Taking His Woman

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Taking His Woman Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She chuckled, covering the sound with a cough.

  “Who is this delightful young woman?”

  Chris held his hand out to her. She accepted moving forward. “This is Erica. Erica, I’d like you to meet my dad, David, and my mum, Molly.”

  When the introductions were over, Erica stood back in her corner.

  “You don’t look well. How are you feeling?” Chris moved to the side that was free.

  “I’m tired and fed up of being poked by people. I want to go home, but that blasted doctor who calls himself a friend is leaving me here for the night.”

  “It’s for your own good,” Molly said.

  David gazed at his wife. “Thank you for staying with me.” He kissed her hand. The tenderness made Erica yearn for that kind of affection. Chris had explained the lack of love between his two parents, but looking at them now, she saw a lot of ... something. It might be love.

  “You’re my husband. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chris stayed for a little while until the nurse asked them to leave for a short while. They all stood in the waiting room.

  She kept quiet as they each made arrangements. They were a big family. Cassie took her to one side. Blaze Jr. was curled up on the chairs.

  “How are you holding up?” Cassie asked.

  “Fine.” She stared at Chris and knew she’d be more than fine with him in her life.

  “He hurt you.”

  “I know, but things are different now. It’s hard to describe or understand. We’re together, and nothing is going to come between us. I appreciate that you care so much about me. I do. I love him, Cassie.” Erica broke away from him to look at the woman at her side. “After everything between us, I still love him.”

  “I can relate to that feeling.” Cassie stared at Blaze.

  Chris came over. “How are you doing?” he asked Cassie.

  “Great. Looks like I’m needed. Take care, the both of you.”

  Erica smiled, waving her hand.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “We’re going back to my parents’ house. I’ll fill you in on the drive.”

  She liked the way he always reached for her hand. When they were in the car, driving home, he kept a firm grip. She’d called Ben earlier and told him she wouldn’t be able to make it home. Spending time with Chris was more important to her.

  Chapter Nine

  Chris stared at the door to his parents’ house. Erica held his hand as he opened the door. Blaze, Cassie, and Blaze Jr. had driven back to the city where Blaze lived. Trent went back to his friends. Luke and John were staying at the motel near the hospital for their mother. Molly was by his father’s side for the night.

  His father would be under constant observation. Erica closed the door and took his coat off for him.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve never seen him like that before in my life,” he said. Seeing the pale man in the hospital bed had scared the crap out of him.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “You’re not shocked by what you’ve seen?” he asked.

  “No. Having a parent who constantly drank until she passed out and then ended up having her stomach pumped prepares you a little for this. You need to eat. Where’s the kitchen?” He led her by the hand into the kitchen. Chris expected to see the mess that his father had created that morning. What he saw surprised him. The kitchen was pristine as if Molly had been in cooking instead of his dad.

  “Are you okay with me fixing you something to eat?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’d love to see you working in the kitchen.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss her. The shock of his father had spoilt the day.

  She responded to his kiss, giving him her lips.

  “Sit down, and I’ll feed you.” Erica pushed him into a chair before she went to the fridge. Chris watched her pull out some leftover potatoes from the fridge, along with tomatoes, chilli, and bacon. He frowned but kept his thoughts to himself. She went over to the cooker and looked in every cupboard. Chris knew she was looking for a frying pan. He liked the view of her ass as she bent down. The dress spread over her cheeks, making him wish she wasn’t wearing anything.

  Erica, chopped, fried, and fixed up some nice smelling food. Chris got nervous when she didn’t deseed the chilli.

  “Here you go,” she said, twenty minutes later. She sat on the other side of the counter, handing him a fork. The saucepan lay between them looking delicious.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve got a tendency to grab a load of ingredients and mix them together. Sometimes you get something great. At other times, not so great.” She had a smile on her face.

  The red stuff in front of him smelt great but looked awful. Shaking his head, he dug in getting some potato and bacon on his fork. Erica was already eating hers. He popped his fork in his mouth and began to chew.

  There was heat with tomatoes. The flavours worked well together. “This is good.”

  “I know. It’s the best way to use up leftover potatoes.” Both of them finished off the frying pan full of food. Chris licked his lips, sitting back in his chair.

  “Wow. That was delicious. I had no idea you were a good cook.”

  She smirked. “If you think that is good in twenty minutes, then give me an hour, and you’ll be blown away.”

  He laughed.

  “See. I knew you could smile again.” Chris helped clean away the frying pan and forks. Erica fixed them some juice then followed him into his dad’s office. He frowned,

  looking at a picture of him, Blaze, and his father. They were smiling.

  “You guys look happy.”

  “I think we were at some point.”

  He pushed the picture away. “Do you want me to drive you back to the beach house?” he asked. She nestled against him, her warmth offering him the support he needed.

  “No. I’d rather stay here with you. You smell nice.” She turned, leaning into his neck.

  His cock went thick as her body pressed against his side. Chris brushed her hair out of the way. She nibbled his neck, moving up to kiss his lips. Chris pulled away.

  “You don’t have to do this, Erica.” He didn’t want her thinking that he was only after sex. Even though his cock was hard and all he wanted to do was sink inside her, he knew he wouldn’t push to get it.

  He wanted her to want him.

  She stared at him not saying a word.

  Tell me you want this. I want you, Erica. I love you.

  Chris didn’t voice any of his thoughts. He wouldn’t push her.

  “I want you, Chris.”

  “What about the past?” he asked.

  Shut up, you fucking idiot. You want her, so stop giving her reasons not to want you.

  “We’re moving forward. I may not be shocked by your father, but seeing him today in the hospital has reminded me that life is short. We’ve already lost so much. Don’t let us waste any more time.”

  Chris took her drink and placed it on the stand next to his seat. He turned back to her, sinking his fingers into the length of her hair. She closed her eyes, pressing against his palm. The silken strands ran through his fingers like they had three years ago. Only this time he wanted to be open and honest with her. There would be no more doubts about his feelings towards her.

  “Erica, I’m in love with you,” he said. The words felt great. Chris felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

  “I’m in love with you, too, Chris.”

  He pulled her down to him, kissing her lips. The emotions inside him forced him to be rough. He needed her so much. The fear with his father and the last three years without her had made him desperate for her warmth.

  She began to unbutton his shirt, exposing his chest for her view. Chris moaned and stopped her hand from progressing any further.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, pulling away from him.

  “Not here. Come on.” He took her hand and led her to his bedroom. Their fir
st time together in three years would be inside his bed. He kicked the door shut more out of habit than fear of someone invading his room.

  Taking hold of her, he wrapped her hair around his fist, tilting her head back and kissing her. She gasped, circling her hands around his neck.

  The only light in the bedroom was provided by the moonlight shining through. Their sounds of pleasure echoed off the walls. He loved hearing her feminine pants. Erica let go without any problems. Her submission was something he craved.

  “I love you,” he said. Chris knew he would never stop saying the words to her. He’d make up for missed time.

  “I love you, too. Touch me, Chris. Make me your woman.”

  He tore her dress from her body, followed by her bra. She ripped his shirt from him. On her part, her panties were the only item of clothing to separate them. Chris pushed her to the edge of the bed and forced her to sit down.

  Chris removed his belt, then his pants until he stood before her in his bare skin. She cried out. Her hands encircled his cock. He thrust her hands away from his body, going to his knees in front of her. Chris took first one foot and then the next, removing her sandals. Bringing her foot to his lips, he kissed the delicate soles of her feet. She lay back as he kissed his way up her body on one leg before changing to her other leg.

  “Chris, please.”

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “Touch me. I can’t wait any more.”

  Their time apart melted away. They were the two people back in his hotel room with no pain between them. Chris opened her legs, staring at her beautiful pussy. Her blonde curls were slightly darker. She kept herself neatly trimmed. Her juice coated her slit, leaking out onto the bed.

  He slipped a finger between her folds, inside her body. She was tight, hot, and soaking wet. Erica cried out when he added a second finger. Chris fucked her body, getting her to accept his fingers. His cock was thick, and he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “How does that feel?” he asked.

  “More. Please, I need more.”

  “My woman is being greedy.” He smiled, loving her openness.

  “Always for you.”

  He pressed his fingers harder inside her, leaning down and licking her clit. Her scream sounded wonderful to him. He wanted her clawing at the sheets with the release he intended to give her.


  Erica had missed this. Chris had a way with her body that she could never understand. He flicked her clit and fucked her cunt. She bit her lip, her fingers sinking into the blanket and holding on as her body grew hungrier for the release that only he could give her.

  He nibbled, sucked, and licked at her bud. She felt every different action of his skilful tongue. She got closer to the point of no return. Erica had missed her time with Chris. He captured her in so many different ways.

  “Come for me, baby. Let me hear you scream your pleasure.”

  A third finger was added to her pussy. She felt stretched, wound so tightly she felt like she was going to burst.

  His attentions never left her clit. The flicking intensified, making her climb higher and higher.

  “Chris.” She yelled his name, not caring how unladylike she sounded. Erica ground her hips against his face, prolonging her orgasm.

  Before she had time to come back down from her high, Chris moved her up the bed. She watched as he grabbed a condom, put one on, and sank deep inside her.

  “So fucking tight.”

  Erica wrapped her arms around his back, holding on as he made love to her. He pulled out of her so only the head of his cock remained before ramming inside in a hard thrust. The depth of his cock bumping her cervix made her pleasure mingle with the sharp point of pain. The sensation was intoxicating to her. He grasped her hands, holding them above her head. She couldn’t move. He plunged inside her, over and over again taking her to the peak but denying her the edge of release.

  “I can feel your pussy tightening around me. I love you, Erica.”

  “I love you, too. Fuck me, Chris. Please.”

  She felt alive under his touch. Erica pressed her pelvis up meeting him half-way. They were making love, coming together as lovers on equal footing. He held her, pulling his body away from her.

  “Look at us, Erica. Watch me take you.” She stared down the line of their bodies and saw his hard condom-covered cock disappearing inside her. She didn’t like the sight of the condom.

  “Chris, I have the injection to stop pregnancy, and I’m clean. Are you clean?” she asked.


  “I trust you.” She knew in her heart their circumstances were different. Her heart and gut were telling her to follow this path. “Take the condom off. I want to feel you inside me.”

  She had never been so bold with him before in her life.

  Chris moved out of her, tore the condom off, and plunged back inside her. Their cries mingled in the air. The feel of him felt different. He rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him. She sat up, her breasts swinging free.

  He cupped her breasts in his palm, his thumbs stroking her nipples. The length of his cock went deeper inside her from the angle where they sat.

  She went to her knees with his assistance.

  “Ride me, baby.”

  Erica loved it when he called her baby. The word felt very personal and intimate. Most people called her by her given name. Closing her eyes, she arched her back, lifting up from his cock before sinking back down. She gasped at the power the position gave her. She was in control.

  “That’s it. Let me see your pleasure. Take what is yours.”

  And she did. She rode him, taking everything he had to offer. When he was satisfied, he spun her on her back. He opened her legs wide, slamming inside her.

  “Touch yourself, like I showed you.”

  She reached down between their bodies. Her fingers found her slick clit. She moaned as he pushed inside her, flattening her palm over her clit. The pain and feel of her palm over her clit sent her over the edge. She screamed, rubbing herself while he pounded inside her pussy.

  He moaned, and she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft. She squeezed her pussy tight, holding him in a firm grip. He pressed inside her twice more before he seated himself to the hilt. The pulse of his semen squirted inside her. He collapsed against her, his teeth sinking into the flesh of her neck as his cock jerked inside her. The last of his release flooded her womb. She held him in silence. There was no need for words to be spoken. He stayed like that for some time, his cock flaccid but still inside her. She knew his cum must be leaking out of her.

  She didn’t care. All she wanted to do was hold the man she’d been in love with for most of her adult life. The pain of the past floated away. She knew in her heart and mind she would forgive him. They had learnt from the mistakes of the past. Living them daily would only hurt them.

  “I forgive you,” she whispered the words. His reaction shocked her. He sobbed against her neck. His tears were the most precious thing of all. She’d never known a man to cry. Chris Sinclair was a hard man. The tears being spilt were not to be mocked but cherished.

  “Shh,” she said. She moved the hair off his face and lifted him up. Tears fell in a long line down his face. “You don’t need to cry.”

  “I know.” He kissed her lips before pulling out of her. Chris picked her up, leading her into the bathroom.

  He ran them both a bath, soaking her body and kissing her throughout it all. Next, he helped her out, dried her, and carried her back to bed. She worried about his arms because she wasn’t a small woman. She loved to eat and refused to be ashamed of it. He tucked her into bed with him beside her, his arm around her waist. They lay together. She stroked his arm as his breathing changed, letting her know he was asleep.

  She smiled thinking about the man in her arms. The Chris Sinclair of the past wouldn’t have cried. She knew she’d made the right decision. Her nerves were focused, and the love inside her was blooming bigger and brighter
than before.

  Chapter Ten

  The following morning, his father was allowed to go home. He’d been advised to rest and relax, with no strenuous work. Chris didn’t know if his father could cope with being told what to do by a younger doctor. David believed hard work was something every man should do to bring back the bread for the family. Chris knew Molly had backed off with the divorce. She’s told him while they were waiting for the discharge papers. There was a lot she needed to talk about, but being inside a hospital was neither the time nor the place to have a long discussion, and Chris respected that. He knew that she spent a great deal of time caring for David. Trent had grabbed his stuff before leaving again for wherever he was going. John and Luke left as well. Molly would be on her own caring for David in that big house with so many memories. Chris knew they needed their privacy. He just hoped both of them came out of it loving each other the way they were supposed to be for the last couple of years. Whatever had gone down between them needed to be settled between them. He and his brothers needed to stay out of it.

  “I’m going back to the city,” Chris said to Erica the next day.

  “Okay. Would you mind taking me with you? I’m done with my vacation. It is too stressful.”

  Under the table, they held hands. He felt so relieved whenever they were touching. Chris didn’t know if she felt the same, but to him when they were touching, nothing else mattered in the world. That morning, he’d woken her up in the most delicious of ways, or at least to him it had been in the most delicious of ways. He’d made her climax twice before sinking inside her. For the rest of his life he would love to wake her up making sweet love to her. Chris loved waking up to her. The nightmares that used to plague him had disappeared with her in his arms. He wanted to take the next step and ask her to move in with him.

  It was too soon. He didn’t want to scare her off. They’d known each other a long time, but their feelings for each other had only just been awakened.

  He knew she was the woman for him.

  “My suitcases are packed. We’d need to stop at the beach house.”


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