VAMPIRE: COLLECTION - TWO HOT & PASSIONATE Vampire Short Stories to Tickle You Numb! (MMF, Menage, Threesome, BDSM, Vampire Romance)

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VAMPIRE: COLLECTION - TWO HOT & PASSIONATE Vampire Short Stories to Tickle You Numb! (MMF, Menage, Threesome, BDSM, Vampire Romance) Page 1

by Celia Styles

  Vampire Collection

  Hot & Steamy Vampire Romance Stories

  Copyright@2015 by Celia Styles

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.

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  Table of Contents

  Story 1: “Vampire Queen”

  Story 2: “Prowl - In Need of a Vampire”

  Vampire Queen

  By Celia Styles

  The sounds of the music from within the building could be heard down the street. It was a fabulous song with a great beat and Angela imagined the many bodies that would be inside the building, dancing. This was one of her favorite bars but she never came out unless she was meeting Matt. Her boyfriend of three years didn’t like her going out alone, especially at a place like this. She took a deep breath as she got out from behind the wheel of her car. She wore a short skirt tonight that she had paired with a dark blue halter top. Being only five foot four she loved the way the thigh high boots gave her a lift in height and made her legs look good. Matt, she knew would not be impressed, only aggravated that she showed too much skin. The halter top came down to the top of her skirt but if she raised her arms then it would give all who looked a large glimpse of her stomach and the sparkly belly ring she had on.

  “Wow! You look amazing. What are you doing here so early? I thought Matt said you wouldn’t be here until later.” Milton, the bartender suddenly had a worried look on his face.

  “Yeah. I decided to come a little early and surprise him. Where is he?”

  “Yeah I think you will surprise him alright.” His vision was directed towards the back door.

  Angela watched in shocked silence as Matt came through the door with his arm around a blonde that she noticed as one of the waitresses. Suddenly he turned and pressed the woman against the wall and kissed her. He kissed her as his hands went to her ass pulling her close against him. As the woman unwound herself from him laughing, Matt turned and smacked her ass and the woman pecked him on the lips lightly before scooting away. Matt stood there for a moment watching the woman walk away and then turned their way locking gazes with her. His eyes turned round as saucers and he realized what had just happened.

  Matt walked her way in a hurry and she noticed that everyone was looking in her direction. She saw the looks of pity on their faces. How was she such as idiot? Why didn’t she see it all along? Something clicked. Raising her chin she glared at him, and then at the other people looking at her. She didn’t need anyone’s damn pity. As Matt drew closer she crossed her arms in front of her.

  “I can explain honey.”

  “Yeah. So can I. Your shit will be in the yard, go find somewhere else to live.”

  His face turned a flush color of red. “Hey I pay the bills too. You can’t just kick me out. Come on let’s go talk. What are you wearing anyway? You look like a tramp.” He grabbed her arm to try and haul her away and she jerked herself from his grasp.

  “I can kick you out and I am. Furthermore, they both think I look good. Another thing, I think your tramp has less clothes on than I do. I have an idea. Go live with her.” She turned to stomp away thinking the conversation and relationship over.

  Matt grabbed her again and brought her to him. “Look you bitch. I won’t be treated like this in front of everyone. This isn’t over.”

  Angela did the first thing she could think of. The resounding smack was heard all around the bar as she smacked him. When his hand went up to cover the red imprint on his face he turned to strike her. He doubled over in pain when her knee connected between his legs. Giving one lasting insult to injury, she shoved him aside with her booted foot. Looking down she smiled sweetly.

  “It is now. Your shit will be on the sidewalk in the morning.” She watched as the woman he had been kissing ran to his side. “He’s all yours honey. It was just a waste of three years for me but I’ll give you a little advice and tell you to break it now.” Turning on her heel she met a grinning Milton as he raised his hand for a high five. She knew there was no love lost between him and Matt. Clapping his hand she continued walking out the door.

  As Angela walked outside she realized that she felt better. She felt free. She took a deep breath of air and realized she didn’t want to go home. She wanted an adventure. She wanted a drink. She got in her car and drove across town to where she knew some of the girls from work went. The large neon sign lit up across the highway as Angela pulled into a parking spot. Stepping from the car she suddenly felt a little unsure of herself. She looked at the doors ahead and shrugging her shoulders she began to walk forward. She didn’t want to go home and there was no way that she was going anywhere by herself. She pulled the phone from the little purse she wore and quickly dialed Monica’s number. After the second ring she answered.

  “Hey girl. Whatcha doin’?”

  Angela heard the music in the background and waited as Monica either turned it down or got somewhere where the noise wasn’t so loud.

  “Well I was going to ask you what you were doin’. I’m at Blazes and I didn’t want to go in by myself.”

  “Oh! Hold on and I’ll come to the door to get you.”


  Angela waited by the door and smiled shyly at the bouncer. It seemed like forever although it was only a couple of minutes until Monica showed up and put her hand on the man’s shoulder thanking him. She held out her hand to Angela and smiled. “Come on girl. You look great. Where is that pain in the ass you call boyfriend at anyway?”

  “Well I don’t call him anything after tonight. Can we just forget about him?”

  Raising Angela’s arm into the air she screamed above the music. “We got a lady here who needs our help.” At their questioning looks, she smiled a large smile. Looking like a cat that just ate the canary she yelled out. “She left that asshole and needs some alcohol and music to loosen her up. Come on ladies we have a crisis. Let’s show her a good time.” There was a glass suddenly in her hand as all six of them raised their glasses and clinked them together. After shouting and yelling they laughed and then downed their drinks.

  Angela felt herself being pulled to the dance floor and laughed as she started swaying her hips to the beat. There were suddenly men swarmed all around the women and their heads flew back with laughter. For the first time in years Angela felt free. She felt someone come up behind her and then felt two strong hands grip her hips. She was feeling a little tipsy and leaned into the person. The man behind her apparently had a very broad chest and felt to be nothing but solid muscle. The impact of it up against her made her tremble a little. The problem was that she didn’t tremble in fear, but excitement. Matt had been the only person she had ever been with. He was sweet and gentle with her but something just never seemed right. He seemed to always be strained when he was with her. Pushing back against the mystery man she heard a throaty laugh escape her lips. She was feeling the alcohol now. She only had one drink. She watched Monica leave the floor, and when she came back with two drinks in her hands Angela graciously
accepted one.

  Angela swayed with the beat and before she knew what was going on, she was sandwiched between two guys. She looked up into the face in front of her. He had a square jaw and his hair reached his shoulders in a blondish color. He was gorgeous and as her eyes traced his body she knew he was gorgeous everywhere. When her eyes went back up to match his she saw that they were a strange reddish-brown color. In his irises were large specks of a yellowish color as well. They were so weird looking that they had to be contacts. He smiled down at her as his eyes roamed over her body. He apparently liked what he saw as he moved in even closer. Turning her head, she looked back at the man who had been dancing behind her. He had long brown hair and the same color eyes as the man in front of her. Both men wore jeans and simple polo shirts, but they filled them so well it took her breath away.

  Angela lifted her arms in the air and swayed with the music. She let everything escape her, as for the first time in her young life she just had fun without any strings.

  “You have great rhythm my dear. With a body like that you could bring a man to his knees.” The voice was low and husky with a hint of something else she couldn’t quite place.

  “Is that so?” She grinned.

  “Yes. I could make you scream with pleasure my pet. Me and my friend here would love to give you a night of bliss. Sweet ecstasy that you can’t even imagine.”

  “Yeah? And what’s the catch?”

  “You must give us control of your body. Complete surrender and let yourself go. No holding back.” He said the last as he lightly bit her earlobe. She shuddered at the sensation that ran through her body.

  “Hmmmmm. I don’t even know you.”

  “We can rectify that tonight my pet. What do you say? Come home with us and let us pleasure you through the night.”

  “I don’t know.” She suddenly remembered her life of caution and decided for once she wanted something more than the 9 to 5 day job and the ordinary life with a controlling boyfriend. She wanted to enjoy life and let herself go no matter what the consequences. She realized she was tired. Tired of being perfect. At her age, most kids who went through the system were either doing very well due to their determination to prove themselves or in jail because they just didn’t care. She was stuck in the middle. After 14 foster homes and 6 orphanages Angela had just been glad to get out of there. The looks of pity still haunted her today. Why did they feel pity for her? Well no matter, she didn’t want anyone’s damn pity anyway.

  “Ok.” She whispered. “When do we leave?”

  “Now.” Came the husky reply next to her ear again. The voice was dark and husky and she could feel his hot breath against her skin.

  Turning to glance out at Monica, she walked over to her. “I’m gonna go. I’ll see you on Monday ok?”

  “You sure you are ok to go? I mean, be safe ok? Let me know if you need me. My phone’s on vibrate so I can feel it.” She gestured to the phone in the top of her halter. Angela smiled and agreed as she watched Monica back up to the man behind her to grind against him. Shaking her head, Angela looked around for the guy who had been behind her. She finally spotted him and his friend by the bar. Dear lord in heaven what was she thinking, going home with not just one stranger but two? Well she was tired of being the good little girl and for once, she wanted to lose herself. She smiled as she made her way towards them.

  Angela had almost made her way to them when she was jerked around. Someone took hold of her upper arm and it was an aggressive grip. It became painful and she knew she would have a bruise. Suddenly she looked up into two fierce blue eyes. The man was striking with long, dark hair and he looked down at her with a frown.

  “Do not go with them. It will not be pleasant as they say it will be.”

  “What? Who the hell are you? Let me go.” She tried pulling from him but his grip was two powerful. She saw him look up and his expression showed an even deeper frown. As she looked in the direction of his gaze she saw the two men who had been waiting for her make their way towards them.

  “Let her go Damon. We saw her first.”

  “I will not let you use her and toss her to the side as you do all the rest. She is a life and should mean something to you.”

  “Ha! She does. Our pleasure. She will not have a bad time during it all. We will make it pleasurable for her as well.”

  “Is that before or after you drain her of essence?”

  The cruel smile that the one who had been behind her gave him was pure evil and Angela tried to back up a step or two. The guy that was called Damon kept his hand in place and would not let her go, giving her no chance at escape.

  “You do not know about her do you? We will not discard this one. She is special. She is one of the enlightened.”

  The man who held her arm turned his attention to her. His eyes were large as saucers and she noticed that their color were very unusual too. They were a light blue in color, almost to the point of being clear. They were absolutely amazing and she caught herself staring at him. “That cannot be. Most of them were killed, and those that weren’t were already mated centuries ago. How can she be an enlightened? Regardless, you will not take her. I won’t allow it.”

  “And how will you stop us vampire. One bite from us and you are as good as toast.”

  “That is only on a full moon. As you can see, tonight is not one of those nights. We are leaving and you should not follow us.”

  “Ha! You and what army weakling.” The man with the brown hair buffed his chest out preparing to tackle the man who still held onto her arm.

  “Them.” His eyes searched the area around them and she saw that there were men and women who were forming a circle around them. The club was large and loud and most people would think that is was just a pit where everyone was dancing. It was, however, a circle of some strange looking people. Their eyes were the same bright blue as Damon’s and they looked like they were ready to pounce.

  “You know the rules vampire. It is in the treaty. If two supernaturals deem for the same human then it is up to the human to choose who she should go with.”

  Damon looked at the woman. He feared for her safety. Werewolves were not the nicest animals, mindless of the fairy tales and new movies seen about them. Little Red Riding Hood’s story was closer to the truth than any romance novel on the shelf today or any movie made about Lycans. He stared at Isaac then turned his attention to the lighter haired Calvin. They were right, and if he broke the treaty now it would not only hurt the humans around them but put his people and covenant in danger.

  Sighing deeply he nodded his head. “You are correct. She has the choice. I just wish we could show her the last woman’s fate that chose the two of you. Actually, I can. Do you read the paper Angela?”

  Startling her from her droning she looked at him. “Yes. Sometimes.”

  “Do you remember the story of the girl who was found in the alley of 2nd street?”

  She looked fearfully at the two men standing in front of her. “Yes.” The answer was more of a squeak than anything.

  “That was compliments of Isaac and Calvin here.”

  Her eyes turned to look fearfully at the two men. Self consciously she took a step backwards and closer to Damon. “You can’t prove that. Besides, wouldn’t be our fault if it was us. Humans aren’t built like we are. They can’t take the stimulation we give them. Their hearts give out too fast.” Calvin blurted it out before Isaac could stop him, and then gave an apologetic look towards the other man beside him.

  Stepping forward he took her other hand in his own. “What my brother was trying to say is that yes, this can happen but we are too experienced and attentive to women’s needs for it to ever be a problem.” She felt his lips graze her hand before he squeezed it and let it drop back down to her side.

  Damon turned to her. “You have to choose. Do you want to leave with me or them? Think carefully. The choice will change the outcome of the rest of your life.”

  “What?” She’d had enough. First Matt an
d then this. Something snapped inside her and she wrenched her arm from the hold Damon had on it. “You know what… neither! I choose neither of you Neanderthals. You act as if I am some piece of meat. I will not be told where to go or what to do and I am definitely not going anywhere with any of you.” She turned to leave but was suddenly blocked by the people who stood in the circle. Walking straight up to one of them she yelled. “Move out of my fucking way! I have had enough of stupid macho men tonight to last a damn lifetime.” They looked over her shoulder and she realized that they were asking Damon for permission. She spun around again when they refused to budge and stomped back to Damon. “I demand to be able to leave. You can’t keep me here. I have to make sure the locks have been changed on my house and everything.”

  “You must choose. If you’d like, the person who you chose can take you home first.”

  “What do you mean first? I just want to go home.” The buzz she had been feeling earlier was suddenly gone and in its place was a pounding in her head that was getting worse by the minute.


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