Book Read Free

Taking His Woman

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2012 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-135-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to thank my readers and Evernight. Without both of you my dream would never be coming true. Thank you.


  The Sinclair Men, 2

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Christopher “Matchmaking” Sinclair stared across the sandy beach towards the group of friends huddled together on a plank of wood. They were laughing as if they had no cares in the world. He noticed Erica Black straight away. She sat nearest the fire. A guy flung his arms around her shoulders, pulling her back against him. Chris fisted his hand at his side at the sight of another man touching her. There was a time she would have been Chris’s own woman, when she would have smiled up at him with all the love in the world, but he’d squashed every ounce of love out of her young soul. Chris couldn’t tear his gaze away from the scene before him. He had never expected to see Erica again even though he knew about her life. He had an entire security team who made sure she was cared for. And they gave him a rundown of her activities. He knew there was no man in her life since she had belonged to him. At least down to the security reports he had of her hadn’t reported any significant man in her life. Watching the guy with her now he wondered if the reports his security team had collected on her were wrong.

  He hoped not. Knowing she was alone without a man gave him hope that maybe one day he could enter her life and she’d welcome him back with open arms.

  She looked as beautiful as ever. Chris recalled the last time he’d seen her, and the memory was forever embedded in his mind. He wasn’t thinking about the last time he’d seen her with Cassie. No. He was thinking much further back. The day after he had taken her on a business trip. The day in which he had broken her heart and made her feel smaller than a bug. She’d lost a little weight since then, but she was still a full-figured woman. He remembered the silky smooth feel of her underneath him. The way her body melted against him. The fullness of her tits as they filled his hands. To him, she’d been perfect. Erica had been the perfect woman for him in every way. His own stupidity had ruined any chance of happiness. No matter how many times he tried to believe he could make amends, Chris always doubted himself.

  He rubbed his hands down his pant leg to try to rid himself of the memory of her passion. She had come alive, her responses unpractised and pure in everything. She had given him so much while he’d done nothing but take a delightful virgin to bed. She had been a challenge he had wanted to gain for himself. He’d seen and heard the men talking about Erica Black, the blonde bombshell who refused every man’s advances. Intrigued, he’d sought her out and found himself responding to her something fierce.

  Taking her had been a challenge and a delight to him. Now, he spent most of his days thinking about her. He would have to live with the hurt he’d given her for the rest of his life. No other woman could even begin to compare to her.

  The man holding her leaned down and kissed her neck. She smiled at him, pulling away from his body. Chris clenched his teeth together to stop himself from making a scene. He looked away at the ocean when he felt a presence by his side. Molly, his stepmother, stood looking out at the ocean.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked. He knew Molly had spent a great deal of time caring for him as he had grown up, but as much as he tried, he never felt a connection with her. Now, though, he loved her for the woman she was. Even when his father refused to see the beauty and love inside Molly, Chris gave her the utmost respect.

  “I needed to get out of that house. Everywhere I go, David is there.” He saw the tears in her eyes. “I’m pleased Cassie and Blaze have found love. They deserve it. At least he isn’t going to be like your father, always thinking you boys can love only once.”

  Chris chuckled, thinking about the ranting of his old man. “We can love many times, but only one woman can hold our heart forever. He loves you, Molly. He’s just afraid to lose himself. Either that or he’s guilty.”

  “What could he have to be guilty of?” she asked. The tears fell from her eyes in utter abandon.

  “Probably because he may not have loved our mother.His first wife. Sometimes what we think is love turns out to be something else.”

  “He loved his first wife. He always has. There are pictures everywhere in that house. Everywhere I look I’m reminded of the fact that I’ll never be her. Only a replacement.” Molly wiped at her tears. Chris glanced over her shoulder to see Erica stand.

  “And yet, dad won’t give you a divorce. The last time I checked, he didn’t even want you thinking about it. Does that really sound like a man who doesn’t love you?” he asked her.

  His father was so blind to what he was in front of him.

  “I’m going to go back. I shouldn’t have come out here. I’m sorry.” Molly gave him a smile even though he saw the pain clear down to her heart. “There are some things the match-making Sinclair can’t fix.” She tapped his cheek then walked away. He watched her go, wondering how he could fix what his father had done. David Sinclair clearly loved his younger wife, but he spent most of his time treating her as if she were second best.

  “Chris Sinclair,” Erica said.

  The pulse went through his body straight to his cock. She looked a vision standing before him. She wore a plain white top with thin straps at her shoulders and a long skirt, which blew to one side as the breeze brushed over them. Her feet were bare, and her blonde, honey-wheat hair cascaded around her.

  “Erica Black.” He nodded his head in greeting. The stern sound of his voice grated on his nerves. Why couldn’t he be nice to her?

  “Same old, same old, with you.An old man with attitude.”

  “I’m forty years old. That is not an old man,” he said. “Besides, I seem to recall you were quite happy with my experience at one time.”

  She slapped him on the face. Chris deserved it. He couldn’t understand why he was so mean to her, especially when he knew how much he loved her. “I see what Cassie said was a fucking lie. You haven’t changed at all. Chris the matchmaker? Yeah right. You’re the man who breaks the hearts of women. I shouldn’t have come over here.”

  He saw the unmistakable tears in her eyes. His heart ached for her. She turned to walk away, and he couldn’t bear to see her leave once again. “Wait.” She paused but didn’t turn back to him. “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.”

  “The great Chris Sinclair is apologising to me?” Chris heard the sarcasm in her tone.

  “I never do anything right when it comes to you. I always say the wrong thing or do something you hate. I can never get it right. I want to.” He ran his fingers through his hair and growled at how hard it was to do the right thing when it came to the woman in front of him.


  Erica wiped at the tears that fell from her eyes. She’d spent a great deal of time trying to get over this asshole. It had been at least three years, but she felt like she’d spent a great deal more time trying to get over him. She turned back to look at her friends. Ben sat drinking a beer wai
ting for her. He had asked her to marry him, even though they hadn’t been to bed or done anything other than kiss and touch each other. She couldn’t bring herself to give her body to Ben. The moment she had given her virginity and body to Chris he’d tossed her aside.

  “I’ve got to go back. I don’t know why I came over.” She went to turn away again only to be held in Chris’s arms. He pulled her close, making it hard for her to move away from him.

  “I’m going back, Chris. You see that man over there?” She pointed over to Ben. “He’s with me. We’re together as a couple. I can’t be here with you. He never makes me feel cheap like you did.”

  “Wait. He’s your ... boyfriend?” He let her go. She turned to see the confusion on his face.

  “Yes. I wasn’t going to spend my whole life mourning over you.” She wouldn’t tell him she woke up in the middle of the night panting for his touch. Erica knew her mind and heart wanted to forget him forever, whereas her body craved him.

  “I don’t understand. I was told you didn’t have any man in your life,” he said. She saw he wasn’t talking to her.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but we’ve been dating for the last year.” Well, not exactly a year. They’d been hanging out with friends, and then that had turned into dating. Now Ben wanted to turn that into marriage. He’d asked her to marry him even though they hadn’t slept together, and she knew he wasn’t attracted to her in any way. Ben was hiding who he really was behind her. She didn’t like it, but wasn’t she trying to hide behind Ben as well? The whole thing seemed surreal to her.

  She shook her head to push her doubts from her. Then a thought entered her mind. “You haven’t been checking up on me, have you?” The idea was ludicrous, but Chris had never been a conventional man. The rumours of his being a matchmaker had been rife, which made her feel broken inside. He’d used her and thrown her away like rubbish while everyone adored him for his ability to bring couples together.

  He looked away from her, his fingers combing through his hair. She loved his dark locks. The memory of her grip in his hair as he drove into her filled her head making her ache in ways she’d kept long buried.

  How could she agree to marry one man when her mind was filled with another?

  “I wanted to make sure you were safe,” he said.

  Tears filled her eyes. She hated this side of him because it made the meaner part of him so hard to bear. Once she knew how loving and caring he could be, the rest was too hard to accept with Chris. This was the Chris she’d fallen in love with. The Chris very few people got a chance to see. When they’d been together, she’d seen the tenderness inside him. Their time together had been special until they had gotten back to reality, and he had discarded her.

  “That isn’t your right anymore. You gave that right up,” she said. Erica glanced back and saw Ben on his way towards her.

  “If he comes over here pawing at you, I won’t be able to control my actions, Erica.” It sounded like a warning. She looked at him and saw the small amount of control he held.

  “Why are you behaving like this?” she asked. His quick mood changes were startling to her. The control he usually held was slipping.

  “Because I fucked up. Watching Blaze with Cassie has shown me the mistakes I made. You were my biggest mistake.”

  “I know. You regret being with me at all—”

  “No. I regret letting you go and being a callous ass. I’ve paid for it dearly. Do you think I like being this way with you? I can be nice with everyone else, but the moment I’m near you I turn into this monster, and I hate it.” He cut her off, moving closer to her. He grabbed her shoulders, staring intently into her eyes. She saw the conflicting emotions inside him.

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “I want another chance. I want to show you what it could mean to be with me. I’m asking you to take a chance on me.”

  There wasn’t enough time to answer. Ben would be there, and Erica couldn’t stop the pounding in her heart or the hope that flared inside her. “You can’t do this,” she said.

  “Can’t I? I’ve witnessed a woman be in love with a man for twenty-five years only to be second-best to a woman who’d passed away. I’ve already wasted three years. Please don’t let me waste any more time.”

  This wasn’t fair. Chris had pushed her aside, and she’d left the company to be away from him. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist, his warmth doing nothing to soothe her.

  She saw Chris fist his hand. The violence inside him was so clear to her.

  “Hey, baby. We were missing you.” Ben kissed her neck, and Chris took a step towards her.

  “Ben, I want to introduce you to an old friend. This is Chris Sinclair. He’s my old boss. Chris, this is Ben Williamson.” She didn’t know how else to introduce her friend. Ben shook Chris’s hand. She stared at their joined hands and witnessed the pressure Chris was exerting.

  “You must have been one lucky man to have such a fine woman working for you,” Ben said.

  “Yes. I was just going to ask her out to dinner tomorrow night. What do you say, Erica? Would you have dinner with an old friend?” he asked.

  Chris was a sly bastard. If she refused Ben would start to ask questions. He’d put her on the spot in front of the man she’d claimed was her boyfriend. Turning away from him, she glanced up at Ben. He was smiling down at her.

  “Yes. I would love to,” she said. The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

  “I’ll pick you up.” He nodded at Ben, smiled at her and then walked away. She watched him go with a mixture of anxiety and excitement. After three years, Chris still had the power to undo her.

  “Wow, that guy is intense.”

  She smiled and followed Ben back to the campfire. He cooked some marshmallows for her, which she took gratefully.

  “So, have you thought about what I asked?” Ben said when most of their friends were skinny-dipping in the ocean. The beach was clear of everyone. A few drinks and all inhibitions had been left behind.

  “No. I haven’t.”

  “Do you at least have any thoughts?”

  Erica watched her friends while thinking about his words. She hadn’t been able to think of much else. No other man had asked her to marry him. The one man she’d given herself to pushed her away. For the last three years she hadn’t given her heart—or her body—to anyone. Her heart and body were her own to do with as she saw fit.

  “I’m not ready for this, Ben. I care about you, but I think you’re moving too fast for me. We need to have some space.” She patted his head before getting up to leave, grabbing her sandals in the process. They were staying in a beach house owned by Ben’s parents. She entered through the back porch, which went straight through to the kitchen. Erica put her shoes down then headed for the fridge. Food was in order.

  She selected several items in order to make a sandwich. Talking with Chris in the past had always made her nervous, especially as she knew what had passed between them. She spread some butter over a slice of bread before adding a slice of ham and a piece of cut cheese. It had been over three years since the situation with Chris.

  Why was he determined to see her again?

  Taking a bite of her sandwich, she packed the ingredients away in the fridge, then made her way upstairs to her room.

  Did he get a kick out of throwing her off balance? Whatever his reason for taking her to dinner, Erica couldn’t deny the thrill the invitation had sent through her body. The moisture between her legs made it more than clear to her the power Chris Sinclair still had over her.

  She sat down near her window, munching on her food, staring out at the moon.

  Chapter Two

  He stood at the mirror in his room gazing at his reflection. This was the first date in his mind. He wanted to wipe the past hurts away. If he could get through this and show her he was a changed man, then there was a possible chance of a future for them. Chris ignored the stares from his family as he walked
downstairs in his finely pressed suit. Blaze and Cassie were curled up on the sofa with Blaze Jr. snuggled with them. They looked like a happy family already. Molly was in the kitchen with his father trying to talk to her. Chris knew he needed to do something about their relationship soon. They were either fighting or ignoring each other most of the time. Considering it was supposed to be a lovely family vacation together everything had turned to shit around him. First with Cassie and Blaze, then with his father and step-mother. The only saving grace was the fact his other brothers seemed perfectly content with their own lives.

  Chris wanted to try for his own happy ending. Spending his life denying the fact Erica was his woman would be plain stupid. He loved her. His feelings were plain and simple to him.

  “You look good,” Trent said, coming out of the kitchen munching on a bowl of cereal.


  “Who’s the hot date?”

  “Erica.” The sound of her name rolling off his tongue sounded so right. He wanted to do nothing more than burst out laughing. He was too nervous to do anything but give a lift of the lips in acknowledgement of his name. Would he be this nervous if it hadn’t been for their shared past? Chris didn’t know the answer. He hoped to never cause her any kind of pain again.

  “You’re going on a hot date with Erica Black? The woman who hates your guts?” Cassie came out of the sitting room. Whiskers brushed past her feet, rubbing his back along Chris’s legs. He adored that large cat.

  “I asked her, and she agreed to go out with me. I’m taking her to dinner. Nothing is going to happen,” he said. Cassie looked unconvinced.

  “I’m surprised she agreed to go out with you. Last time she and I spoke, you were on the unwanted list of topics.”


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