Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel

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Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel Page 14

by Lexi Archer

  Seriously. What kind of guy fantasized about his girlfriend getting with other guys and actually got turned on by that? I certainly didn’t think it was a thing until she started talking about how some of the guys at her work talked about her and then it hit me with an intensity that was almost as great as the jealousy I felt when I realized the assholes she worked with were hitting on her all the time.

  Not that I thought anything would ever happen. I knew Reese was faithful to me. I knew she loved me and she wanted only me. The problem was that while I trusted her I didn’t trust those guys. I didn’t trust them not to try something even as I got turned on thinking about them trying something.

  Even as I’d slowly come to the realization that I was almost more disappointed than relieved that Reese would never let things go too far.

  Yeah, it was fucked up. It was crazy. And moseying on over to the pizza place and looking in from the street was something I’d done on a couple of occasions in a moment of weakness. It wasn’t something I was proud of, walking through campus shivering even though it was still plenty warm out thinking about what I might find when I got there. Feeling disappointment every time I got there and it turned out that they were just getting slammed with people and I was acting like a jealous asshole.

  Reese had only seen me once even though I’d made that walk on more than one occasion. And she’d blown up when I muttered something about not trusting the guys she worked with because she assumed that meant I didn’t trust her as well which couldn’t be farther from the truth, but there wasn’t a chance I was going to tell her the real reason I was so interested in some of the guys she worked with because that was even more fucked up and out there than me worrying she was cheating on me.

  No, I wasn’t going to go out and see if she was out there tonight. For one there was always the risk she’d see me out on the street and get even more pissed off than the first time around because she thought she knew what I was doing out there. She’d have it all wrong, but I wasn’t about to tell her that.

  The main reason I decided not to go and see why she was so late, though, was because I knew it would be a waste of my time. I might be keyed up and trying to hide my hard on the entire way over there, but I’d get over there and she’d be standing there at the front counter taking orders while they had a line of drunk people who’d had a little too much at the local bars running out the door demanding pizzas to take home to their apartments or dorms or wherever the hell they were going.

  Yeah, I’d do all that walking for nothing. I figured that would be time better spent enjoying my video game time. She’d call when she called, and in the meantime thoughts of her with other men would have to stay firmly in the realm of fantasy where they belonged because there wasn’t a chance anything like that was ever going to happen in reality.

  I wasn’t even sure I wanted something like that to happen in reality even if I got fucking turned on fantasizing about it.

  It was another half hour before my phone finally buzzed. I was so dialed into the game I was playing that I almost didn’t notice at first. Occupational hazard of using headphones for all of my fragging rather than speakers. Speakers didn’t go too well with a roommate.

  I glanced down and saw that it was Reese, but even as I saw her name popping up on the screen I felt my heart sinking. It was pretty damn late. Later than she’d ever called me before. Usually when she called this late she was too tired from a busy night at work to have any fun.

  I could enjoy spending time with her, and I would, but at the same time I knew that the only thing she was going to be doing in my bed that night was dozing off pretty damn quick leaving me to go back to my computer to get in some more gaming while the night was still young.

  Damn it.

  I picked up the phone and swiped to answer.

  “Hey baby,” Reese said.

  Damn. I loved the sound of her voice. Just hearing its sweet tones coming through my phone was enough to have my cock throbbing again. It had never really gone down since the last time I almost considered jerking off, and hearing her voice was enough to send me into a sexual overdrive again.

  “Hey yourself,” I said. “Ready for me to come get you?”

  “That’s the thing I was calling about,” she said.

  I cocked an eyebrow even though she couldn’t see it. I shifted the phone to my shoulder so I could continue making complete strangers’ lives a living hell in the online world. Something about the tone of her voice told me I was going to be in a mood to ruin other people’s night by the time she finished.

  “Yeah? What’s up? Are you still at work?”

  “No, but I just got off and it was a busy night. Later than usual. I really need to get back to my place and crash.”

  I hated that I was doing this, but I found myself listening to her voice for any sign that something was out of the ordinary. I found myself listening to the background noise on her call. I’m not sure what I was even listening for. The sound of another guy? Who the hell am I kidding? I was totally listening for a male voice in the background.

  And I was a little disappointed when there was nothing. She just had a busy night at work. She was tired. That’s all it was. Anything beyond that was me projecting my fantasies onto my girlfriend. Fantasies that she wouldn’t appreciate if she ever found out about them, which she wouldn’t if I had anything to do with it.

  “I understand. If you need to crash then you need to crash,” I said. “We can hang out tomorrow if you’re not working too late.”

  “I have tomorrow off,” she said. “I told you about that during the week, remember?”

  Crap. Now that she mentioned it I did remember her saying something about having the night off on Saturday. That was so rare that I’d completely glossed over it. Something about switching schedules with a girl who normally worked during the week because the girl had to go to a friend’s wedding or something like that. I hadn’t really been paying attention, as evidenced by the fact that Reese had to remind me that she was off tomorrow at all.

  Still, I figured that was a good thing. We could make up for the time we didn’t get to spend together tonight. We could really have an evening all to ourselves rather than me walking her back to my dorm so we could make out, get it on, and then collapse and get some sleep.

  Yeah, that sounded pretty damn nice.



  You bet your ass I was over at her dorm room first thing the next day. Unfortunately when the door swung open the first thing to greet me was Angela. She regarded me with the sort of disdain that I’d gotten used to during the first week of school and not for the first time I found myself wishing that a last minute financial aid issue hadn’t prevented Reese’s best friend and roommate from last year from living in the dorms this year as well.

  “Hello Angela. Lovely to see you.”

  It wasn’t lovely to see her. It was never lovely to see her. For that matter it wasn’t lovely to smell her either. Her hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks, and from the smell, a mixture of stale green soda beloved by gamers and introverts around the world and the funk of someone who only moved from their computer chair to occasionally answer the door, it seemed like she might not have showered in that amount of time either.

  I liked to play video games once in awhile, but Angela was the type of person who made it a questionable lifestyle choice. She was the sort of walking stereotype that made life difficult for anyone else who ever picked up a mouse and considered blasting people from halfway around the world. Basically she was the female equivalent of the overweight neckbeard living in his parents’ basement, only she was wire thin, lived in the dorms instead of a basement, and had one of the single nastiest dispositions I’d ever had the displeasure of meeting.

  “So is Reese here?” I asked.

  “She’s in the shower,” Angela grunted.

  I stood there for another moment wondering if she was going to let me in and cursing the fact that she was
here in the first place. If Angela wasn’t around and Reese was in the shower then there was a good chance I’d be able to join her and have a little bit of fun. As it was I could look forward to sitting on the bed in her dorm staring awkwardly at the walls while praying that Reese got ready to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible.

  “Right, so I’m going to come in and wait then,” I said.

  “I didn’t invite you in,” Angela said.

  “Yeah, but Reese did invite me over here, so if you could move out of the way?”

  Angela sighed as though I was making the most ridiculous request in the history of history but ultimately she moved aside and let me in. I was really hoping that we might be able to get an apartment somewhere off campus next year, because dealing with more crap like this in the dorms for another year was going to drive me wild.

  “That other asshole didn’t press when I told him he couldn’t come in last night,” she muttered.

  I felt a chill that ran to the very core of my being when she said that. I felt a stirring between my legs and my cock was standing to attention despite the fact that I was looking at Angela’s backside and as far as I was concerned that was one of the least arousing most boner-killing sights in the world.

  That other asshole? There’d been another guy here last night. Reese had brought another guy over to her dorm room? Surely that couldn’t be what I thought it was even though my cock was throbbing in my pants and threatening to break free. It had already decided that what was going on was exactly what I thought it was.

  She wouldn’t bring a guy back to her dorm room to have a little fun though. Sure Angela wasn’t exactly fond of me, but that was because she wasn’t particularly fond of anyone. She didn’t even get along with Reese. Reese wouldn’t bring a guy back to this room because Angela never left and there wasn’t a chance that something was going to happen in here with another guy any more than there was a chance something would happen here with me.

  No, there had to be another explanation for it. Still, my curiosity was piqued, to say the least.

  “What was that?”

  Angela looked over her shoulder and then I saw something that I don’t think I’d ever seen before. A smile. I didn’t even know she could do that, but she’d fixed me with a knowing smile. A smile that immediately had me on guard. A misanthropic person like Angela who seemed to hate the world seemed like the kind of person who would only smile like that if she knew she was doing something to introduce a little more pain and suffering into the world.

  Pain and suffering like making me think Reese was cheating on me. Which made me wonder if Reese had even had a guy over here the night before at all. Was Angela telling the truth or was that just a well timed remark meant to put me on guard and put a wedge between me and my beautiful girlfriend? It seemed like the kind of lie she would tell if she thought it would sow a little extra chaos in the world.

  No, there was really only one way to find out for sure and that was asking Reese. Unfortunately it looked like Angela had been telling the truth about at least one thing. Reese was nowhere to be seen in the room for the moment.

  I could hear the sound of the shower running and that just made me even more uncomfortable. I had to shift to keep my hard on from being noticeable. The last thing I wanted was for Angela to think that reaction had anything to do with her. No, that reaction was entirely for the thought of water trailing down Reese’s perfectly sculpted body. It was entirely for thoughts of one of the guys at her work running his hands up and down that body the night before in the back room at the pizza place which was the reason why she was so late and the reason why he ended up walking her home just to be safe…

  Wait. Damn it. Why was I thinking about that? Usually those thoughts only came up on nights when she was working late. This was the first time it had intruded into the day like this, and I knew exactly why it was happening. I was thinking about a guy walking Reese home the night before. I was thinking about what they might have done before they got back to the room since of course Reese would know that her room was a strictly monitored no fuck zone.

  I really needed to get those sorts of thoughts under control, too, because if I kept this up then someday I was going to do something stupid like get so turned on that I told Reese about the whole thing and then it would be the end of our relationship because she’d know exactly what kind of sick puppy she was dating. She’d go off to find a guy who was all about monogamy and not about wanting to share her with other men, even if it was strictly in the realm of fantasy for now.

  Then again at the same time if she was having random guys walk her home after work it seemed that things might have already progressed past a point where one of us was doing the strictly monogamous thing. I needed more information, damn it, and it was killing me that she was in the shower alone for more than one reason. Now on top of wanting to be in there having fun with her I desperately wanted to be in there and finding out if there was any truth to what her roommate had just told me or if I just had another reason for hating her guts.

  Finally after what seemed like an eternity but what was actually no more than five minutes judging by my watch the door to the attached bathroom opened and Reese breezed in. She frowned at Angela first, she’d taken up her usual perch at her computer chair and it sounded like she was playing some sort of MMO from the sounds of things. Then Reese turned and saw me sitting there on her bed and her face lit up.

  And once more I found myself cursing the day that she ended up rooming with someone who was a shut in. If Angela wasn’t sitting there playing her game then I could thoroughly enjoy Reese with her hair slicked down running down to her shoulders, her towel barely covering her incredible tits and going down to just below her pussy hiding her treasures from me but giving me a tantalizing glimpse of what I’d be enjoying later tonight.

  Yeah, if there was no roommate in here then I could throw Reese down on her bed and have my way with her right now. I could get rid of some of this pent up energy I was dealing with thinking about the guys at her work trying to hit on her. I would be able to get rid of some of the sexual energy that was threatening to overwhelm me as I thought about another guy escorting her back to her room the night before. As I wondered what time they got back and how much time passed between her getting off from work and getting back to her dorm room, and whether or not that was enough time for her to get off in other ways too, if you catch my drift.

  Unfortunately none of that was going to happen. I was going to have to wait until we got back to my room like I always did. Well, we might be able to have a conversation about what Angela just revealed on the walk back to the dorm, depending on how crowded things were on campus. I had a feeling that conversation was going to be emotionally loaded, and I worried about her breaking down in the middle of campus or us getting into the middle of a shouting match.

  More than anything I was so rock hard as I thought about where that conversation might potentially go. More than anything I was conflicted at the idea of her being walked home by some random guy, though come to think of it the guy probably wasn’t random. It was probably one of the guys from the pizza place. One of the guys she freely admitted hit on her all the time, and now she was encouraging him by letting him walk her back to the dorms which would be seen as one hell of a green light from the dude’s perspective even if he didn’t know that Angela the dragon was lurking in her lair at the end of the journey waiting to prevent any sort of sexy times from actually happening.

  The mixture of jealousy, curiosity, and arousal was threatening to overwhelm me. It was certainly leaving my cock painfully hard. It didn’t help that I was already dealing with one hell of a case of blue balls thanks to not getting any action the night before.

  Damn it.

  “I’ll be ready in a minute honey,” Reese said. “I already packed my stuff.”

  She spared a glance for her roommate and her nose wrinkled up in distaste. Perfume and the smell of lotion wafted in from the bathroom acco
mpanying Reese, and it was a welcome distraction from some of the smells coming from the other side of the room. I was shielded from it just a little by the candles and air fresheners Reese kept on her bed, but wow.

  Thankfully she was true to her word and ten minutes later we were making our way across campus. The place still seemed fairly deserted. I suppose most people were probably still in their rooms recovering from whatever fun they had the night before. Thursday through Saturday was usually an excuse for one long extended night of partying with the occasional Friday class thrown in between, and a Saturday morning after the second night of partying usually meant that everybody was holed up in their rooms sleeping off the night before and getting good and rested for the night to come.

  Which had me thinking about what had happened the night before. It had me thinking about that off the cuff remark from Reese’s roommate. It had me wondering once more if they’d walked along this path, and what they’d talked about. What had happened. There was a stand of trees off to the side that was notorious for people going off to have a little drunken fun. Had something happened there? Had he pulled her off, had they gotten overwhelmed in the moment, and something went down?

  For that matter why was she even taking a shower this early? Usually when she came over to my place on a night she had off she waited to take a shower with me. It suddenly occurred to me that it was a little out of the ordinary that she was doing that ahead of me coming over. Was there something that she needed to get rid of? Was she showering off evidence that I might’ve noticed if we’d hopped into one of the showers attached to my dorm room?

  I just didn’t know, and now that we were out here walking across campus I was terrified to open my mouth and ask her. I was terrified that on the one hand I might be jumping at shadows and it would turn out Angela was lying. I was terrified that I’d get chewed out for even believing Angela in the first place and thinking Reese was capable of doing something like that. I was terrified that I’d find out all the things I’d been fantasizing about ever since that seemingly off the cuff remark from Angela would turn out to be just fantasy and not reality.


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