Claimed by the Mate, Volume 1

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Claimed by the Mate, Volume 1 Page 35

by Kate Douglas

  The sun had not completely set, but the sky had already begun its transition of colors, the dark orange melding into a purple-like explosion across the horizon over the mountaintops. In just a little while the sky would be full-on dark, alight only by the full moon. And then … Blaez didn’t even want to think about what might happen.

  So for now he was where he wanted to be, doing exactly what he wanted to do. When he leaned back, resting on his knees, his hands going to her thighs, lifting them so her ankles would disengage from behind him, and pushing them back so that her ass was off the bed, her pussy tilted, offering him an even deeper range inside, he growled. The animal within feeling every bit of its power and energy from the upcoming night.

  “I’ll always give you pleasure,” he told her. “Always.”

  She’d been cupping her breasts, squeezing them in her hands so that her nipple was visible through her fingers, the dark circle of her areola a sharp contrast against the much lighter tone of her skin. He loved how she looked touching herself, but he felt jealous at the same time.

  “Feed me, lýkaina,” he told her, leaning forward between her legs, his dick still pumping in and out of her.

  She immediately followed his directive, which made Blaez even hotter for her. As his dick slid in and out, her arousal providing more than enough lubrication for the smooth entrance and descent, he opened his mouth, taking the nipple of the breast she’d groped once more, arching in offering to him. His tongue slid along the tightened nub seconds before his teeth latched on and he bit down. Just enough to hear her gasp; then quickly his tongue licked over the pebbled tip, his mouth opening wider to suck her deep inside. His thrusts continued inside her pussy, her walls hugging his dick so tight at some points he almost felt like he couldn’t breathe. He definitely could not see anything other than her, the sultry tilt of her almond-shaped eyes, the slight parting of her pert lips. That was permanently emblazoned in his mind. As for when he opened his eyes, it was the heavy mounds of her breasts, moving with each thrust inside of her. Leaving one breast for the other, he continued to watch as he quickened his pumps, her breasts moving faster, the growl circling in the center of his chest coming louder. When he was finally able to pull his mouth from hers there was only one word he could say, and he meant it with every fiber of his being. “Mine.”

  Settling her legs on his shoulders, Blaez continued to move inside of her, with quick, deep strokes that had every part of him, from his ankles to his spine, tightening in anticipation of his release.

  “You. Every part of you. Everything you are. It’s all mine. Just mine,” he continued, watching her through half-closed eyes as her head thrashed against the pillows.

  “Blaez,” his name came as she panted, her fingers squeezing her nipples, probably as tight as he’d been biting them in the hopes of re-creating that sensation.

  Kira loved the pleasure/pain stimulus. She loved being pushed to the point of almost no control, before he replaced it with a desire so phenomenal she’d had no choice but to submit. That thought aroused Blaez more than anything. How this feisty, headstrong, and independent lycan—who might be promised to someone else—had completely submitted to him and all the pleasure that he offered her.

  “Say it!” he told her. “Say it or you don’t get to come.”

  She opened her mouth; only sound came out. A low howl that he’d never heard before. She snapped her lips shut, cutting it off, and Blaez wanted it back. He wanted that call that he sensed was going to be specific to him, to this moment of pleasure she was about to experience. He wanted it all.

  “Again!” he yelled to her. “Again, dammit!”

  He was holding her ankles now, working in and out of her so fast the slick sound of his skin slapping against hers echoed throughout the room.

  “I…,” she whimpered. “I … can’t.”

  “Say it or it stops. The pleasure, the need, everything. Say it!”

  “Yes!” she yelled as he’d begun to pull his dick from her sweet embrace. “Yes! I’m yours!”

  “I want the sound, lýkaina. I want everything. Now!” he told her, feeling his own body tense knowing that he wasn’t going to hold on much longer. She had that control over him whether she knew it or not. He’d always prized himself on being able to hold out until he was absolutely ready to offer his release. With Kira there had never been that sense. From the moment he’d jerked off in the open window to right now when the base of his spine was tingling, his balls drawing so tight he could barely speak, he realized she had something over him. Something pretty damned powerful that he’d never given anyone else.

  She made the sound. A low and long howl that ran along his spine like a bow to a violin, creating a perfect melody and a perfect moment.

  “Yes,” he sighed. “Yes, lýkaina. Come for me now. Come all over me.”

  Her legs began to shake, her walls tightening around his cock with such fierceness Blaez could only throw his head back and growl with the extreme pleasure. In seconds he was following her lead, his own cum shooting in thick spurts deep into her pussy, his body jerking with the intensity of his release.

  “You didn’t claim me,” she said in the silence of the room minutes later, when Blaez had pulled out of her and rolled onto his back.

  He didn’t speak.

  “I thought with everything in me that I was Selected for you,” she continued. “I spent hours in that library reading everything I could find on the selection process. That really old one that’s written mostly in Greek—I used the site you bookmarked on the iPad to help me with the letters and I read most of it. It said that the alpha female would know. She would feel it all over the second her Selected alpha claimed her.”

  Blaez tensed all over.

  “But you didn’t,” she said, her voice so quiet he almost hadn’t heard her. “It was time; the full moon is up now. It was time,” she finished, and he knew she was looking toward the window.

  Blaez didn’t need to look; he could feel it. Like water filling an empty fountain, pouring in until he was full, his body and his mind in tune to the transition, to the night and all that would come of it.

  “You will remain here,” he told her. “I want you safe.”

  “I’m not claimed,” she said again, her voice a little more shaky this time. “I’m not part of your pack.”

  He moved quickly again, rolling over until his face was hovering just inches from hers. “You are a part of me,” he stated vehemently. “Don’t you understand that?”

  She opened her mouth then, about to answer him, when her entire body stilled, her nostrils flaring. Blaez did the exact same thing, every part of him on instant alert.

  “They’re here,” he whispered.

  * * *

  Channing spread a map over the kitchen table, his long arms stretching as he used the salt- and pepper shakers to hold the rolling edges of the paper flat. The bottom half he secured with the silver holder that Malec kept his sugar substitutes in and a bottled water. When Channing stood back, he looked directly at Kira.

  She was at the head of the table, her arms folded over her chest. Fifteen minutes ago she’d been lying in the bed, Blaez over her, inside her, and everything had been … Now she was here looking down at the layout of this property. She’d been calling it a fortress, but really, she had no idea. This house was not only huge; what looked like simple log walls were reinforced by six-inch steel slabs, the windows—that film over them that prevented anyone from seeing inside—covered in the thinnest bulletproof shielding there was. In fact, Kira doubted this particular product was even on the open market in the United States. Twenty feet out in all directions were motion and heat sensors. On their boat in Seattle they’d had cameras. Out here in the wilderness that wouldn’t have been enough.

  She felt him the moment he stepped into the room, coming to a stop just beside her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Phelan continue past them, going to the side of the table. He, Malec, and Channing now all looked at her. Kira
knew what to do. She’d watched her mother do this so many times before. Closing her eyes slowly and taking a deep breath, she felt her mother’s presence with her as surely as the other lycans standing in this room. She could almost hear her voice, strong, clear, concise, giving the pack instructions, fully confident that she was guiding them in the most effective way possible.

  It’s your turn now.

  It sounded as if Tora were mindchatting with her, but Kira knew it went much deeper than that. Since the day her mother had died she hadn’t heard her voice, could only hold on to those things she had said to her the day she graduated, three days before her mother’s death. That she was doing so now meant something, and Kira completely grasped that meaning.

  With a slow exhalation she rolled her head on her neck, lifting her shoulders slightly, hearing the crack of her bones, clearing her mind.

  “They’ll spread out. A simple circle formation is their favorite. Stalk, surround, attack,” she told them.

  When she leaned over the table similar to the way Channing had, her hip brushed against Blaez’s leg, the warmth from his body immediately transferring to hers, adrenaline sizzling through her like she’d received some sort of transfusion.

  “Dallas is his second,” she said, looking up to Phelan. “He’ll come in here.” Her finger pointed to a spot near the front door. “Penn will stay close to him. He’s been—” She stopped, sighed heavily.

  “Dallas will be his shield,” Blaez added.

  Kira nodded, taking another deep breath. When she closed her eyes this time she saw her mother, standing with her shoulders squared, her mind focused on the matter at hand. Kira did the same.

  “The others, Cody, Milo, and Kev, they’ll come around back. Of the three Cody is the fastest. He sneaks up and he attacks. Kev and Milo usually attack in twos, so watch for both of them. Dallas has something in his nails. It’s a poison. He was born with it. Nobody knows where it came from because he was orphaned at three years old, so they don’t know anything about his lineage. If he scratches a human, they’re not likely to transition into a lycan on the next full moon; they die.” It was a solemn announcement, one she delivered while looking at each one of the betas standing around the table … each one in her new pack.

  Thinning her lips and inwardly slapping down on that thought, Kira continued. “On us, it’ll paralyze you for about thirty to forty minutes, depending on your inner strength.” This she directed at Malec, a silent thank-you for all the days he’d had her in that gym, working on strengthening exercises.

  “You and Channing take Milo and Kev,” she continued. “Phelan, you need to be on Cody. Remember what I said; he’s the fastest. Blaez and I should go out the front door.”

  Up until this moment she’d been the only one speaking while the others stood around watching her intently. Blaez behind her, his presence felt in every inch of her body. It was as if he were a part of her, his mind with her mind, her breath matching his, even though he hadn’t claimed her. It was a strange feeling, one Kira was determined to work around.

  His hand touched her shoulder. A light but oh, so authoritative touch and instantly she knew what was coming next.

  Don’t you say it, Blaez, she warned him through mindchatter, not wanting to have this argument in front of the pack.

  You know what you’re doing. You know where your place is, was his quick response.

  “Go!” Blaez yelled to the others, who immediately filed out of the kitchen.

  The alpha stood as the alpha female did the debriefing. She offered the strategy, and if the alpha accepted it he was the one to send the betas out. It had been the lycan way for hundreds of years. That part of the job had been done seamlessly, as if she and Blaez had been together for years on end. The other part, where the alpha female sat and waited for the pack to return from the fight, well, that was proving a little harder for Kira to carry out.

  “This is my fight,” she told him when they were alone. “The only reason they’re coming here is because of me.”

  He looked like he was about to say something, then clamped his lips closed. Lips she’d just kissed not too long ago, which had whispered that she was his.

  “You are the one I swore to protect,” he replied.

  A part of her wanted to tell him she didn’t need protection, but she knew that’s what he did. That’s what he needed desperately to do. Blaez took his position seriously. He was their leader and he would act out every part of that title, no matter what. And he hadn’t been there to protect his family. Kira knew Blaez carried that guilt like weights permanently implanted onto his shoulders. It was that guilt that kept him from giving himself totally to her, from claiming her. She respected Blaez and his sense of loyalty and dedication; that’s why she said in as level a tone as she could muster, “We can protect each other.”

  He nodded. “You from here and me from out there.”

  She shook her head. “If someone’s coming for me, I’m not going to run. Not anymore. I won’t sit down, Blaez. My mother did it and look where that got her.”

  His hand had slid from her shoulder to the nape of her neck, where he held tighter, pulling her up close against him. “If anything happens to you…,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

  “It won’t because you’ll be right there to protect me, remember?” She’d given a light chuckle even though she knew that laughing was the last thing Blaez wanted to do right now. That made both of them.

  Chapter 13

  Kira watched as a section of the wood-planked wall right beside the front door pulled away with a clicking sound, then slid slowly aside to reveal a control pad with lights and long numbered buttons that she knew would disengage the alarms throughout the house. It was the first time she’d seen this, and standing right beside Blaez as he punched in the code she wondered if maybe she should have looked away. She didn’t and Blaez made no effort to hide the combination he was putting in from her view. Another button was pushed and the wall went back to normal, not so much as a seam showing to give away the panel access.

  The breeze was cool as Blaez opened the door, lifting the hair off her neck and sending a chill down her spine. It had grown dark quickly, the trees out ahead looming like taller, stronger entities, the grass like an ominous field that would soon see blood. For right now it was quiet as she stepped out onto the porch behind Blaez, the moon shimmering in the sky, a giant orb of power and energy. She inhaled deeply, remembering now more of what her mother had taught her.

  “She will be with us tonight,” Blaez said as if he were reading her mind.

  “Who?” she asked abruptly.

  “Selene. The Luna goddess. It is her power that keeps watch over us on these dangerous nights. Zeus doesn’t know, just as he has no idea that…” Blaez trailed off, staring out toward the line of trees.

  “What else?” Kira asked. “What else doesn’t Zeus know, Blaez? And how could that affect us tonight?” She’d always thought that Blaez had more thoughts in his head than he’d ever expressed to her before. He always seemed to be holding something in, and as she stood by him, ready to fight or to do whatever was necessary for their continued existence, she wondered what that was.

  The first lycan, teeth bared, face affixed in what to any human would be considered a scary-as-hell scowl, stepped through the trees, throwing his head back and howling long and loud.

  Blaez had gone completely still while Kira took in a deep breath, her fingers wiggling at her sides. “He’s telling the others that it’s time.”

  In the seconds that followed, there was another, deeper howl that rang shorter than the first and closer to her because it was louder. Phelan, she thought. Blaez must have used mindchatter instead of his own howl to communicate with his second.

  “And so it is,” Blaez said, stepping down the steps slowly, intently.

  He hadn’t shifted. It was odd that she noticed that even as the other lycans from Penn’s pack had also materialized from the dark veil of the trees. As the
threesome approached, Dallas, Penn, and Cody, the skin at her fingers itched, her claws struggling to remain inside. She rolled her head again, feeling the burn of her shift pressing hard against her human frame.

  Keep your mind clear. Focus on something you love with all your heart. Focus on your mother.

  Blaez’s voice was in her head again. Her heart skipped a beat at the realization that just like in the kitchen, it was because she’d allowed him there. She’d opened herself for him to communicate to her this way. There was a slight thumping in her temples and she faltered slightly.

  He stopped, turning to her immediately.

  He’s trying to talk to you. Your alpha.

  She shook her head immediately at those two words.

  He’s no longer my alpha. That was over the day my mother was killed.

  Blaez only nodded, touching his fingers to her temples, then letting them slide down to her cheek.

  “You can do this,” he told her. “Find your control.”

  Kira let out a breath and nodded to him. “I got it.”

  And it was a good thing too, because in the next second, like flashes of light through the darkness, Penn and the others had closed the space between them, racing across the field to come to a quick stop. Dallas stood directly behind Blaez while Penn had materialized behind her. Without even blinking at her, Blaez bent forward, wrapping his arms around to grab Dallas behind the knees, then flipping the lycan over so that he landed flat on his back on the ground between them.

  Penn wrapped his arm around Kira’s neck, pulling back hard so that she had to gasp for breath.

  “This is mine,” he said over her shoulder to Blaez, and her body screamed with rage.

  Her claws instantly extended and she raked them across the arm that was clutching her neck until he yelled, letting her go abruptly. She turned out of his arms, looking back at him with all the pent-up anger she’d held for the past year. “That’s a lie!” she shouted back at him, then staggered slightly when something flashed before her eyes.


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