His Heart's Desire

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His Heart's Desire Page 32

by Julianna Douglas

  He had no idea how long he'd been sleeping, but the dream world and the real world gradually blurred together. The feel of long, slender feminine fingers caressing his cock teased him toward consciousness. From far away, he thought he heard someone moan. Was that him? Soon the gentle fingers were replaced by a hot, wet mouth. This time he knew the groan belonged to him.

  He cracked an eyelid to see the duskiness of the night sky being chased away by dawn's light through the French doors leading to the balcony. Turning his head, he looked down his naked body. The sight of his wife's sweet mouth wrapped around his erection quickened his heartbeat and made him all but whimper. God, he couldn't think of a better way to be woken up.

  As a strangled sound escaped his lips, Becca looked up at him. A mischievous glint lit her eyes, and he could feel her mouth curving around him in the semblance of a smile. Slowly and deliberately, her gaze never leaving his, she slid her hot tongue up his hard length before releasing him.

  She slithered up his body until she was straddling his hips and her upper body pressed into his chest. Placing her hands on either side of his face, she claimed his lips in a passionate kiss.

  When she finally raised her head, she gave him a wide grin. “I got to be queen for the night. Now it's your turn to be king for a day.”

  He sighed with anticipation. “Sweetheart, I'm all yours.”

  Ethan was pretty sure he had a goofy grin on his face as his lovely wife proceeded to make all his dream-world fantasies come true in the light of day.


  Three Years Later

  It was late spring in Phoenix, but the temperature had already risen to a toasty ninety degrees. Ethan was glad to be under the shade of a large tent-like canopy equipped with a mister, which made his long wait in the heat more bearable. He'd insisted on having front-row seats for Becca's graduation ceremony and had been patiently waiting for nearly an hour, saving the entire row for their family. The seats had been slowly filling up, and the tent now buzzed with activity as the time neared for the festivities to start. His parents, Nathan, and Alexis had already arrived.

  Ethan glanced nervously at this watch. It was only ten minutes to start time, and the others still weren't here. He looked back over his shoulder, scanning the crowd before turning back to his sister. “I wonder where they are.”

  “Don't worry, Ethan,” Alex replied. “They'll be here. They were getting everything ready to go when I left the house. They shouldn't be far behind.”

  “Hey, speak of the devil,” Nathan added as he got to his feet and waved.

  Grandpa Harry returned the greeting. With his arm around Edna, the newest Mrs. Montgomery, he nimbly navigated his way through the crowd in the main aisle.

  The little girl in Edna's arms started bouncing up and down until her great-grandma had to lower her to the ground. Once on her feet, the toddler bolted down the aisle and flung herself into Ethan's arms. “Daddeee,” she squealed.

  Ethan swung his daughter up onto his lap and gave her a bear hug. “Hey, pumpkin. How's my girl?”

  She clung to his neck and giggled with delight. “Good,” she answered in her little pixie voice. “Where Mommy?”

  “Look right there,” he said, pointing to the stage. “Do you see her up there in her cap and gown?”

  His little girl nodded vigorously, her golden brown pigtails bobbing. “Hi, Mommy,” she called, waving a pudgy little hand.

  Becca's face lit up with a smile when she caught sight of them. She wiggled her fingers in a discreet wave, then blew a kiss in their direction.

  Ethan pretended to catch it. He planted a kiss of his own on their daughter's head just before she squirmed down to greet her Aunt Alexis, who cooed, “Hey, Caro, sweetie, do you have a hug for me too?”

  Ethan watched as his beautiful little girl charmed her way down the row, doling out hugs and kisses to her doting aunt, uncle and grandparents. Little Caroline was named after Becca's mother, and looked so much like Becca, it was uncanny. Ethan was already trying to figure out how to keep the boys away when she became a teenager. At only two years old, the toddler was a bundle of energy and already as smart as a whip.

  Caro had been born nearly nine months to the day after their honeymoon. Thankfully, Becca had been on spring break, so the weekend had stretched into a full week of sheer bliss. Remembering it filled Ethan with a sense of euphoria. Becca had said she was up for starting a family anytime, so they hadn't used protection. Still, he hadn't expected it to happen quite that fast, but considering that they had spent most of that week in bed–and in the jacuzzi, and on the floor in front of the fireplace–he couldn't honestly say he was surprised. When the pregnancy test stick had turned pink one month later, he was ecstatic, but that was soon followed by worry over whether it was too soon to add a child to the mix. Thankfully, Caro had been an easy baby, and their little trio, plus Buddy and Miss Kitty, had adjusted to family life beautifully. In fact, things were going so well, they had decided to have another baby.

  Ethan roused from his reverie as the graduation ceremony began. Anticipation filled him as he waited for the moment that Becca had been working toward for so long. He was so glad she had returned to school. It really seemed to boost her confidence, and it gave her a sense of accomplishment, not to mention she had a real gift with animals.

  When Becca's name was finally announced and she crossed the platform to receive her diploma, his heart swelled with pride. He knew she was going to make a great doctor, and he couldn't wait to give her the graduation gift that he and Alex had been working on for the last few months.

  When the ceremony ended and Becca joined them, Ethan wrapped his arms around her waist. Lifting her feet off the ground, he swung her around before planting a kiss on her delectable lips.

  “So how does it feel, Dr. Montgomery?”

  She laughed giddily. “Oh, Ethan, it feels wonderful.” She curled a hand around his neck and brought his forehead down to rest on hers. “But I couldn't have done it without you by my side.”

  “That's where I always plan to be, sweetheart.”

  Just then, Ethan felt a little kick coming from the swell of Becca's belly, pressed against his.

  She gasped. “Did you feel that?”

  “I did. Maybe I should swing you around a couple more times. I think he liked the ride.”

  “He?” Becca rolled her eyes at him and giggled.

  “It would be nice to have a boy next, but you know I'm fine with another girl, especially if she looks like her mommy and sister.”

  “Aw, Ethan, you're so sweet.”

  She ducked her head shyly, and he kissed her temple.

  Nathan joined them, carrying Caro in his arms. “Hey, you two love birds. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for the party.”

  They all agreed and headed for Ethan's parents' house.

  When they arrived, Becca was shocked to find a huge gathering there, which included many of the people she had met at her first pool party here three years ago. She recalled that most of them had expressed an interest in her idea for a free animal clinic and shelter, and she couldn't help wondering if they might still be open to making a donation to help make her long-time dream finally become reality. With Ethan by her side, she excitedly mingled with the crowd.

  After a while, Ethan parted company with her to speak with a business associate. Left alone, Becca wandered in the direction of the bar to get a cold drink. As she waited for the bartender to pour her a glass of iced tea, a sticky-sweet voice she hadn't heard in ages came from behind her. “Well, look at you, Becky. I leave town for a couple of years and come back to find you've taken on the shape of a beached whale.”

  Becca's jaw tightened. “Lindsay,” she ground out before slowly turning around to face the other woman, her back straight and her head high. She let out a huff of laughter. “I see you haven't changed a bit.”

  “No, but you certainly have.” Lindsay smirked as she looked pointedly at a Becca's swollen belly. “I can't
imagine Ethan finds that attractive. In your condition, I bet his needs aren't being attended to very well either. Maybe he'd like some more attentive, shapely female company.”

  Becca took a deep breath to steel herself against the horrible woman's jibes, then looked her straight in the eye while answering. “You know, Lindsay, just because your marriage to that European count didn't work out, it doesn't mean you can waltz back to Phoenix and try to steal my husband. Ethan chose me. He loves me, and our children. Nothing you say or do will make him leave us for you.”

  “We'll see about that,” Lindsay replied with a smug pout of her bright red lips.

  Alex sidled up next to Becca and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Is she bothering you, sweetie?”

  “It's all right, Alex. I'll handle it,” Becca replied softly. Her sister-in-law's presence bolstered Becca's confidence even further, and she met Lindsay's steely gaze with one of her own. “I may have allowed you to cow me in the past, Lindsay, but I'm not afraid of you anymore. I'm completely secure in Ethan's love for me, and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that there's nothing you can do to turn his head. He doesn't love you, and he never did. Three years ago, you manipulated me into thinking that Ethan didn't care about me. Every word out your mouth was a lie, but it still didn't break us apart. Give it up.”

  Throughout Becca's speech, Lindsay's face gradually turned to ice.

  Having said her piece, Becca turned to leave, but then she recalled the words Lindsay had uttered in this very spot. She knew it wasn't a nice thing to do, but Lindsay obviously didn't understand or respect nice. Slowly, Becca turned back to the other woman and, in a calm even tone, twisted those words back on her nemesis. “Actually, Lindsay, I didn't give you full credit. There was one thing you did tell the truth about.”

  Lindsay gave her a questioning look, but said nothing.

  “Ethan is damn good in bed. Too bad you'll never know.”

  Lindsay's face registered shock. She opened her mouth as if to say something, but couldn't seem to think of a snide comeback. She snapped it shut again, spun on her heels, and stalked out of the party in a huff.

  Beside Becca, Alex gasped. “I can't believe you said that. Way to go, girl!”

  Becca struggled not to smile as a huge sense of relief and satisfaction washed over her. She'd finally gotten the upper hand, leaving that blonde bitch speechless. With any luck, Lindsay would think twice about trying to tangle with her again or steal her man.

  * * * * *

  Hours later, after the party wound down, the family went inside. They all took seats in the living room, and Ethan drew his lovely wife into his lap. He pulled her close, caressing her pregnant belly, and whispered in her ear, “I have something I want to give you.”

  “Ethan!” she squeaked as her face turned a rosy pink.

  His eyes went wide. The comment had been completely innocent, but obviously, she thought he meant something else.

  “Hey, what are you doing to your wife over there, bro?” Nathan razzed from across the room.

  Ethan held up his hands in surrender. “Not a thing, I swear.”

  “What did you mean?” Becca asked in a hushed tone.

  He leaned forward to murmur in a low voice no one else could hear. “Not what you meant. Apparently, my sweet little wife has a very naughty mind.”

  The color in her cheeks rose even higher. “Oh.”

  “Don't worry,” he whispered. “I'll be happy to oblige whatever thoughts were running through that pretty little head of yours when we get home tonight.”

  He could tell she was still embarrassed, but she rewarded him with a beautiful smile.

  Louder, so that everyone could hear, he said, “I was just getting ready to tell Becca about her graduation gift.”

  Alex took that as her cue. She pulled a large manila envelope from her tote bag and gave it to Ethan.

  Murmurs of congratulations ran through the assembled guests as he handed it to Becca.

  “Becca,” he began, “you've worked really hard to reach this moment, and we all think you deserve to be rewarded by having your dream come true. Ever since she came back from Afghanistan for good, Alex has been helping me put this surprise together, and this gift is from all of us. Congratulations, sweetheart!”

  Could he really mean what she thought he did? Unshed tears stung Becca's eyes. With trembling fingers, she opened the envelope and pulled out the thick sheaf of papers inside. As she sifted through the sheets, the tears trickled down her cheeks. There was a property deed, legal papers setting up a non-profit organization, and pictures of the inside and outside of a beautifully designed animal clinic and shelter, complete with state-of-the-art equipment.

  “Is this really what I think it is?” Becca asked, stunned.

  “It is, sweetheart. I've been working on this for months. We're always looking for worthy causes to support. When I told the family about my idea to start the Montgomery Foundation for Animal Welfare to help you realize your dream, everyone thought it was a wonderful idea. We pooled our resources together and collected donations from all the people here today to make it happen. The foundation will fund the Loving Hearts Free Animal Clinic and Shelter, and you and Alex will run the whole show.”

  Tears threatened to fall again at Ethan's lavish gift. He always knew how to give the best surprises and never seemed to tire of spoiling her.

  She flung her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “Thank you, Ethan. You're the best husband in the world.”

  After a long while, she released him. “You know, I didn't think you could possibly surprise me any more than you did three years ago in Vegas. If you're going to make a habit out of this...” She shook her head in wonder at the amazing man she'd married.

  “You'd better get used to it, sweetheart. Because I'm never going to stop surprising you. It's just too darn much fun.”

  He laughed, then gave Becca a passionate kiss filled with the promise of more surprises awaiting her once they were alone.


  Julianna is a hopeless romantic and believer in fairy tales. Even as a little girl, her fondest dream was to find a Prince Charming who would sweep her off her feet. She's happy to report she's been married to him for twenty years. Although she's been an avid reader since she was two years old, she never envisioned herself as a writer until five years ago. Now she feels like she's finally found her life's passion. The muses keep the ideas flowing faster than she can put them on the page. She hopes that her readers will love her characters and stories every bit as much as she's loved creating them.

  Julianna currently lives in hot, sunny Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, their two teenage children (one boy, one girl), a Husky/Great Pyrenees mix dog, and three cats. In addition to writing, she enjoys reading, hanging out on GoodReads, surfing the web, watching TV or movies, book shopping, and feeding her insatiable thirst for knowledge.

  Julianna loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her at http://www.juliannadouglas.com/.


  Julianna strongly believes in giving back to the community, and that is why a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of each of her books will be donated to charity. Your purchase of His Heart's Desire benefits Best Friends Animal Society, the largest no-kill animal shelter in the US. Best Friends is committed to making the euthanizing of healthy, adoptable animals a thing of the past. For more information on pet adoption or to make a donation to Best Friends, please visit Julianna's website at http://www.juliannadouglas.com/ or Best Friends Animal Society at http://www.bestfriends.org/.



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