His Heart's Desire

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His Heart's Desire Page 13

by Julianna Douglas

  Lindsay touch her earlobes and preened. “Aren't they, though. A gift like this definitely means things are headed in the right direction. Ethan and I have been spending a lot of time together.” She laughed conspiratorially. “A few more weeks, and he'll be putty in my hands.”

  The redhead tapped Lindsay's arm with her fake French manicured nails. “If he gives earrings like that, I can't wait to see the engagement ring he buys you.”

  The champagne bottle nearly slipped from Becca's hand, but she managed to grip it tightly just in time to prevent it from falling to the floor, then placed it back in the ice bucket next to the table.

  Ethan bought Lindsay those earrings? Why would he do that? Lindsay mentioned them spending a lot of time together. Maybe they'd been dating in addition to working on a business merger.

  But if he was serious enough about Lindsay to be thinking of an engagement, why hadn't he told her? Questions whirled through her mind.

  “We're ready to order,” the brunette said impatiently.

  “Oh y–yes,” Becca stammered. “What can I get for you?”

  When Becca returned a while later with their entrées, she took another look at Lindsay's sparkling earrings. She remembered the gifts Ethan had given her for Christmas, and a red-hot poker of jealousy stabbed her heart. It wasn't that she wanted the sapphire jewelry that must have cost a fortune. She wouldn't even know what to do with it. It was that her presents seemed drab in comparison. More than anything, it made her feel drab next to Lindsay's incomparable beauty. In that instant, she had to know exactly how close Lindsay and Ethan were.

  As she placed Lindsay's plate in front of her, Becca casually asked, “So, Miss Harris, you and Ethan seem to know each other pretty well. How long have you been business associates?”

  Lindsay seemed eager to answer. “Oh, Ethan and I have known each other for years. Our fathers have been doing business together since we were teenagers. We finally met a few years back at a company party. With our fathers being friends, I always knew it was inevitable that we would get together.” She giggled. “We dated for a while, but what with Ethan taking over the company for his father and me finishing business school, we were too busy to nurture our relationship like we should have.” Her eyes took on a sickeningly adoring gaze. “But I'm thrilled this merger we're working on has brought us back together again. With you and Ethan being such good friends, I'm surprised he never told you about me,” she finished smugly.

  Becca shrugged. “No, I'm afraid he didn't mention you before we met last year.”

  Becca wanted to think that Ethan's failure to tell her about Lindsay meant there was nothing to tell, but the smirk the awful woman gave her and the shining sapphires dangling from her ears seemed to suggest otherwise.

  “Your earrings are really beautiful.”

  “Why, thank you.”

  “It was very generous of Ethan.”

  “Yes, it was.” Lindsay fingered the sparkling jewels. “But you know all about Ethan's generosity, don't you?”

  Becca's brows dropped into a frown. Certainly, Ethan had been generous with her, but how would Lindsay know about that? Unless he'd told her. Becca felt a pain in her chest at the thought of him sharing personal information like that with this woman.

  Before Becca could form a question to dispel her confusion, Lindsay continued, “You must have really rocked Ethan's world to make him give you that much money.”

  A chill went down Becca's spine. She had a bad feeling about where this conversation was headed. “W–What are you talking about?”

  Lindsay leaned closer. She spoke in a hushed tone behind her hand. “I mean why else would a gorgeous man like him give someone like you 150,000 dollars?”

  A wave of shock passed through Becca. “I did not sleep with Ethan for money,” she ground out through clenched teeth. “I would never do something like that.”

  “Well, that's a relief!” Lindsay breathed while pressing a hand to her breast. “I don't know if I'd want to be involved with a man who would pay for it. I must have completely misread the situation. I thought you and Ethan had some sort of arrangement, but it appears you didn't even know that he was the one paying for your sponsorship. I'm so sorry for spilling the beans. Please don't tell him that I'm the one who told you. I don't want him to be upset with me.”

  The woman was worried about saving her own neck when she'd just ruined Becca's life?

  Her head buzzed with confusion. Drawing her last ounce of strength and willing herself not to cry in front of these women, Becca said, “Please excuse me. Enjoy your dinner.”

  It was all Becca could do to keep her pace to a placid walk when she wanted to run from the building screaming. As she passed Rhonda, she stopped briefly. “I'm going on break. Can you cover my tables for me?”

  “Of course, sweetie.”

  Before the other server could say another word, Becca dashed through the kitchen and out the back door. The brisk January air outside nipped at her face and hands. She found a spot in the shadows away from the door and leaned back against the brick wall. Only then did she finally allow the tears to fall. They coursed down her cheeks in rivulets.

  Ethan had told her he had nothing to do with the sponsorship. How could he lie to her like that? He had promised he wouldn't try to give her any more money or expensive gifts. Did a promise mean nothing to him? Lindsay's words as she'd intimated that Becca was sleeping with Ethan for the money echoed in Becca's head, followed by memories of Trent and what he'd done to her mom and nearly to her.

  Maybe Ethan was planning to use the money as leverage for sex.

  Suddenly, she felt dirty and sick to her stomach.

  No! The rational part of her brain screamed back. He's sweet and kind. He supported me all through Mom's death and the incident with Jay. He would never do something like that.

  Then again, she never thought he would lie to her either, but he had. Nothing made sense anymore.

  Becca slid down the wall to her haunches, her arms crossed over her stomach, and sobbed.

  She had no idea how long she'd been out there, but at the sound of the door being opened, she quickly came back to herself and dashed the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.

  “There you are.”

  Becca rose from her crouched position as Rhonda approached.

  “Oh, honey, you've been crying.” The other woman placed a hand on Becca's shoulder and rubbed it in a motherly way. “Are those bitches treating you like dirt again?”

  “Yeah,” Becca answered hoarsely.

  Rhonda was one of the nicest people she worked with, but they weren't exactly close friends. She didn't feel like explaining the whole sordid situation to her. Besides, those bitches, as Rhonda had put it, were partially responsible for Becca's tears, so it wasn't exactly a lie.

  “I'm sorry.” Rhonda glanced toward the door. “You've been gone for twenty minutes. I know it's hard, but you probably better get back in there before the manager comes looking for you. You can't allow those women to make you lose your job. They're not worth it.”

  Becca sniffled and gave her a nod.

  “Tell you what, you come back in with me, then go to the restroom and wash your face. I'll finish up with the spoiled brats while you take care of the rest of your tables. OK?”

  “All right. Thank you, Rhonda.”

  Becca allowed the other woman to lead her back inside, and she did as she'd been bid.

  She finished her shift in a state of numbness. Since she was closing, she didn't get off work until 11 p.m. As she drove home, she considered the situation again. Maybe Lindsay only said those things to upset her. After all, the woman had been ready to call the manager over a spilled glass of water the first time they met. Perhaps it was all part of a horrible plot to get revenge on Becca for ruining her designer suit.

  She had to talk to Ethan. It was probably all just a misunderstanding, or maybe Lindsay was a liar. She hoped so, anyway.

  By the time Becca returned
home, she'd calmed down some. She hated calling Ethan so late on a work night, but for her peace of mind, she had to try.

  Unfortunately, there was no answer. He was probably already in bed.

  She replaced the phone in the cradle and went to her room, completing her bedtime routine by rote. Exhausted, she slipped under the covers and fell into a fitful sleep.

  * * * * *

  After a restless night, Becca awakened feeling almost as worn out as when she'd gone to bed. Even after a shower and two cups of coffee, she could still barely keep her eyes open.

  She yawned and checked the clock. She had half an hour before needing to be in class, so she picked up the phone to try Ethan again. It immediately rolled over to voice-mail. She left a brief message asking him to call, and then headed for school.

  In between classes, she continued calling Ethan, but his voice-mail picked up every time. Where was he? Each time she was unable to reach him, Becca became increasingly frustrated, resulting in her messages becoming increasingly urgent. That afternoon, as she climbed in her car to leave school, she dialed Ethan's cell phone one more time.

  When the recorded message came on again, the bombshell Lindsay had dropped on her, the lack of sleep, and Becca's own anxiety combined to make her lose it. “Ethan, where the hell are you? I need to talk to you about something really important. I've been trying to reach you since last night. You promised you'd be there for me.” Her voice caught on a little sob. “Please call me. I need you.”

  Becca leaned back in her seat, closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself. After wiping the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, she drove home.

  Upon arriving, she dialed Ethan's office. It was only three in the afternoon, so he might still be there.

  Ethan's secretary, Cathy, picked up and greeted her with a cheerful voice. “Pet Emporium. Ethan Montgomery's office.”

  “Hi, Cathy. This is Becca Anderson.”

  “Oh, hi, Becca. What can I do for you?”

  “I've been trying to get in touch with Ethan since last night, but he's not answering his cell phone. It's really important. Do you know where he is?”

  “Yes, I do. Some people are in from out-of-town, working on the big merger deal. He's staying with them at a resort out in Scottsdale so that they can get more work done. He said his cell phone would be off while they're in meetings. I think they've been at it all day, though. He probably hasn't had time to check messages.”

  “I see,” Becca replied with disappointment. “Any idea when he might be finished?”

  Cathy sighed. “Sorry, no clue. But I could give you the landline for the resort if you'd like. A long time ago, Ethan gave me instructions that if you ever called, I should put you straight through, no matter what he was doing. Since I can't connect you directly, this would be the next best thing. Maybe you'll get lucky and catch him in his room.”

  “Thank you, Cathy. I would appreciate it.”

  Cathy gave her the phone number for the resort and Ethan's room number. “As soon as he checks in with me, I'll be sure to let him know you called. I hope you can reach him.”

  “Me too,” Becca replied hopefully. “Thanks again.”

  As soon as Becca hung up with Cathy, she immediately dialed the resort and asked for Ethan's room. It rang several times before being picked up. A sultry female voice answered, “Hello.”

  “I–I'm sorry, they must have connected me with the wrong room.”

  “What room are you looking for?”

  Becca gave her the number.

  “This is the correct room. Perhaps I should ask who you're looking for?”

  “Ethan Montgomery,” Becca replied hesitantly.

  “Why, yes, this is Ethan's room.”

  Tension flooded her body as she realized with whom she was speaking. “Lindsay?” she asked softly, barely able to get the name out.

  “Yes, who's this?”

  “Becca Anderson,” she answered tightly, feeling like all the air had left her lungs. What the hell was this woman doing in Ethan's room?

  “Oh, hello, Becky. What a coincidence. I wondered what happened to you after our little chat last night.”

  Becca ignored the woman's comment and asked, “Would you please put Ethan on the phone?”

  “Um...” Lindsay hesitated. “I'm afraid he's a bit indisposed right now, since he can't take a phone into the shower.” She laughed.

  The shower? Ethan was in the shower while Lindsay was in his room?

  An image of the two of them entwined in a passionate embrace, rolling around in the sheets, came unbidden to Becca's mind. Her chest tightened until she could barely breathe. “I have to go,” she said numbly.

  She hung up before Lindsay could say another word, then lay down on her bed, buried her face in a pillow and sobbed. She might be angry and hurt about Ethan lying to her, but even that couldn't compare to the pain of him being with another woman, especially when she desperately needed him. How could he even like a bitch like Lindsay? That question haunted Becca as she slipped into a uneasy sleep.

  Lindsay hung up the phone with a devilish grin on her lips. That couldn't have worked out better if she'd planned it. She couldn't believe her luck. She had no idea that waitress was going to call here, and it was purely by chance that she'd been the one to answer. Ethan was in the middle of explaining some very detailed sales numbers to the owners of the pet food company when his room phone rang. No one ever called his room. With his cell phone off during the business meeting, he thought it might be urgent, and asked her to answer it for him.

  Lindsay had gone to pick up the extension in the bedroom for privacy, leaving the others in the sitting area of Ethan's spacious suite. Once she'd realized it was Becky on the other end, she'd decided to have some fun. The horrified expression on that girl's face last night at Milano's probably paled in comparison to what she must look like now. Lindsay wished she could be there to see it. Becky hanging up without even asking for Ethan again or leaving a message definitely indicated the little mouse was upset, a fact that made Lindsay positively gleeful.

  Before returning to the meeting, she made sure to paste a placid look on her face, as if nothing had happened.

  When she reentered the sitting room, it appeared that Ethan had finally finished his boring exposition. He looked up and asked, “Who was it?”

  She gave him a serene smile. “Wrong number.”

  Chapter 10

  By the time Becca awoke, darkness had descended. Her head ached, and every muscle in her body protested as she rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed. A quick look at the clock told her it was a little past seven. She went into the bathroom, wet a cloth with cool water, and pressed it against her red, swollen eyes.

  She had no idea what to do. She was in love with Ethan, but he'd lied to her. And now it seemed he was more interested in a roll in the hay with a blonde bitch than keeping his promise to always be there for her.

  Becca lowered the cloth and took a look in the mirror at her haggard face and tangled hair. She could hardly blame the man. Lindsay might be mean, but she was undeniably beautiful. Unlike her. The plain, ordinary girl next door.

  Running fingers through her hair, she padded to the kitchen in her bare feet. It had been hours since she'd last eaten. Becca opened the refrigerator, but as she gazed blankly at the contents she realized she had no appetite. After pouring herself a glass of water, she went back to the living room and pulled out her textbooks. She spread them on the coffee table with the intention of studying.

  Half an hour later, she was still staring at the same page.

  A knock sounded at the door, startling her. Not really in the mood for company, she reluctantly got up and went to answer it.

  Ethan waited impatiently on Becca's doorstep. He hadn't been able to get away from the negotiations until well past six. As he'd listened to Becca's increasingly frantic messages, his heart had risen in his throat. Worried that something terrible had happened, he im
mediately left the resort and sped to her apartment. On the way, he dialed her cell phone multiple times but got no answer. When he arrived, her lights were on. He hoped that meant she was home.

  Finally, the door opened. Becca stood there in rumpled clothes, her hair mussed. Her eyes were swollen, with dark streaks under them as if she hadn't slept in days. Something was terribly wrong.

  “Becca, I didn't get your messages until about an hour ago. I got here as fast as I could. Why didn't you answer your phone?”

  As she stepped back, allowing him to enter, she answered hoarsely, “I fell asleep for a while. I guess I didn't hear it.”

  After closing the door behind him, he reached out, intending to take her in his arms, but she shied away, walking toward the sofa.

  He hadn't seen her this despondent since the night Jay used her, and even then, she'd allowed him to hold her. Fear gripped his heart. “Becca, what's wrong?”

  She picked up an empty glass from the coffee table and rolled it nervously between her open palms. She didn't look at him when she spoke. “I received some very upsetting news last night, and I need to know if it's true.”

  He closed the distance between them, but once again she retreated, this time to the kitchen. “Tell me what it is,” he prodded gently as he followed.

  Becca turned and leaned against the counter, clutching the glass to her chest. Her beautiful blue eyes, marred by signs of misery, glittered with unshed tears. She swallowed hard, as though having difficulty forming the words. Finally, she spoke. “Are you the donor who paid for my sponsorship?”

  Her question stunned him. How had she found out? Ethan briefly toyed with the idea of lying again but sensed it would do more harm than good. He sighed deeply and resignedly. “Yes.”

  Becca's face crumpled, and the tears she'd been holding back trickled down her cheeks. “How could you do this to me? I told you how important it was for me to do this on my own, and yet you've stepped in repeatedly. I told you accepting your money makes me uncomfortable, but you keep going behind my back, giving it to me anyway, in ways that I can't refuse.”


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