Her Innocence, His Conquest

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Her Innocence, His Conquest Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  She glanced up to see him mere inches from her face, his heavy-lidded eyes aimed right on her parted lips. “That’s because I do all the work,” he told her in a raspy tone.

  “We’re not talking motorcycles anymore, are we?”

  He smiled, leaned in even closer, his lips barely a whisper away from hers. “I was referring to everything in my life. But I like where your mind keeps wandering.”

  And then he didn’t let her mind wander anymore. His smooth, soft lips covered hers in the kiss she’d been dreaming about for hours, for days. And Ana didn’t even have the briefest of moments where she wanted to fight him or pull back. She wanted his mouth on hers.

  Their hands still remained on the handles, but his fingers had slid between hers, stroking. Her shoulder still rested against the hard wall of his chest.

  With a gentle sweep of his tongue, he eased her lips apart, taking the kiss to an even deeper level of intimacy.

  How could he be so controlling, so demanding, yet so gentle and passionate?

  Just when she thought for sure he’d put his hands someplace else on her body, he tugged slightly on her bottom lip, drawing out the kiss even more before easing back.

  Her eyes fluttered open as she ran her tongue across her lips, trying to hold on to his taste.

  “What about the police cruiser that’s been driving by?” she whispered. “We can’t—”

  “He already drove by and they’re only coming by every hour.” Zach’s bright smile cut through the darkness, and her resolve. “Plenty of time.”

  Nerves now settled in good and deep in her stomach. “Zach, I—”

  Now his hands did come up to frame her face as he crushed her mouth under his. All words, and thoughts, were completely lost. She had no idea what she’d been about to say. Maybe she was going to tell him she couldn’t go any further than heated kisses, but more than likely she was going to beg him not to stop. At least he’d saved her from begging.

  Her body ached for him. Her hands fell off the handlebars as she turned to the left and reached around with her right hand to grab fistfuls of his shirt.

  Zach’s talented lips trailed heated kisses from her lips down her jaw and neck to the scoop of her tank top. Something in Ana took over—instincts, hormones, pure lust—did it matter? She arched into him, silently begging him to keep doing everything he was doing that made her feel so amazing.

  “I can’t stop, Ana. I can’t stop touching you.” He kissed her harder, then pulled back. “I won’t push you, but I have to at least touch you anywhere you’re comfortable with.”

  He pushed one hand up her tank and she could only groan out a “yes” when that warm palm slid up her abdomen and over her lacy bra.

  Chills raced, one after the other, all over her body.

  “This is for you,” he murmured against her skin as he traveled back up to her mouth. “What?”

  She had no idea what he meant, but he didn’t stop assaulting her shoulders, neck and lips long enough to answer.

  Taking both hands to the waistband of her shorts, he made quick work of the button and zipper.

  Was this really happening? Was she ready? If not, she feared in about one more second it would be too late to say so.


  He eased on the bike behind her. “Shh. Lean against me, Ana.”

  Falling back against that hard-planed chest she’d give anything to see bare, Ana tried to relax. But Zach’s hands opened her shorts and one of his hands slid in.

  Her body stiffened, but Zach murmured soothing words into her ear as his other hand eased back up her shirt. Ana didn’t know where to put her own hands, so she rested them on Zach’s thighs and squeezed when his fingertips caressed her between her legs.

  “Relax, Ana. This is all for you.”

  Her hips jerked as she tightened her hold on his thick, muscular legs. Easing her legs open wider, Ana did as he told and let herself go.

  Zach used both of his hands in ways she’d never dreamed possible. She didn’t know if he was torturing her or pleasuring her. A fine line separated the two emotions.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take another second of agony, her body tightened, convulsed. Pleasure like she’d never known shot through every corner of her body.

  Whatever Zach whispered in her ear was lost in the hot Miami night. His stubbled jaw rasped against her cheek as her tremors slowly died down.

  Embarrassment threatened to take over, but Zach, as usual, knew where her thoughts were headed.

  “So responsive.” He eased his hand from her shorts, placing it on the inner part of her thigh. “That was the sexiest moment of my life.”

  Ana closed her eyes, wishing she could believe his words, but knowing he probably did this all the time with women. Perhaps he’d even said those exact words.

  Hey, get on my bike and I’ll show you how to ride.

  And she’d fallen for his line. But with the way her body tingled, she’d worry about her foolishness tomorrow. Right now she was too busy relishing the way her body still hummed.

  Oh, she’d made out with men, but never had she even come close to climaxing. Nothing about Zach resembled any relationship she’d had in the past. And that was the scariest part of it all. She wasn’t even in a relationship with him; he was her boss.

  “I think I’ve had enough lessons.” She tried to ease away, but his arms tightened around her.

  “Don’t be upset.”

  “With whom?” she asked. “You or me?”

  “Me for showing you a new side to your own body and you for thinking you lost control.” He straightened her clothes, even refastened her pants, and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Sometimes loss of control is a good thing, Ana. I will apologize if you think I lured you out here for that. I really had every intention of you learning to ride.”

  She pried his arms from her and not so gracefully removed herself from between his legs and off the bike. “Yes, well, neither type of riding will happen again. It can’t. Yes, I’m attracted to you. Obviously. But we can’t have a fling while we’re working and then afterward just go our separate ways. I don’t do flings, Zach. And that’s all you do. Surely I’m not the only one who sees the problem.”

  She didn’t wait to hear his reaction. With jittery legs and a rapid heart, Ana climbed the rickety stairs to her office. After kicking her flip-flops into the corner, she flopped down on the air mattress and jerked the sheet up over her heated body.

  He was right. She didn’t know if she was upset with herself for playing right into his hand or him for making her see just what she was missing.

  Ana had a feeling she still didn’t know what she was missing because for some reason, even though Zach had pleasured her, she still felt cheated by not seeing him or touching him in return.

  Damn that man. He’d gotten around her wall of defense, but he wouldn’t get around the one to her heart.

  That wall was made of steel.


  When the sun rose, Zach was still fully awake. And aroused. He’d spent the last six hours cursing himself for pushing Ana into something she mentally wasn’t prepared for and pushing himself to the brink of insanity.

  He’d never, ever been so adamant, so demanding about pleasuring a woman and receiving nothing in return.

  But the intensity with which he’d wanted to pleasure her overrode any physical ache he’d had. He’d wanted her to see just a glimpse of the passion they could share, the desires that were swirling around them. Dancing around the sexual attraction for weeks was damn near killing him.

  Knowing he’d maybe ruined any chances of getting her into his bed hurt much more than his stiff back from leaning against the wall at the foot of her mattress all night. Yes, he’d watched her sleep, trying to figure out how the hell he could get her to understand there was nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to regret. And so much more to explore.

  But he knew the moment those mesmerizing green eyes opened, he’d see regret
filling them and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  Zach came to his feet, picked up his boots and stepped outside, careful not to wake Ana. He sat on the top step and shoved his feet into his shoes.

  Workers would be arriving in an hour or so. Some construction companies didn’t start so early, but Ana didn’t cut her employees slack where hours were concerned. She wanted them early, prompt and ready to get to it. Which was a smart move considering the hellish Miami heat.

  Another thing he admired about her.

  Dammit, he was treading on shaky ground here. He didn’t want to admire her. He wanted to get her into his bed and get her out of his system. Then once the project was completed and Victor Lawson was thrilled about his first U.S. resort, then Zach could walk away feeling satisfied and one more giant leap past Melanie.

  A small four-door car pulled into the dusty lot, gravel crunching beneath the tires. Zach turned to the vehicle, wondering who on earth could be here this early.

  A tall, slender man with dark hair stepped from the car. The sun glinted off his hair, making the red more prominent. There was something about him that seemed familiar, but Zach knew he’d never met the man before.

  “Morning,” the man said as he closed the car door and approached Zach. “Didn’t expect anyone to be here this early, except my girl. She’s always prompt.”

  His girl. This was Ana’s father. Zach loathed him on the spot and wondered what the hell the man could want.

  “You work for Anastasia?”

  Zach crossed his arms over his chest, wishing he’d woken Ana so she could be prepared for this surprise guest. “Technically she works for me. I’m the architect, Zach Marcum.”

  He didn’t extend his hand by way of most initial meetings. Zach had no desire to shake hands with a man who’d obviously hurt Ana on a level he couldn’t possibly understand.

  The man placed his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed. “Where’s Ana?”

  Before Zach could respond, the office door opened. Ana stood on the top step, wiping her eyes. All that auburn hair draped her shoulders in curls, and her tank and shorts were wrinkled from an uncomfortable night’s sleep.

  She hadn’t spotted her father yet and Zach figured her eyes were still adjusting to the bright morning light. She stretched her arms above her head, baring a pale shimmer of midriff between her tank and shorts. What he wouldn’t give to scoop her into his arms and take her away where they could be alone.

  But he knew the second she spotted them. Her eyes, which had been scanning the horizon, now froze. She shoved her hair from her face, swept it over her shoulders and tilted her chin.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, without moving from the top step.

  Zach turned so he was in between the two. He took a step back, though, to let them talk, but he wasn’t going far.

  “Just wanted to stop by to see my girl.”

  Ana rolled her eyes, rested her hands on her hips, mimicking her father’s motion. “You’ve seen me, but I’m sure you’re not here to make sure I’m okay or that I’m happy. So, let’s cut to the chase, how much this time? And what are you doing in Miami?”

  Zach saw the man’s eyes turn to slits. “Can we talk in private?”

  Looking to Zach, Ana shook her head. “Zach’s not leaving unless he wants to. If you want something just come out and say it? How much are you in debt for this time?”

  “Don’t talk to me that way, young lady.” Her father took a step forward, putting Zach on full alert. “I’m still your father.”

  “You’ve never been a father to me,” Ana said in a tone Zach had never heard from her. Pure venom dripped from her voice. “I’m just glad Mom finally came to her senses and left you, though you left her little choice when you squandered away everything she’s ever owned.”

  “Why am I not surprised she called you crying? Look, Anastasia—”

  “No.” Ana held up a hand and came down the steps and closed the gap between her and her father. “You’re just upset she called and told me because you know that now you have no leverage for me to fund your habit.”

  Zach moved toward his motorcycle, which was only a couple feet from this family feud. From the debt Ana referred to, Zach assumed her father had a gambling issue. Something he’d have to investigate on his own time.

  “I just need ten thousand and I’ll leave you alone,” her father pleaded in a softer tone. “That’s a small amount for someone like you. You’ve always hoarded every single dime you made and you’ve been at this business for a long time. I know how much you work yourself, too, so don’t act like you don’t have any money. Besides, I’ve been in Miami for a few weeks. I figured this is where all the high rollers come to play. Might as well see what I can get.”

  “You’re pathetic to think you rank with people who actually worked for their money and were responsible enough to invest or pay off debts. I won’t give you ten cents.” Ana pointed a finger at her father, her tone growing louder and stronger. “If you want to play with the big boys, then step up and be one. Now get out of here before I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing.”

  A moment of silence stretched, but the tension still crackled. Finally her father spoke. “I can’t believe you’d do this to me.”

  “Had you, even once, pretended you gave a damn about me and Mom, I would give you anything you wanted.” Ana’s voice hitched, the commanding voice she’d had seconds ago vanished as her vulnerability crept to the surface. “Had you ever told me you loved me, shown me that I mattered to you, I’d never question you and hand over everything I have without question. You didn’t only gamble our money and assets, you gambled with lives. Mom and I will never get over how you destroyed our family.”

  Ana cleared her throat and Zach knew she was on the verge of tears. He wanted to go to her, wrap his arms around her and comfort her. But he wasn’t sure how, not sure what to say. This was brand-new territory for him.

  He did know one thing, though. He wanted Ana’s father gone five minutes ago. But Ana had to deal with this herself. He wasn’t her boyfriend. Hell, he wasn’t even technically her lover, so this family reunion was none of his business.

  “But you’ve never given me even one second of your life,” Ana continued, her voice now stronger than ever, but Zach saw her eyes shimmering in the sunlight. “So I won’t give you anything of mine.”

  Her father stood still for a moment, the muscle ticking in his jaw. “Fine. I hope you can live with yourself knowing you turned me away. I’ll be in Miami for another week or so to see what turns up if you change your mind. I didn’t raise you to be selfish, Anastasia.”

  “No, you didn’t raise me at all.”

  He stalked away, got into his rental car and drove off the site, leaving Ana and Zach staring after the dusty trail.

  “I didn’t mean to oversleep.” Ana turned toward Zach, pulled a rubber band from her pocket and twisted her hair back and looped it through. “I need to get to my condo and change so I can be back here before my crew shows up. Can you give me a lift?”

  He lifted a brow. “Are you really going to pretend you’re fine when I know you’re not?”

  “You know nothing about me, Zach.”

  Treading on shaky ground, he pushed his limit with her even further. It wasn’t the brightest move to make, but he’d always gone against the odds and taken risks. No way was he going to let her brush this off when she was so upset.

  “That’s not true.” He stepped around his bike, shoving his hands in his pockets to show her he wasn’t threatening or confrontational. “I know you’re hurting, I know you’re vulnerable and I know you’re regretting last night and the last thing you needed to wake up to was your father making demands.”

  His eyes held hers, saw the tears gathered there. She shut her eyes and one lone teardrop trickled down her creamy skin. The silent emotional plea took hold of his heart and squeezed. Hard.

  “My personal business isn’t your concer
n,” she told him, eyes still closed as if trying to gather her courage to open them. “Can you just give me a ride back to my condo?”

  Because he’d been dying to touch her the whole time her father had been here, Zach stepped forward and with the pad of his thumb wiped the moisture from her cheek. Her eyes popped open, and she bit her bottom lip and stared into his eyes.

  “There’s no need to hide your emotions.” Zach left his hand on her cheek, cupping her soft skin in his palm. “I know you don’t want to lean on anyone, but I’m here if you want to talk.”

  Her eyes searched his face. Surely she’d open up, let out what she’d kept bottled inside her. But she stepped back, making his hand fall to his side.

  “All I need from you is a ride.”

  She walked around him and mounted the bike like a pro.

  Damn, she had a spine of steel. How could he not find that attractive? And how could he possibly stop himself from wanting her on more than a physical level?

  Ana changed and was back at the site before the first member of her crew showed. As long as she kept going, didn’t take time to think about her father’s visit, she’d get through the day.

  Oh, who was she kidding? She was used to her father always dropping in unannounced, begging for money. She needed to concentrate on work and stay busy so she didn’t think about the one and only sexual experience she’d ever had, thanks to Zach and his talented hands.

  Even inexperienced as she was, she had a gut feeling that he’d set the bar so high no other man could reach it.

  Great. Exactly what she did not need.

  This was just one more reason she’d never gotten involved with a man, never let him touch her body in such an intimate way. How could she work when her mind was replaying over and over the events of last night? How could she ever be alone with him again and not immediately desire to see what else he could teach her?

  Zach had been so giving, so…perfect. Yes, much as she hated to admit it, he’d done every single thing right.


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