Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories) Page 13

by Iaz Grant

  “You are the one who tried to kill Jenny. There is no point in pretending now. I know everything.”

  “What is happening??” Asked Jenny clueless.

  “Yes, it was me and I will not rest until I see this pretty little girl dead. You are mine and I am not going to let a silly human steal you away from me.” Said Tara while preparing to attack Jenny again.

  Mark jumped on her and with one move, he broke her neck. Jenny was trembling and crying uncontrollably. Even though Tara was never her real friend, in that moment she felt that she lost a good friend.

  “Did you know all this time?”

  “Yes, but I wasn’t sure and I had to wait until she tried something again. I have been watching you all the time. I will never let anyone harm you.”

  “But why…I don’t understand…I thought she was my friend…I thought she loved me.”

  “You really don’t know, don’t you?” He asked while pressing his body to hers and sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

  “No…what is going on?”

  “She wanted you dead because she knew I have been in love with you for years.”

  “For years? But we only know each other since a couple of months.”

  “That’s when we finally spoke to each other but I have been watching you and wanting you for a long time. The day you were attacked I knew I had to do something to protect you. I suspected her because I knew she was jealous of you. This is also the reason why I became her boyfriend. I deceived her to make her confess that it was her who attacked you. However, she was too clever to admit it. This didn’t give any choice but to wait and watch. I am so happy I could stop her in time. I don’t know what I would do without you my love!”

  She looked into his beautiful golden eyes and gave him a kiss filled with passion on the lips. He responded by pulling her closer. She could feel his hardness through his pants. This made her feel that sweet achiness between her legs.

  “Not here, let’s go to your place.” He said trying to control his heavy breathing.

  She told him he was going to be the first man in her life and this made him change his mind. Mark wanted to make her first time really special and for this he needed time to prepare. Jenny wished she didn’t have to say anything. Now she had to wait for another day until she could be one with him.

  They parted that night with just a kiss and a promise to pick it up from where they were left the next day. Mark needed to come up with a romantic décor for her. He wanted to be gentle and caring with Jenny. Being the first in her life meant a lot to him. He only hoped he could be the last too.

  Back at his home, he talked to his parents about the possibility of having a relationship with a human.

  “Would it really be that bad if I fell in love with a human?”

  “Yes, it would be terrible. Our race is already slowly disappearing. This would be a betrayal to all of us. Please tell us, son, that this is not the case.”

  “Of course not, I was just asking. I thought that maybe this was an old rule. Now that we want to get accepted into the human society I think rules should change for us too.”

  “Let’s change the subject. This is never going to happen. You make sure you find yourself a beautiful shifter woman.” Said his father.

  Mark didn’t insist on the subject. He had all the time in the world to convince them. He didn’t want to disappoint them, but most of all he didn’t want to put Jenny’s life once again in danger. He killed the last shifter who attacked her but he wasn’t sure he could do the same if the attacker was his own father. He knew he had to make some difficult choices soon but for now he preferred to focus on the beautiful day he was going to have with Jen.

  At that moment, nothing else mattered. Shifters didn’t have any weddings like humans did. The first time a female gave herself to a male was viewed as an official marriage. Mark knew that his family and all the clan members would be disappointed and lose their trust in him if they knew. However, for her, no price was too high. As long as he could keep her safe he was willing to give up everything. It took him a long time to become the leader of the clan and he was very proud of it. Even so, this was not a reason to forget about Jen.

  No Longer a Virgin

  Mark’s family had a cabin in the woods. No one was using it and it was the perfect place to bring Jenny for the first time they were having sex. He wanted a romantic place in the nature where no one could disturb them. He went there ahead and filled the cabin with flowers and candles. He also chose some romantic songs he knew Jenny loved. The fireplace was filled with burning woods. Everything was ready for a romantic nigh with the woman he loved. As soon as she saw the cabin she immediately loved it. First, he got all her clothes off and invited her into the bath tub. There, he slowly rubbed soap all over her body. He made sure too insist on her round breasts as if they needed a lot of cleaning. This made her moan with desire. After that, they moved in front of the fire. She laid down and spread her legs. He kissed every inch of her slim body until trembled with desire and begged him to become one with her.

  He didn’t stop until he felt her whole body relax with the sweet release of an orgasm. He was also very hard and he allowed her to explore his body too. It was the first time she was seeing and touching a man’s naked body. Jenny rubbed her body to his until he started to breathe really hard and beg her to let him get inside her. She welcomed his hardness deep inside her and they started to rock their bodies back and forth like in a dance of desire and passion. When he felt her trembling again, he knew he could let go too. They both exploded with pleasure at the same time. At the end they fell asleep in each other’s arms. When they woke up their bodies were on fire again and they made love until late in the morning. Mark already bought breakfast and coffee. He thought at every little detail. While she was still asleep, he prepared everything and brought it to bed. When she opened her eyes she told him that for a second she thought everything was just a beautiful dream and she was afraid to open her eyes. Luckily, it was real.

  When they got back home, Mark knew he had no other way but to confess everything to his parents. He swore to himself to protect Jenny with the cost of his own life.

  “Mom, dad, do you remember what we talked about yesterday? Well, as you feared, those questions had a reason. I am in love with a human girl and last night she gave herself to me. Under our own law, we are married now. I ask you please to accept her if you love me.”

  His mother put her hands to her eyes and started to cry. His father however asked him to leave and never come back. If he chose to be with her, he had to forget about his family and clan. Without the support of his family, Mark knew already that the clan would not agree either. He then chose to leave. At least he was happy that they didn’t threaten Jenny’s life.

  On his way to Jenny’s house, he got attacked by two members of the Hell clan. He shifted into a werewolf and fought them until he won and killed them. However, he knew this was only the beginning. He killed Tara, their leader and now they wanted revenge. It was a retaliation he expected but he hoped he would have his clan and family behind him. Now he was on his own and he had to protect himself and Jenny. The Hell clan was as big as his own, with hundreds of members. He knew he stood no chance. Before they organized and came after them, they had to go into hiding. He took Jenny and they moved in the woods. They had to build a new wooden cabin.

  “How long will we have to stay here?” Asked Jenny.

  “My love, I am so sorry for this. I know you miss your home and job. I promise I will come up with a solution. For now we need to stay here and survive in the woods for our own protection.”

  She gave him a kiss and said:

  “Actually, I love it! I don’t want to stay here forever but for now, I think it is like a honeymoon. We are here alone, away from the entire world who is against our relationship. I want to enjoy every second of it. Even if they end up killing us, I don’t regret a thing. You have made me the happiest woman in the world, husband!”

  In the Hiding

  She was still asleep when he got back to the cabin with the hunt. Mark used his shifter powers to get food for him and Jenny. He brought back the hunt and Jenny cooked it. They loved playing house on their own. It was like they moved back hundreds of years in time. There were no worries about paying bills, rent or groceries. They got all they needed from the nature. This gave them a lot of free time for making love and just exploring each other. They knew this honeymoon would not last forever and they wanted to enjoy every second of it.

  He tried not to make too much noise. She slept so peacefully and she looked so beautiful. He wanted to enjoy the view for a few moments. He pushed the blankets off her and let his eyes explore her hot naked body. She liked to sleep on her belly and this allowed him to admire her perfect round behind. Since they could do whatever they wanted with their time, he was in no hurry to start the day. Mark got undressed too and kissed her body starting from her neck, her back, ass and the inner side of her legs. Jen was slowly waking up with a smile and a moan of pleasure. Like a lazy cat, she turned around and pulled him towards her. She spread her legs and let him deep inside her.

  “What a great way to wake me up! They should make an alarm after you.”

  “I wasn’t actually planning to make love right now but I couldn’t resist you. Hungry? I brought some fresh meet and fruits.”

  Lately Jenny had a really good appetite. At first, she guessed it was just because of the fresh air but when her belly started to grow, she realized that she was in fact carrying his child. This made her very happy but at the same time, the thought of giving birth without a doctor around, scared her to death. This was not at all the way she imagined she would give birth. She was also worried about her baby. Everyone knew that there were other half human half shifter babies but no one actually saw them. No one was sure if they were healthy or not. This was actually her biggest worry. He could had been a shifter or human, this detail was of no importance.

  They were kept hidden because the shifters would had killed them. Therefore, Jenny had no idea if her baby will be healthy or what kind of powers he will have. She hoped the baby will be more human than shifter. This way he could mix up with humans and have a normal life. Shifters had underground societies and a lot of violence. The shifter clubs fought between them for power. They also fought with humans. She did not want this for her baby. Mark felt the same way. Many years ago, he wished his kids to be just like him. As he grew up and gained more life experience, he realized that the life of a shifter was not at all easy. All he wanted now was for his baby to be heathy and safe. If he had any chance at all to be safe, he had to look like a human. The bright golden eyes were a curse.

  As her belly was growing bigger, she worried more and more about the moment of birth. Mark was nervous about it too but he knew it was much safer for him to deliver the baby than going back into the world.

  “We have to find a solution my love, I cannot let you be the one to deliver my baby. You have no idea what to do. What if something goes wrong?” She said.

  “I know, I was thinking to go in the city and bring a nurse over here.”

  “Do you mean kidnap one? Who would come with you out of free will? And you would be risking your own life by going in the city. The Hell clan is looking for you.”

  “I will disguise, do not worry about me. As for the nurse, she is an old friend of mine. She owes me a favor. I am sure she will not refuse me. She is a good woman and she loves babies.”

  “Ow? What kind of old friend? Would that be an old girlfriend by any chance?”

  “You are so cute when you’re jealous!” He said laughing.

  “Not at all, I am not jealous!” She lied.

  “She is a human actually. I saved her and her son from an attack years ago. Ever since, we stayed friends and she told me that any time I need something I should only ask. I am sure she will help us. She has a lot of experience delivering babies. You and our son will be safe. I will make sure of that. It’s my duty as a man and father.”

  “How do you know it will be a son?”

  “Just a feeling. I would not mind at all having a little girl. I am sure the next one will be a girl.”

  “Next one?? Let’s get this one out first before you put in another. I cannot keep up with you.” Jenny said laughing.

  When her time was getting near, Mark got ready to go in the city and bring the nurse. They planned to ask her to live with them for as long as it took to give birth and make sure the baby was doing well. Jenny was very scared to stay by herself in the woods while he was in the city. She asked him to come with him but he refused. It was way too dangerous for her and he could not take the risk. He assured her that she was much safer in the cabin. Mark also promised that he would be back in less than a day. Finally she agreed, but she could not shake off that bad feeling she had. It was almost like a premonition. Jenny had this gift ever since she was a little child. She could guess or feel when something important was about to happen.

  Mark made sure he will not be recognized by anyone and left to the nurse’s house. As he assumed, she was happy to help. They got back to the cabin the same day because he did not want to let Jenny alone for too long. From far away he could see flames. He quickly shifted into a werewolf to get there faster. The nurse kept on walking towards the cabin.


  When he got there, everything was burned down. His heart was about to explode. He screamed for her and looked all over but she was not there. In a way this was a relief because it meant she was probably still alive. Whoever did this, kidnapped her too. He did not have to do a lot of guessing. He knew already that the Hell clan was responsible for this. He let out a terrifying scream that sounded almost like a wounded animal. All he could feel was hate. If any member of the Hell clan was in front of him, he would have had no hesitation killing him. His thirst of revenge was only overcome by the worry he felt for Jenny. Mark blamed himself for leaving her alone. He should had listened to her.

  The nurse tried to comfort him but there wasn’t much she could say or do to make him feel better. His wife and his unborn son were missing and the only thing that could make him feel better was to find them alive and well. He told the nurse that she could return to her home. He needed to be alone to think. He knew that it was impossible to fight all the members of the clan by himself. As he well knew, his own clan and family were against his relationship and they would probably not care too much if they knew she was kidnapped. It would probably even suit them. She would be dead without them dirtying their hands. Mark never felt more alone. Jenny was gone and the people he loved did not want to hear from him even again.

  He decided to go and spy on the Hell clan. He knew that his only chance to save them was to trick them. If by doing this they would end up killing him, he did not care. As long as Jenny and the baby were safe, he was willing to give up his own life. He sent them a message first to ask if they would trade Jenny for him. However, the answer was negative. The way clans communicate was by leaving messages in an empty cave. This way they did not risk meeting each other and starting fights. A member from every clan was checking the cave from time to time to see if there were any messages for them. When the messenger came to leave the answer to his request, he was hidden behind some trees. He followed him back to where the Hell clan was keeping Jenny. He looked through a little window and could see her on the ground, holding her big belly with both hands as if she could protect her baby from them. Mark felt a tear dropping on his face. He quickly wiped it off. This was no time for getting emotional or weak. He had to keep his head clear and think. His intelligence was his secret weapon now.

  The leaders from the Hell clan, Agemon and Drak, were planning to torture and kill her. They were waiting first for her to give birth. Mark killed their other leader, Tara, and they wanted to punish him. Killing him was not good enough for them. They wanted to see him suffer for the woman he loves. They decided to keep the baby there and raise him as part o
f the Hell clan. This was another type of punishment for Mark. His son was going to grow up hating him and not knowing he was in fact his father. The final blow was going to be when 18 years later they would send his son to murder him. Tara was an important leader for them. She helped them win many battles and they felt weaker without her. Drak had a personal reason for wanting revenge. He was in love with her but she never felt the same way for him. The fact that she loved Mark was an even bigger reason to hate him.


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