Her Billionaire, Her Wolf--The Novel (A Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Romance)

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Her Billionaire, Her Wolf--The Novel (A Paranormal Alpha Werewolf Romance) Page 25

by Aames, Aimélie

  The scent of musk mingled with the lighter scents of the females as Flair did his best to maintain control.

  Then the woman behind him reached down to cup his buttocks in her hands, squeezing as the other continued to blow humid along his member while never touching him except where her hand held him in a circled grip that had grown ever tighter.

  The hands at his bottom slipped lower, then suddenly she was between his legs and pushing up hard just behind his sac.

  The pressure was excruciating and brought him up even more erect than before, a thing Flair would not have believed possible.

  Then he was arching back, all his determination flying away as his hips bucked in a whiplash of pleasure that hit him like a lightning strike.

  His orgasm pounded like a hammer at the base of his spine. Flair shuddered in the throes of animal pleasure for the second time in the same night.

  Then, he heard someone giggle.

  The sound came from across the room, then another sound, that of someone moving came to his ears.

  Someone else laughed. Then, a swell of low voices murmured before a voice spoke.

  "I give him a six."

  The warm bodies on both sides of him drifted away and Flair felt himself wilt as another voice spoke.

  "A six? Don't be ridiculous. That was a five as sure as the day is long."

  Yet another voice spoke and the low murmur was silenced immediately.

  "Perhaps a seven...what say you, Opal?"

  The answer came from a husky throat with a distinct southern drawl.

  "I says it's time for some light."

  Without transition, candles fluttered into being, their tops crowned in wavering flames and Flair saw his situation at last.

  He stood in a sort of small amphitheater and on all sides of him rose a series of seats, slightly inclined as they rose.

  Upon those seats were far more people than he would have estimated as being in the entourage of the Twins back at the dance club and as for the Twins, themselves, Flair saw them seated where they obviously enjoyed the best view of what transpired below.

  On either side of him, Flair saw the two females he had taken for the Twins. They were voluptuous, well made creatures who had drawn back from him, then shifted to wolf form as if to clothe themselves before the scrutiny of the audience under candlelight.

  "So you're the driver for the big cheese?"

  The Twin who spoke was the one of dark, dusky skin and luscious purple lips.

  Flair shrugged. If this had been some sort of test, or simply a means of demeaning him or the alpha wolf, Brazier Abraxis, through him, he decided he did not care.

  He would not give these two that kind of power over him.

  "So what if he is?" Flair asked.

  "We wuss curious, is all, Mister Stiffy," said the light skinned Twin.

  Despite himself, Flair felt a wash of heat roll over him and hoped his face did not gleam red under the flickering candlelight.

  With no means of immediate escape, the idea of shifting to hide himself in the cloak of a wolf's skin came to him, but he dismissed it. That was a cowardly thought and he knew that these two women and all their friends respected only one thing.


  Flair reached for the clothes that lay at his feet and shrugged them on.

  From his trouser's back pocket, he pulled out a small, well worn notebook. As if he was not standing in the middle of a stage after a performance that should have been perfectly humiliating, Flair flipped through the pages, then drew a short pencil from its spiral binding and scrawled something.

  The dark skinned Twin's eyes narrowed.

  "And just what do you think you're doing?"

  Flair did not answer. He appeared lost in thought, then wrote something more before glancing up as if he had forgotten where he was or who was addressing him.

  "Oh, this. I just wanted to make a couple notes for my report later. Just in case, 'the big cheese' would like to know what's going on down here in the warehouses with errant wolves who show him and his no respect."

  The dark skinned woman nodded.

  "In that case, be sure to note our names, pup. I'm Agate and she's Opal."

  Flair made no move to write anything further in his little notebook.

  "So you's not goin' to mark that down?" the one named Opal asked, frowning.

  Flair chuckled.

  "Of course not. I've already noted the most important part."

  Flair surveyed them coolly.

  "And just what was that?" asked Agate.

  "'Nothing to see here'", he replied, then continued, "Unless it's a pair of bitches who need someone to show them how useless they are while playing foolish games with their fellow wolves."

  Opal snarled. But Flair remained calm and nonplussed.

  "Furthermore, I think you had better tell me how you found out that I work for Mr. Abraxis. I don't know any of you, which means someone has been up to no good and Mr. Abraxis takes a very dim view of those who spy on him."

  "Nobody's done any spying, blondie. We smelt him on you is all."

  Flair chuckled.

  "Yeah, right. From across a crowded bar filled with a hundred other warm bodies. Don't make me laugh."

  Agate stood and despite the anger Flair felt in that moment, he could not help but be surprised once more by her dark beauty as she came down a short stairway and walked to him until they stood practically nose to nose.

  "This is no joke, wolf. We can scent anything and anyone. Even vamp's and no other wolf can say the same."

  Flair fought the urge to back away, his own hackles threatening to rise.

  Suddenly, he got the distinct feeling that he had played his cards a little too far and that the whole thing was about to come crashing down with him lying under it all.

  He drew a breath and later on he would have no idea what he had meant to say, but his train of thought was cut clean by the shrill sound of his cellphone.

  He fished it out of his pocket, glanced down to its display and said without looking up, "Yeah, I got to take this."

  Flair turned his back on the threat of imminent female violence and if he did so, it was for one reason only...the alpha wolf, himself.

  He listened to what was said on the other end, then he turned to glance back at the female glaring at him, before saying, "Uh...it's possible that I might know a way, sir."

  He listened to the response, nodded to someone he could not see, then keyed the cellphone off.

  "Ok, girls. Curious about Abraxis? Let's go meet him...."

  Agate's long lashes flew wide as her expression shifted from anger to surprise.

  "What do you mean...right now?"

  "Yeah, right now," Flair replied, "Unless, of course...you're afraid."

  That last phrase was all it took before he found himself walking briskly to his car with two of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen.

  As Flair keyed the ignition, he spared a thought for the friend he had left behind, then decided Digger was much better off where he was, all things considered.

  "Oh," he said without looking back at the two women seated behind him, "One last thing before we go. It was a scale of one to ten, right?"

  He was not sure who answered, but the response was short and sweet.


  Flair grimaced and wrenched the gear shift hard.

  "Great," he said underneath his breath and floored the gas pedal.

  The car screeched into reverse before tearing a wide fishtail that finished with the vehicle lurching forward. Then it roared out of the warehouse's parking lot and sped down deserted streets.

  Time was of the essence and Flair sincerely hoped the Twins had not lied about their abilities. Otherwise, the alpha wolf would make all of them pay.


  Flair drove down the parking garage ramp and just before the night sky disappeared overhead, he caught a glimpse of both the Twins craning their necks as they looked up at the glass covered
building that dominated everything around it.

  He smiled, but said nothing. These days, he scarcely noticed the tower any more even if it rose far higher than any other skyscraper in the city. But, apparently, it was something newcomers remarked, if not in awe, then at least in wonder.

  He supposed that the Abraxis family had built the thing with that idea in mind and that it was of a measure to their personal extravagance.

  As always, the way was barred as they descended fully into the tunnel leading to Flair's personal parking space.

  He lowered his window and placed his hand upon a small panel that looked like any other only this one did not accept parking validation tickets.

  A low tone and a green light glowed, then the gate blocking the way forward lifted up.

  To anyone else, it was nothing very remarkable, but Flair knew that if he had failed to pass the very secretive sensorial test just then, large armored bars like those of a prison would have blocked the car front and back. And, just after, highly trained guards wearing body armor, and carrying high powered recoilless rifles would arrive with their weapons targeting the hearts of the vehicle’s occupants.

  It had not always been the case. The armed guards and heavy prison-like bars were a new addition which told Flair that what he read in gossip rag newspapers might not be so very far from the truth.

  Rumor spoke of highly secured, highly secret dealings between Abraxis Industries and the government. Knowing the little he did know, Flair was sure it was all part of his employer's plan.

  A plan, apparently, that had been shaken to the core if he had understood the urgency in Brazier's phone call.

  The Twins were quiet as they rode a private elevator upwards.

  It was only when the brushed stainless steel parted before them with a whisper, that they spoke.

  "Hey, wait a second," said Agate, "This is some kind of boardroom."

  She poked a rigid finger at Flair's chest and Opal picked up where she left off.

  "You said we wuss going to meet the man."

  Flair shrugged.

  "Look, this is where I was told to come. I don't know where you two get off thinking you're so important, but Mr. Abraxis's apartment is totally off limits. No one goes up there and I mean no one."

  The room was empty but for a long table surrounded by empty chairs.

  At the far end, shadow lay in a dark pool but one could make out a single high backed chair turned to face away from the doorway and the rest of the room.

  That was when Flair saw Agate frown suddenly and she raised her face, nostrils flaring.

  Opal did the same and before anyone had a chance to say anything, a voice spoke.

  "Flair, I did not expect guests."

  The high backed chair wheeled around slowly and seated upon it, his face still in shadow, was a man who steepled his fingers while presumably looking at the three wolves.

  "Yes sir. I mean, no sir. But, I think you want to meet these two, Mr. Abraxis," Flair said.

  "Don't presume to tell me what I may or may not desire, Flair."

  "No sir, of course not."

  There was silence as the man continued to survey the three of them calmly until Agate let out her breath as if she had been holding it from the moment the chair and its occupant had turned around.

  "Okay. Veni, vidi, etcetera. I don't see what all the fuss is about."

  She turned her back on the man seated in shadows across the room and said, "Come on, Opal. This isn't worth our...."

  There was a susurration from the far side of the room, like a theater curtain being drawn back before a hushed audience and Agate heard the pale colored woman beside her take a sudden breath.

  Unable to stop herself, Agate looked over her shoulder to see that the man who had been seated as if he had every right to judgement now stood, his leather chair coasting backward with barely a sound.

  "By the mighty sons of Anubis...." she said, her voice barely more than that of a whisper.

  What she saw standing there was no ordinary man, business executive or otherwise. What she saw was a man formed in the living image of what every classical sculptor had ever dreamed of portraying. But in comparison to the living and breathing man, they had all fallen far short of the mark.

  "Veni, vidi, vici," he said, his voice low yet easily heard from where he stood. His was the kind of voice that carried. A voice that commanded respect because it spoke with the surety of strength that actions would follow and that the man behind them would not bend, nor be deflected from his chosen path.

  "You have come and you have seen, but you have conquered nothing. Nor have I dismissed you."

  His regard then went to the young male wolf and the two women sagged then remembered to breathe again.

  "Flair. Why should their presence interest me?"

  "Yes sir," the young wolf said, "Well I just met them this evening so I haven't been able confirm it myself yet, but if what they say is true...."

  Flair," the big man grumbled, "Out with it. Now."

  "They say they can track anything...maybe even vampires, sir."

  "And what is unusual about that?" was the quiet reply, "All of us can...at least for a short while."

  "Yes sir, of course. But the Twins say they can track vamp's right to their daytime lairs. They say the trail doesn't turn cold and dead like it does for the rest of us when we try."

  "Interesting," Braze said, then his eyes narrowed, "Untrue, of course, which begs the question why two females would make such a boastful claim."

  "It h'aint boasting," Opal said, her words bursting out of her, "We's capable and all that."

  "Ope, shush!" said the other one.

  "Well, that would make you two unique would it not?" said the alpha wolf, "From the dawning of the race of werewolves, you alone of all Galgallin's children can follow the trail of the undead where any other wolf stops short with a trail gone cold in a matter of minutes?

  "I admire your audacity, but I do not believe you."

  The female shifter named Opal closed her mouth and her lips drew tight, then she said, "Wanna bet?"

  The other female kicked her companion in the shin.

  "Ope, no. This smells like a trap if ever I smelled one."

  "Don't much care, Aggie. Fucker's going to learn not to mess wid us."

  There was a low rumble from across the room and neither of the female wolves could tell if it had been a chuckle or a growl.

  "That is where you are very wrong, for I shall mess with you. I will teach you the meaning of your place and you will find it is far lower than you believe it to be. But first, a wager requires terms.

  "You will track a vampire for me. Right now...this very instant. The lieu of his departure is known, but the remnants of his trail have certainly disappeared since. At least, for any of us average wolves.

  "When you fail, you shall bow to me and swear fealty to my authority as alpha of the urban wolves in this city. If you do this with sincerity and honest remorse, I shall be merciful and the punishment you deserve shall be brief...."

  Full lips drew back over bright teeth in a pair of snarls.

  "Punishment! What in the hell is this?" Agate said to the man calmly standing across the room, while it seemed as if he somehow towered over them.

  This time it was Opal's turn to kick her companion in the shin.

  "And if we h'aint lying, what then? What's the flip-side of the coin you's a tossing?"

  "Should you prove yourselves? How unlikely.

  "Nevertheless, I see hunger in both your regards. There is heat there, a wet, raw heat you would assuage with a male worthy of you both.

  "I am that male.

  "Should you prove yourselves true, then I will put myself at your disposal for however long you wish."

  With a sigh that came in unison, both women opened their mouths to lick their lips in exactly the same way, but only one of them spoke.

  "For as long we want?" Agate asked.

  "Ha, I doan' believe
it, Agate. No wolf can go as long as we want him to go."

  "That is where you are wrong, my pale beauty. I am capable of going to extremes that no other can manage.

  "Prove yourselves and then I shall prove myself. Otherwise, fail and suffer the consequences."

  "Oh," Agate began.

  "This is goin' to be good," Opal finished.

  The man across the room nodded very slightly and if anyone other than wolves had been there to see, they would have remarked how the moon glinted in his eyes. This despite the fact that the moon had forsaken them this night, her dark side turned to them as if to say she would have none of what would follow.

  "Then it is agreed."


  Flair took the Twins down to Braze's personal limousine while alpha wolf himself had stayed behind. He had said he would join them there where the vampire's trail had been lost.

  To Flair, it had seemed like hesitation and that worried him. The Brazier Abraxis he had always known never hesitated. Only, he had not even waited for them to leave.

  The alpha wolf had stalked past them all and Flair knew where he meant to go. He had heard about it, but had never seen it. Braze had a private garden, or more correctly, a private forest at the top of Abraxis Industries Tower.

  As he had passed him, Braze said, "I require a moment's reflection. You have the address of where contact was lost with the blood drinker. Take these two there and I will join you shortly."

  What would make Braze hesitate? Flair asked himself as his boss's private elevator opened its doors at the parking garage level. An array of foreign make cars sprawled in orderly rows, their sheer number representing a staggeringly large sum of money parked and collecting dust.

  "Whoooeeee...." Opal said and whistled as Flair led them to Braze's most recent acquisition. It was as sleek as all the rest but with far more horses than was reasonable under the hood.

  "Pile in, girls," Flair said with a smile, "And buckle up. This is going to be a rough ride."



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