacal. I think Zeek forgets that Cross is still missing though. Nobody can find him, it’s scary and I won’t give up until he’s found.

  “Deputy Oaks, can you book her?” I startle and push myself from my desk, my huge stomach getting caught and slowing me down. Having twins, you get bigger than if you were only having one. At least that’s what the books say. Thanks, Deluca family, that twin gene came from his side of the family.

  Finally getting out of my seat I see Dolly. She’s wearing skanky clothes, and she’s handcuffed.

  “I said I didn’t do nothing!”

  “What’s the charges?” I ask Chewie, looking over the paperwork in his hand. Chewie was my partner for a while before everything happened. He’s a dope head, but I think he’s loyal which is all that matters to me.

  “I pulled her over for speeding, and she fucking hit me with her helmet and tried to run.” He points at the side of his head, it’s bruised.


  “Yeah, don’t be nice to her. Make her wait for booking or something. You know what…just make her life hell.” He seems frustrated, his forehead wrinkled with anger. I can’t help but laugh.

  “You got it.” Making her life hell, I can do. I am going to put her in the cell with the drunk who shit himself. I would try to be professional, but when it comes to four-star cunts, I can’t oblige by the rules.

  “Hey, I got that info you wanted.” My eyes perk.


  “So, it looks like the crew moving the drugs are taking the 405.” He places his hands on his hips, his head tilted to the side as he explains his findings.

  “The 405?” That doesn’t make sense, that can’t be right. I nibble on my lip and flick the mouse to my computer.

  “What are you doing?” Ignoring him I pull up the map and point at the screen.

  “No, that’s not right, they have rival gangs on that route. Stick to the 110, they’re going to take that route, I know it.” Glancing back at Chewie, he frowns.

  “My informant says—”

  “They’re wrong, trust me on this one.”

  He inhales, and slaps the papers in his hand on the palm of his other hand.

  “You got it.”

  “Hey, you going to book me or what? Where’s my phone call, bitch?” Dolly pops some gum, her knees scraped from Chewie taking her down. Her eyes light up with recognition when I face her fully.

  “Oh, I’m sorry I’m going on
break. It’s going to be awhile.” I fake smile, rub my belly and head to the breakroom for a donut.


  “You’re sure?”

  “Yep, said to take the 110, that you had rivals on the 405.” A proud smile creeps along my face.

  “Thanks.” Hanging up the phone I gesture for Machete to climb down from the truck.

  “You smell that, that is some grade A shit, man.” Machete smells his hands.

  “Change of plans, we’re taking the 405.”

  “Dude, the Gringos use—”

  “We’ll be fine. Just keep under the radar, we got a trap set up on the 110.”

  “Fuck. Alright, I’ll let the boys know,” Machete states, pulling his phone out.

  “We’re not delivering until tomorrow, we got time to make plans and get armed,” I holler after him.


  STRIDING INTO THE HOUSE the smell of food hits my stomach. I haven’t eaten all day, and I’m starved.

  “Hey, babe!” I shout, throwing my keys on the side table.

  “I’m in the kitchen!” Jillian hollers.

  Jinx slides into the living room, and starts rubbing on my leg.

  “Hey, Devil kitty.” Reaching down I give him a scratch. I still hate cats, I only like Jinx. He understands my hatred for his kind, and accepts that fully.

  Making my way into the kitchen, Jillian is putting down a bowl of food.

  “Baby, I told you I’d cook.” Grabbing her by the sweats I pull her into me, and hug her tightly smelling her neck. Fuck, I missed her today.

  “I wanted to, it’s fine.” She cups my face with an oven mitt.

  Reaching down I rub at her belly.

  “How is my little man, and princess?”

  “Ugh, sitting on my bladder.” She groans, making her way around me. Being a father scares the shit out of me. I have a stack of fucking books on my side of the bed that I am reading, hoping they can explain to me how not to be a fucked-up dad…but they don’t tell you how to do that. They just tell you what to do when putting your child in bed. No extra blankets, don’t have it too hot, no toys. It’s scary as hell, who knew being a parent would be more terrifying than being an Outlaw?


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