Hearts Aligned (Eternal Love #1)

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Hearts Aligned (Eternal Love #1) Page 5

by Cheri Marie

  “Thank you for joining me for lunch today.”

  “You’re welcome, thank you for the invitation.”

  “You’re welcome,” he says and we shake hands. I turn to walk into the office but Landon hasn't let me go quite yet.

  Lunch was amazing. She’s down to earth, smart, funny, and just all around an amazing woman. It’s obvious she’s unaware of her beauty. She’s been in some shitty relationships that have left her broken; I’m definitely going to have to break her of thinking negative about herself. I’ve had such a good time with her that I don’t want it to end yet. We pull up outside of her office and I climb out and open her door. We shake hands and it’s like electricity when we touch. I wonder if she feels it too. She thanks me and starts to walk away. I can’t let her go yet.

  As she turns to walk to the door of her office, I haven’t released her hand yet and I spin her around to face me. Without a second thought I kiss her. Placing my hand on the nape of her neck I deepen the kiss. She doesn’t pull away, she kisses me back. It takes everything in me not to put her back in my car, take her home, and make love to her. I release her, breathless, taking a few steps back I wait for her reaction. Even if she’s pissed at me it was worth it, I’ve wanted to kiss her since the moment I laid eyes on her at the luncheon. To my surprise she doesn’t slap me.

  When he releases me I stand there stunned and breathless.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since we almost collided at the fundraiser,” he admits.

  I blush, “I have to get back to work. Thank you again for lunch.”

  “Anytime,” he says, winking at me as he climbs into his car.

  I unsteadily walk back into the office. Tristan is waiting at her desk with my messages, from the look on her face she saw what just happened. She hands me my messages, I smile at her and continue into my office. The rest of the day is a blur but I manage to get a lot done. Tristan knocks then enters.

  “Umm… sorry to interrupt Arianna but there’s a delivery here for you.”

  “A delivery? I’m not expecting anything,” I walk into the lobby; stopping dead in my tracks. There are long stem red roses everywhere! The delivery guy hands me the card.

  “Must have been some lunch date,” Tristan giggles. I narrow my eyes at her and open the card.

  There’s a time in everyone’s life where you meet someone that is extraordinary. She exceeds all expectations of beauty. A beautiful mind, body, and soul. When you lock eyes for the first time you just know. When you kiss, it’s like time stands still. When you aren’t with them all you do is think about that person and want to be in her company. The thought that she may spend her time with someone else, is more than your heart can handle.

  “Well what does it say?” asks Tristan. I hand her the card, not saying a word. She reads it. “Oh my, that is beautiful,” I hear her choke back a sob. I pull up Ashlan’s number on my phone and send her a text.

  Come to my office. You have to see this.

  I hit send. Shortly after, Ashlan comes rushing through the lobby door.

  “Holy hell, what is all this? Please don’t tell me… Liam?”

  “No… You wanted to know how my lunch date went? Well…” I motion my hand toward all the flowers.

  “Holy shit! Must have been some lunch date!”

  “That’s what I said!” Tristan pipes up. “Oh, and read this!” She excitedly hands Ashlan the card.

  “Oh my, that is probably the sweetest, most romantic thing I have ever read. I told you he was into you.”

  “He kissed me.”

  “He kissed you?”

  “Yes, and my God, was it amazing!”

  Ashlan shrieks with glee and claps her hands together. I roll my eyes at her.

  “So, have you called him yet?”

  “No not yet.”

  “Go call him!”

  “Ashlan, I can’t. This is too much.”

  “Arianna, stop it now! Look, I understand you just got out of a bad relationship but you deserve this. He is an incredible guy, not to mention he’s fucking hot, don’t fight it.”

  I throw my hands up in defeat. Walking into my office, Ashlan trails behind me and closes the door behind her. I pick up the phone and dial his number.

  He answers quickly, “Hello?”

  “Hi, I was just calling to say thank you for the roses. They’re beautiful and they make my office smell amazing.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  We're both quiet on the line. Ashlan urges me to say something. An idea pops into my mind.

  “So, Ashlan and I are planning a barbeque at my house this weekend. Would you like to come?”

  “Sure, that’d be great. Just text me your address with what time I should be there.”

  “Okay, sounds great. See you then.”

  “See you then, bye Ari.”

  “Bye Landon,” I hang up.

  I hang up the phone with Arianna. She called to thank me for the flowers and I can’t help the smirk that sprawls across my face. Score one for Holt! I wasn’t sure if my plan to send roses and lay my heart out on an index card would work, but I was hoping it would; and it did. She just invited me to a barbeque at her house this weekend. I can’t help my excitement to see her again but can I resist until the weekend?

  I shake my head at myself. I can’t believe how ridiculous I’m being right now. No woman has ever affected me this way, but now that one has, I am about to lose my mind. As a Marine, women throw themselves at you on the regular. ‘No woman can resist a man in uniform,’ my brothers and I would joke after we’d just banged some random chicks. Now I’m the one throwing myself at someone and she’s attempting to dodge me at every turn. This is something that would usually just turn me off, but with her it just makes it more interesting. After all, I’d never back down from a challenge; especially not this one.

  This woman puts my mind at ease, keeping the demons at bay that I’ve been fighting since I’ve come home from war. The Marines honorably discharged me after I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I’ve battled with the thoughts of just ending it all, taking my life, leaving the nightmares behind. Even up until last week when I had been scrolling through military non-profits I thought about suicide. That all changed when I almost collided with that beautiful woman. She doesn’t know it, but she’s saving me in ways she will probably never understand.

  “So we’re having a barbeque at your house this weekend?” Ashlan asks, smirking.

  “I guess so,” we both laugh.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  I grab my cardigan and my clutch as I head out of my office.

  “Tristan, would you and your boyfriend like to come to a barbeque at my place this weekend?”


  “Okay, great. Well, I will see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, have a good night.”

  “You too Tristan.”

  Ashlan and I head to my house to have a drink. All I think about on the way home is Landon, our lunch date, the kiss, the beautiful roses and the card. We park and head inside. I grab two glasses and pour us some wine. We sit down at the breakfast bar while I look through the fridge deciding what to have for dinner.

  “Hey Ari, can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course Ashlan, you can ask me anything.”

  “Well, you know I was doing rent-to-own on my house right?”


  “Well, the owners decided they don’t want to sell anymore.”

  “So what does that mean? Are they making you move?”

  “Yea, they’re giving me until the end of July.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Well, I was kind of hoping maybe you would let me move in here?”

  “Sure. I mean it isn’t like I don’t have enough room.”

  “Really?” she’s shocked.

  “Of course, as if I’d let my best friend live on the streets.”

  “Thank you so much Ari. I can h
elp with bills and the housekeeping.”

  “That’s fine. What are you going to do with all your furniture?”

  “I was thinking either sell it or put it in storage.”

  “Well I have that storage shed in the backyard you could put your stuff in. Liam was going to turn it into a workshop but since he isn’t here anymore it’s just sitting empty.”

  “Thanks girl, that would be great because I really don’t want to sell any of my stuff if I don’t have to.”

  “No problem. It’ll be nice not being in this big house alone.”

  I can see Ashlan relax.

  “I’m going to cook, want to stay for dinner?”


  We eat dinner and then Ashlan heads home. I’m excited that she’s going to be moving in. I clean up the kitchen and then head to bed. The rest of the week flies by. Landon sends me sweet texts randomly during the day, just to let me know he’s thinking of me. It’s Friday and I have to go shopping for the barbeque tomorrow. I call Ashlan to meet me at the store to help. We return from the store and I’m trying to figure out how we ended up with so much food.

  “What were we thinking?” I laugh.

  “We were thinking we were hungry,” she giggles.

  “I guess we could always invite a few more people. Do you want to invite your brother?”

  “Sure, I’m sure he’ll love to come and he hasn’t seen you in forever.”

  “Okay, give him a call. I’m going to text Landon the address and tell him to feel free to bring whoever he’d like.”

  I grab my phone, first texting Tristan and then Landon.

  Hey! My address is 1135 Raintree Drive. The barbeque will start at 2pm. Feel free to bring whoever you would like.

  I press send. Almost immediately I get a text back.

  Okay beautiful, see you then!

  I can’t help but grin goofily at my phone.

  “Okay, so I talked to Xavier and he said he’ll be here.”

  “Okay, great!” I haven’t seen Xavier in a long time; it will be nice to see him.

  Ashlan and I spend the rest of the day preparing everything for the barbeque. We made potato salad, macaroni salad, and marinated the steaks for overnight. After we cleaned up, we headed to bed.

  “Goodnight Ash.”

  “Goodnight Ari,” she says mid yawn.

  I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. As much as I want to I can’t help my excitement to see Landon tomorrow. Eventually I fall asleep, dreaming about kissable lips and gorgeous hazel eyes.

  The beautiful colors of the coming dawn are shining through my slightly opened curtains. I pull my pillow over my face. I’m not ready to get up yet. I glance at the time, its 7 am. Oh well, might as well get up and get the day started. I drag myself out of bed and into the shower to wake up. When I get out I throw on my swim suit and this cute swim suit cover I bought with it. When I reach the kitchen, Ashlan has already made coffee and she’s just finishing making omelets. It smells amazing.

  “The omelets smell great!”

  “Thanks girl. Just sit, I’ll fix the plates.”

  “Thank you. You know with you moving in, I could get use to this.”

  Ashlan laughs, “Yeah, well don’t.”

  “So what time is Xavier going to be here?”

  “He said he was going to be here early, probably around noon time.”

  “Oh okay.”

  We finish breakfast and clean up. I go out to the lanai and check to make sure the drink chiller is fully stocked with beverages. I grab a platter, paper plates, and red solo cups off the counter and take them out by the grill. Everything is ready for when everyone arrives. About 12:15 the doorbell rings and I go to answer it.

  “Ari!” I’m suddenly scooped up in a bear hug; it’s Xavier, Ashlan’s brother.

  I giggle, “Xavier! Hi!” I hug him back. He lets me go and I step back to take a look at him. Wow, has he grown up! He’s tall, six feet at least. He has short brown hair that is kissed by the sun with natural blonde highlights, ocean blue eyes and is dressed in Hawaiian swimming shorts and a tank top. He looks like he came straight off the beaches of California. I step back so he can come in as Ashlan joins us at the door.

  “Xavier!” She runs up and hugs him.

  “Ash!” He smiles and hugs her back.

  We head to the kitchen and decide to have a drink while we wait until everyone else arrives. We sit at the breakfast bar and catch up on the time that we haven’t seen each other and reminisce about old times. At about 1:45 there’s a knock at the door, Ashlan answers it and its Tristan and her boyfriend Laz. Shortly after, Landon arrives. He’s accompanied by Damien his friend that we met at Sashay's, and a woman I haven’t seen before. The butterflies are back along with the seemingly electric energy between us. Landon is wearing swimming shorts that fit snug enough that a girl can enjoy the view of his nice ass. He’s wearing a tank top that shows off the tattoos I got a peek of at the cuff of his dress shirt. I have to remind myself to breathe.

  “Hello Arianna,” he starts with introductions. “Damien you’ve met and this lovely lady is my favorite, fun, crazy, outspoken cousin Katarina.”

  Damien is good looking. He’s the same height as Landon. He has dark brown hair, beautiful honey brown eyes, olive skin, fit and his arms are nearly covered in tattoos. You can tell he spends a lot of time at the gym; totally Ashlan’s type. Katarina has dark skin, pretty brown eyes and dark hair; she’s beautiful, good looks obviously run in the family.

  “Crazy? I’m not crazy. You can call me Kat,” she buts in. I can’t help but giggle. I like her immediately, she kind of reminds of me Ashlan.

  “Nice to see you again Arianna,” Damian says with a wink at me.

  “You too, please come in,” I move to the side so they can enter. Landon is the last one in and he plants a light sweet kiss on my cheek. I immediately blush; I’m not use to this public display of affection.

  I lead them through the kitchen and out onto the lanai where everyone else has moved to.

  “So, who’s cooking?” asks Xavier.

  “I am,” I say.

  “Oh no you aren’t, I’ll cook,” he says.

  “Okay, no complaints here.” Xavier is an amazing cook; he’s earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Culinary Arts.

  “I’m going to put on some music, I’ll be right back.” I head inside and turn the stereo system on. The speakers spring to life and you can hear the music throughout the house; it’s one of my favorite things about it. When I return to the lanai everyone is socializing. I can hear Kat over everyone else, she’s telling stories about when her, Landon and Damien were little. It’s obvious they all grew up together. She says something that embarrasses Landon; he narrows his eyes at her but humor plays on his lips. It’s obvious he adores his cousin. I stand there watching Landon and listen to the conversation. He’s taken his shirt off and I can’t help letting my eyes scan over his muscular body. He obviously hits the gym with Damien. He has beautiful tattoos that cover one entire arm and part of his back and chest. He glances over and catches me watching him. I drag my eye’s away from him. Excusing himself from the conversation he heads over to me.

  “Enjoying the view?” He’s grinning at me. I feel my face flush.

  “Of course! I’m not usually into women but Kat is very beautiful.”

  “Ouch, that hurt,” he grabs his chest all dramatically like I’ve wounded him and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Should we go for a swim?” I ask Landon.

  “Sure, after you.”

  I slip off my bathing suit cover, laying it on the back of a lounge chair and step into the pool. The water is nice and warm so I don’t hesitate to climb all the way in. Everyone else has decided to follow suit except Xavier, he’s decided to fire up the grill and start cooking. I watch Landon as he climbs into the pool. God, he is truly beautiful and I suddenly wonder what the hell he wants with me. I’m sitting on the bench to the side of the pool with Ashlan and Kat as he
makes his way over to me.

  “Ladies,” he says as he approaches us.

  Ashlan and Kat move away as if he had just dismissed them.

  “Well you know how to disperse a crowd.”

  “Indeed, I do.”

  “So are you enjoying the barbeque?”

  “I’m enjoying anywhere I get to be with you,” he smiles at me.

  I smile back at him, my cheeks flushing but say nothing. I watch Ashlan; she’s chatting up Damien, she beams at him. I haven’t seen her act like that toward a guy before. Damien seems like a nice guy, I just hope the feelings are mutual.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  “Yea I’m fine. Damien’s a nice guy right?” I look at him curiously.

  He narrows his eyes at me, “yes, he’s a great guy. Why do you ask?”

  I giggle at his reaction, “don’t worry I’m not interested. I was asking because I can tell Ashlan is really into him and I want to make sure he isn’t going to break her heart.” I can see his body physically relax. Was he really worried that I was into Damien? Landon is gorgeous, he has no reason to be jealous of his friend.

  “Food is done, whenever you all are ready to eat,” Xavier announces to everyone.

  “Hungry?” I ask Landon.

  “Famished,” he replies and we make our way out of the pool.

  The food is amazing, as if I expected any less from Xavier. He’s always been an awesome cook. After everyone is finished eating I start cleaning up. Thank goodness I thought to grab paper plates so there’s less work for me. Landon follows me inside.

  “Can I help?” he asks.


  I wash the dishes and he dries them so they can be put away.

  “Well you know what I do for a living, so what about you? What do you do?”

  “Well I am the Chief Executive Director of the Veterans Hospital. I hadn’t heard of Angels for Heroes before, but I was scrolling through non-profit organizations looking for ones that focus on military families and saw the ad for the fundraiser. I was intrigued so I decided to attend.”


  “I was moved by what your organization does. Then I met you, and it made sense.”


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