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McKee Page 17

by A. C. Henley

  "People sometimes get out of bed before one in the afternoon, and then they have places to go and things to do." Anthony watched the detective and shivered as she took the first drink of the black coffee that had been standing on a hot plate for eight hours. "You people are heathens, dip coffee makers and that pathetic over ground dirt you call coffee is an abomination."

  Vivian took a long drink and licked her lips letting an exaggerated ‘yum' ease from her mouth.

  Anthony snorted in disgust. "There's a letter for you." He held up a plain white envelope.

  Vivian eased into a chair beside the dark man. "Who's it from?"

  "I think if you open it you'll find out."

  Vivian scowled "Fine." She took the envelope as she sat at the table. She regarded the young man across from her, "Want to talk about it?"

  Anthony pursed his lips and shook his head. "I'll be okay."

  "Does Quang know how you feel?" Vivian asked as she slipped her finger under the edge of the loosely sealed envelope opening it.

  "He's with Maggie. He's also so wrapped up in the custody case."

  The detective nodded knowing that much of Quang's time was being devoted to a new romance and the possibility of gaining custody of his little girl. Vivian smiled softly opening the letter inside and recognizing Quin's eloquent script. "He and everyone else wonder why you're being so snippy and sometimes, especially to Maggie, downright mean."

  Anthony flinched. "I didn't realize."

  Vivian took the dark man's hand, "Talk to Quang, stop blaming Mags. She's a good person. I'll admit it threw me a bit seeing them together, Maggie comes off a little…"

  "Butch?" Anthony offered.

  Vivian laughed, "Well yes, stern would work too. I really thought she was family." She scratched the side of her head, "But just because I don't see the attraction between the two doesn't mean that I will interfere, and it also means that I won't treat either of them like crap for simply breathing. This is your problem Anthony."

  Anthony nodded, "And to think I didn't want to talk about this." He squeezed the blonde's hand, "Thanks Vivian.

  "You're welcome Anthony."

  "Ummm, how did you know what it was?"

  "That you're pining away for Quang? Easy, you're family." She laid the letter in her hand flat on the table and took up her coffee mug again and started to read.


  I was called away this morning on business. A car will arrive about 2pm to pick you up. You don't need anything. I love you and will see you soon.


  She glanced up at the clock on the wall, "Fuck, its nearly two now!" She stood nearly knocking over her coffee mug that was expertly fielded by Anthony. There was a polite knock to the back door. "Fuck!" She threw up her hands and stepped to the back door. She yanked it open startling the young woman standing there in full chauffer regalia.

  "Ms. Walsh?" The little blonde asked.

  "Shit. Yes. I'm not ready."

  "Ms. McKee said to bring you as you are." The chauffer looked her up and down, smirking at the Sponge Bob pajama bottoms and pink fuzzy slippers.

  Vivian placed her hands on her hips and tapped one of the fuzzy slippers. "Ms. McKee huh?" She looked over her shoulder at Anthony who offered a shrug. Vivian's eyes closed and she sighed, "Okay Okay." She conceded, "Let's go." She walked out the door following the little blonde who led her to a large beige Bentley. She whistled low, "Ms. McKee knows how to hire a car."

  "Oh it's not hired." The chauffer informed while opening the back door of the car, "It belongs to her."

  Vivian's eyebrows rose, "Oh really? And I suppose you work for her exclusively?"

  "Yes ma'am. When Ms. McKee is in the Los Angeles area I coordinate her transportation." She waited for Vivian to settle in the back of the car then closed the door.

  Vivian let her hand wander over the soft leather of the back seat that seemed to be warmed from below. In fact the interior of the car was a perfectly comfortable temperature. The driver settled into her seat on the right side of the car. "Ms. McKee is something else." She said to herself as the car pulled from the drive. She let her self relax and enjoy the ride. It wasn't long before they pulled into a back gate at LAX. Soon the car came to a stop inside a large hanger. Her car door was opened moments later. She stepped out and found the air suddenly cold. Before she could complain there was a jacket just her size being wrapped around her shoulders. "Thanks, I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

  "Gwen." The woman offered. And held out her arm indicating where Vivian was to go.

  Vivian moved in the direction indicated. As they made their way through the hanger Vivian recognized the classic Thunderbird she drove on Thanksgiving, she paused as they came upon the bullet ridden Chevelle. "Is it going to be fixed?" She asked.

  "Yes ma'am. I'll be starting on the repairs next week. It'll be good as new."

  Vivian smiled and nodded as she started walking again, "So you're in charge of all these cars?" She indicated the hanger space with a wave of hand. They passed a trio of classic Corvettes and Vivian whistled once again in appreciation eliciting a giggle from the petite blonde next to her. Her jaw simply dropped as they exited the hanger they were in into the adjoining hanger where several restored WWII fighter planes stood on polished concrete. Each plane had its own spotlight. "Holy crap! Are these hers too?"

  Gwen nodded "She likes her toys."

  "I wouldn't call them toys. Do they work?" She asked as she skimmed her fingers over the wing of a plane.

  "Yes ma'am. She had the Mustang up just this morning." Gwen pointed to the shiny aircraft just yards away.

  "No shit?" Vivian asked. There were obviously many things she didn't know about her lover.

  "No shit, ma'am." Gwen replied with a grin.

  They continued their walk until they exited the hanger. Sitting on the tarmac in front of the building was a sleek Leer Jet. The engines were on creating a loud whine. Vivian looked at her escort who simply motioned for her to ascend the steps that were extended from the plane.

  "Enjoy your flight ma'am. I imagine we will meet again. Have a nice Holiday." The chauffer projected above the noise of the jet.

  Vivian climbed the steps and the stairs along with the door closed behind her, all of the sudden it was very quiet. She could still hear the whine of the engines, but it was seriously muted as opposed to the noise outside. She looked about the lavish cabin and shook her head. Quin McKee was a stranger to her. She was startled by a quiet ‘hey' as the stranger in question entered the cabin from what she assumed was the cockpit of the plane. "Hey yourself." She replied while settling on the leather sofa. Quin sat next to her. She turned and looked at the woman she thought she was doing so well at figuring out. A thin frown laid claim to her lips.

  "What's wrong?" Quin asked as the plane moved forward a bit. She reached across Vivian and fastened her seat belt.

  Vivian scowled, "I can't pin point just one thing. Maybe I can start with why I'm on a private jet with no clue where I'm going."

  Quin strapped herself in, "I wanted to whisk you away for Christmas, and we're going to Chicago."

  Vivian's frown deepened, "You could have asked me."

  "What's the fun in that?" Quin smiled nudging Vivian's shoulder with her own. Her smile faded as Vivian's frown persisted. She reached to a table at the end of the sofa and picked up a phone. She said two words and the plane came to a stop. "I'm sorry. Ruth kind of indicated you didn't have family and I thought you might like to meet mine. As insane and inappropriate they are, I thought it would be fun."

  Vivian sighed, "It sounds like fun. But asking me would have been better." She took Quin's hand, "I've never been on a plane." She chuckled, "I have never been out of the state."

  "Well, umm… we could drive if you don't like to fly." Quin offered.

  Vivian laughed, "Quin, how would I know if I like it or not?"

  Quin smiled, "Point taken. Okay how about this. We'll fly there, if you hate it we'll drive back.

  The blonde nodded and smiled, "Fair." She agreed. "Get this plane rolling again." She ordered. Quin complied with another phone call. She held tight to the brunette's hand as they rumbled down the runway and rose smoothly into the air. She let out a held breath and smiled at her lover who was watching her closely. She smiled and nodded indicating she was okay. "We need to talk Ms. McKee."

  Quin shrugged her shoulders, "Okay."

  "Well say something Quin. Tell me about all this." Vivian waved her hands indicating the aircraft, but was actually indicating much more.

  "I'd thought Tom and Ruth would have told you."

  "Tell me what exactly? That you're some sort of millionaire playgirl with more money than sense? Sheesh Quin, I really haven't got a clue here. I get a note, get hustled off by a little blond tart, get the nickel tour of the classic car and aircraft hall of fame, then hurried onto a friggin private jet where I find my lover dressed in an impeccable Armani suit, chilling champagne, and ready to sweep me off to Chicago for the holidays. If they had this information and didn't tell me, then I need to rethink my friendship with them. There is a fair warning clause to unconditional friendships isn't there?"

  Quin stared in dismay at the babbling woman next to her. Once Vivian had finished her tirade she was at a loss as to which question to address first. She swallowed heavily then squared her shoulders. "I'm not a playgirl."

  Vivian gaped at the brunette. She tried to speak but was unable to form a sentence. She finally sat back into the couch and crossed her arms.

  "I'm sorry Vivian." Quin said softly unhooking her seatbelt and moving to one of two leather chairs in the cabin.

  Vivian examined what had just occurred to her in the last hour. She questioned why she was acting the way she was. What was so wrong with being swept off her feet, literally, for a winter holiday? She admitted she would have preferred to been asked, but the surprise was okay, and she would like to know more about Quin McKee. Meeting her family would be nice. She shook her head and looked over at the obviously pouting woman across from her. She unhooked her seatbelt and grabbed up the champagne bottle along with the two glasses. It was just a couple of steps before she was in front of Quin. "Hey. Ummm… I'm sorry for over reacting. I'm just a bit overwhelmed, and there seems to be a lot…" she looked about the opulent cabin, "… and I mean a lot that I don't know about you Ms. McKee. So how about we open this bottle and you start filling in some of the big holes, so when we get to Chicago you're family won't think I'm some sort of gold digger."

  Quin looked sideways at the tall blonde. Vivian smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back. "I'm sorry. I should have asked you and I should have told you more about myself." She received a soft kiss for her admission. "I'm not sure where to begin."

  Vivian worked the champagne open and poured the two glasses offering one to Quin. "Just give me enough background so I can get through dinner." She tapped her glass against Quin's.

  Quin smiled and started her tale. Vivian made a mental note to kick Tom Ross's butt when she saw him next. He certainly could have filled me in on some tiny details. Oh well, to experience life one must live it. Vivian Walsh was about to live a whole lot of life.

  END of





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