Taking His Woman

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Taking His Woman Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “Why? You’re a strong woman, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.”

  “Who is going to want to employ a thirty-year-old woman who can’t read and write?” Elizabeth asked.

  “You still can’t do it?”

  “Nope. I’ve tried to, but nothing works. Being with mum seemed a lot better than being rejected or laughed at.”

  Erica nodded her head. The time she spent with Elizabeth was precious to her. She knew she’d have to tell Chris about her problem sooner or later. Elizabeth would need to be taught. She hated keeping things from him.

  They were seated in his study on Monday evening. He was looking over some papers for work. She was reading a book to try to do something.

  “Elizabeth can’t read or write,” she said before she could stop herself.

  “What?” he asked.

  “My sister. She can spell her own name and address, but that’s about it.”

  “Didn’t she go to school?”

  “She missed a lot of time, but things were different back then. Hiding what she couldn’t do was a lot easier than doing it.”

  He put his paper down. “Does she want to learn?”

  “I think so. I think she’s embarrassed about it. She tries not to show her feelings. I know she gets upset.”

  “I’ll talk to Trent. He’ll have the patience, and he’d love to be able to teach something he loves so much.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “We’ll introduce them and see what happens. He won’t hurt your sister, I promise.”


  November went into December, and life was flying by so fast. Chris knew his father was doing great. Molly was still keeping him on his toes. His life with Erica was getting better by the minute. She made their house a home. When he was with her, he forgot about the world outside and basked in the glow she provided. The best decision of his life was asking her to marry him. She wanted a small wedding inside a church. He’d agreed to everything she asked for. Only close relatives and friends would be present. He had wanted to go to Las Vegas and get married straight away. Instead, he would wait to finally make Erica Black his wife.

  He loved his woman and would do anything for her. Recently, he’d noticed her watching him, intensely. He knew Erica from the top of her head to her toes. There was something bothering her, and he wanted to know what it was. She no longer sat with him in the library reading her book. He’d find her curled up in bed looking flushed. When he took her, she was soaking wet, and he knew she was fingering herself.

  Chris found the idea of her masturbating an incredible turn-on. What he didn’t like was the fact she was keeping something from him, and he didn’t know what it was. If she didn’t tell him soon, he’d chain her to the bed until she told him all of her secrets.

  Chapter Thirteen

  She left him working in his office, and she went up to bed. After a shower she climbed into bed, pulling her book out from under the bed. Trawling the internet one night, she’d discovered a whole host of different authors who wrote explicit erotic romance. Each book threw her further into a world she had never known existed. She knew she wanted to try some of the stuff in the books, but she was afraid in case Chris didn’t want to.

  His lovemaking was sweet and tender. He never left her wanting. There were times she wished he’d take charge and go a little rough. The women in the books had men who told them what they were going to do and did it. She wanted to know what it felt like to be used, but in a loving way. The point of the books was that the women were safe and loved by the men who took them.

  Chris loved her. She held zero doubts about his affections. She only wished she could tell him what she needed.

  Checking the door, she opened the book where she’d dog-eared the page. Several of her books had pages marked where some of her favourite scenes played out.

  She began to read, becoming absorbed into the characters and the scenes unfolding.

  Erica read the book and felt the heat pool inside her. Her pussy was dripping wet at the visual scene created by the book. She moaned, moving her hand down to finger her clit. Putting the book down, she closed her eyes and imagined Chris as the dominant alpha she’d pictured in her head. He held so much power over her mind and body, and she could see him ordering her around.

  Would he tell her to get on her knees and suck his cock? At twenty-four she felt like she had limited sexual experiences, and there were things she wanted to explore. While he worked, she spent most of time being curious about what she could explore. She refused to talk about her sex life with her sister. The one man she wanted to talk to was the same man she wanted to take control.

  Throwing the blanket off her body, she fingered her clit, watching her hand move between her legs. She pictured Chris between her thighs, his large hands touching her body. She cried out his name.


  Chris opened the door slightly to see his woman fingering her pussy. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and watched the scene before him. Her eyes were closed as she flung her head back. She cried out his name. Her fingers were moving faster over her slit. From where he stood, the light reflected on her, and he saw she was dripping wet.

  He moved into the bedroom, quietly, as he didn’t want to disturb her. He got closer, and when he could stand it no more, he covered her fingers with his own.

  She opened her eyes, gasping his name.

  “I’m here, angel.” She went to move. He turned and held her down onto the bed. “Move your hand away. Hold onto the head board.” Chris instructed her. She did everything he asked without question. He smiled at her compliance.

  Unbuttoning his shirt with one hand, he kept the other over her clit. She was red, wet, and swollen.

  “You want to come?” he asked.

  She nodded her head. Something had changed in the air between them. He didn’t want to go soft and gentle. Chris wanted to order her around and get her to do as he told her. This feral need inside him hadn’t been present in some considerable time. He’d thought the beast had been tamed. Watching her finger her pussy had raised the demon inside him. He wanted to claim her and show her how he could make her body sing.

  “Get on your knees,” he said. He pulled off his shirt, discarding it on the floor.

  Again, she did as he instructed without complaint. He’d become the dominant while she submitted to his will. Her full ass was displayed for him. The way she knelt exposed her wet juicy slit and the puckered rose of her ass. He loved her ass. Chris ran his hands over the pale flesh feeling her shake under his touch. Staring at her cunt, he saw her cream leaking out. It was one of the sexiest things he’d seen.

  Erica had been keeping secrets from him. How far was she willing to go? He wouldn’t frighten her. He knew there was some barrier between them at the moment. With any luck, tonight he would start to break it down.

  He ran his finger from her clit, gathering her cream on his fingers and pressing against the tight muscles of her anus. She gasped but didn’t try to move away. He only applied pressure, just enough to make her want and not be scared. He knew she’d never had anal sex. Introducing her to the carnal delights would be a pleasure he’d have soon, but not before she was ready.

  There were some delights only a woman could request.

  With his other hand, he pressed two fingers inside her pussy feeling her walls flutter around his digits. Whatever had bought on her arousal, she was soaking wet and tight. Her pussy sucked him in, her need apparent with every action.

  Chris moved his hands off her, unbuckling his belt. She went to leave. He stopped her with a hand on the base of her back.

  “Not yet.”

  She whimpered and complied with his demands.

  Freeing his cock, he palmed it with his fist. “I think I should punish you for not including me tonight. You’ve been getting yourself off without asking me, Erica. I love seeing your pleasure.”

  Another whimper echoed in the air.

  “Do you t
hink I should leave you without an orgasm?” he asked.

  “No. I’m sorry.” He heard the fear in her words. Chris knew he’d never deny her. Part of his enjoyment was watching her come alive under his touch.

  “Will you deny me again?” Chris didn’t give her time to answer. Aligning his shaft with her entrance, he thrust forward. Usually, he spent a great deal of time with foreplay. Her fingering herself had made her wet already.

  He moaned, pulling out then thrusting back inside her.

  “I’ll never deny you again,” she yelled.

  “Good girl.” He reached round, fingering her clit. She thrust back to meet him. He grew thicker inside her, the walls of her cunt squeezing him tight. He groaned, slamming inside her. She rode him, the need building inside her as he flicked her clit.

  He stared over at the mirror and saw them together, her white flesh taking him. She looked so perfect. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as he pounded inside her. She looked ready to explode. Staring at his reflection sent him over the edge. The grip he had on her hips tightened to a point that he knew he’d leave a mark. He released inside her, his cum filling her. In his mind and his actions, he claimed her as his woman. She collapsed on the bed. The only sound to be heard was their own heavy breathing.

  Neither said a word as he carried her through to the bathroom. He ran a lavender scented bath and washed her. His arms wrapped around her, and he whispered words of love and tenderness. When he was done, he finished by drying off her body. Chris carried her back to bed where he tucked her under the covers. He got in the bed beside her, his arms holding her to him.

  The love he felt for her consumed him. He wanted to make sure she knew he still loved her even after taking her hard.

  Their love-making had never been so passionate before. The need to fill her gripped him constantly.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The following morning, Erica rolled over to find the bed empty. She stretched out with a smile on her face. Her body was alive after last night’s love-making. Chris had startled her and for the first time made her feel so desired.

  Was she sick for loving the way he’d taken her without foreplay? She loved the way he took control, taking his own pleasure and giving her the same in the process. The scent of coffee wafted up from the kitchen. She flung the blanket off and went to the bathroom. Her nakedness did not bother her. Chris adored her full body. When she moved back to the bedroom, she stared in the mirror. On her hips were the marks from his fingers.

  Erica got closer to inspect the finger marks. Five marks were on each hip, each mark a sign of his need last night. She touched her finger to each point. Her pussy tightened in awareness. Touching the marks made last night more real. She knew by looking at them that last night had happened. She hadn’t dreamt what happened. He’d taken her, hard, rough, and she’d loved every second of their time together.

  She grabbed a wrap from the back of the door before making her way downstairs. Chris sat at the table reading a newspaper. She stopped when he stared at her, his gaze travelling down her body. This was a man she’d never met before. The intensity in his eyes couldn’t be ignored. He held her captive from simply looking at her.

  “Take your wrap off,” he said.

  How had she gone for so long without seeing this man? The possessive way he stared at her made her feel as if her body was his. Her fingers trembling, she untied the wrap and let it fall to the floor. She placed her fingers in front of her stomach.

  “Put your hands by your side.”

  Erica hesitated for a split second then did as he instructed.

  “Come here.” She walked the short distance in front of him. He stared up the length of her body. His fingers traced the marks on her hips. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said.

  “You didn’t. I loved last night.” She stopped herself from asking for more. What would he think of her? Most women would love the sweet tender way he made love to her. Why couldn’t she be satisfied with the same?

  You want to be taken and ravaged. You want to know what it’s like to be the most desired thing in his life.

  Shut up.

  It’s the truth.

  She fought with her own inner demons.

  “Would you like me to do it again?” he asked.

  Don’t ask me. Just do it.

  Erica nodded her head. She couldn’t describe what was going on inside her. A gasp escaped her as he went down to her pussy. His fingers teased through her slit. She opened her legs wider for him. He stared at her while he touched her clit. Her legs felt like jelly when he plunged a finger inside her core.

  “You’re so wet,” he said.

  How could she not be? Chris was taking her world and turning it upside down. She had no idea what to do or what was expected of her. He had become unpredictable in the matter of a day. What she thought she knew about him was being obliterated by his actions. She loved what he was doing. She wanted to see how far he’d go.

  The change between them was startling.

  She whimpered when he pulled away. Staring down at him, she watched as he unbuckled his belt, his gaze firmly on her. Erica changed her stare from his belt to his eyes. Her pussy tightened when he opened the button and then the zipper to his pants. His cock sprang free. He was long and thick, with a large, mushroom-shaped tip. She saw his tiny hole was leaking juice. Erica thought about her books and the women who went down on their men and enjoyed it. She wanted to try with Chris. All she could see in her mind was what the novels evoked.

  Sinking to her knees in front of him, she leaned forward. Chris presented the tip to her lips. She opened up and accepted him deep inside her mouth. The cum on the tip tasted salty. It wasn’t a bad taste, and she swallowed him down. He glided along her tongue filling her mouth. She whimpered as she pulled up.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked when he fell out of her mouth with a plop sound.

  “Yes. I want to do this with you, Chris. I want to do everything.”

  He nodded his head, and she went back to work. Opening her lips, she slid his length back into her mouth. His entire shaft pulsed where she surrounded him. Moaning, she flicked the tip with her tongue tasting more of his pre-cum as it slid out.

  She repeated the actions she’d read in the book.


  Chris couldn’t comprehend what was happening. His cock was inside the mouth of the woman he loved. Her moans vibrated down his cock making him aware of how much she loved sucking his cock. He closed his eyes allowing the sensations to override any desire to make her stop.

  Her head bobbed in his lap taking more of him in her mouth. At first her actions were inexperienced and little clunky, but soon she developed a rhythm that had him biting down on his lip to stop himself from crying out.

  The little control he held kept slipping as her tongue licked across his tip. He knew she’d be tasting his pre-cum, and from her little moans, he also knew she was enjoying it. His fingers sank into her hair, holding her in place.

  He wanted to do everything with her. Chris wanted to take her into new heights and to show her the kind of pleasure that could happen between them if only she let go.

  Laying his head along the couch, he closed his eyes and enjoyed what she was doing. His mind was filled with so many different ideas that he hoped to explore with her.

  Looking back down at her, he fisted her hair. When she let out a satisfied moan, he tightened his grip and pushed her head deeper down on his cock, then pulled her back up. Her hands gripped his thighs, and her head went lax for his ministrations. Chris controlled her actions, moving her over his cock.

  “Put your hand around the base of my cock,” he said. She did what he asked. “Play with me while you suck me.”

  Her hand grew firm as he moved her head down to where her hand held him. She matched his actions, moving up his shaft following her lips and then down. Her saliva coated his cock. The sight of him glistening almost undid him.

  “Do you want to
swallow my cum?” he asked.

  A moan.

  “Give me two moans for a yes and one moan for a no.”

  Chris waited. His free hand shook while she decided. If she chose not to take him, he’d accept it.

  She moaned twice.

  Chris gathered speed, bobbing her head over him faster. Her moans around his shaft got longer and louder. The vibrations made him lose control. The pleasure from her lips and hands undid him.

  He growled, pressing her head down into his lap as his cum spurted out into her mouth. Chris felt her swallowing him down. When his release passed, his grip loosened from her hair. He pulled her up across his lap. She looked dazed. Her lips were swollen red from being wrapped around his shaft.

  “That was amazing.” He took her lips, kissing her. The taste of his sperm didn’t matter to him. He needed to show her how much he loved her. What she’d done meant so much to him. She thrust her tongue between his lips. He sucked her into his mouth, his fingers testing the wetness of her pussy. She was soaked. He couldn’t believe how turned on she was by sucking his cock.

  So many women didn’t like going down on a man. He flipped her onto her back underneath him, going to his knees before her. She gasped, watching him travel down her body. Chris sucked each nipple into his mouth. Her back arched as he nibbled on the tip of her breast. His teeth bit down on the red nubs. She gripped the arm rest behind her, her knuckles white with the firm grip.

  He pressed on her belly, running down to her pussy. He slipped two fingers inside her. She was snug, and he worked her until a third finger joined the two. Her juices coated his digits, wetting his palm.

  When her nipples were bright red points, he kissed down to her belly button. Her stomach quivered beneath his touch, her breathing growing heavier with every passing second. She was so responsive to him and always had been. He loved her with all his heart and would spend the rest of his life loving her. She was a woman who deserved to be loved.

  He pressed his tongue into her button before going down to her mound. Her darker blonde curls surrounded her red puffy slit. Her clit peeked out from its hood, looking swollen and juicy.


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