The Cannibal Within

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by Mirabello, Mark

  Life is by wetness, say the transhumans, and death is by dryness.

  Double Brains:

  The transhumans have two brains: a primary brain inside their distended skulls and a secondary brain located in the abdominal region.

  Their binary brain system allows them to project and receive thoughts beyond their bodies. Unlike humans, their highly evolved minds are not limited by the sizes of their skins.

  The radius of their minds, however, is not infinite. The strongest ones—especially developed adult males—can project and receive thoughts up to a 1000 yards away, but the exercise of telepathy at such extreme distances fatigues them.

  Telepathy And Its Uses

  The monsters use telepathy as their primary method of communication. Only lower animals, they believe, communicate with sounds or gestures.

  The monsters also use telepathy—which they call primary intellection—to help them hunt. Utilizing their double brains as a weapon, they confuse and stampede their prey with telepathic assaults.

  The telepathic prowess of these monsters—although formidable—can be defeated. Although they can influence their victims—causing hallucinations, planting suggestions, creating false memories—they cannot compel.

  A strong human will can neutralize their cerebral aggressions. In the battlefield of the mind, the human can triumph.

  Hallucination And Its Uses

  The telepathically induced hallucinations of the monsters— ‘tactical lies,’ as they call them—are especially dangerous.

  During their stealthy forays into our world, these masters of illusion can appear in any number of forms. Always seen at night, they may appear as puritanic gods, bringing commandments or revelations, beautiful succubi, flaunting their high and youthful breasts, androgynous angels, pulsating with light and fire, ghoulish old vampires, lusting for blood and shapely flesh, kindly space travelers, conveying messages of hope and peace, and malignant grey aliens, stalking victims for their vivisections,

  Most terrifying of all, the transhumans can even make themselves invisible. Often mistaken for ghosts or poltergeists when they are in this form, the transhumans can telepathically suppress the sensory areas of the human brain and literally disappear from sight. The targeted victim—an unfortunate man, woman, or child--is then eaten alive, raped, or abducted by unseen horrors.

  Feeding Habits

  Technically, the monsters are omni-carnivores. Since ‘the blood is the life,’ they will eat anything that lives and bleeds.

  The brain—a special repository of spiritual power—the seat of memory, judgement and thought—is their favorite food. When pinkish-gray in color, it is considered especially delicious.

  The liver—which they consider poisonous—is always extracted and discarded.

  When eating humans, the monsters classify their victims as giants, dwarfs, and worms. These correspond to adults, children, and embryos respectively.

  Although dead flesh is normally tabu to these creatures— eating carrion, they believe, shortens the life span—there is one exception. In a special religious ritual, they will eat animals (including humans) killed by lightning.

  During all feedings, they allow no metals to touch their food. Believing that metal poisons meat, they eat with naked hands.


  True to their fiercely predatory nature, these monsters love to devour one another. Although the supply is finite, they believe transhuman meat is the most perfect of all foods. When one transhuman eats another, however, the indulgence is always surrounded by taboos. Called a ‘Cannibal Hunt’— the time when ‘souls are torn with violence from beautiful flesh’—the practice is restricted to special times in special places with special methods.

  Only lower animals—such as humans—are eaten without ritual.

  ‘Thrill Killings’—A Crime In The Eyes Of The Monsters

  All ‘thrill killings’—all simple murders in which no flesh is eaten—are strictly prohibited by transhuman law and custom.

  Killing without eating—something that occurs in human wars—is a crime against nature. No predator, say the monsters, should ever squander death.

  According to their ancient superstitions, uneaten murder victims return as vengeful ghosts. This applies to all species.

  Chapter VII The Life Cycle Of The Master Species

  ‘The grain produces the seed, and the seed produces the grain. Learn from this.’

  Occult Teaching on the ‘Circle of Life’

  The Infancy Years Of The Transhumans

  After the copulation of these monsters, baby transhumans are born after a long pregnancy. Typically, the child spends eleven months in the maternal darkness of the womb.

  There are always two babies—always identical twins—per pregnancy. The infants, who are normally delivered about ten minutes apart, typically laugh at birth. The crying of newborns is a characteristic of only lower or ‘simian man.’

  Most transhuman babies are born healthy, but the few who are sickly, puny, misshapen, or obviously imbecilic are devoured immediately by the parents. Strict eugenicists who have evolved beyond compassion, the transhumans believe that inferior offspring—the so-called ‘useless eaters’—should not be allowed to pollute the species.

  The healthy newborns are welcomed into the world with an ancient ceremony. Anointed with a mixture of fresh blood and fresh earth, they are given ‘names of power’ by the mother. The father, meanwhile, devours the afterbirths and umbilical cords.

  Transhuman babies usually learn to walk within hours of leaving the womb. (Like the legendary goddess Athena, these creatures really have no childhood.) Highly precocious, no transhuman ever has to crawl.

  Feeding The Monster Babies

  Transhuman babies feed on milk until the age of six months. They are violent eaters—aggressive obscenities who often bruise and injure the teats of their mothers.

  At six months, the twins are given their first taste of blood. Called the ‘Blood Sacrament,’ the mother tears off a primate head and holds it aloft so that warm arterial fluid runs down on to her bosom. Her hungry babies—cowering in the shadows of her colossal breasts—are forced to lick the blood from her nipples.

  ‘Milk is for infants,’ she declares, as she watches her twins feed on the crimson fluid. ‘Blood is for adults.’

  What Happens When The Monsters Grow Teeth The twins live on blood until they grow teeth. Most transhumans have a full set of teeth by the age of one year.

  Once they have teeth, the children can then eat raw meat and brain. In another venerable rite, the ‘Sacrament of the First Flesh,’ the child is given his first meat with these words: ‘This victim dies so that you may live. In all future time, do this in remembrance of him.’

  The whole ceremony is carried out with great solemnity. Their ‘first kill,’ like our ‘first love,’ is a life-shaping experience. The first time in anything, they believe, has a kind of magical efficacy.

  The victim for the ‘sacrament of the first flesh’ is carefully selected. He must be strong, healthy, and unblemished, and must belong to the master species. As the highest of all organisms, transhumans make the best of all possible food.

  To guarantee that the first meat is perfect, it is the custom of the transhumans to feed one of the twins to the other. The smaller or less energetic sibling is eaten by the stronger.

  In this first meal—a grisly ritual death—no food is wasted. The sibling chosen to survive is first starved for a few days (to insure he eats with enthusiasm and desire), and then he is fed his brother piece by piece, starting with the extremities.

  To keep the meat alive and fresh, the victim is slowly dismembered over several days. Non-fatal mutilations come first—all critical organs are kept intact and alive as long as possible—but ultimately the dying twin is tortured to death. In effect, he dies ‘a death from a thousand cuts.’

  This evil feast—the supreme outrage of fratricidal cannibalism, of sibling devouring sibling—helps a transhuman c
hild to grow up intelligent, strong, tenacious, and purposeful.

  Later Childhood Of The Monsters

  A transhuman child has the intelligence and strength of a human (‘simian man’) adult by the age of four. Although they are still considered children by their own species, they are old enough to hunt humans in our surface world.

  After making a pact with a sanguinary god named Az, the neophyte joins his first predatory band. Like wolves, the transhumans form aggressive hunting packs.

  From the older hunters, the novice learns his craft. After mastering the technique of moving by night and attacking by surprise, the novice learns the locations of the exits to man’s world, the typography of the ‘killing fields,’ and the peculiar vulnerabilities of the human race.

  Early in his education, the novice is also taught how to identify the distinctive scent of preferred victims. The sense of smell—the most emotive of all senses—is hypersensitive in transhumans, and at a great distance—with their nostrils quivering like those of hounds sniffing their prey—they can detect the fresh scent peculiar to healthy, lesion-free humans.

  The adults also teach the neophytes the art of culling the human herd. Strays—individuals travelling in isolated districts at night—are the most convenient victims, but any large gathering of people—soldiers in battle, devotees at prayer, spectators at concerts or sporting events—are opportunities for feeding. When thousands of human strangers mass together, they never seem to notice the disappearance of four or five people at the edges.


  At the age nine years, the transhuman enters puberty. From that age, they have a ‘duty to breed.’

  Although these perverse beings are pansexuals—they will mate with any species and any gender—their first sexual encounter is always a frightful orgy with their own fathers. The incest taboo, which is common among lower animals, is unknown among these monsters.

  The first sexual experience of the transhumans—the ‘Rite of the White Stains’—is the moral equivalent of rape. The transhuman male—incapable of tenderness or affection— bites, penetrates, thrusts, and pollutes. A tyrant during copulation, his penis is a living weapon.

  When the transhuman father rapes—when he ejaculates his reproductive filth—his preferred orifices are the mouth and the vagina. The anus, the sewer of the body, is viewed with contempt. Only a lower primate—such as simian man— would use such a vile playground.


  At roughly the age of thirty, the transhuman becomes an adult. Swearing an ancient oath—the ‘Oath of the Four Obligations’—the beast promises to ‘rule, fight, hunt, and procreate.’

  When the female monsters come of age, they celebrate a sickening rite which involves food, eroticism, and torture. The males, in contrast, signify adulthood by circumcising themselves with their own teeth.

  During the male circumcision ritual—a ceremony characterized by perversion and degradation—the excised foreskin is proudly eaten by the father of the monster. The mother, meanwhile, sucks on the wound until the bleeding stops.

  All adults—males and females—are allowed to participate in the ‘Cannibal Hunts’ against their own species. Held in the tunnels thirteen times a year—always during the time of the dark moon—the Cannibal Hunts are the most sacred events in the life cycle of these monsters.

  During the Cannibal Hunts, small warrior bands stalk one another. Similar to the ‘Flower Wars’ of the Aztecs, the purpose is to provide victims for a gruesome feast.

  Suicide: How The Beasts Become Gods

  The ancient Mayans of Mesoamerica believed suicides, who had their own protective goddess, would enjoy bliss everlasting.

  The transhumans have a similar notion. Those able to commit suicide, they believe, become the blessed dead—the powerful dead.

  By killing themselves, these monsters believe, they can ‘make death die.’ Willful self-destruction, they believe, is always followed by reincarnation in higher form.

  Transfigured, they will return as gods.

  How The Monsters Eat Themselves Alive To become gods—‘hunters on the other side’—the monsters practice a special suicide ritual. Called a ‘celibate death,’ they must eat themselves alive.

  To perform the deadly sacrament, the monster returns to the place of his birth. According to custom, his remains must be buried in the exact spot where he was born.

  After rubbing his body with honey, milk, and salt, the transhuman climbs into a freshly excavated pit. There—in a pre-meditated act of self-destruction—he will slowly starve himself to death.

  This death fast—the so-called celibate death—is a method of autocannibalism—eating oneself. Deprived of food— growing thinner and thinner—the body literally begins to digest itself.

  ‘May my flesh melt from my bones,’ declares the transhuman as he begins his terminal fast, ‘like the sap that drips from a burning tree.’

  Starving to death—which normally requires forty days and forty nights—is a hideous process. As surplus fat disappears, the skin becomes darker, drier, and more wrinkled. Females miss menstrual periods and become sterile—males become impotent. Gradually, the pulse rate and respiration slow, and the victim feels constant thirst, general weakness, and coldness in extremities.

  Finally, ravaged by hunger, the neck cannot support the weight of the head. By this time, the emaciated victim is too feeble to walk away from his own wastes.

  In the end, he suffers convulsions, paralysis, and death. According to their traditions, he will be re-incarnated as a god.

  How To Destroy A Transhuman

  For all of their power, the monsters can be defeated. Since they bleed, they can be killed.

  With an edged weapon, the best method is to stab the brain, the eyes, the genitalia, or the area between the chest and the belly.

  The eyes, which expose the soul, are especially vulnerable. Attacks to this region are usually lethal.

  When slaying the beasts—as when causing any violent premature death—always remember to taste their flesh before they die.

  Chapter VIII The Evil Empire: The Tunnel World Of The Master Species

  ‘Great holes secretly are digged where Earth’s pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.’

  H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937)

  ‘It is not on any map; true places never are.’

  Herman Melville (1819-1891)

  ‘One has to visualize a vast underground terminal city, being a branch of a subterranean, suboceanic network of tunnels....Most of these ancient tunnels are now covered at their openings....’

  Robert Ernst Dickoff (1951)

  ‘Those who dwell there are possessed of great powers and have knowledge of all the world’s affairs. They can travel from one place to another by passageways which are as old as the kingdom itself.’

  Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890)

  ‘We were always there, only you have not noticed us.’ Quoted to Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)

  The Tunnel World In Human Legend

  In garbled form, every human culture has legends about a subterranean world. Read between the lies, and there are truths in myths.

  Thus, Irish legend describes the mysterious domain of the Formorians—underground carnivores who demand twothirds of the human children born each year.

  In North America, aboriginal myths talk of the hideous realm of the ‘Moon-Eyed’ people—evil troglodytes who shun the light of the sun.

  And in Asia, ancient Indian texts describe monstrous beings that could assume illusionary forms. Called the Raksasas, they have huge stature, great strength, and frightening features.

  The Hidden Gateways

  Throughout humanity’s world, the tunnels have their openings. Some gates are in the wilderness, some are in small towns, and some are in the middle of large cities.

  They are always camouflaged and concealed—detecting them is difficult—but the gates are here.

  Especially significant openings are ne
ar the ruins of an abbey, in Kilwinning, Scotland; inside an occult bookshop, near the British Museum in London, England; under a medieval cathedral in Chartres, France; under Vatican City, a triangular section of Rome, Italy; under a private library, in the ancient town of Bovino, Italy; along the Weser River, near Hamelin, Germany; somewhere in the Pripet Marshes in the Ukraine; by the Black Temple, near Benares in India; under the Potala Palace, in Lhasa, Tibet; adjacent to Uluru (Ayer’s Rock), in Australia; in the Yucca Mountains, 100 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada; under Archuleta Peak, near Dulce, New Mexico; adjacent to an old graveyard in Atchison, Kansas; near the Greenbriar Hotel in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia ; under Mount Weather, near Bluemont, Virginia; in an old house in Port-au-Prince, Haiti; somewhere in a wealthy suburb of Buenes Ares, Argentina; along the Orinoco River, in Venezuela; on the legendary Isle of Demons, in the Atlantic Ocean; close to a hospital, in Kano, Nigeria; and in the city of Mombasa, on the Indian Ocean in Kenya. There is an especially infamous portal somewhere in the Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa.

  The Human Traitors Who Guard Gateways In man’s world, the tunnel openings are always guarded by human underlings. These criminal gatekeepers—treacherous humans who serve the monsters in exchange for money, power, and life—are called ‘insiders.’

  At any given time across the globe, there are about 300 insiders. Abject slaves, they honor and obey the monsters.

  Lethal devices—implanted in the heads of the insiders— insure their loyalty. No larger than the head of a pin, a simple telepathic command causes a reaction with the surrounding tissue. Within moments, the victim’s brain blackens and dies.

  With special effort, the insiders can be recognized. The monsters give them a drug—a white and creamy substance— and this drug strangely pollutes their breath.

  To recognize a gatekeeper, remember this sign: their saliva will be the liquid of a wet nightmare.

  The Subterranean World

  Extending for thousands of miles—illuminated artificially with luminous gas and strange phosphorescent lights—the vast underground dominion of the monsters is a masterpiece of diabolic engineering.


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