Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories)

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Erotica: Beyond: Dark Action Romance Paranormal Thriller (Adventure Demon Humor International Interracial Mystery Short Stories) Page 35

by Iaz Grant

  Are those wings?

  Abel couldn’t believe his eyes as beautiful and golden wings formed from her naked flesh and went wide enough to carry any human. He knew for sure now that she wasn’t human.

  She climbed the window first before staring back at him.

  “Thanks, Abel.” She said, but her mouth was not moving. It seemed she was reaching out to him with her mind.

  When Abel saw that she was about to jump into the darkness beyond, he stepped quickly towards her, wanting to know who she was.

  “What are you?” He quickly asked.

  She smiled briefly at him and said nothing before flying into the wind. He ran to the window hoping to catch the last glimpse of her when he heard her voice in his head again.

  “You can call me Tien, Abel.”

  Abel watched as she disappeared into the clouds beyond with awe. He knew there were different creatures on the planet but he wasn’t sure he had come across any as beautiful as her.

  “Tien,” Abel whispered to himself.

  Aren’t those the rare creatures that many humans regard as angels fell from the sky many million years ago? Abel sighed and told himself that he should study more of the planet’s folklore and history instead of training more with the sharp buttons and fast movements. It was why he didn’t know what an Encantado was in the first place.

  Thinking about Tanya again, Abel watched the clouds before him separate to reveal a magnificent view of the Palace before them. It was the most beautiful sight Abel had ever come across and he couldn’t help but think about the beautiful angel he just rescued.

  “Tien.” Abel found himself whispering again.

  It was the perfect word to describe the view of the Crystal Palace before him.


  The Ovatoire was the biggest theatre in the whole of Sheelah, and it has often been considered the world centre of the entire planet. It is said that so many years ago, the Sidhes had landed in the same centre and had sealed the fates of the planet with the heavenly Fates, praying for riches and prosperity, so that humans and supernatural beings alike would live in peace and harmony. Judging the beauty of the theatre that was erected on the land so many thousand years later and the tourney that brings creatures from different corners of the planet together, it is only right to assume that the Ovatoire was indeed the centre of the world.

  The tourney had been holding for many years now, and not one creature had been able to win the last phase of the tournament. There are three stages in the tourney; the first stage is the simplest where each cheer is tested based on her intelligence. Here, the spectators have a huge laugh as each cheer attempts to give answers to technical questions.

  The next phase has the fighters tested according to their sexual prowess, telling the whole world that they are capable of satisfying their cheers for a longer period. Of course, this is a new phase in the tourney, and the audience is very much excited by it. Everyone can imagine how embarrassed so many of the contestants would be to even try out this phase. They knew they would be disappointed though if not one was confident enough to finish the stage.

  Another surprise on phase two is that the fighter and his cheer are supposed to make love in an enclosed and Rocky Mountain, yet it is explained that the audience is watching. The audience knew there was definitely going to be magical displays in this phase and can’t wait to see how it goes.

  The third stage which is the last one was quite risky, as no one could beat the monster. The monster was a mix breed of an Erkling, breeds from the depth of eternal darkness who lure people to sleep and eat them, and the strongest of Goblins, who are mischievous creatures who guide precious items. It is no wonder then that the creature guides the Louvre and its mischief would never allow any fighter to beat it.

  Queen Zanna thought about her invention and smiled proudly at what she had done with the spiritual lands of her people and the idea of eternal love that she had carried on her shoulders for long. It was perfect, she told herself, and it was about to get more interesting.

  She stared at the large crowd of humans, sidhes, goblins, elves, hulks, Encantados and fairies that have gathered round the Ovatoire and smiled again. History was about to change and every creature would be a witness to it. She put on her best smile and glanced around at the court of Sheelah that surrounded her. Every happy face stared back at her to give her respect and support. It was always like that whenever they looked up to her.

  “You are all welcome to this year’s spectacular Louvre Tourney.” Queen Zanna began as she rose from her throne. The silence around her was imminent as she spoke as every creature looked at her and listened to her with utter admiration.

  The crowd cheered frantically as she rose her palms to gear them up. Then again, they all went silent as she made to talk again.

  “The male fighters and their female cheers have been fed and treated well to the finest cuisine and most luxurious of items in the past two days since they left for the Crystal Palace and since they got there,” She explained.

  “Now, for the beauty of love and for the cause of eternal greatness, they must fight!” Queen Zanna cheered. Giving this speech was usually her best moment of the tourney.

  “Love, my humble citizens, is worth risking our lives for, and eternity, our fate for. Today, I am guided to tell everyone present that love conquers all!”

  She slowly sat back on her throne and watched as the silence about her gradually began to be complemented with claps, cheers and finally respect.

  “All hail….Hail….Hail the Queen!”

  The loud cheer filled the air and ushered the beginning of the tourney.

  Queen Zanna stared at the circle field in front of her and smiled at what would happen in the next few hours.

  She was having a winner of the tournament after all these years.

  She clapped her hands with anxiety and smiled at the spectacle of the audience around her.

  “Let the tourney begin,” She announced, much to the anxiety of everyone.

  Queen Zanna had to admit that she was anxious as well.

  Abel was smiling anxiously as Brokk continued to fondle with his own fingers. Fira, Tanya and the other cheers were on the field at the moment and were going through the first stage of the tourney. It was obvious that Brokk was concerned about Fira’s performance. He was awfully quiet and it was never normal for the great Brokk to be quiet.

  “You need your woman?” Abel teased him.

  He looked up at Abel and managed a genuine smile.

  “I would think you need her more, you coward man.” Brokk retorted, hitting Abel softly on the shoulder.

  “Coward?” Abel asked. He had totally expected nothing of such remark from Brokk.

  “Oh, you are one, my friend. I would like to think that you are the most skilled man I have met and undoubtedly the biggest coward I have ever come across as well.”

  “Hey!” Abel yelled playfully, making Brokk laugh.

  Brokk’s expression became that of concern afterwards though and it was obvious the concern was no longer for Fira.

  “You should tell her you care about her, Abel.” Brokk groaned.

  “And by the way, trust Fira to gossip that she cares about you too.” Brokk quickly added.

  Abel was lost in his own thought. He had been thinking about Tanya for hours and it was only a matter of time before he told himself that he had to talk to her about his feelings, and about hers.

  A few hours after they had landed at the Crystal Palace yesterday, he and Tanya had been guided to a single chamber and not one of them was even keen to observe the luxury that surrounded them. Tanya had immediately turned to him and whispered, “I am sorry.”

  He only nodded at her and took her into his arms. He didn’t want to talk to her about anything yet. He missed her and he only wanted to hold her in his arms forever. She was his woman and nothing would ever make her avoid him again. If she ran, he told himself he would run after her.

  Both of them
had dozed off in each other’s arms until the next morning. That was the day before and that day had been the day that every one of them had been equipped with instructions, armours and instruments for the tourney.

  “Uhm….you still with me, friend?” Brokk’s voice cut deep into the memory of the previous day.

  Abel had to shake his head to get back to the present.

  “Yes, I am.” He sighed.

  “I could have bet to the Fates that you were lost for a second there, mate.” Brokk snickered.

  Abel had to ignore the big Goblin’s remark and focus on what had just crossed his mind.

  “Brokk, tell me everything you know about Tiens and Encantados.” He suddenly whispered.

  He watched as Brokk’s eyes with wide with surprise before the tall Goblin began to explain everything about different magical creatures and subsequently, the history of Sheelah.

  At the same time, there was an announcement from the large theatre above that the first phase had just been concluded and only four cheers would be moving on to the next stage with their male fighters.

  “The female cheers are Kora, the mountain elf; Fira, the golden goblin; Karina, the fairy; and Tanya, the Encantado!”

  Abel peered into the rocky mountains and held Tanya’s hand firmly. He couldn’t understand how it was possible for the mountain to exist suddenly in the field or how any audience would be able to see them when they weren’t even able to see them from the mountain. It was an enclosed mountain, and it seemed as if they were the only people breathing in the area. But then, Abel had heard about so many things from Brokk a few minutes ago, and nothing seemed impossible to him anymore.

  He turned towards Tanya and smiled gaily at her.

  “I guess this is how it is going to be,” He told her.

  He had expected her to find the second phase awkward and become too embarrassed to continue with it, but Tanya was looking at him in the most awkward of manner.

  “I want you,” She whispered.

  It was the right encouragement, making Abel unconcerned about the tourney anymore. He realised that he had wanted Tanya again since the time at the tavern, and it had only taken all his will power not to make love to her again as they were lodged into one of the chambers at the Crystal Palace.

  He guided her towards one of the walls of the mountain and carefully let her back rest on its walls.

  “I have always wanted you, Tanya,” He told her. “Not as a woman, but as my woman.”

  “Really?” Tanya whispered, happiness written all over her face.

  “Yes, and I won’t ever forget the tunes you sang into my ears my Encantado woman,” Abel added. He knew what she was now and he loved her still.

  “You are not angry?” Tanya asked, already sighing with pleasure as Abel began to move his hand underneath her armour gown. He was tracing an urgent line from her knee towards the region between her thighs.

  “I was,” Abel admitted. His fingers were now tracing circles at her clit, and he could feel how wet the entire soft flesh was.

  “But now, I just want to hold you and tell you I am not anymore.”

  This brought out the lust in Tanya as she hurriedly plastered her body to Abel’s whispering his name as she kissed him. The moment her tongue touched his, both of them began a series of moaning and groaning that echoed throughout the mountain, making it seem as if they were alone in their world.

  Thinking about nothing but love and lust, Abel tore the armour from Tanya’s body and took in the sight of her naked and glowing skin once again.

  In a second, he buried his dick inside her waiting clit and took in the pleasure with a loud groan.

  He wanted nothing more than just to fuck his Encantado woman.

  Abel couldn’t stop burying his hard shaft inside her. She enveloped his waist with her legs and accepted his thrusts with a pleasurable tone, sometimes calling out his name with some erratic pleasure. All the time, he could feel his climax reach its peak before it went back again and he went through the torture of thrusting hard and fast inside her again.

  “Abel.” Tanya moaned, no longer to take the endless pleasure.

  Her hands had also circled his neck and she was literally dragging him towards her as if she would never let go of him soon. He knew he wouldn’t let go of her too since all he could think of was burying himself inside her, and then pouring out his seeds into her wet clit. But then, it has been long since he started penetrating Tanya and something was beginning to seem wrong.

  First, Abel realised that the heat in the mountain was immense, and combined with the body heat he was sharing with Tanya, he should be sweating and panting uncontrollably already. Yet, his body and Tanya’s was as smooth as a bird’s beak. He wasn’t even near sweating and his body was reenergized almost every five minutes as if he wasn’t even exhausting any energy as he panted and breathed hard as he went in and out of Tanya.

  “Tanya,” He whispered.

  He wanted to tell her that something wasn’t natural with their lovemaking but he could only whisper her name. The evolving and revolving lust in his head was taking over his reasoning and her name came out more like a groan. He regained his speed and was changing position until he was laying down sideways with Tanya. Immediately, he held on to Tanya’s naked breast and took her from behind.

  “Oh, Tanya!” He loved every moment of burying his hardness inside her.


  Tanya seemed to be finding it pleasurable too and was beginning to mention his name continuously as if she was reaching her own climax.

  “Abel,” She whispered again.

  The way she was whispering his name seemed to make him stop moving. He realised his reasoning was taking over again. The next time Abel heard his name, he realised the sound wasn’t coming from Tanya at all.

  “Abel!” His name sounded in his head with more force and he was almost forced to block his ears with his palms.

  “Wake up Abel!”

  Abel suddenly got a flash of the face of the Tien smiling at him at the Tower room a day ago. Immediately, her face disappeared and the vision was replaced by a blinding light that got him staggering back from Tanya’s embrace.

  “Wake up Abel.” He heard again.

  “What the….”

  Abel couldn’t believe his eyes as everything began to change before his eyes. The mountain rocks surrounding them started to melt and metamorphose into a larger compartment and soon, the silence he thought was imminent became loud cheers that surrounded everywhere. It had taken a long time before Abel realised what was happening.

  “What the heck!” He finally managed to say as everything dawned on him.

  Everything had been happening in my head!

  Immediately after Abel said this to himself, he was back with Tanya and he was only staring into her eyes the same way she was looking oddly at him. Both of them blinked at the same time and suddenly realised that their bones felt weak and motionless. It took more than ten seconds before any one of them could move or talk.

  “What was that?” Tanya asked.

  Obviously, the whole lovemaking had happened in her head too. The second phase had played with their head.

  Before Abel could reply her, the whole field buzzed with encouraging cheers from spectators who were glad to see that they were back to their senses. Immediately, an announcement lauded through the air, congratulating both of them for moving on to the next phase.


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