Spies and Commissars

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Spies and Commissars Page 54

by Robert Service

Lunacharski, Anatoli, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Luxemburg, Rosa: anti-war articles, ref 1; and Bolshevik leaders, ref 1; dislike of Bolsheviks, ref 1; and Radek, ref 1; released from prison, ref 1; and revolution, ref 1; revolutionary beliefs, ref 1; violent death of, ref 1

  Lvov, Georgi: ref 1; approval of his cabinet, ref 1; cabinet divided, ref 1; hands over power, ref 1; and Lenin and Trotsky, ref 1; and Pavel Milyukov, ref 1

  Lyubarski, Nikolai, ref 1

  MacDonald, Ramsay: guest at Downing Street, ref 1; and Kamenev, ref 1; and the Litvinovs, ref 1; and Russia’s withdrawal from the war, ref 1; and Seamen’s Union, ref 1; speaker at Albert Hall revolutionary celebrations, ref 1

  Maclean, John, ref 1, ref 2

  Macready, Sir Nevil, ref 1

  Madriaga, Salvador de, ref 1

  Maiski, Ivan, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Maklakov, Vasili, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Malinina, Lyubov, ref 1

  Malinovski, Roman, ref 1

  Malone, Cecil, ref 1

  Manchester Guardian: article on communism, ref 1; and Kamenev, ref 1, ref 2; and Krasin, ref 1; and Morgan Philips Price, ref 1, ref 2; Paul Dukes protests to, ref 1; praise of Keynes, ref 1; and pressure on Lloyd George, ref 1; and Ransome, ref 1, ref 2; report of US lifting restrictions, ref 1; and Theodore Rothstein, ref 1

  Mannerheim, Gustaf, ref 1, ref 2

  March Action, ref 1, ref 2

  Marchand, René: and the Lockhart Plot, ref 1; and Noulens, ref 1; stays in Soviet Russia, ref 1; postscript, ref 1

  Martens, Ludwig: background, ref 1, ref 2; and Bureau of Information on Soviet Russia, ref 1; contact with American firms, ref 1; and the Finnish Information Bureau, ref 1; and Senator France, ref 1, ref 2; spared arrest, ref 1; speech at Madison Square Gardens, ref 1; support for Bolsheviks in America, ref 1

  Martov, Yuli, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Marxism and Marxists: and Bolsheviks, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Bolsheviks: case for revolution, ref 1, ref 2; in Britain, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Dzerzhinski, ref 1; and Germany, ref 1; and Herbert Hoover, ref 1; and H. G. Wells, ref 1; and Ioffe, ref 1; and Lenin, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Lenin: interpretation of doctrine, ref 1; Marxism-Leninism, ref 1; and the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, ref 1; and the proletariat, ref 1; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Mason, Frank, ref 1

  Masses (publication), ref 1, ref 2

  Maugham, W. Somerset, ref 1

  McCall’s Magazine, ref 1

  Melnichanski, Georgi, ref 1

  Mensheviks: and the advance on Petrograd, ref 1; and the Bolsheviks, ref 1, ref 2; and Georgia, ref 1, ref 2; and Lenin, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Marxism, ref 1; and negotiations for socialist coalition, ref 1; and the Provisional Government, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the search for peace, ref 1; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6

  Menzhinski, Vladimir, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Menzies, Sir Stewart, ref 1

  Methodist Episcopal Church, Petrograd, ref 1

  Mexico, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Meynell, Francis, ref 1

  Michaelis, Georg, ref 1

  Middle East, ref 1, ref 2

  Military-Revolutionary Committee of Petrograd Soviet: allow first international cable from Petrograd, ref 1; and Ioffe, ref 1, ref 2; orders occupation of strategic points, ref 1; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2

  Millerand, Alexandre, ref 1

  Miller, Yevgeni, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Milner, Viscount, ref 1, ref 2

  Milyukov, Pavel, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Ministry of Internal Affairs, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Minsk, Belorussia, ref 1, ref 2

  Mirbach, Count von: assassination of, ref 1; background, ref 1; and Chicherin, ref 1; at the Fifth Congress of Soviets, ref 1; in Naval Delegation to Petrograd, ref 1; and Sovnarkom, ref 1; and traditional diplomacy, ref 1, ref 2; and Zalkind, ref 1

  Molotov, Vyacheslav: and American Relief Administration, ref 1; calls for struggle against the Provisional government, ref 1; significance of pseudonym, ref 1

  Morgan, J. P., ref 1

  Moutet, Marius, ref 1

  Munich, republic declared in, ref 1, ref 2

  Murmansk, Russia: British in occupation of, ref 1; British landing in, ref 1, ref 2; evacuation of Allied troops from, ref 1; possible German attack on, ref 1, ref 2; Reilly in, ref 1; Soviet, ref 1; western segment ceded to Finns, ref 1, ref 2

  My Disillusionment in Russia (Goldman), ref 1

  Nabokov, Konstantin: and Litvinov, ref 1, ref 2; at National Unification congress, ref 1; and visas for emigrants, ref 1, ref 2

  Nansen, Fridtjof, ref 1

  Narimanov, Nariman, ref 1

  Nashe Slovo (newspaper), ref 1

  National Board for Historical Science, ref 1

  National Centre: coalition opposition to Bolsheviks, ref 1; and Denikin, ref 1, ref 2; and Lockhart, ref 1; and Paul Dukes, ref 1, ref 2; reject ‘artificial attempts at peacemaking’, ref 1

  nationalization: decrees of Bolshevik government, ref 1, ref 2; of foreign assets, ref 1, ref 2; in Hungary, ref 1; in occupied areas, ref 1

  National Storage Company, ref 1

  NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), ref 1

  Naudeau, Ludovic, ref 1

  Nauen radio station, ref 1

  Neratov, Deputy Foreign Minister, ref 1

  Neslukhovski, General, ref 1

  New Economic Policy of Lenin: and agricultural harvest, ref 1, ref 2; an American witness to, ref 1; and Anglo-Soviet trade treaty, ref 1; anti-Bolshevik opposition to, ref 1; confirmed, ref 1; explained to peasantry, ref 1; Lenin’s defence of, ref 1

  New Statesman, ref 1, ref 2

  New York Evening Post, ref 1, ref 2

  New York Times: on book of J. M. Keynes, ref 1; on British trade with Bolsheviks, ref 1; editorial on October Revolution, ref 1; interview with Senator France, ref 1; and judgement of Mr Justice Roche, ref 1; and police leak on Information Bureau, ref 1; and Sisson, ref 1; ‘The Plot Against America’, ref 1; and Vanderlip, ref 1

  New York World (magazine), ref 1

  Nicholas II, Emperor: ref 1; assassination of, ref 1; press reports of his abdication, ref 1; and the Provisional Government, ref 1

  Nicolson, Harold, ref 1

  Niessel, Henri, ref 1, ref 2

  NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs), ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Nobel Brothers’ Petroleum Co., ref 1

  Nobel, Emil, ref 1

  Nobel Oil Company, ref 1

  Northcliffe, Lord, ref 1

  Noulens, Joseph: background, ref 1; and Buchanan, ref 1; and Diarmandy, ref 1; and diplomatic immunity, ref 1; and Kerenski, ref 1; and Lockhart, ref 1; and Marchand, ref 1; and Radek, ref 1; and Sadoul, ref 1; and Savinkov, ref 1, ref 2; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Nuorteva, Santeri: and American subcommittee on Russian propaganda, ref 1; and Bullitt, ref 1, ref 2; and Bureau of Information on Soviet Russia, ref 1; and commercial approaches to American firms, ref 1; criticizes Sisson, ref 1; and deportation of ‘Russian Reds’, ref 1; deported from Britain to Estonia, ref 1; and Felix Frankfurter, ref 1; head of Finnish Information Bureau in New York, ref 1; and John Reed, ref 1; and Julius Hammer, ref 1; and police raid on Information Bureau, ref 1, ref 2; support for Bolsheviks in America, ref 1

  October Revolution: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7; aftermath of the fall of the Romanovs, ref 1; the Allies view of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and American communists, ref 1; the Brest-Litovsk treaty, ref 1, ref 2; and the Provisional Government, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; and the Provisional Government: overthrown, ref 1

  Odessa, Ukraine: British Foreign Office and, ref 1; French troops in, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; French troops leave, ref 1; and Kalamatiano, ref 1

  Odier, M., ref 1

  O’Grady, James, ref 1

  oil industry: exports, ref 1, ref 2; funding for Yudenich, ref 1; and Germany, ref 1; nationalized British asset
s, ref 1; and Soviet economic recovery, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Okhrana, the, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Old Peter’s Russian Tales, ref 1

  Onou, Consul-General, ref 1

  Ordjonikidze, Sergo, ref 1

  Orlando, Vittorio, ref 1, ref 2; at the Paris Peace Conference, ref 1, ref 2

  Orthodox Church, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Oshmyanski, Captain, ref 1

  Otten, Yelizaveta, ref 1

  Overman, Lee S., ref 1

  Pacelli, Eugenio, ref 1; see also Pope Pius XII

  Paderewski, Ignacy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Painlevé, Paul, ref 1

  Palmer, Alexander Mitchell, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Pankhurst, Emmeline, ref 1

  Pares, Professor Bernard, ref 1

  Paris, ref 1, ref 2

  Paris Peace Conference, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Parvus, Alexander Helphand, ref 1

  Pasha, Enver, ref 1

  peasants: and agricultural system, ref 1; attack troops of Kolchak, ref 1; and Bolshevism, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the Decree on Land, ref 1, ref 2; in Hungary, ref 1, ref 2; in Kandalaksha, ref 1; ‘kulaks’, ref 1; and land of gentry landlords, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the New Economic Policy, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6; resentment of, ref 1; and sale of grain, ref 1; in slogans of Lenin, ref 1; Soviet leaders and, ref 1; support for Socialist-Revolutionaries, ref 1; and the Supreme Government of North Russia, ref 1; the Tambov peasant revolt, ref 1; in Ukraine, ref 1; in uniform, ref 1, ref 2; in view of Zalkind, ref 1; and the village communes, ref 1; and the Workers’ Opposition, ref 1

  Persia, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Pétain, Marsall, ref 1

  Peter-Paul Fortress, Petrograd, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Peters, Yakov: attitude to violence, ref 1, ref 2; and Cheka, ref 1, ref 2; the Decree on Peace, ref 1; and Lockhart Plot, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; and Naudeau, ref 1; postal communication with UK, ref 1; and Western Bolshevik sympathisers, ref 1

  Petit, Georges, ref 1

  Petit Parisien (newspaper), ref 1

  Petliura, Symon, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Petrograd, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Battle for (October 1919), ref 1, ref 2

  Petrograd Soviet: elected by workers and soldiers, ref 1; and the Military-Revolutionary Committee, ref 1, ref 2; and the Provisional Government, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and the Provisional Government: overthrown, ref 1; in Smolny Institute, ref 1; and socialist ministers, ref 1; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2

  Petrov, Pëtr, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Phelan, Edward, ref 1

  Philadelphia Public Ledger, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Philips Price, Morgan, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; Labour MP, ref 1

  Phillips, William, ref 1

  Picton Bagge, John, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  Pilsudski, Józef: defence of Warsaw, ref 1; and Dzerzhinski, ref 1; and the ‘Litbel’ republic, ref 1; need to eliminate Bolshevism, ref 1; and the Politburo, ref 1; strategy to expand territory, ref 1; tells Russian forces to leave Poland, ref 1; and Ukraine, ref 1, ref 2; postscript, ref 1

  Pius XII, Pope, ref 1

  Plekhanov, Georgi, ref 1, ref 2

  ‘plenipotentiaries’: Béla Kun, ref 1; Berzin in Switzerland, ref 1, ref 2; at Brest-Litovsk, ref 1; and clandestine activity, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Litvinov in Britain, ref 1; lose use of diplomatic bags, ref 1; Soviet leaders refer to German ambassador, ref 1; Zalkind, ref 1

  Poincaré, Georges, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Poland: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; and the American Relief Administration, ref 1; and Germany, ref 1; nationalism in, ref 1

  Politburo (Political Bureau):, ref 1, ref 2; and Central Europe, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Comintern, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; the Kronstadt mutiny, ref 1, ref 2; and the March Action, ref 1; and the New Economic Policy, ref 1; and Poland, ref 1; and Profintern, ref 1; and rural revolts, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; secret agents of, ref 1, ref 2; and trade with Russia, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the Yudenich offensive on Petrograd, ref 1

  Poole, DeWitt Clinton: flies Norwegian flag, ref 1; and meeting with Lockhart, ref 1; and Reilly, ref 1, ref 2

  Poole, Frederick: and American embassy, ref 1; and British withdrawal, ref 1; and Chicherin and the Germans, ref 1; in command of operation to seize Archangel, ref 1; and expanding operations, ref 1; plan for invasion, ref 1; ultimatum to city, ref 1

  Pravda: Bukharin’s resignation from, ref 1; and Chicherin, ref 1; on conditions for working people, ref 1; on German ambassador, ref 1; and Lenin, ref 1; on the Lockhart Plot, ref 1; on possibility of German revolution, ref 1; reports on foreign trade, ref 1, ref 2; reports on Red Army, ref 1; reports on western front, ref 1; reports speech of H. G. Wells, ref 1

  Profintern, ref 1

  Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky, The (Lenin), ref 1

  propaganda: and Albert Rhys Williams, ref 1; of Bolsheviks among POWs, ref 1, ref 2; Bolshevik use of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; Bolshevik use of: Boris Savinkov, ref 1; Bolshevik use of: in Allied countries, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Bolshevik use of in America, ref 1; Bolshevik use of: in America, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Bolshevik use of: in elections, ref 1; Bolshevik use of: in Germany, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Bolshevik use of: to soldiers, ref 1; and Brest-Litovsk talks, ref 1; and British trade talks, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda, ref 1; Council for Propaganda and Action in Baku, ref 1; counter-revolutionary in Russia, ref 1; in film, ref 1; and Herbert Hoover, ref 1; and John Reed, ref 1, ref 2; Litvinov refused visa because of, ref 1; Litvinov’s letter to President Wilson, ref 1; Ludwig Martens speech in New York, ref 1; in print, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; in print: John Reed, ref 1; in print: spilled in Germany, ref 1; and Rothstein, ref 1; and Trotsky, ref 1; and Trotsky: among POWs, ref 1; and Trotsky: his instinct for, ref 1

  Provisional Government in Russia: allows Trotsky’s release from Halifax, ref 1; blamed by Bolsheviks for collapse of urban economy, ref 1; Bolshevik Central Committee and conditional support for, ref 1; Bolsheviks call for overthrow of, ref 1; and collapse of urban economy, ref 1, ref 2; consent of Petrograd Soviet for, ref 1; dependency on socialist support in soviets, ref 1; diplomats of, and Western Allies, ref 1; downfall of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; funds remaining in Western banks, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; internal dispute over Ukraine, ref 1; and Lenin, ref 1; Lenin impressed by reforms of, ref 1; Menshevik support for, ref 1; October Revolution denounced by diplomats of, ref 1, ref 2; Petrograd Soviet and military discipline, ref 1; Petrograd Soviet and war aims of Milyukov, ref 1; political emigrants and opposition to, ref 1; resentment against, ref 1; and the Romanovs, ref 1; and Russian embassy in London, ref 1; takes power, ref 1; Trotsky coordinates armed action against, ref 1; trouble for, ref 1; and waning power of Kerenski, ref 1; and the Western Allies, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and Western Bolshevik sympathisers, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Provisional Revolutionary Committee, Poland, ref 1

  pseudonyms of Bolsheviks, ref 1

  Pskov, Russia, ref 1

  Pulitzer, Joseph, ref 1

  Purcell, A. A., ref 1, ref 2

  Putilov, Alexei, ref 1

  Radek, Karl: and Ambassador Francis, ref 1, ref 2; at Baku, ref 1; conversation with Khristo Rakovski, ref 1; in Department of Prisoners-of-War, ref 1; description of, ref 1; and diplomatic links with Germany, ref 1; on German Communist Party, ref 1; and Germans suing for peace, ref 1; imprisoned in Germany, ref 1, ref 2; and information gathering, ref 1; and Lenin, ref 1; and Lockhart, ref 1; and the March Action, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and Mirbach, ref 1, ref 2; and Ransome, ref 1; release from prison, ref 1; return to Russia, ref 1, ref 2; and revolutionary socialism, ref 1, ref 2; rivalry with Karakhan, ref 1; and Spartakusbund congress, ref 1; postscript, ref 1

  Radziwill, Princess Catherine, ref 1

  Railwaymen’s Union, ref 1

  Rakovski, Khristo: communication with Radek, ref 1; at congress in Berlin, ref 1;
and Ioffe, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; and the March Congress, ref 1; and Radek, ref 1; and Red administration in Kiev, ref 1

  Ransome, Arthur: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8; admiration of Trotsky, ref 1; marriage to Yevgenia Shelepina, ref 1; and Radek, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the Secret Service, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; writings of, ref 1, ref 2

  Ransome, Ivy (née Walker), ref 1

  Rathenau, Walter, ref 1

  Ravich, Olga, ref 1

  Rawlinson, Henry, ref 1

  ‘Red Ark’, the, ref 1

  Red Army: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and anarchists, ref 1; and the Germans, ref 1, ref 2; Hungarian, ref 1; and information gathering, ref 1; and the Kronstadt mutiny, ref 1; and Poland, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; strength of, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; and Trotsky, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4; and the White armies, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4

  Red Cross, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5

  Red Heart of Russia, The, ref 1

  Red Square, Moscow, ref 1, ref 2

  Reed, John: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7; interview with Trotsky, ref 1; in Petrograd, ref 1; and the Propaganda bureau, ref 1, ref 2; and Senate Committee on Bolshevik propaganda, ref 1, ref 2; writings of, ref 1, ref 2; notes to pages, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8

  Reibnitz, General von, ref 1

  Reilly Callaghan, Margaret, ref 1

  Reilly, Sidney: ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7; Anti-Bolshevik Congress in Warsaw, ref 1; arrival in Russia, ref 1; biography of, ref 1; ‘Bolo Liquidation Lunches’, ref 1; and forged documents, ref 1; and George Hill, ref 1; lifestyle in Russia, ref 1; and Lockhart, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5; and Lockhart: trial and sentence in absentia, ref 1; and Paul Dukes, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3; rumour of his being a Cheka agent, ref 1

  Reinstein, Boris, ref 1, ref 2, ref 3

  religion: and the Bavarian Council Republic, ref 1; Bolsheviks dislike of, ref 1; and Bolshevism, ref 1; and the Cheka, ref 1; church and state separated, ref 1, ref 2; and communism in Asia, ref 1; the Decree on Land, ref 1; and fall of Romanovs, ref 1; Orthodox believers and separation of church and state, ref 1; Orthodox Church and Bolshevik seizure of power, ref 1; seen as under threat by ambassadors, ref 1; and Sovnarkom, ref 1; threat to American stability, ref 1


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