Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories) Page 24

by Iaz Grant

  Abel could well understand his words. He wanted to get The Louvre for Tanya too. This made the man his opponent, he thought.

  “I am also here for the tourney. I wanted to ask you how to get into the tourney.” He confessed.

  The tall goblin laughed. “I am Brokk. I could tell you all about that later. Come with me, you must meet my Fira." He said, already walking off leaving Abel no choice than to follow.


  “Here we are,” Brokk said dropping his wife gingerly on the pavement of the cottage.

  Tanya and Abel gave each other a look. The lodge where Brokk and Fira lived and brought them to was apparently meant for couples that were passionately in love. It consisted of several cottages with one single room, a kitchen and a toilet. There was no such thing as privacy from the other in here. Fira had even whispered to her that the servants only came early in the morning and were as quiet as a mouse so as not to disturb the privacy of the lodgers.

  “You can do all sorts of things here with your woman with no one bearing witness. I can see that’s the kind of folks you both are.” Brokks added with a knowing smile.

  She didn’t know which but Brokk’s statement, coupled with the sight of his large hands fondling Fira’s ample breasts through her clothes, hit Tanya’s sensitivity. She did not believe herself to be the blushing kind, but right now, she blushed to the tips of her hair. Abel’s face, on the other hand, was completely devoid of any emotion and he just stood there rigidly, taking it all in with a smile.

  “We are just a call away. You can contact us if you need anything. That’s our cottage next to yours.” Fira all but whimpered.

  She seemed to attempt to drag Brokk away but Brokk was making it difficult for her. His hand was no longer tracing her nipples but had found a way into her dress. Fira whimpered all of a sudden and even forgot that Tanya and Abel were still with them.

  “Gosh! Do that again.” She cried softly.

  Tanya and Abel exchanged shocked looks. Tanya could see that the expressionless face of Abel was gradually melting into that of passion, but then it was gone almost immediately again.

  Fira held on to Brokk head and shifted comfortably to his laps. No one knew what was going on with her under her dress but she seemed to be taken off by it. She was now plastering her body to Brokk and was raising her chest to the tip of his mouth in a very seductive way.

  Again she whimpered and Abel flinched, still shocked. It was amazing how both of them could just even stare at the couple unable to do anything but look on. Eventually, Abel looked at Tanya and it was obvious that he was thinking something rather along the same line with what was happening.

  “Oh, baby!” Brokk whispered. His eyes had been entirely closed as Fira sat on his laps. His eyelids flutter uncontrollably sometimes and it was obvious he was forced to keep them shut, just to control the pleasure.

  “What should we do?” Taanya mouthed to Abel. She sure had seen enough of the couple being unable to keep themselves from the madness of their lust.

  Abel just shook his head slowly. He seemed confused, combined with emotion that Tanya was still finding difficult to read. He mouthed some words back to her.

  “What can we do?” He shrugged.

  As if Fira and Brokk deliberately wanted to make things more complicated, Brokk rose and dragged Fira to a nearby wall rather fast. His hand was going all over her dress and he was groaning rather loud. Tanya had to assume that it wasn’t the first time the couple had been in the lodge. Little wonder why they quickly forgot that they weren’t alone.

  The Fates willing, Abel finally coughed loudly and the couple froze almost immediately. Fira seemed unable to handle the interruption, though. Her eyes flew to Abel and Tanya since her back was to the wall and she was facing them. She winked at Tanya and tapped Brokk until he released her. He quickly helps her with her dress until it was a little bit decent for the wear.

  “Well, as said before, you can call us if you need anything,” She said confidently. She was already dragging Brokk off toward the said cottage, both barely able to keep their hands off each other. It was a good guess what they were off to do, or was it finish?

  “Well, we made friends on our first day here. That’s surely a good sign.” Abel said ruefully.

  He watched the couple go and shook his head. As soon as the couple saw each other at the tavern, they could barely do without touching each other. They were so much in love that it was glaring to all. They even completed each other’s sentences and felt each other without a care in the world.

  He shook his head again, never had he seen such love and lust in one couple. He now remembered that the lustful cad had forgotten to tell him how to register for the tourney. He looked in the direction of the couple’s cottage but thought better of it, he wouldn’t want to catch a bug in his eye. He sighed resignedly. There is always the morrow to ask such things. He looked over at Tanya.

  “Let’s go in before the night gnomes come out,” He said.

  It was already dark as they had soon gone for dinner with Brokk and Fira after leaving the tavern. Tanya had been silent since he met her at the tavern. It was with surprise that he saw Tanya with the wife Brokk wanted to introduce to him. Tanya said something about now being a member of some club and Fira had commented that they made a wonderful couple. From then on, Tanya was silent and only spoke when directly addressed. This was very unusual and he didn’t know what to make of it.

  “Is there a problem?” He asked her.

  He took her hand and with the other hand, opened the door. The door was a solid wood that only opens to the person whose name was spoken to it by the owner. Another privacy measure, he thought. He and Tanya’s names had already been spoken to it and as he touched it, it opened willingly revealing a very cosy room.

  It was painted a subtle shade of powder blue and cream colour. The picture frames on the wall were of those of little fairies in mid-flight who seemed to be alive and winking at them as they stepped in. He knew the colour was only recently changed to suit their taste. Everything here was done with only a sweep of the hands.

  Taking these all in, he noticed Tanya was still silent and hadn’t bothered to give a reply to his question. He turned to her once more. This time, he removed her bag from her slim shoulders and dropped it on the floor with his. He then raised her chin with the tip of his forefinger.

  “You have been deathly silent since we left the tavern.” He accused.

  “The Queen volunteered to give her daughter out in marriage to the winner of the tourney.” She suddenly blurted out.

  She escaped his touch and went to sit on the large bed right in the middle of the room. He knew she was trying to act like this did not affect her in the least.

  “It is not important. I am sure The Queen is a reasonable being; she couldn’t force a man to accept a wife he didn’t want. And besides, what is the guarantee that a winner would emerge? It has never happened before.” He said carelessly.

  He went to sit on the chair beside her, easing his back into the softness of the chair.

  “Let’s try to get some sleep. We can find out more tomorrow. I will sleep on the floor, you can have the bed.”

  This said he went into the bathroom to wash up. He didn’t hear Tanya speak.


  “There will be a winner, there must be. It is, after all, the Queen’s daughter.” Tanya whispered forlornly.

  Tanya watched Abel go into the bathroom and sobbed quietly. She angrily wiped her cheeks. What is wrong with me? Tears over a man? She shook her head and laughed hysterically, she didn’t even like the man that much. She had to be strong to do this. The Louvre, she thought, think of The Louvre and all will be well. Nothing else but The Louvre.



  Fira smacked Brokk’s bum as he went by them on his way into the kitchen. Brokk turned back, flipped her on his back and smacked her many times over. As expected, Fira was giggling delightedly like a school girl. Tan
ya shook her head and rolled her eyes at them. It was hard to reckon the woman she saw at the Sheelah Forever Friends Club to this playful goblin that was Brokk’s lover. Perhaps, their business at the club was not as serious as Marissa made it out to be.

  They were all in Brokk and Fira’s cottage trying to rustle up some breakfast but it was almost night already. Since the morning she and Abel got in, there wasn’t any breakfast ready for eating yet; Fira and Brokk could never make it to the kitchen before getting entranced with each other. Later on, Abel had dragged Tanya off to grab some bites at a nearby store. They came back to Brokk and Fira grinning like fools but Brokk already got the fire revved up in the kitchen. When this happened for the second time, Abel had volunteered to go into the kitchen himself. Now, the aroma emanating from the kitchen made her mouth water. She craned her neck to see into the kitchen and catch a glimpse of him.

  Brokk set Fira down next to her on their couch and walked into the kitchen with a pompous swagger.

  “How was your first night at the lodge, uhn?” Fira asked in a conspiratory whisper.

  Tanya knew what she meant but pretended not to.

  “Oh, it was fine. I slept so well and didn’t notice the sun rise at all.” She replied airily.

  “You didn’t….?” she asked, eyes wide.

  Tanya stubbornly remained mute.

  “Of course, you don’t want to tell me. But we are members of the same club now so you can say anything. I can tell you how Brokk and I went at it all night till the night gnomes had to come knocking telling us to tune down the noise.”

  Tanya knew her face was getting red again, but thankfully Fira noticed none of it. She was well into how Brokk used his hands and mouth on her everywhere and how she did the same to him. She went into such explicit details that it wasn’t hard for Tanya to imagine it was she and Abel doing it all. Tanya was immensely grateful when Abel called that dinner was ready; she thought she would soon burn out from blushing so much.

  As they ate up the food on the floor of the plush, luxurious rug that lined the floor, Tanya cursed Fira’s running mouth; she still couldn’t get rid of the images of her and Abel on the soft bed in their lodge out of her head. She couldn’t even meet his eyes and avoided touching him as they passed the dishes back and forth to each other.

  “You know darling, Abel was just telling me about his parents in the kitchen,” Brokk said to Fira, caressing her legs with his. “The no-good fools left him at the door of the monastery up at Graundeare and just up and left. Just like that; with only a note stating his name and a thin blanket. Who would do that? If we ever have a child, you can be sure we won’t be doing that to him.” He finished, waving his spoon for emphasis.

  Tanya had stopped eating all through Brokk’s speech. Her gaze flew to Abel but he wouldn’t look up at her. He was eating as if his life depended on it. Fira was looking at him compassionately making clucking sounds.

  “Why did they do that? What was in the note?”

  “The note said I was a sickly child”, he answered grudgingly, “that if the monks can, they should cure me if not…..” he ended with a shrug.

  Tanya’s heart went out to him. She knew he was deeply hurt by the neglect from his own parents, no less. She wanted to go up to him and enfold him in a hug, but she couldn’t. He might not like it and think her too forward.

  “That is why he wants to enter into the tourney; seeing as everyone who is anyone always show up at the tourney. He wants to show them he is no longer a sickly child. The monks did good with him, uhn?” Brokk spoke up again.

  Tanya realised that their goals for entering into the tourney were almost similar. He hoped to prove a point to his parents who left him that he was powerful alone, and she only wanted to prove to herself that she could win the tourney and be powerful here on earth without having to rely on her Encantado existence.

  “Your parents,” Tanya said softly. “They never came back?

  Not even once?” she asked.

  “Not ever,” He said shortly.

  “Eh, eh, eh. Look at him all sober and gloomy.” Brokk said, playfully slapping Abel hard on the back. “One would think that was the only reason you are competing for The Louvre. Don’t you think we haven’t seen how you both look hungrily at each other when you think on one is watching?” he added.

  Tanya and Abel’s gaze met and she knew their attraction for each other still ran hot and thick. She also knew she might end up hurt at the end of this tourney, but for today, she would do what she could for this man who still grieved for the parents who left him as a boy.

  First, she needed the courage only a good doze of spirits can give her.


  Later on into the night, Tanya watched Abel as he slurred on his words. She could see that he was slightly drunk. Perhaps, due to his remembering of his past, he wasn’t quite composed all day and had drunk quite much. She had gone easy on the drinking herself when she saw this. One of them needed to be sane for what she wanted to do.

  When it was time to leave for their cottage, she bid the couple a good night and helped Abel to his feet. The couple were already at each other and only murmured their goodnights in return.

  “Give him a good one till the spirits wear off, you hear?” Fira called out.

  She would do just that, Tanya said silently to herself.

  She struggled with him till they got to their room in the cottage. The lights were dim in the room and the breeze coming in through the windows was sweet. She could hear the faint rustle of the leaves outside and imagined the wood fairies out on a night like this.

  “So beautiful.” Abel murmured. He was looking at her with a drunken grin on her face.

  Even though she knew he wasn’t in his right mind, she smiled at this compliment and went up to him.

  “You are also handsome. I wondered if I ever told you that.” She said, nipping his ears with her teeth.

  “Mhhh mhhh, you little witch. You nev’r tol me.” His laugh was intoxicating and Tanya just had to laugh along with him.

  For the first time since she met the man, Tanya made a decision that his laughter was perhaps the best she had seen, Encantado world and the human world combined.

  His laughter usually formed a wrinkle at the corners of his eyes, and his lips twitched into a perfect boat-like shape that gave an excellent view of his perfectly aligned teeth. If she weren't sure that he was human, she would have argued that Abel was a fairy. To her, he was simply her fairy.

  Talking about the supernatural, Tanya suddenly felt like embracing her encantado existence for a while. At least, until I can do what I want to do with him. Embracing her other side could be managed, Tanya reminded herself. All she needed to do was shift her energy between Encantado and human. By doing that, she can manipulate Encantando tongue and strength and still look human.

  All for the better, she told herself.

  She couldn’t imagine turning into the being that she was as she had sex with Abel.

  "Yes," Tanya whispered to herself. "I so feel like having hard sex with Abel and the Fates so help me he never recovers from a stupor."

  It wasn't as if Abel was completely drunk and unconscious, but he seemed like he couldn't think of himself.

  "Good," Tanya reassures herself. She doesn't know why but seeing him like this sent a wave of pleasure through her, and she could already imagine the whole lot of things she could do to him as an encantando with him remembering it as only ordinary.

  Willing the energy out, Tanya could feel her strength wielding a focus so significant that the wetness between her thighs began to cry for something hard. Being the first thing that came into her mind, she dropped her hand to find Abel’s dick beneath his trousers and found it hard already.


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