Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories) Page 18

by Iaz Grant

  After that hot afternoon, she kept on sneaking around to meet him. Serena wished she could talk to Liam about this. Keeping a secret from him was torture. It made her close up until she was barely talking to him anymore. Liam tried to make her tell him what was on her mind. He assumed she was worried because of the money situation. They couldn’t afford a babysitter anymore and they could barely pay the bills. Instead of giving him a promotion or a raise, Stephan actually cut off part of his salary. He told him business was not going as good as before and he had to cut off the salaries or to fire some people. This was of course a lie and Liam knew it. However, he had no choice. Whenever he had some time off, he searched for new job opportunities. Until he actually found something new, he could not quit his job. His family depended on him.

  Serena wasn’t sure why Liam was being paid less money. She was sure that once she slept with Stephan, he would double his pay. This was something she couldn’t discuss with Stephan though. She didn’t want to sound like she just sold her body to him for money. The truth was she didn’t even do it for the money. She did it because she was attracted to him. He became her new obsession. If before she was always checking out other men and fantasizing about them, now she only had one man on her mind. Even Liam was surprised to see that his wife wasn’t having anymore affairs. He always thought that if this ever happened he would be happy. Strangely enough, Serena’s apparent loyalty worried him.

  While Serena was really enjoying her affair with Stephan, she knew it was time to put an end to it. It was affecting her marriage even though Liam had no idea about it. It changed her and this was obvious. The moment he told Stephan that she wants to end it, he threatened to take her husband to court. When she asked why he said he will find a reason. He was missing some money from the company and he was sure Liam took them. In reality no money were missing but at that point Stephan would had done anything to keep Serena from leaving him. He thought that by cutting off her husband’s salary she would see that he was not worth much. She would understand that the man she needed was not Liam. Stephan was willing to give her kids a life she never even dreamt of. He was ready to spoil her every single day for the rest of her life.

  Liam wasn’t a strong powerful man like she needed. Unfortunately, her love for Liam went beyond money. She would had stayed by his side even if he was living in a box. Serena never told Stephan that she had any feelings for him. She tried to be honest and told him that her husband was the only man she loved. He pretended to understand and he accepted her conditions. Little did she know he was a master of deception. Stephan was used to have anything he wanted and knowing he could not really have Serena drove him mad. Serena thought he understood and she was happy it was over. Now she could get back to being honest to Liam.

  If before Stephan saw Liam as a nice guy and he was actually enjoying his company, now he despised him. He would had done anything to see him gone from his company and Serena’s life. The fact that Serena had kids with him didn’t bother him at all. Stephan was ready to raise her children and work on making some of his own. At the age of 50 he had no kids yet. This was because he was always careful about that. There were many women who wanted to trap him with a child and take his money. Serena was the first woman he could picture as the mother of his child. Unfortunately, Liam was not going anywhere.

  At first, his threat was just a simple threat. Later, when he realized there was no way to make Serena leave her husband, he decided to put his threat in practice. He called the police and told them some money were missing. He also called his lawyer and asked him to find some evidence that Liam was guilty. His real wish was to see him dead but since he wasn’t a murderer, he was going to be happy with getting him out of Serena’s life.


  For a couple of days, Serena didn’t hear anything from Stephan. She hoped this was a sign that he understood it was over. The day she told him, he threatened her husband and for a moment she got scared. It was bad enough that her affair could hurt Liam. With money and influence, Stephan could easily put him behind bars even though he was innocent. When she didn’t receive any more messages or phone calls, Serena was relieved. Her peace was destroyed when they heard a strong knock on the door. It was the police coming to arrest Liam for fraud. He promised her he was innocent while he was being handcuffed. Serena didn’t need him to say it. She knew who was behind this. She was even more scared and sad than Liam was. It was all her fault…

  Liam was arrested for 24 hours and Serena had to borrow money from her mom to get him out on bail. The lawyer was also going to cost a fortune and at the end of it her husband could go to jail for many years. Serena was so depressed she could barely get out of bed some days. Surprisingly, Liam was very optimistic. He believed with all his heart that as long as he was innocent nothing bad could happen to him, He had blind faith in the justice. Liam had the same blind faith in his wife and this was hurting Serena even more. Her guilt was like a stone pressing on her heart. Many times Liam saw tears in her eyes. From the happy woman with a bubbly personality she became a sad person who could not find joy in anything. This was actually worrying Liam more than the trail and the money situation. He tried to comfort her saying that money come and go and that soon they will prove his innocence.

  One day, Serena could not keep her secret anymore and she told Liam everything. He listened to her confession and said that probably this would had happened anyway. If she refused to sleep with him, probably his revenge would had been even worse. Serena burst into tears. She could not believe that even after hearing about her betrayal, after sleeping with Stephan when he asked her not to, he was still on her side. There he was, in danger to go to jail because of her and he was concerned about her.

  Liam was hurt but he didn’t want to upset Serena even more. He could see how bad she felt about what she did. This was punishment enough for her. In a way he felt relieved that he finally knew the truth. He suspected she already slept with him but he feared it was much more than that. Now she knew for sure that her love was only for him. She left the billionaire and now he was getting his revenge. As long as he knew he wasn’t fighting alone, he was ready to face anything. He was even ready to go to jail if he knew she was going to be there when he got out. Liam was however an optimist. He had a good feeling about the trial and he could swear he was going to be declared not guilty.

  “I am so glad you finally told me the truth my love. We will fight this together. I am innocent!”

  She gave him a big hug and cried for minutes. It was like they just found each other again. There were no more secrets. For the next couple of weeks Serena and Liam were happy again. They almost forgot about the trial. Liam was able to find another job and they were barely surviving. None of them cared about money though. They had other things to think about. They cut back their expenses and somehow they could manage to survive.

  “We might have to sell the house and move into a small apartment.” She said to him.

  “I was hoping it wouldn’t get to that…” He replied with sadness in his voice.

  “It doesn’t matter where we live as long as we are together.” She tried to comfort him.

  They only met Stephan in court. Against the lawyer’s advice, she wanted to have a face to face discussion with the billionaire. She had an intimate relationship with him and at times she was able to see his good side. She was sure she could convince him to drop the charges. Liam was innocent but this was no guarantee that he would not go to jail. Serena knew that these things could go either way. She didn’t have so much trust in the justice department as her husband. She knew what money and influence could do and Stephan had both. She felt like an insect he could crush at any moment.

  Liam argued with her when she told him that she set up a meeting with Stephan. He didn’t want her to have anything to do with him anymore. Serena was stubborn though and as always, she got her way. She knew what a power she had over him. If there was even a small chance to save her man, she was going to take it. The
re was nothing left to lose.

  His assistant announced her that Stephan was ready to meet with her at a coffee shop. His only condition was that she came alone. This was a phone call Stephan was waiting for ever since he accused Liam. He was sure she would come begging to take her back. This was not the way he wanted them to end up together but it was better than never seeing her again. Before he left the house, Stephan took a look around and said to himself that he would probably have to move into a bigger place. Her kids would need more room to play and they were going to have their own kids too.

  He got at the coffee shop first and checked his watch. She was five minutes late and this made him nervous. What if she changed her mind? Just when he was about to call her on her cell, she opened the door. He almost forgot how beautiful she looked in reality. The image he had in his mind whenever he thought about her could not even compare with the beauty she was. Stephan was as nervous as a school boy. From the self-confident powerful billionaire he became a teenager with butterflies in his stomach.

  “Hello Serena, take a sit please.” He said pulling her chair like a gentleman.

  The first bad sign was that she didn’t even smile back to him. It was impossible to read her face. His success in business was based on guessing what people want and what were they thinking. Serena was a closed book for him. He was mad at himself that he was allowing his feelings to cloud his judgement.

  “The reason I asked to see you is that I think you are a better man than that, Stephan. You showed me your good heart and I know that decent man is there somewhere. You let your jealousy for my husband take over. You know as well as I do that he is innocent.”

  “Yes, he is innocent, I am not even missing any money at all. You guessed but what are you going to do about it?”

  “What do you want? For my family I would do anything.”

  “Even if that means leaving your family and being with me?”

  “Are you really asking me this??”

  “Yes, I am. This is the price for your beloved husband’s freedom. It is my last offer. Take it or leave it.”

  “Can I at least take some time to think about it? Give me until next week and we will meet again. I will tell you then my decision.”

  With those words she got up and left without even touching her coffee. She couldn’t see that man’s face for a second longer. He made her sick. He was blackmailing and using his power to destroy people’s lives. Serena did not want to leave her family but if no other solution came up she would had done this for Liam. She knew he deserved it. It was her fault he was even in this horrible situation. Her desire for Stephan completely disappeared now. She could not possible be attracted by a man she did not admire. Serena could see he was just a big spoiled child who had to have it his way or no way. He did not care if he hurt anyone in the process. She also knew the love he said he had for her was not real. A man like that was incapable of feeling anything other than self-love.

  She thought about not telling Liam about Stephan’s proposal. However, she could see what secrets could do to their relationship. When he heard, Liam was so filled with rage that he wanted to go to Stephan’s house and have a fist fight with him. Luckily, Serena stopped and convinced him this was going to complicate thing in court. This was actually what Stephan was expecting and hoping for. A wrong step from Liam and he could put him behind bars for a really long time. Enough time for him to lose his family.

  “I am so stupid!” Said Serena.

  “Why, what are you talking about?”

  “He just confessed to me that he framed you. If I had a recorder on me all this would be over now!”

  “This is actually not a bad idea at all! Do you think he will repeat it next time you meet?”

  “I hope so! If he doesn’t I am going to get it out of him somehow.”

  After they talked to their lawyer and he told them that could be the saving boat for Liam, Serena was decided. It sounded easy enough. She just had to make him repeat what he said and she would set up her phone to record him.

  Unfortunately, Stephan was smarter than that. When they met and Serena kept on asking him how he framed her husband, he realized something was wrong. Why would she want to keep on talking about something they already discussed? He refused to mention anything about it again. This made things harder for Serena but she wasn’t going to give up that easy. She could see he didn’t trust her enough. All she had to do was to gain back his trust even if that meant sleeping with him again.

  “I thought about your proposal. I agree but you have to give me some time. You have to understand, it’s a huge change for me. I need time to get things in order and to make sure my children will be okay.”

  “Okay I understand. Ow my love, you just made me so happy!”

  “In the mean time we can meet at your place and just enjoy each other.”

  Her plan was to make him believe that she was in love with him too. When he trust her enough, she was going to ask him again about her husband’s trial. She was ready to do this even if that meant recording him all the time on the phone.

  That weekend she went over to his luxurious villa. Liam had tears in his eyes when she left the house. They hugged for minutes and she reassured him that everything will be okay. He wasn’t jealous at all. By now he was sure of Serena’s feelings. However, he felt ashamed. In a way it was almost like he was selling or pimping out his wife for his own benefit. The only reason she was going to have sex with Stephan now was to save his ass from going to jail. He was okay with her sleeping around when she did it for pleasure. Now it was a very different situation.

  Serena didn’t even think too much at what she was about to do. She tried to stay focused on her goal. Stephan made sure all his staff was out of the house for the night. He wanted to make her feel comfortable. He had a dinner prepared and romantic music in the background. Serena could not help wishing that she was there with her husband to enjoy all that luxury. She was not the materialistic type but it was hard not to be impressed.

  After diner he brought her into what he called his “fun room”. The room had absolutely no other furniture except a huge bed covered with a red sheet. He slowly got her clothes off and whispered into her ear:

  “Do you trust me?”

  She wished she could answer honestly that question but she couldn’t afford to ruin her plan.

  “Yes…” She finally answered.

  There was another object she didn’t notice at first. Next to the bed, there was a pair of handcuffs. Suddenly she was scared. How much did she really know about this man? She was all alone in his huge villa and he sent all his house staff home. Now he was going to handcuff her and probably hurt her. All kind of thoughts went through her mind. Was Stephan’s face the last he was going to see?

  No matter how scared she was, her pride didn’t let her cry or beg him to let her go. He placed her hands in handcuffs above her head. She was breathing faster and her fear was mixing with a sudden arousal. He just watched her perfect naked body for a few moments. She felt very vulnerable like this. He could had done anything he wished and this thought turned her on. He made her get really wet only with his eyes. He then pulled her legs apart and started to taste her with his tongue. He was moving so slow, too slow for her. Her hips started to move, encouraging him to take her harder. Serena hated herself for getting aroused. It was almost like her body had a mind of its own. All her anger towards him transformed into wild desire and exploded with an intense orgasm.

  She left home right after that. It was one thing to surrender her body to him and another to give him her soul. She wasn’t going to cuddle, laugh and chat with the worst enemy of her husband. When she got back home she couldn’t look Liam in the eyes. He knew something went wrong and insisted until she confessed. He knew already she was going there for sex but he didn’t aspect her to enjoy it. At first, he was a little sad about it but then he understood that it’s hard to control sexual desire. Serena was harder on herself than he was. She went straight t
o the shower and she let hot water clean her body. She stayed in there for almost two hours. Finally, she realized sin wasn’t getting clean with soap and hot water.

  When Stephan was still refusing to talk about the lie he told about her husband, she knew she had to work harder on making him trust her. Unfortunately, she was running out of time. She went over to his place for dinner and this time she promised him to spend the night. It was the first time she wasn’t using her kids as an excuse to run back home right after they had sex. He needed more than a physical relationship to trust her again. Her phone was on recording mode all the time she was at his place, just waiting for that moment when he would confess again. Serena didn’t repeat her mistake of asking too many questions about it. This is what made him suspicious in the first place. He talked about it that one time at the coffee shop and immediately regretted it.


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