Claimed by the Mate, Volume 1

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Claimed by the Mate, Volume 1 Page 12

by Kate Douglas

  Of course, she didn’t mean to sound quite so antagonistic, but she’d missed out on so damned much growing up as the fat kid in the family. “Not every little kid’s parents sent them off to fat camp when the other kids were eating s’mores at summer camp, so, no, Brad. I have never had a s’more.”

  Then she felt bad because he looked so sad at her answer.

  He cupped her cheek in his warm palm and gently kissed her lips. “I’m sorry, Cherry,” he said. “I really am, and I may be out of line, but your parents did a job on you. Little kids should be allowed to be just that—little kids. Some are fat, some are skinny, and they should grow up the way they’re meant to be.”

  “Yeah, well a lot of little kids don’t grow up with status-conscious parents concerned how their child might look while swimming at the club. My appearance was important to them and they worked really hard to make it important to me, too.”

  Then Christa chimed in, totally shocking her. “Yeah, Cherry, except I agree with Brad. Mom and Dad were totally wrong the way they badgered you about your weight. You got Dad’s bones—he has a heavier frame and so do you. I’ve told you for years, you’re not fat. You’re bigger than me because I’m built like Mom and you take after Dad, so quit picking on Brad.”

  “Christa!” Cherry laughed, but she glared at her sister and then put the evil eye on Brad, and Cain, too, even though he hadn’t said a word. “Look, everyone, get over it. Whatever my body is, it is most definitely not skinny like you and Steph, or the other women here. I’ve tried to lose and it always comes right back, stops where I am now, and I’m okay with it.”

  “Well, you’re eating s’mores tonight.” Brad kissed her quiet.

  “I agree you’re eating s’mores, but you’re not fat. You’re sexy as hell.” Cain leered at her, and then he leaned close and whispered in her ear, “I know what’s under that slinky dress and she’s all woman. I plan to get my hands on her later tonight.”

  Cherry blushed.

  Brad whispered in her other ear, “So do I. Enjoy the s’mores. Cain and I are going to help you work the calories off later.”

  She was sure even the soles of her feet were red.

  The s’mores were absolutely delicious. She ate three of them—one from Brad, another from Cain, and one she cooked all by herself.

  * * *

  Cherry stuck around with Brad and Cain after everyone else had gone to their respective cabins. She almost laughed when Steph hooked up with Wils and Christa with Ronan and the four of them took the trail that led to Christa’s cabin. Cherry had made a point of not asking the details of their evenings, which she hoped might insulate her from giving out details of her night, though she was definitely curious to know if anything went on between Christa and Steph.

  That would be a not-so-unexpected development. Cherry had had her suspicions, but it was Steph’s and Christa’s business to share, not hers to speculate. She was still grinning when Trak, Suni, and Fred took off and laughing hysterically when Evan tossed a giggling Darnell over his shoulder with a disgruntled laugh and carried her off to bed. To sleep, he said.

  Darnell’s Long Island Iced Tea had just about knocked her out. “I had no idea she was such a lightweight,” he said. “If she asks for one tomorrow night, Brad, cut back on the booze.”

  Cherry watched Evan hauling Darnell back to her cabin and wondered if she should be worried. “Is Evan okay? I mean, she’s definitely not sober. He wouldn’t…”

  She left the thought hanging.

  “Darnell’s safe with Evan. He’s a truly gentle and honorable guy.” Brad hugged Cherry close. “There’s no one here we wouldn’t trust with any guest who stays with us. Darnell will be fine. Of course, I’m only referring to her physical safety,” he added, laughing. “No guarantees on how her head feels when she wakes up. Those drinks are potent, but she said she had to have it.”

  Cain bounded up the steps. He’d gone back to the pit to put dirt over the coals and make sure the fire was entirely out. “Actually, Evan told me he’s planning to stay the night to make sure she’s okay, that she didn’t have enough alcohol to be sick. He’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “Part of the Feral Passions full-service package?” Cherry shot Cain a quick grin.

  He laughed. “No one beats our customer service. We can handle any emergency, and our guests always leave satisfied.”

  “They do, eh? You can promise that? Absolute satisfaction, never a disappointed client?”

  “Oh, yeah. For you, sweetheart, only the best.” Cain slipped his arms around her waist. Brad paused as he passed behind her and hugged her from the back. She felt his lips nuzzling that sensitive spot behind her ear, Cain’s beard tickling her jaw. Their powerful bodies were pure heat, blanketing her in bone, muscle, and warm, wonderful male, and all her synapses fired at once.

  She didn’t even try to hide the low, slow moan that escaped her lips. She was so ready for tonight. After her shower and nap, and then as she’d moved around more, the soreness from this afternoon had faded and now, with the campfire extinguished and the last of the guests departed, with her men blanketing her front and rear, her own fires were burning, the heat growing, her awareness of Brad and Cain and what the night promised expanding exponentially.

  Brad slipped a tote bag over his shoulder and held her left hand and Cain grabbed her right as they walked across the parking lot to the trail that led to her cabin. They turned her loose along the narrow trail but kept her between them as they walked single file along the pathway. There was a slight breeze this evening and the fairy lights danced among the branches.

  Cherry felt like dancing right along with them. When they reached her cabin, Cain held the door and she stepped inside. Both men followed her, and Brad pulled a chilled bottle of champagne out of his tote bag.

  “What’s that for?” Cherry reached into the cupboard and pulled out three champagne flutes. “What are we celebrating?”

  “We’re celebrating you, Cheraza.” Cain pulled her into his arms for a kiss that lasted until Brad pulled the cork out of the bottle. The loud pop made her jump.

  “Nervous, much?” She waved her fingers in front of her face, but it wasn’t so much nerves as it was outright arousal. She wasn’t certain she was quite ready to admit the truth—not to herself or either of the guys.

  She wanted these men. Both of them, though she wasn’t all that sure about the logistics. Two men at once? One at a time? And if so, in what order? Even she didn’t know which of the two she wanted the most.

  She wanted them both!

  Brad poured champagne into each of the glasses. Cain held his glass up and stared at the bubbles for a moment. “To you, Ms. Cheraza DuBois. To new experiences—hopefully to be shared with the two of us.”

  Cherry was trying to wrap her brain around Cain’s toast when Brad tapped the rim of his glass to hers.

  “Cain told you we’ve been together for a long time,” he said. “I don’t now how much he said about our search for the perfect woman to complete what we’ve always felt was an incomplete triad. We have never met a woman before who fit so precisely the image we’ve always held on to and had hope for. Not until you. I hope you’ll give us a chance.”

  She looked from one man to the other—both so different and yet so attractive. Brad was solid and muscular without an ounce of fat, his hair neatly trimmed and his beard little more than a dark shadow that merely outlined his strong jaw and emphasized the sexy curve of his lips. He looked the part of the successful young architect, and she could see him working in an office in the city, neatly attired in a suit or equally well dressed in chinos and a casual shirt.

  Cain, though … she didn’t know how to classify Cain. Scruffy where Brad was crisp and perfectly put together, Cain’s long hair, short, thick beard, and sexy grin screamed bad boy and trouble. A lot of it was for show—he was a tenderhearted, caring guy who was gentle inside and out—but there was an edge to him, something dark and sort of dangerous lurking just beneath
the surface. She had a feeling he wasn’t someone you wanted on the other side in a fight.

  It was so easy to imagine the two men together—so different on the outside, but inside, where it counted, both good, strong, honorable men.

  And possibly both were wolves, but since she didn’t know for sure and they’d not said a word about it, she wasn’t even going there tonight. Tonight was her turn to be selfish—she wanted to experience sex with two men, but it couldn’t be just any men. It had to be Brad and Cain, and it was going to happen now.

  * * *

  This time it was Brad setting candles around the interior of the cabin before turning out the lights. Cain set up his music—two small speakers and his iPod—but instead of wolves and night creatures, the room was filled with classical violin and cello. The sound was low, sexy, and slow.

  Cain stepped up behind her, rested his hands on her shoulders, and whispered in her ear. “The massage worked really well last night. It relaxed you completely.”

  She nodded, shivering at the same time. No way in hell would she ever forget that massage.

  Brad turned away from lighting the last candle and stood in front of her. “Cain and I thought we might try something different tonight. Since we want you naked for your massage—I mean, if we’re going to do it right—it seemed only fair if we were naked, too. You okay with that?”

  “Interesting.” She tapped her forefinger against her cheek and honestly had no idea where this newfound confidence was coming from, but she liked it. A lot. “I had that same discussion with Steph and Christa. That it didn’t seem fair, you guys fully dressed and me completely naked. The balance of power was out of sync, ya know?”

  Brad nodded, as if this were the most serious discussion they could possibly be having. “I understand. You’re right.” He walked over to one of the chairs in the corner and kicked off his shoes, tugged his shirt over his head, and then unzipped his jeans. She was so busy admiring his beautiful chest that she almost missed the fact that he’d gone commando, at least for tonight. When he shoved his jeans down, first baring his taut butt and sleek, muscular legs before turning around, she saw him fully exposed for the first time.

  She’d read a line in one of her books, where the heroine’s mouth went dry when she saw the hero’s package. Cherry could really use a tall glass of water about now. She had the champagne flute, at least, and downed the rest of her champagne in a single swallow.

  Cain refilled her glass, and she drank that, too.

  He leaned close and whispered, “He really is beautiful, isn’t he?”

  She nodded. Wasn’t sure she could actually form words, but this was Cain, and she’d already seen him naked. “How come you’re still dressed?”

  “You are, too.”

  She turned in his arms and rested her forearms on his shoulders. Right now, with a couple of glasses worth of champagne bubbles fizzing through her veins, she felt a lot braver than usual, even though she knew she hadn’t had enough to feel it. Maybe this new confidence was going to hang around. “I realize I’m still dressed, but you keep telling me this is a full-service resort. Are you saying I need to undress myself? I assumed you and Brad would take care of that.”

  “You’re right, sweet Cherry. I am remiss. It would be our pleasure. But first, may I?”

  When she nodded, Cain ripped his shirt off over his head, kicked off his moccasins, and shoved his jeans to the floor in about twenty seconds.

  She was biting back the giggles when she was once again sandwiched between two men—sans clothing. Brad scrunched the skirt of her dress in both hands and slowly pulled it up her thighs and over her body. She flashed on a sense of pure wanton sensuality—she felt so sexy; her body felt sexy. She’d never experienced such a powerful sense of herself as a desirable woman.

  Of course, considering the two naked men, each of them sporting what appeared to be an almost painfully aroused … Why did she have such a difficult time saying “cock”? She read the word without a problem—it was used all the time in her books—but here she was faced with the real thing, and she couldn’t say it.

  Though the visual was giving her a better idea of what she wanted to do as Brad peeled her lacy panties off, and Cain easily unhooked her bra. However, it took a great deal of cupping, squeezing, fondling—and a couple of licks—before he managed to take it off of her.

  “Why don’t you lie down on the bed, and we’ll help you relax.” Cain’s smile was just too innocent for words. He had a hard time getting the word “relax” out without breaking into a grin.

  “I have a better idea,” she said. And while she’d never done this before, she’d certainly read about it often enough. With a small prayer that she not get it wrong, Cherry went to her knees between both guys, which put her right at eye level with those delicious-looking cocks of theirs. There. She actually thought the word and didn’t faint.

  She wrapped her fingers around both Brad and Cain and slowly stroked.

  “Holy shit,” Brad groaned, but Cain sucked in a breath and tangled his fingers in her hair.

  She noticed neither man was circumcised, but it wasn’t like she’d seen all that many naked men before Cain today and the occasional online shot of a naked guy. She found the sensation of touching a fully erect penis—and there was no doubt in her mind that these were about as big and hard as either guy could get—was absolutely exhilarating.

  At least she hoped this was as big and hard as these things got.

  The descriptions she’d read got it right; that “silk over steel” analogy nailed it, and so did the “velvety tip.” She’d been so busy slowly stroking, she’d hardly noticed that the guys had both gone totally still. Glancing up, she caught two sets of eyes glazed with lust. She leaned close to Brad and licked the tip, and she was really glad she had a good hold on him, because his hips jerked forward.

  “Tell me if I hurt you,” she whispered. “I’ve never done this before.”

  “Trust me, Cherry.” Cain hardly sounded like himself, his voice had gone so deep and rough. He cleared his throat. “You’re doing really well.”

  She grinned up at Cain. “Thank you. If you have any suggestions…?”

  “No.” Brad’s voice sounded a bit strangled, too, and she remembered his faux pas the other night when he’d come in his shorts—of course, it was entirely forgivable, since it happened when he’d brought her to climax. Thinking of that had her paying closer attention, and that’s when she noticed tiny drops of white fluid at the tips of each cock.

  She was getting better. Cock. No, the world hadn’t come to an end.

  She leaned close and licked Cain’s first, and then Brad’s. Cain was saltier, Brad sweeter, but both tasted really good. She wondered how many calories there were in semen. Decided it didn’t really matter. Sort of like s’mores—the taste balanced any calories.

  Taste-wise? Brad and Cain? Sweet and salt. A perfect match.

  Chapter 15

  Cherry sat back on her heels. She really wanted to do this right, but for a first time, one guy at a time. If this worked out the way she hoped, she’d have a lifetime to practice on two at a time. Just the thought had her vaginal muscles clenching into a yearning knot between her legs.

  She pointed at Cain. “You. Sit. You’re next.”

  He grinned and saluted. And sat on the edge of the bed.

  She knelt with her hands planted on Brad’s hips. The drop at the tip of his cock had become a steady stream. She licked him, just, well … just because. “You can stand up or sit. Whatever you want.”

  “This…” He cleared his throat. “This is fine. Thank you.”

  “I like that. Polite.” For some reason she’d slipped into the role she’d taken in graduate school when she was a teaching assistant. Then she’d known she was in charge of the classes she taught and she knew her stuff better than anyone else in the room. At least she let them think she did.

  This was just the opposite. She didn’t know anything about what she was doi
ng except what she’d read—and once again she thanked those sexy romances—and what common sense told her. She’d have to let Brad teach her by leading her. She could do this—touching him had her even more aroused. She couldn’t wait to take him in her mouth.

  He still looked a little unsure, but then he and Cain had been planning on a massage, which meant she’d totally screwed up their plan, but that was a good thing. There really should be a balance of power, especially when there were two of them and only one of her.

  They could do their massage later. They had all night. “I’ve never done this before, so please tell me what to do, anything you can think of. I won’t mind, but I want to get this right. Look at it this way.” And she glanced at Cain. “If you two are thinking long-term arrangement, you’re going to want me doing what you like, just as I’m going to want you guys doing what I like. Does that work for you?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Brad tangled his fingers in her hair. “I’m all yours. Cain?”

  Cain laughed. “Works for me. Besides, I’m getting off on watching you two. Live-action porn, but I find the actors a lot more appealing.”

  Cherry glanced over her shoulder. “You’d better. This is sensual, not pornographic. Pay attention.” Then she wrapped her left fist around Brad’s shaft and cupped his balls in her right. His whimper was the proof she needed. Obviously this was good.

  She played with his balls for a moment. The wrinkled sac made a pretty good-sized handful. She’d never thought about how big balls were and honestly hadn’t paid close attention to the details with Cain, but she loved the reaction she got from Brad as she gently squeezed and separated the orbs within his sac while slowly sliding her left hand up and down his shaft. More white fluid bubbled at the tip. She watched it for a moment and then licked up every drop. Definitely sweet. Then she opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the velvety tip.

  This time, she was the one groaning, especially when Cain knelt behind her and cupped her breasts in his palms. He straddled her legs with his knees, moving close enough that his chest pressed against her back and his thick shaft was riding between her thighs. She wanted him inside, but not now. Not yet. She forced herself to concentrate on Brad, which really wasn’t that difficult, all things considered.


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