Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel

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Cheat on Me: A Hotwife Novel Page 27

by Lexi Archer



  Well, part of his quarry, at least. Aiden looked up in surprised and tried pulling his clothes on, but he nearly fell over. Reese was in a bind as well considering she was just in her panties and her tennis shoes, but that didn’t stop her from hopping down from the car at the speed of light. She bent down to scoop up her shorts and shirt which where on the ground next to a struggling Aiden and then she was sprinting for the trees where Angela and I were trying to get ourselves in order as well, though I was pretty sure we were hidden from the light that was sweeping across the parking lot.

  Adrenaline was pumping and I was ready to bolt as soon as I had my pants up, but I waited for Reese to get over to our hiding spot before we all turned and ran, Reese’s gorgeous tits bouncing as she sprinted right along with us. I spared a brief thought for Aiden, but I didn’t figure he was going to get in too much trouble. This probably wasn’t the first time the campus cops caught people getting it on in one of the deserted campus parking lots, and they didn’t tend to come down on students very hard unless it was a serious crime or underage drinking.

  We ran away from the cop car and into another line of trees. As soon as we were stopped Reese started scrambling into her clothes. It’s not like she was going to be able to make it through any part of campus when she was naked as the day she was born. Her breath was coming quickly, and it’s not like I could blame her for that considering the successive workouts she’d gotten this evening as a result of her misadventures.

  “Damn that was close,” Angela said.

  “We’re not out of the woods yet,” I said, though we were actually in the middle of a wooded area. They knew what I meant.

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “You can’t outrun a radio,” I said. “What we need to do is take a nice leisurely stroll out of here, all three of us, and maybe stumble just a little like we’re drunk.”

  “Are you crazy? We should be sprinting for the dorm!” Angela said.

  “No, he’s right. We need to act casual,” Reese said.

  Angela looked down at Reese and there was an almost hostile expression on her face for a moment. A look that surprised me. I wouldn’t figure she’d be that pissed off at Reese even if she did think my girlfriend had been cheating on me all this time.

  “Fine, we’ll do it your way,” Angela said.

  Reese finished getting everything on and we walked around the edge of the wooded area until we came to a sidewalk that ran along a road between the parking lot and the official beginning of the off campus area. I held out my hands to get them to wait until a crowd of people shouting and generally acting drunk, public intoxication didn’t seem to be a thing the cops cared about much around here as long as people didn’t cause trouble, and then we were stepping out onto the sidewalk and walking as though we didn’t have a care in the world.

  As we were walking a cop car drove past, going nice and slow. I held my breath and tensed up, though I was more worried that Angela or Reese were going to do something stupid than I was worried about them actually stopping us.

  “Keep cool,” I said in a low voice. “As long as we’re just a bunch of students out for a stroll we’re not going to catch their interest. They didn’t get a good look at Reese and what they did see was a hot college girl running through campus naked.”

  I could tell the girls were tense, but they managed to keep it under control just like I’d hoped. The cop car moved on without turning on a siren or lights and I finally let out that breath I was holding. I allowed myself to relax, and my body started shuddering both from the release of adrenaline and from everything that had happened before that.

  We moved past the parking lot and the cop car was still there with the lights on, but I saw that the two cops who were out there were laughing with Aiden and shaking their heads. One of them even reached out and gave him a high five!

  “Are you serious?” Reese asked.

  I shrugged. “Hey, those cops were probably in college once upon a time too. They were probably just doing their job. It’s not like they want to cock block someone.”

  Yeah, it looked like Aiden was going to be just fine. As I glanced over I saw the cops moving back to their car and then he was climbing into his own, but not before looking around. Then he fired up his car engine and was pulling out, but we were past the entrance to the parking lot before he got underway so it’s not like he was going to see us.

  “Nice of him to just leave me out there,” Reese muttered. “I guess chivalry is dead.”

  “You’re the one who bolted and left him rolling on the ground trying to get his pants on babe,” I said.

  Reese blushed at that, but she didn’t say anything. I was absolutely right, and of course she wasn’t going to admit when I was absolutely right.

  We made our way through campus without any more interruptions. It didn’t seem that the girls were in a mood for conversation, and that was just fine with me. To be honest I wasn’t in much of a mood for conversation either. No, I kept thinking about everything that had happened tonight. I thought about how some of the things Angela had been telling me in my dorm room just didn’t add up. How Reese hadn’t really been surprised to see us out there in the parking lot, and she definitely hadn’t acted like I was catching her in the middle of doing something she ought not be doing.

  The more I thought about it the more I could only come to one conclusion. Angela had been the one who was lying tonight, not Reese, but I still wasn’t one hundred percent sure. Besides, I wanted to wait until we were back at one of our dorm rooms to start making accusations. Just like earlier in the week with Reese, that seemed like the sort of conversation that was best had behind closed doors and not out in the middle of campus where the potential yelling and shouting would definitely draw the ire of the campus cops.

  We’d already made one lucky escape tonight. I wasn’t interested in trying for another.

  “So which dorm are we going for? My place or yours?” I asked.

  Angela fixed me with an unreadable expression that was a bit different from how she’d been acting earlier in the evening. She wasn’t exactly throwing herself at me like she had before. I wondered what had changed, and if she was backsliding into her old ways or if she was just temporarily annoyed by how the night had gone.

  If she was just temporarily annoyed then there was still a good chance that was going to go from temporary to permanent annoyance when I started trying to get to the bottom of exactly what the hell was going on.

  “What makes you think we’re all going back to the same dorm? Aren’t you going off with Reese?”

  I blinked and suddenly some of the reason for her annoyance started to make sense. Maybe she wasn’t pissed off at what had already happened tonight. No, the way she was talking made it sound like she was pissed off about something that hadn’t happened yet. Namely me leaving her high and dry after having my fun with her because I wanted to go off and have some alone time with Reese.

  “Oh I think that the three of us need to spend the night together and talk some things over. What do you think, Reese?”

  She looked at me and smiled. It was such an unassuming and open smile that once again I found myself having trouble believing she would ever try to pull a fast one on me. Once again I found myself more and more certain that Angela was the one who wasn’t being entirely truthful with me this evening.

  “I’m fine with it if you are,” she said, both to me and Angela.

  Angela looked down and blushed, and I wondered if that was a blush that said she was embarrassed at the idea of spending a night with both of us, unsure of having a potential tryst with another woman, or if she was simply ashamed of maybe not being entirely truthful with us this evening. I fully planned on finding out which brand of blush that was before the night was over!

  Of course that conversation also had me thinking of other possibilities aside from Angela getting pissed off and admitting that she’d been up to no good ton
ight. After the fun I’d just had with her in the parking lot and considering there was the possibility Reese and I might end the night with our relationship intact I found myself wondering if there was also a chance of unlocking that holy grail of college sexual experiences: the threesome. It certainly seemed that Reese was willing if I was reading the subtext of our conversation about going back to their place correctly, but I wasn’t entirely sure Angela would be onboard.

  All there was for it was to see where the evening took us. And right now it had taken us to the entrance to their dorm. I blinked. It felt weird to be standing here with both of them, and I’d been so lost in my own little world that I hadn’t realized how far we’d come.

  “So are we ready to do this?” Reese asked.

  Once more it seemed like there were a couple of meanings to what she was saying. Was I ready? Hell yes, but we needed to talk first. Still, I kept my peace until we were up in their room and the door closed. Reese moved towards me as though she was going to launch right into making out with me. That usually would’ve been perfectly fine, especially considering that I was feeling a miracle third hard on of the evening standing at attention and ready to go, but there were still questions that needed answering. So as difficult as it was, I held a hand up and stopped her with my hands pressing against her tits as she looked down in surprise and then looked up and locked me with a look that clearly said “are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What’s wrong honey?”

  “Nothing,” I said. “At least not yet. Before we have any fun, though, first I want to know exactly what the hell you’ve been up to for the past couple of weeks and exactly what you told Angela about tonight, because one of you has been lying to me and I intend to find out who it was.”



  Angela blushed and looked down again even as Reese blinked in surprise. That reaction told me just about all I needed to know about who was telling the truth and who’d been embellishing things, but I still needed to know for sure. So I walked over to Angela and put a finger under her chin. Pulled her face up until she was looking directly at me. Then I glanced over to Reese.

  “Reese, Angela here told me tonight that you’ve been cheating on me for a hell of a lot longer than just the past couple of weeks. What do you think of that?”

  The reaction from Reese was immediate and pretty fucking strong. Her eyes went wide and her nostrils flared. She suddenly looked as though she was ready to launch herself across the room and kill Angela, and I prepared myself to step in between the two of them even as I mentally started preparing the news headlines about a poor college guy who was found dead in the dorms with wounds that were consistent with getting caught in the middle of a cat fight.

  Thankfully that cat fight never quite materialized. Reese took a deep breath and even though she still looked pissed off, at the same time she didn’t exactly seem like she was ready to get into the middle of a physical altercation. I hoped.

  “That’s complete bullshit. Tell me you don’t believe that,” she said.

  “I’m not sure who I believe,” I said.

  And t hen I found myself wondering if maybe I wasn’t going to die not from getting in the middle of a cat fight, but from suddenly finding myself pulling off that not-so-rare feat of pissing off two girls at the same time. From the way they were glaring at me it was clear they’d suddenly gone from being pissed off at each other to being pissed off at me for having the audacity to not quite believe either of them.

  “Can you blame me?” I said. “Reese, I just discovered you’d been having fun with other guys and I had no idea about it. I might still have no idea about it if I hadn’t gone out and done some spying. It didn’t seem like you were all that eager to tell me what was going on, that’s for damn sure.”

  This time it was Reese whose cheeks colored as she looked down in embarrassment. It was clear from the way she went from ready to claw my eyes out to embarrassed that she knew I had a point. I turned on Angela.

  “And you. You act like you hate me since the first time we saw each other and then you come and tell me that my girlfriend who I mostly trust is lying to me and you expect me to just believe it? Especially when it doesn’t quite seem like your story checks out?”

  “Fine, that maybe wasn’t entirely true what I said about her cheating on you for a couple of months. As far as I know it was just the past couple of weeks,” Angela muttered.

  “You bitch,” Reese hissed, and once more from the way she was looking I found myself seriously worrying that I was about to find myself in the middle of one hellacious cat fight. “And after I told you that you could go have fun with him! I hand you my boyfriend on a silver platter like that after you’ve been mooning over him ever since the first time you see him and the way you repay me is by trying to break me up?”

  Her voice was rising as she said it. By the time she’d finished she was positively screeching. I covered my ears and winced, but I had to stop and reach out to stop Reese as she really did start going for Angela. I managed to stop her about halfway across even as I shook my head. This isn’t where I saw this going. It seemed like I really was going to miss out on that elusive threesome. Tonight, at least.

  I hated it, but the air needed to be cleared.

  “Reese, calm down,” I said. “What exactly did you tell Angela to do with me tonight? If you’ll recall I told you I didn’t want another girl to make you feel like you had a clear conscience, and right now it seems like you sent Angela over to distract me while you went out and had some more fun that was breaking the rules we already set up.”

  “What are you talking about? I asked her to go over and get you and take you out to the parking lot where we were going to have some fun,” she said. “I didn’t say anything about distracting you. I told her she could have some fun with you while I was having fun with Aiden. I figured it would be a nice surprise!”

  Some of the heat was starting to turn back on me. Damn it. I should’ve figured she’d get annoyed with me for even insinuating I believed what Angela was saying. I decided to ignore that, though, and turn my attention to Angela. I whirled around and crossed my arms. Looked down at her.

  “Why were you lying about all this Angela?” I asked.

  Angela immediately burst into tears. Her face went down into her hands and she was sobbing. I looked over to Reese and she seemed at a loss for what to do too. What did you do when a girl started sobbing in the middle of her dorm room? Her breath came in gasps and after a moment of us standing around awkwardly wondering what the hell to do she looked up and her eyes were red-rimmed. I figured she might be on the verge of telling me to get the hell out of her room, but then she started talking instead.

  “It’s just that when I saw you I thought you were so hot and then you were my roommate’s boyfriend so I couldn’t do anything. I figured if I was going to feel that strong every time I saw you then the only thing to do is push you as far away as possible just to be safe,” she said. Some of her words were lost in sobs, but it was pretty easy to figure out what she was saying.

  And to my surprise as she was talking Reese moved over. I readied myself, once more, to step in the middle if it turned out we were on the verge of a fight, but instead Reese sat down next to Angela and she was wrapping her arms around her and holding her as she cried. The crying wasn’t as intense now, but it was still pretty bad.

  “Then Reese starts cheating on you and I’m thinking she’s such a bitch because she has a great guy like you and she’s stepping out on you. I got so pissed off that I dropped those hints thinking you’d dump her, but then it turns out you’re turned on by it and I’m even more depressed than before because how can I compete with that?”

  Reese giggled. Not the reaction I was expecting to that, but then again at this point I was done acting surprised about anything that happened to me. If the girls wanted to giggle and suddenly act like they were best friends commiserating with each other right after they seemed like they were a
bout to do their best to claw each others’ eyes out then that was their business.

  “I’m sorry Angela,” Reese said. “I know that probably seemed a little fucked up.”

  I blinked. “You’re apologizing to Angela?”

  Reese shot me a sharp look. “What do you want me to do?”

  Angela looked up between the two of us and tried to smile, though it didn’t work all that great considering she still had wet red-rimmed eyes and she was sniffling. I grabbed a box of tissues off of her computer desk and walked over to hand them to her. Then, not really knowing what the hell else to do, I plopped myself down on the bed next to her. If Reese could sit next to her like they were BFFs then I figured it wasn’t going to hurt anything if I got a little up close and personal as well.

  I was painfully aware of how warm she felt with her body right next to mine. I was reminded of how great she felt with her body pressed against me as we made out. I thought about how talented she’d been when she was bobbing up and down the length of my cock and swallowing my load like a champ. How incredible it had felt to blow my load all over her face. I glanced down and I could still see where my come was crusted against her shirt where she’d used it to wipe herself clean.

  Angela leaned against me and then her arm was snaking around under my own as she pulled me against her. I looked over and she was doing the same to Reese.

  “I guess when Reese was talking to me earlier and saying she was going out with that Aiden guy I just went a little crazy. I figured this might be my chance to finally get you,” she said, looking over to me. “I guess I wasn’t really thinking, to be honest.”


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