Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism

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Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism Page 25

by Lawrence Reed

  income inequality, 1–4, 9–10, 17–20

  Index of Economic Freedom, 257

  India, 252

  individualism, 77–79, 80

  Industrial Commission, 205

  Industrial Revolution, 137–141, 258


  economic, 9–12

  income, 1–4, 9–10, 17–20

  inflation, 169–173

  Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, 78

  Intercollegiate Socialist Society, 130

  Internet, 85, 204, 240, 242

  Investor’s Business Daily, 11–12

  Irvine, William B., 88–89


  James I (king of England), 117

  Japan, 182, 252

  Japan Times Online, 246

  J.C. Penney, 103–104, 106

  Jefferson, Thomas, 40, 41, 42, 265

  Jesus Christ, 19, 215–220

  Johnson, Lyndon, 85

  Joint Economic Committee of Congress, 10–11

  Jones, Wendall, 90

  Journal of Law and Economics, 207

  Journal of Political Economy, 147–148

  Jungle, The, 129–136


  K Street, 85

  Kennedy, Joseph, 155

  Kerensky, Alexander, 17

  Kern Family Foundation, 116

  Keynes, John Maynard, 171, 259

  King Coal, 133

  Kinsella, Stephan, 243

  Kolko, Gabriel, 132–133, 206, 209

  Krugman, Paul, 127


  labor unions, 143–145, 160

  Law, The, xiii

  legal positivism, 42

  Leggett, William, 265

  Leith-Ross, Frederick, 172

  Lenin, Vladimir, 17

  Lewis, Sinclair, 134

  Liberty, 135

  Lincoln, Abraham, 93

  London, Jack, 131

  London School of Economics, 253

  Louis XIV (king of France), 254

  Loyola University, 148


  Mackinac.org, 140

  Magna Carta, 115–116, 118

  Mainspring of Human Progress, The, xiii

  Malthus, Thomas Robert, 254

  Mao Zedong, 17, 18, 93

  Marshall Plan, 85

  Marx, Karl, 48, 80, 201, 241–242, 264, 265

  Marxist theory, 236, 261, 262, 264, 265

  matter, destruction of, 61–62

  McGee, John S., 207–209

  Meat Inspection Act of 1906, 129, 133, 136

  Medicare, 59, 228, 229, 230, 231

  Mellon, Andrew, 117

  Merchiston Castle School, 259

  Merriman, Frank, 134

  Milton, John, 117

  minimum wage, 185–190, 197, 240

  Mises, Ludwig von, 72, 73, 74, 138–139, 140, 169

  Mises.org, 148

  Money Writes!, 134

  Moneychangers, The, 134

  Mongolia, 67


  coercive, 52–53, 204, 213, 242–243

  efficiency, 53, 204, 206, 211, 242

  Montesquieu, Charles de, 257

  Mother Teresa, 80

  Motherboard, 241

  Mugabe, Robert, 171

  Myrdal, Gunnar, 253

  MySpace, 85

  Myths of Antitrust, The, 54


  Napoleon, 171

  National Archives, 115

  National Association of Manufacturers, 183

  National Basketball Association, 246

  National Football League, 246

  National Gallery of Art, 117

  National Hockey League, 246

  National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 158

  National Journalism Center, 85

  National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), 154, 159–160

  National Labor Relations Board, 160

  National Recovery Administration (NRA), 158, 159

  natural disasters, 111–114, 267–271

  Nature Conservancy, 63

  NBC News, 240

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 93

  Neill-Reynolds Report, 132–133

  New Deal, 83, 84, 85, 148, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 181–184

  revival of, 182–183

  New Deal or Raw Deal, 147, 182

  New Republic, 84

  New York Times, 18, 51, 228, 230, 243, 247, 251

  New York University, 11

  Nobel Prize, 31, 246, 253

  North Korea, 164, 236, 252

  Novy Mir, 234

  Nurkse, Ranger, 253

  NYA, 182


  Obama, Barack, 79, 175, 185, 186, 228, 275

  Obamacare, 60, 186, 275

  Ohanian, Lee E., 147–148

  Oil!, 133

  Olasky, Marvin, 87, 88, 112

  Olson, Ryan, 116–117

  Orwell, George, 245

  Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy, 241

  outsourcing, 175–179

  Ovechkin, Alexander, 18

  ownership, 65–69

  common, 65, 67, 69

  private, 68–69

  sharing and, 65–69

  Oxford English Dictionary, The, 87–88

  Oxford University, 116


  Panic of 1893, 242

  patents, 239, 243

  Perot, Ross, 116

  Perry, Katy, 18

  philanthropists, 43–46

  Pianka, Eric R., 252

  population, 251–255

  Population Bomb, The, 253

  positivist view, 41–42

  poverty, 197–201, 253

  absolute, relative poverty versus, 3

  compassion and, 88, 90

  free market and, 25–27

  minimum wage and, 185–190, 197

  redistribution and, 215–220

  sweatshops, child labor and, 93–95

  prices, 6, 267–271

  cap on, 268–270, 271

  gouging, 267, 268, 271

  profit, 6, 62, 233–237

  Profits of Religion, The, 133

  progressivism, xi–xii

  arts subsidized by government and, 163–167

  attributes of thought process in, 275–276

  balance of trade deficit and, 103–106

  belief system of, core of, 18

  broken-window fallacy and, 125–128

  central notion of, xi

  central planning and, 257–260

  collectivism and, 77, 79–80

  exploitation of working women and, 191–195

  FDR’s election in 1932 and, 147–151

  good intentions and, 273–277

  government as inflation fighter and, 169–173

  Hong Kong not a favorite topic of, 258

  Jesus Christ and, 215–220

  minimum wage promoted by, 185–190

  nature of, xiii

  outsourcing and, 175–179

  ownership and, 65–69

  population control and, 251–255

  prices during natural disasters and, 267–271

  profit as suspicious behavior and, 233–237

  public education and, 221–225, 248

  Robin Hood story and, 261–266

  Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company a target of, 203–213

  statist impulse and, 119–123

  statistical disparities between races proves discrimination under, 245–249

  unemployment a result of robots and computerization and, 239–244

  Warren Buffett tax opinion piece and, 227–231


  ownership of, 65–69

  private, 6, 7–8, 254

  rights to. See property rights

  property rights

  absence of, 7–8

  enforcing, 120–121, 123

  in Hong Kong, 257

  human rights versus, 35–37

  public education, 221–225, 248

  Pulitzer, 134


  racial discrim
ination, 245–249

  Raico, Ralph, 264

  Read, Leonard E., 14, 32, 90, 99

  Reagan National Airport, 247–248

  Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 157

  redistribution, 2, 9, 18, 20, 45, 65, 90, 121, 127, 200, 201

  Jesus Christ and, 215–220

  Reed, Lawrence W. (“Larry”), xii–xiii, 90

  Reid, Harry, 24

  Reighard, David P., 209


  conservation of, 6

  government management of, 5–8

  Rethink Robotics, 240

  Revenue Act of 1932, 157

  Revolutionary War, 172

  Richard the Lionheart (king of England), 262

  right(s), 39–42

  duty created by, 40, 41–42, 57

  healthcare and, 57–60

  human. See human right(s)

  positivist view of, 41–42

  privilege versus, 39

  progressive view of, 39, 41–42

  property. See property rights

  source of, 39

  Road to Serfdom, The, xiii

  Roberts, Russ, 177

  Robin Hood story, 112, 220, 261–266

  Robinson, Ron, xiii

  robots, 239–244

  Rockefeller, Edwin S., 54

  Rockefeller, John D., 44, 203–213

  Rodgers, Aaron, 18

  Rogers, H. H., 206

  Romney, Mitt, 175

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 153, 156

  Great Depression extended by administration of, 147–151, 157–162, 181–184

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 85, 130, 135

  Rothbard, Murray, 154–155, 243

  Rubenstein, David, 115, 116


  Samuelson, Paul, 253

  Saudi Arabia, 192

  Say, Jean-Baptiste, 265

  scarcity, 61–63

  Schama, Simon, 262, 263–264

  Schumpeter, Joseph, 243–244

  Sears, Roebuck and Company, 184

  security, freedom and, 47–49

  self-interest, 22, 30, 44, 90, 91

  Sennholz, Hans F, 154, 159–160

  sharing, 65–69

  Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, 53

  Shermer, Michael, 198

  Shmelyov, Nikolaay, 234

  Sinclair, Upton, 129–136

  Singapore, 252

  Singularity Hub, 241

  Sirius, 52

  Sloan, Alfred, 183

  Smith, Adam, 105, 178, 204

  Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930, 156

  snowflakes, 77–78

  Social Security, 228, 229, 230, 231

  socialism, 17, 27, 66, 130–135, 149, 172, 253, 254, 255, 261

  socialization of activity, 25–27


  affluent, 107–109

  free, income inequality and, 17

  Socrates, 185, 186–189

  Sotheby’s, 115

  South Improvement Company, 210

  South Korea, 252

  Soviet Union, 17, 66, 234, 252

  Sowell, Thomas, 22, 200, 218, 268

  Spangler, Mark, 74

  St. Andrews University, 259

  St. Lawrence University, 193

  Stalin, Joseph, 17, 66

  Standard Oil Company, 44, 203–213

  Standard Oil Trust, 21

  Stanford University, 253

  Star Wars (film), 130

  State of the World Population Report for 2009, 251

  statist impulse, 119–123

  Statute of Labourers, 263

  Steffens, Lincoln, 130

  Sun Tzu, 276

  Supreme Court, 53

  NRA and AAA outlawed by, 159

  Standard Oil Trust case and, 212

  Sutherland, George, 35 sweatshops, 93–95

  Swift, Taylor, 18

  Syracuse University, 89


  Taft, Robert, 183

  Taiwan, 252

  taxes, 108, 183–184, 222, 224, 257–258, 260, 263

  Great Depression and, 149, 151, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 183

  Warren Buffett opinion piece and, 227–231

  Taylor, John, 265

  Taylor, William Cooke, 137–138

  Thierry, Augustin, 261, 265

  Third World, child labor in, 94

  Thomas, Norman, 149

  Thompson, E. P., 137

  Times of India, 267

  trade deficit, 103–106

  Tragedy of American Compassion, The, 87

  tragedy of the commons, 7–8

  Transportation Department, 85

  Triumph of Conservatism, The, 206

  Truman, Harry, 147, 182–183

  Tsakhia, Elbegdorj, 67

  Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 157


  UCLA, 147

  Civil Rights Project at, 247

  UN State of the World’s Forests reports, 7

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 131

  unemployment, 11, 134, 156

  caused by labor unions, 144, 145, 160

  during Great Depression, 148, 155, 159, 181, 182–183, 184, 242

  effect of robots and computerization on, 239–244

  unions, 143–145, 160

  United Nations Population Fund, 251

  United States Constitution, 36, 39, 150

  framers of, 37, 165

  United States Postal Service, 53, 204

  Universal Robotics, 240

  University of California, Berkeley, 253

  University of Texas at Austin, 78, 252


  Venezuela, 171


  Wadsworth, James, 133

  Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act), 154, 159–160

  Wall Street Journal, 257, 258

  Walmart, 236

  War on Poverty, 88

  Warburg, James P., 148–150, 151

  Warburg, Paul, 148

  Washington Examiner, 274

  Washington Post, 18

  Wason, Robert, 183

  Weaver, Henry Grady, xiii

  Webster, Noah, 88

  West Germany, 252

  White, Lawrence, 23

  White, William Allen, 130

  Who Really Cares, 89

  Wicksteed, Philip, 99

  Williams, Roger J., 78–79

  Wolff, Edward, 11–12

  Wood, Robert E., 184

  Workforce, 241

  Works Progress Administration, 159

  World Bank, 258

  World War II, 127, 158, 160, 161, 181–182, 184, 258

  WPA, 182

  Wright State University, 89


  XM, 52


  Yahoo!, 85

  yaks, 67

  Yale University, 253

  You Are Extra-Ordinary and Free and Unequal: The Biological Basis of Individual Liberty, 78–79

  Young America’s Foundation (YAF), xii–xiii, 147

  YouTube, 90


  Zimbabwe, 171

  Zuckerberg, Mark, 85




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