Forever, For Always

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Forever, For Always Page 15

by Quinn, Sabrina

His phone rings for the third time in fifteen minutes. He reaches for it on the dash and finally just turns it off.

  “Will they really not give you a second chance at being a detective if you are MIA today?” I feel beyond guilty at crushing Isaac’s biggest dream. A dream he worked many years to get to.

  “No, they will let me back on street duty though. You only get one chance. If you blow it, they never reconsider. That doesn’t matter though. This is more important.”

  I reach for his hand to hold and give it a squeeze. “You’ll be Benny’s hero.”

  “You’re my hero,” he says as he puts the car in park.


  We finally make our way out of the mall an hour later. I went with a slinky red dress with a price tag that is four times my rent. The black stiletto heels weren’t much less. The red will accentuate my blonde hair, a color I could never pull off before with my natural color. I found a very expensive pair of dark fitted blue jeans for Isaac to wear. He will be wearing a simple black V-neck shirt that melds to the muscles in his arms, showing off his tattoos. A black baseball hat will help give him the finishing touch.

  “We need to circle Oceanbay Avenue. There should be a car with black tinted windows sitting out front of the building number he gave me. Inside it, there will be two men. Tap twice on the passenger window with the back of your knuckle and they will roll it down just enough to speak to you. All you need to ask is what reservations are available at Rossment. They’ll tell you a time and two worded code to use for when you arrive later at the same doors they are parked in front of.”

  “Seems easy enough.” Isaac opens his door.

  “Wait,” I half whisper, half yell. I hand him the new baseball hat we had just bought. “Put this on and pull it down a little to cover your eyes.”

  He takes the hat from me and does as I say before walking away.

  He’s back in less than three minutes. He seems agitated as he takes off back toward the highway. I give him a few minutes to relax before asking what I really wanted to know.

  “So you found the car, right?”

  “Yeah,” his voice is harsh.

  “And they gave you the code?”

  “Uh huh.” He’s trying to not show how angry he is, but there is no question about it.

  “Well, what was the code?”

  Isaac grips the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turn white. “Benedict Bruno,” he answers through gritted teeth.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

  “Vada, you have no idea how bad I want to get my hands on him when this is all said and over.”

  “I’ve got it covered, Isaac. Don’t worry about that.”

  “Are you really not going to fill me in on the rest of your plan?”

  “If I did, it wouldn’t work.”

  “Is that really the reason? Or is it because you think I won’t let you follow through with whatever idea it is you have?”

  I look out my window and refuse to answer him the rest of the drive back to my apartment. Once we pull into a parking spot he kills the engine but never attempts to get out of the car, so I open my door and grab the hanger with my dress and bags. I know he’s going to follow me in regardless. I’m not having this conversation with him outside.

  Once we have silently made out way into my apartment, Isaac forces me to acknowledge him. He takes the items from my hands and tosses them onto the couch, never blinking as he stares into my eyes.

  “Are you going to answer me now?”

  “You have to trust me on this, Isaac. I will give you a run down on as much as I possibly can, but some things are better off without you knowing. Okay?”

  “Please, enlighten me on what details you do care to share with me then.”

  I understand why he is upset, I really do. But, if this is going to work, there are some things he really is better off not knowing.

  I grab his hand and pull him behind me to the couch to sit. “I’m going to get ready after you leave. Vincent said for me to be there by dusk, but I’m going to go slightly earlier. It may make him mad since he likes to be the one in charge, but I know he will still let me in. Plus, it’s sort of my way of showing him that I’m not under his thumb anymore.

  “He always has a meeting half an hour beforehand with his secondhand man to go over everything. He doesn’t use bodyguards or anything, just the one other person in the auction room, which will be Shayla. He says that sales run smoother that way. It makes the buyers feel exclusive because the location is so secret, yet so low key. That will give me enough time to get everything set up. Don’t get there one minute early or one minute late. You have to be punctual with the time you were told or they will blacklist you on coming in. Once you are inside, someone will lead you to a waiting room with all the other buyers. Some can be chatty, try to stay invisible and they won’t talk to you. Either Vincent or his secondhand man will come get everyone once it is time for the auction to begin. Remember to look for Benny in one of the corners and sit as close as possible to him.”

  “You are sure he will be in the room?” he interrupts me to ask the same question he asked me earlier.

  “I’m positive and be sure to not make eye contact with him, nor me, once you are in the room. The auction will begin. Make bids so that you seem interested. You’ll know when it’s time to grab Benny. Isaac, when you do, take off with him and get him out of there as fast as you can and don’t look back. No matter what happens to me when you do. Got it?”

  His eyes fill with sorrow. “Don’t look back?”

  “Benny needs that hope of one of us there for him no matter what. Promise me you will get him out at all costs, even if that cost is me.”

  “You don’t plan on getting out, do you?” His eyes are red and glossy with tears that are not yet falling.

  I turn my head so I don’t have to look at him. It hurts too much.

  Isaac grabs my shoulders to make me face him. “Vada. Listen to me. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. You’re a fighter. You’re a survivor. That’s all you know. Don’t waste all of that by giving up hope now. You find a way out. Don’t let him win. Dominic believed in you and so do I.”

  He spends our last hour together showing me how much he loves me.

  Chapter Twenty

  I took a long hot shower after Isaac left. I didn’t want to wash off the scent of his cologne, but I have to look my best tonight and my hair definitely needed washed so that it would style just right.

  I feel as if I’m in déjà vu as I slip on the slinky red dress. Though this time, instead of standing inside a lavish closet the size of my now bedroom, I’m looking at my reflection in a little ten dollar full length mirror from Target. I loosely French braid the front of my platinum blonde hair and pin it to the side and then add ringlets of curls everywhere else. I rarely wear makeup other than mascara, but today I have to go all out. I sweep the dark brown shadow over the creases of my eyelids to create a dark smoky eye. Next I apply heavy black eyeliner and black mascara to accentuate it. I pop open the brand new tube of lipstick that I had bought earlier today at the drugstore before we went to the mall and swipe the bright red stain across my lips for the finishing touch. I blot my lips lightly on a piece of scrap paper sitting on my dresser before adding a sheer gloss over them. Slipping on the four inch heel black stiletto heels, I stand straight up, take a deep breath, and look in the mirror one last time before I go. I look nothing like myself. Vada looked nothing like Adaline and now I look nothing like Vada. I slip the 2.5 carat princess-cut diamond ring off my right hand and slip it back onto my left ring finger where it belongs. If tonight is it, then that is where I want it to be.

  I throw everything I need into my purse, grab my shoe box, and make my way out the door to catch the bus.


  My heart races as I knock on the big warehouse door for the third time. I’m sure it’s taking him so long to answer because I’m early and he wasn’t expecting me. I can’t help but freak out
a bit though that this was somehow a sick joke and I won’t see Benny ever again. Just when I was about to walk around to look for another door, it opens.

  “Did you miss me that much that you had to arrive,” he looks down at his gold watch, “thirty five minutes early?”

  Play the part, do what you have to so that Benny survives.

  “I figured you would need an extra hand setting up.”

  “Don’t play games with me, Addy. You were hoping to see the boy. Come in.” He shuts the big metal door behind me as I walk in.

  “That too,” I admit to him. “But, you said this is your opening day per say for the new Rossment, I thought you would probably need some help getting everything in order. You and I both know that I of all people would be the best help you could ask for. I already know the run down like the back of my hand. You don’t have to waste time barking orders at me.” I look around at the inside of the warehouse. There is wooden scaffolding that span five stories high against the walls. Some are covered in canvas paint cloths, some are empty. The whole big open area is a mess with tools and other stuff that you would use when fixing up a place. The renovation is obviously not yet complete. “Going all out on this one?” I ask pointing at one of them.

  Vincent shakes his head in disgust. “I told them it needed done before the end of the month. You cannot rely on anyone these days.” He looks back at me with hardening eyes. “What’s with the box?”

  I hold up my stiletto box as I answer. “I’m not used to wearing this type of shoes anymore. I brought it to put the heels back in after we’re done. Plus, they cost me a fortune, I don’t want to ruin them.”

  “This look is nice. You look a lot more grown up. The look is sexy yet still glamorous, it will do. I’m not crazy over the hair color, though.”

  I shrug my shoulders at him. “Neither was I at first. You’ll get used to it. Where is the room? I’m sure it still needs set up.”

  Vincent places his hand on the small of my back to lead me down the long open floor to a small hallway. “The auction room is the first door to your left. Storage is in the room right behind it. That’s where all the tables and chairs are that you can set up,” he tells me as he opens the door to the crowded storage room.

  I place a hand on my hip and look around. “Well, at least you had some sense this time around making the storage room closer.”

  My snarky sarcasm is not lost on him.

  For a split second I sense what seems to be a tiny spark of empathy. “I’ll give you five minutes, that’s it. Once the auction’s over and if you follow my rules, he can go.”

  My eyes grow wide when I realize what he is telling me. “I can see Benny? Like right now?”

  Vincent briskly walks to the end of the hallway and places his hand on the doorknob. Past this hallway it opens back out to another huge wide open area filled with scaffolding. He turns to face me with his hand still on the door. “Five minutes and not one second more.”

  Benny’s face snaps toward the door as it opens. “Mommy!” he joyfully screams as he jumps off the couch to run to me. I crouch down with arms wide open to catch him. Tears stream down both of our cheeks. “I missed you,” he cries.

  I kiss the top of his messy black hair as I squeeze him in my arms. “I missed you, too! I love you so much!”

  “Shayla, a word in my office. They will be okay for a few minutes. We need to go over the timeline for tonight.”

  Shayla glares at me as she walks past me but I ignore her. I have my baby boy back in my arms. That’s all that matters to me right now.

  They shut the door as they leave, so I carry Benny over to the couch to sit down. “Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” I ask as I look all over his body for anything stating otherwise.

  “No, Mommy. I’m okay. That man told me he is my Grandpa Vinny, he said he won’t hurt me.” I cringe at the thought of Benny referring to him as that. He is anything but a grandfather to him. Once again I have to remind myself to play along with this game, so I keep my mouth shut about it. “Shayla took me shopping and let me pick out presents and a movie. I got Superman because he is like Officer Monroe. I miss him, too.” I look up at the television and sure enough, a Superman cartoon is playing on the screen.

  “He misses you, too. Benny, I need you to listen to me, okay?”

  He shakes his little head up at me as he sits quietly, waiting for me to continue.

  “I’m going to have to leave in a few minutes, but you’ll see me again really soon. I just have to get ready for work. Shayla and,” I pause, hating that I’m about to refer him as this, “Grandpa Vinny will bring you back to where I am. You will have to be a good boy, sit still and be very quiet while we work, okay?”

  He smiles at me, “Okay!”

  “And Benny, if something happens that’s scary you need to be very brave. I won’t let anything happen to you.” I hate that I have to tell him this. Part of his innocence will be forever lost after this day.

  The door swings open as Shayla returns. “Vincent told me to tell you to go ahead and get the auction room ready now.” She carries herself as if she thinks she’s the one in charge here. I let her. It’s all part of the game.

  “Shayla, I noticed a coffeemaker in the waiting area. I was going to brew a pot before everyone arrived. Coffee is the only way I ever got through these long auction nights. I’ve worked at a Cuban Café the last few months. I make a mean cup of java. Would you like one as well? I will bring you one.”

  This seems to lighten her mood. “Yes, actually, I would love coffee.”

  I get to the door and turn around. “Do you take anything in it?” I ask her sweetly.

  “Two creamers and a packet of sugar.”

  I smile at her falling for my ruse. My plan is already starting right on track. “Coming right up.”


  I pour in the first creamer and stir the coffee in the cup as I hold onto the blue handle. After looking behind me to make sure no one is still around, I reach into my purse and pull out the small pill bottle. I already crushed the sleep aid into a fine dust before leaving my apartment. I flip off the cap and tip the bottle, pouring all of its contents into the coffee. I stir it once and then add the second creamer and packet of sugar. One last quick stir and it should be good.

  Benny runs to me as I re-enter the room. “Careful honey, we don’t want to spill Miss Shayla’s coffee.”

  “Sorry, Mommy.” He keeps a tight grip on my leg as I walk the cup of coffee over to Shayla. “Thank you, Adaline.”

  Benny looks up at me confused and back at Shayla. “Her name is not Adaline.”

  Shayla ignores him as she blows on the coffee before taking a sip. “This really is good. Thank you.”

  I smile at her in response as I pick Benny up to give him one last kiss before I have to leave. “Remember what we talked about, be a good boy for Miss Shayla, understand?”

  “Yes, Mommy,” he answers as I set him back down on the couch.

  “I love you, Benny. Forever, for always.”

  “I love you, too, Mommy,” his little voice trails as I walk out of the room. If I want to hold myself together, I can’t look at him as he says it.

  I manage to drag all forty two chairs out of the storage room and into the auction room. Vincent must be planning on having a lot of people tonight, which is perfect. The more people, the more chaos when everything happens according to plan. I arrange the chairs the same way I have at least two dozen times in my past. I take the two extra chairs that are for Shayla and Benny and sit them in the corner that is closest to the door. That way Isaac has the best chance on getting out with him first. I align the chairs for the girls in the front of the room that is also nearest to the door and adjacent from the buyers. The table that Vincent and I will be standing behind is on the side farthest from the door. This really could not be turning out to work in my advantage any more than it is. I look up at the clock. Only five minutes until everyone will be brought back into the room.

nbsp; I swing my purse over my shoulder and grab my empty shoe box to head back into the storage room. I set the box up facing the wall in the corner that is directly behind where Vincent and I will be standing. I grab the small porcelain bowl from inside my purse and set it inside, filling it to the brim with fingernail polish remover. I rip open the package of tea light candles and place one inside near the bowl and light it. From what I’ve read, it shouldn’t take much time before the fumes from the nail polish remover create a vapor cloud which will in turn catch the flame and ignite. I take the rest of the nail polish remover bottle and shake it across the room, dousing whatever piece of furniture left in there that I can.

  I didn’t notice any smoke detectors as Vincent walked me through the building earlier. This also works to my advantage because no one will know of the fire until it takes up the back wall. It should start out slow, giving Isaac a better chance at escaping with Benny.

  I literally bump into Vincent as I leave the room. “What are you doing in here? I was looking for you. I’m ready to bring in the buyers. Shayla already has the girls all situated. The room looks great. You were right. I couldn’t have done this any better with anyone else.”

  I shut the door behind me, hoping he does not smell the nail polish remover. “Thanks. You know I only do my best when it comes to a job.”

  “I would like to talk to you afterwards. I think maybe we could work out a deal with you being a partner.”

  “I’m not interested in the business, Vincent, you should know that. But, like I said, I will follow through and do my very best tonight for you. After that, you have to promise to leave Benny and me alone for good.”

  “Think about. I know you don’t make much money at that café. Benny could have anything he ever wanted and you would never struggle.” He leads me back into the auction room and then heads for the waiting area to escort the buyers.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I keep my eyes trained on the table as I walk by the girls. Yes, I’m referring to them as girls even though some may be right around my age, if not a year or two older. They are so lost, because of that to me, they seem like girls. Girls who need someone to help them. I do not want to make eye contact with them. It makes this easier. I look up once I’m at the table and see Shayla and Benny sitting in the corner chairs near the door, just as I had planned. Shayla smiles at me and then covers her mouth as she lets out a big yawn. Benny has on headphones and is entranced in a movie on the electronic device he is holding. Thank goodness.


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