His Heart's Desire

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His Heart's Desire Page 10

by Julianna Douglas

Chapter 6

  The summer passed by in a blur, and before Becca knew it, she'd been back in vet school for nearly three months. As she stood at the server station at Milano's, rubbing her aching back and wiggling her sore feet, she was beginning to wonder if this had been such a good idea after all.

  She was attending classes the equivalent of full-time hours during the day, keeping up a rigorous study schedule at night, and working Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings at the restaurant. She was extremely grateful that her manager had allowed her to keep the prime slots on the schedule when tips were the best, but even still, she was barely making enough to pay the rent and utilities, with only a little left over for groceries.

  Added to that was the stress of still not knowing what was going to happen with Jay. Todd's friend, Blake, had tried diligently to work out a plea agreement, but Jay adamantly refused to accept it, and his case had finally gone to trial last week. Although Blake was still planning to keep Becca out of it, he hadn't ruled out calling her as a surprise witness for the prosecution if things went south at the last minute. She shuddered at the thought that she might still have to give him that horrid sex tape.

  Not to mention she still missed her mom terribly.

  Everything put together had quite simply left her physically and emotionally spent. She had no idea how she was going to weather four years of this, although the thought of all the sacrifices her mom had made in her life gave Becca a little more strength to keep going. Then there was Ethan, her ever-present cheerleader on the sidelines. That thought brightened her mood a little, but she could barely manage to quirk one corner of her mouth. She was simply too tired for anything more.

  As Becca massaged a knot in her shoulder, her co-worker, Rhonda, joined her in the servers' alcove. While entering her order into the computer, the other woman glanced at Becca. “You look beat, sweetie.”

  Becca picked up a pitcher and started filling water glasses. “Yeah, I am. I'm not used to working after school, except on Fridays, and at least then I don't have class the next morning. It's been a long day.”

  “Aw,” Rhonda crooned in commiseration. “It was really sweet of you to fill in for Marcia while she's sick.”

  Becca shrugged. “I need the money.”

  Rhonda turned around and gave her a sympathetic look. “Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've got customers at table Twelve.”

  “Why is that bad news?” Becca asked suspiciously.

  “Because Candy, the hostess, told me the blond bimbo she seated there is the demanding type.”

  Becca's shoulders slumped. “Great!” She sighed. “That's all I need tonight.”

  “I'm sorry, sweetie.” Rhonda elbowed her in the side and leaned in to whisper conspiratorially. “I got a look at the guy who's with her, and at least you'll have some nice eye candy to look at.”

  Becca finally managed a smile, but despite the prospect of a handsome man to ogle, it took everything she had in her to grab a couple of water glasses before heading to their table.

  As Becca approached them, the man's face was blocked by his menu. So much for ogling. The woman wasn't unlike many of the socialites who frequented the upscale establishment. She was a stunning blonde dressed in a designer suit, with perfectly coiffed hair, beautifully manicured nails, and meticulously applied makeup. As Becca placed a water glass in front of the man, her eyes were inexplicably drawn to the woman. In her black-and-white uniform, with her hair coiled in a bun and wearing minimal makeup, Becca couldn't help feeling like a shrinking violet next to such beauty.

  As she started to put down the second water glass, a familiar voice caught her attention. “Becca?”

  Her eyes quickly turned to the man across the table. Ethan!

  Becca was so shocked by the sight of him, she was no longer paying attention to what she was doing. She accidentally sat the glass on top of a spoon. It promptly toppled over, spilling onto the table. Some of the liquid dribbled into the woman's lap.

  “You stupid idiot!” she practically shrieked as she jumped up from her seat, brushing at the wet spots on her skirt.

  Becca's attention instantly returned to the angry woman. “Oh God! I'm so sorry!”

  She ran to grab a couple of towels from the linen station around the corner, then rushed back. The woman was blotting a wet spot on her blouse with a napkin. “Here, let me help,” Becca offered as she tossed one towel onto the table and tried to absorb the liquid from the woman's skirt with the other.

  The woman snatched the towel from her hand and growled, “Give me that! I think you've done quite enough already.”

  “Lindsay, I think you're overreacting.” Ethan used the second towel to sop up the water that had spilled on the table. “It was clearly an accident.”

  “Overreacting? This incompetent twit ruined my two-thousand-dollar custom-made suit.”

  “I–I'm really sorry, miss. I–it's only water. At least it shouldn't stain.” Becca tried feebly to diffuse the situation, but her attempts backfired horribly.

  Lindsay's mouth dropped open, and she gave Becca an incredulous look. “Only water?” she repeated in a deceptively placid tone. “For your information, you nitwit, water and silk do not mix, which is something you would know if you had half a brain in your head. I should have your manager take the cost of my suit out of your paycheck,” she snarled, while pinning Becca with a malicious glare.

  Becca swallowed hard. Her day had gone from bad to worse in two minutes flat. It would take more than two month's worth of paychecks to cover the cost of something so expensive.

  Ethan's calm, firm voice broke through her cloud of dread. “Lindsay, that's enough. I'll pay for your suit myself. You're not going to Becca's manager over a spilled glass of water. Especially if you want to continue our negotiation.”

  Lindsay looked like she wanted to give him a sarcastic comeback, but she suddenly pasted on a smile instead. “Oh, Ethan, you don't have to do that. After all, it wasn't your fault.”

  “In a way it was.” Ethan looked up at Becca with those gorgeous green eyes that she could so easily get lost in. “Becca was obviously surprised to see me here, and I distracted her by saying her name. Hence, it was my fault.”

  Becca looked away shyly, astounded by his generosity in taking responsibility for her mistake. Her white knight had ridden to the rescue again. She had a sudden desire for him to take her in his arms and shield her from this spiteful woman's venom.

  “How very bourgeois of you to be on a first-name basis with the waitstaff, Ethan.” Lindsay was trying to keep her voice sweet, but her features were marked with disdain.

  “Lindsay, this is Becca. She's not just our waitress; she also happens to be my friend.” Ethan looked back at her and continued, “Becca, this is Lindsay Harris, a business associate of mine.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Becca said politely, although she certainly didn't mean it. How could she, after the way the horrible woman had been treating her?

  Lindsay merely smiled tightly and nodded almost imperceptibly before looking back at Ethan. “Ethan, if you're done visiting with your little friend, do you think we could get back to our dinner?”

  Becca sprang into action. “Again, I–I'm sorry for the mess. We're not very busy tonight. Could I move you to this table over here?” She indicated a clean, freshly-set table kitty-corner to the one where they were sitting.

  “That would be great, Becca.”

  Ethan rose from his chair, and Lindsay followed him.

  “While you're getting settled, I'll get you some new water glasses.”

  Becca returned with their water and was mindful of where she was placing the glasses this time. “Are you ready to order?”

  She took their order and returned to the server station to enter it into the computer. When it was time to bring them their food, she used extra care in setting their plates on the table and was especially attentive to their needs throughout the meal.

  Ethan was sweet and polite as always.
Lindsay continued to treat her coolly, but thankfully, found no further reason to yell at her.

  As Becca waited on other tables and attended to her duties, the couple ate their meal and conversed over folders laid open on the table. She couldn't help stealing glances their way. One time she caught Lindsay leaning across the table with her hand on Ethan's arm while she talked, as though sharing confidences with an old friend. Becca was pretty sure Lindsay was only doing it to show off her generous cleavage, in much the same way she showcased her long legs in the short shirt she was wearing. It all made Becca want to claw the woman's eyes out.

  Another time, she saw Ethan perusing some paperwork intently. That unruly lock of hair she loved had fallen over his eye. Lindsay reached over and smoothed it back into place. The gesture sent a jolt of jealousy straight through Becca's heart. She ached to be the one touching him, and Lindsay looked like a woman who was staking a claim. What did she mean to Ethan that he would allow her to touch him so familiarly?

  Could he actually like the horrible woman? Lindsay didn't seem like his type at all. Then again, Ethan never discussed his love life, so she really had no idea what his type was. Maybe women like Lindsay did turn him on. After all, men could be shallow. Usually, all it took was a pair of big boobs and a nice butt to get their motor humming. Lindsay had both, plus long shapely legs and the looks of a runway model to boot. Becca might be a lot nicer than Lindsay, but when it came to outward beauty, she couldn't even hope to compete.

  After what seemed like forever, Ethan and Lindsay rose from the table, gathering their things in preparation to leave. Becca wanted to say good-bye to Ethan, but didn't dare with that witch around. Instead, she grabbed the tray of dirty dishes she'd collected from a nearby table and headed back to the server station.

  She slid the dishes into a tub under the counter, then straightened. As she reached around to rub the knot in her neck again, a large pair of male hands descended on her shoulders and began to massage the area.

  She started, but then that gentle, familiar voice murmured in her ear, “Easy, Becca. It's just me.”

  “Ethan, what are you doing?”

  “You look dead on your feet. I thought you could use a little TLC.”

  “You were so engrossed in your dinner, I didn't think you'd notice.”

  “I'm never too busy to pay attention to my best friend. So what are you doing here tonight? I thought you only worked weekends.”

  “Covering for a sick friend–Oh!” Becca exclaimed when his thumbs hit a particularly sore spot. As his hands worked their magic, her initial moan softened into a hum. “So where's Lindsay?” she asked.

  “We took separate cars. She already left.”

  “So what's going on with you two?” She tried to sound nonchalant, but the jealously was welling up inside her again.

  “We're working on a business merger that's really important to the company. If we can make it happen, Pet Emporium will have its own pet food division, which could be very lucrative in the future. By the way, I'm sorry you had to take the brunt of her little temper tantrum. I know she's spoiled and can be a bit much to take sometimes, but I've never seen her act like that before. Truthfully, I think she's in over her head on this business deal, and was probably stressed out. Maybe that's why she lashed out at you.”

  Ethan's defense of Lindsay didn't make Becca feel any better about the woman. She was usually the type of person who gave everybody a chance, but Lindsay had rubbed her the wrong way from the moment she first laid eyes on her. Maybe it was jealousy clouding her judgment, but she truly hoped Ethan wasn't getting the wool pulled over his eyes where that woman was concerned.

  She turned around and gave him a wan smile. “It's OK, Ethan.”

  “No, it's not. But thank you for being so gracious. It's one of things I love about you.” He reached out and pulled her into an embrace. “I left a little something extra on your tip to help make up for Lindsay's behavior.”

  She pulled back and looked up at him. “Ethan, you didn't have to do that.”

  “Yes, I did,” he replied firmly. “And it's still not enough to cover what you put up with, but I guess it'll do for now.”

  “Well, thank you. That's very sweet of you.”

  “You're welcome. I'd better get going. Go home and get some rest as soon as you can.”

  She smiled. “I will.”

  Ethan turned and headed toward the door right before Rhonda returned to the alcove. “Was that Mr. Eye Candy I just saw talking to you?”

  Becca giggled. “Yes. He happens to be a friend of mine.”

  Rhonda gave her an incredulous look. “Are you serious, girl?”

  Becca nodded.

  “Whoo-wee!” Rhonda exclaimed while fanning herself with one of the leather folders used to hold meal checks. “I wish I had a hot stud like that for a friend, leaving me one hundred percent tips.”

  “What?” Becca asked, thinking she'd heard the other waitress wrong.

  “That gorgeous man friend of yours left you a two hundred dollar tip.”

  Becca shook her head. “You must have read it wrong. Are you sure it isn't twenty?”

  Rhonda held out the open folder. “See for yourself.”

  Becca took it from the other waitress's hands. Her jaw dropped. Right there in Ethan's neat hand-writing was the unmistakable figure of two hundred dollars on the tip line. Quickly regaining her composure, Becca rushed out onto the restaurant floor, looking for him, but the outrageous man was already long gone.

  Chapter 7

  On the Monday two days before Christmas, Becca curled up in her favorite overstuffed chair to read a new romance novel Edna had loaned her. Since starting vet school, she hadn't read a single book that wasn't for educational purposes. Friday had been the last day before winter break began. Earlier in the evening, when she realized there was no studying to do and she didn't have to go to work, a glorious sense of freedom assailed her. Now she relaxed while finally indulging her passion for reading again. It felt amazing!

  Ethan always starred as the hero of every romance she read, and this one was no exception. She had reached a particularly steamy part, and imaginings of Ethan making love to her like that made her body tingle with an awareness that settled at the juncture of her thighs. She was thoroughly engrossed in the story until a knock sounded at the door. Confused, she glanced at the clock, which told her it was after eight p.m. She wasn't expecting anyone. Maybe it was Edna, needing a favor.

  Becca reluctantly set her book aside and rose to answer the door. Leaving the security chain in place, she cautiously opened it.

  “Ethan!” She quickly closed the door to remove the lock, then swung it wide.

  As he entered, the scent of his cologne, mixed with a masculine essence belonging only to him, wafted over to her. At the sight and smell of him her pulse raced, bringing back images of the naughty fantasies her brain had been conjuring a moment ago. Feeling a blush rising in her cheeks, she shyly glanced away, while busying herself closing and locking the door.

  Finally, she turned and met his gaze. Instantly, she was lost in those gorgeous green eyes, and her body heated even more. She cleared her throat nervously. “So what you doing here?”

  “I came to share some news with you.”

  “Oh! It must be pretty important for you to make a special trip, since we would have seen each other tomorrow at lunch.”

  He nodded. “It's very important, and I didn't think it could wait.”

  His grave tone effectively put a damper on her desire.

  “Sounds serious. Come on in.” She motioned toward the sofa. “Have a seat.”

  He hesitated. “Actually, would you mind if we sit out on the patio?”

  “Um...” The mere thought of sitting on the patio in December made her shiver. “Don't you think it's a little chilly for that?”

  Ethan laughed. “Trust me. I have a very good reason. Why don't you go get a sweater while I build a fire?”

  She shrugged. “OK
, if you say so,” she replied skeptically, but headed for her bedroom to do as he'd asked.

  By the time Becca joined him on the patio, Ethan had a cheerful, crackling fire burning in the free-standing fire pit.

  He scooted to the other side of the love seat and patted the cushion where he'd been sitting. “Have a seat. I already warmed it up for you.”

  She gave him a gentle smile as she sat down next to him. “That's so sweet of you.”

  His heart clenched when he noticed she was wearing her mom's sweater, the same one he'd rescued from Jay's apartment.

  “So what's this important news you have for me?” she asked.

  He took a deep breath. “Todd's friend, Blake, called me today.”

  Instantly, her smile faded, and apprehension filled her eyes.

  He reached out to take her hand, which was like grabbing an ice cube. “Don't worry. It's good news, not bad.” He chafed her hand between his, trying to bring some warmth back into it.

  Becca relaxed, and her face took on a hopeful expression.

  Not wanting to keep her waiting any longer, Ethan dove into the reason for his visit. “The jury came back today with their verdict.” He paused a moment for effect, then gave her a big grin as he added, “Guilty.”

  “Oh, thank God!” she breathed. She leaned back, a look of utter relief washing over her entire body.

  “He said the sentence hasn't been passed yet, but it's looking like Jay is going to be in prison for several years, and that's just for taping his sexual encounters without the women's consent and using the recordings to make money on the illegal porn site. He's still going to be extradited to Alabama to face the statutory rape charges.”

  “Oh, Ethan, I've been worried about this for so long. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am that it's finally over.”

  Knowing that he'd been able to bring her a measure of peace made him happy. “I think I have a pretty good idea what it means to you. Now you see why it couldn't wait until tomorrow.”

  She nodded, her full, sensual lips turned up in a blissful smile. “Thank you.” She squeezed his hand.


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