WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

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WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton Page 14

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “I have covers designed. But I provide information and my ideas for what I want on them,” he answered, moving to stand in front of one of the wide shelves and began placing books on the higher ones first.

  Charlotte stopped halfway through the slice on the tape and reached for one of the schedules.

  Glossy. Colorful. Canadian. She looked from the cover to Jesse. For some reason her brain didn’t want to acknowledge what she was seeing.

  “This is you?” She asked finally, losing her focus and falling back on her behind to the floor.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jesse turned his head in time to see the long red ponytail bouncing as she hit the floor, one of the schedules in her hand, the unfinished box in the other.

  “Is what me? The book?”

  “Northwest Ventures. Hunter Cruise Lines,” Charlotte wasn’t aware of the furrowed brow or wide eyes. “You. This…” She waved the schedule around.

  “It’s my business, yes,” he answered cautiously, recognizing the wild panic brewing. He watched her drop the box and focus on the descriptive schedule in her hands.

  “I thought…those people…the engineers…what are they building?” She looked at him, the puzzled little frown making him smile.

  He moved around the desk and dropped down beside her, taking her hands in his and pulling her to her feet. He led her over to the table along the far wall and looked down at the artists rendition of the buildings being constructed next to the water.

  “I centralized most of my people here. I have a smaller location still in Vancouver, but the majority of work will happen in the middle of the reclamation. We’re building a central holding area for the cruise ships not being used or being repaired and serviced along with a very elaborate debarkation area for passengers.”

  “You relocated.”

  “We had several buildings all around and couldn’t seem to get quite what we wanted up north,” Jesse leaned against the table, arms crossed over his chest. “I’d been talking to Chase for a couple months when we worked out the final obstacles and purchased the property. What did you believe I did for a living, Charlotte?”

  “I…” she winced noticeably. “I didn’t think about it. You seemed bossy…” she murmured, ignoring the husky laughter that seemed to shoot straight to every bit of her female. “So I figured you were in charge of something…down at the dock area…I never asked.” She looked up into his eyes. “I feel really, really dumb.”

  “Why? You shouldn’t. I’m pretty sure we talked about all kinds of things the last few days,” he reached for her hands and tugged her in front of him. “You’re not dumb. Beautiful…sexy…charming…you make me laugh…and think…”

  “She asked me…” She remembered suddenly, scowling when his hand moved to pull the band from her hair, long red-gold strands falling around her shoulders.

  “Who asked you what?”

  “Jenna asked if I’d ever been on a cruise,” a soft groan broke from her lips when his mouth moved along her throat. “You’re not paying attention.”

  “I’m in the moment,” he assured her, his hands on her hips and pulling her hard against him, the hard length of him stroking over the feminine bit that was just as interested in his new activity.

  “And exactly how does that prove you’re in the moment? The moment involves a conversation about…” Charlotte backed up two steps and pulled in a long breath. “It involves conversation.”

  “Okay. Pick the topic,” he said with a shrug, pulling his shirt over his head and dropping it to the desk chair before he took a step forward. “I’m versatile.”

  “You’re a predator,” she murmured, backing up only to find the end of her shirt in his hands. Before she could protest, her shirt joined his on the chair.

  “What do you want to know?” He reached for the snap on her jeans, a tiny pop heard before he was sliding the zipper down, one hand on each hip and slipping along her flesh inside the fabric. He felt the simple panties against his hands as they slipped inside, fingers tightening and pulling her back.

  “Your business…” Charlotte figured it was close to the last lucid thought she had before she was pulling his clothes off. She circled around him so she was the one guiding him backwards into the bedroom.

  Jesse let his eyes wander over the creamy expanse of her chest and those cute little lace edges holding her in place.

  “You want to discuss this now?”

  “We were discussing this before this other thing…” She listened to the words and reached for the snap at the front of his jeans. “This other thing is going to make me nuts.”

  “I think it’s considered the honey…”

  “Don’t use that word,” she interrupted frantically.

  “Word phobia?” Jesse’s breath came to a sharp halt when her hand slid down inside his jeans and gripped his cock. Soft, firm fingers surrounded him, stroking from the thick base to the throbbing head. “Alright…won’t use the word…it’s a getting to know one another phase…Christ, woman…and you want me to concentrate on what?”

  “Ahh…a weakness…” she breathed, leaning in and nipping at his chest and giving a shove with one palm when he was next to the bed.

  Jesse watched her pull his jeans free, his boxers vanishing in the process. He made a move to reach for her and stopped when she wagged a finger at him. She took a step back and pushed her own jeans down her legs before one hand went behind her back to open the fastening on her bra. She stepped over the pile of clothing and looked at the nightstands on either side of the bed.

  She found what she was after and moved to stand between his knees, one of hers on the bed and she opened the packet and stared into his eyes the whole time her hands caressed the hard male.

  “I need practice…and you need to relax…”

  “I’m guessing you’ve lost interest in business discussions?”

  “It wasn’t important enough to get us here…” she answered logically and shrugged, fitting the latex to him and putting both hands on his shoulders. She opened her legs and sat on his lap, slowly, teasingly easing him inside her. “I knew you were gainfully employed…”

  Charlotte continued to move slowly, sinking herself over him and continually amazed at how good he felt inside her. She felt his hands tighten on her waist, trying to hold her as she wiggled from side to side, rotating her hips. Teasing and retreating. Her head fell forward to rest on his, their mouths meeting and tongues stroking in time to the slow joining.

  Jesse lost himself in the silken caress of her hair against his skin; of her nails along his shoulders and into his hair and in the tightly convulsing walls squeezing the orgasm through him just as hers peaked. He surrounded her with his arms, holding her tightly against him. His face buried between her breasts as breath after ragged breath was pulled from him with each jerk of his body inside hers.

  Charlotte tilted her head to the side, grateful when his palm was up to sweep the long hair aside, coated with moisture now slowly cooling.

  “You are a dangerous distraction,” Jesse murmured, dragging his tongue along her breast and chuckling when she made half an attempt to smack at him. “Wildcat.”

  “Could take weeks to get your office set up at this rate,” Charlotte chuckled, easing herself to the bed and sighing. “God, that felt amazing.”

  She glanced at the clock he already had sitting on the nightstand and groaned.

  “What is it about you that turns me inside out, Jesse Hunter?”

  “Hmm…I’m thinking the same things about you that make me nuts,” he pulled the blankets down and slid beneath them, patting the other side. “I already have the clock set for the ungodly hour of four-forty-five AM.”

  “I hope that’s not a whine I hear,” she cuddled next to him, her bare foot sliding along his leg.

  “Never from these lips,” he chuckled and rolled to face her, her breath sifting over his cooling skin as they drifted off to sleep.

  Jesse stepped out of the bathroom, a
towel rubbing over his head. His body came to an abrupt stop and he felt like he’d walked right into a brick wall.

  He stared. He was positive it was like he was seventeen again. Peering through shampoo tousled hair dangling across his face. His gaze began at the floor and the pair of low chunky summer sandals she was wearing.

  And bare leg showing.

  A lot of bare leg.

  By the time his gaze swept up and over the bright flower printed baby-doll dress, what had begun as a cheerful, even at this ungodly time of the morning smile, had slipped. A lot.

  Tiny puff sleeves, an elastic neckline and an empire baby-doll type dress that stopped just above her knees in a swirl of color. Mostly his attention was on the healthy display of cleavage that seemed inordinately lifted and separated.

  “What the hell is that?”

  Charlotte had been working the long hair into a braid, chin down and eyes up at the low growl she swore came from the man in suit pants and nothing else, a towel around his neck and each end held in one hand.

  She raised one eyebrow and stared at him in the mirror, early summer light filling the room from the large skylights overhead.

  “That came out wrong,” Jesse admitted, tossing the towel over a chair and reaching for the shirt he’d laid out. “This isn’t your normal work clothes.”

  “Nope. It’s Jamaica Tuesdays,” she said with a bright grin. “We have theme days and the staff and customers love them.

  “You’re going to work like that?”

  “I’m pretty sure the boss won’t mind,” she answered cautiously, amused at the hint of possession in his tone. “You don’t like it?” She teased, swaying her hips a little more than normal until she stood right in front of him. She took the edges of his open shirt and began buttoning the front. She stopped at his chin, running one finger down the barely there dent before leaning in and kissing him. “I’ll go start coffee for you.”

  Jesse decided he definitely had to work on his reaction time. He stood in the bedroom gaping at the departing swirl of flowers, his body hard and anticipating more than a kiss.

  Charlotte had some toasted English muffins and coffee going by the time she heard him coming down the stairs, a briefcase and jacket resting on one of the stacks of boxes before he continued into the kitchen.

  “I like your dress,” he said a few seconds after snagging her around the middle and kissing her soundly. “A lot.”

  “I’ll be wearing it when I come home tonight,” she promised with a wink, realizing what she said and putting a palm over her mouth.

  “I like the sound of that,” Jesse answered simply, accepting the cup she held out to him. “Refilling your pack with more clothing?” He glanced toward the large pack she had dropped near the front doors. He caught her palm and carried it to his lips. “I’m wearing you down.”

  Charlotte backed up, reaching for her keys off the counter and turning to go to the door, her backpack in her fingers. She offered an over the shoulder glance, felt her insides melt at the smile and wink she was given and disappeared out the door.

  She didn’t realize she was talking to herself until she saw Danny staring at her but saying nothing.

  “I figured if you wanted answers, you’d stop talking long enough for me to speak,” he answered carefully, closing up his computer and collecting his books. “I’ll see you tonight, Charlotte.”

  “I’m not crazy.”

  Danny laughed, keys dangling from his fingers. “I don’t think you are and judging by the things you were mumbling, I’m guessing the boss is the cause.”

  “You know him? Jesse, I mean,” she paused in the process of tying her apron in place.

  “I work for his security people,” he shrugged. “I just know his reputation mostly and it’s good. He’s fair and smart and really enjoys his business. I’m not sure what else…”

  “Oh, no, it’s alright. I didn’t mean to put you in a difficult position,” Charlotte waved at him weakly. “See you tonight, Danny, thanks.”

  “Huh. He has a security company. He has boats. And…and backwoods trips…”

  “Boss, you okay?” Carla came in the back door, stored her pack and reached for a clean apron before heading for the pots that needed prepared.

  “Oh, yeah…just peachy,” Charlotte went to the fridge and began pulling out pastries, set the oven and started her day.

  It was almost closing time when she did a walk around the outside of the building, cleaning up and straightening the outside tables. Somehow, the large vase of flowers had vanished and she really wasn’t interested in knowing where they went or who made them disappear.

  Of course she had her idea on the who part and just smiled as she wiped down the tables and nodded to Tessa to begin shutting down. It was almost four and that was close enough since they’d been alone for the last thirty minutes.

  She straightened the chairs and then her shoulders when the wolf whistle caught her attention, her smile broadening as she walked up to the SUV.

  “You stalking me, mister?”

  “That is the prettiest little dress,” Jesse winked at her, his tie open and jacket on the seat next to him. “I thought we might go out to dinner. Someplace casual with a little dancing. Early night because god knows four forty-five comes damn early in the morning.”

  “Let me finish up and grab my pack.”

  “Do you need to go upstairs for anything?”

  “Did it during the day. Be right back,” she promised and made sure the outside was clean before going into the shop. She had finished locking things in the safe when Danny pulled into the lot, tipping his palm off his head at Jesse before striding inside.

  Jesse opened the door and stepped from inside, striding to Charlotte when she came to the entrance to her shop, the pack she carried filled to bursting. He lifted it from her hands and almost laughed, dropping it behind his seat and waiting for her to join him in the SUV.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It was Friday morning before she realized the week had vanished. Wearing jeans and a comfortable girl tee, she was pulling yogurt out of the fridge when she heard the shuffle behind her.

  “You’re up early,” she said when Jenna slid into a breakfast stool, her head on folded arms on the counter.

  “Got an eight o’clock meeting for a position in the nurses office,” she stared at the tall glass of juice Charlotte slid across to her. “Thank you.”

  “This is a new look for you,” a strong hand tousled his daughter’s hair as he came around the breakfast bar, taking the cup Charlotte held out for him.

  “We need to have a little father-daughter talk about midnights snacks,” Jenna winked at Charlotte and watched her father cough on his coffee. “And the two of you laughing and playing in the kitchen when my bedroom is right around the corner.”

  “So you think he’s my type?” Charlotte teased.

  “Actually…” Jenna leaned closer to Charlotte. “I thought he wasn’t your type. I had no idea he was so…”

  “I think it’s time for you to go off to work,” Jesse took her hand and tried tugging.

  “I thought he was…kind of…boring…and definitely proper,” Jenna giggled at the glare, drained her juice and hopped down, kissing her father on the cheek. “You make a cute couple. You make him frisky.”

  “Frisky?” Jesse gargled around a mouthful of coffee.

  “When you’re a teenager, you’re horny. When you’re over thirty, it’s frisky,” Jenna laughed and went to her room.

  “Frisky?” He repeated, a little ticked off he couldn’t find his footing with the word.

  Good or bad? Who’s idea was it to teach the twins to talk anyway?

  Charlotte put a palm over her lips and moved toward the door. “I’ll see you later, Jesse. Have a great day,” she waved with keys in her hand, the tint of pink on his cheeks making her smile.

  She made it to her car before the door opened and he crossed the tiled driveway and leaned in her window. He had the cutest pu
zzled frown on his face she laughed, her palm out and fingers brushing the hair from his forehead.

  “I kind of like you frisky,” she said while he was still staring at her. “I think we just have to remember where the twins sleep when you get food cravings in the middle of the night.”

  “I think I’m traumatized,” Jesse kissed her and shook his head. “I’ll check later and see if you can have lunch with me.”

  “Bring something to the shop and we can eat on the beach. About noon would be nice.” She watched him nod and step back, her fingers moving to play some music as she drove to work.

  She just knew that conversation would be entertaining, chuckling to herself after parking and striding to the shop. Carla was already there, the shop open and ready for people.

  At ten things finally slowed down enough that Carla began cleaning the outside tables and putting chairs back in some kind of order. She vaguely registered the delivery van that backed toward the rear entrance and heard Charlie talking to the person.

  Her head popped up when she heard the crashing and she ran to the side in time to hear the rear doors of the van slam shut. Wide eyes went from the rear door to the driver who coolly climbed into the van, his face shielded by the cap he wore. Carla went inside and continued back through to the kitchen, a stack of milk crates knocked over outside the rear entrance.

  She straightened the crates and went out, looking up and down the beach before going to the stairs that led up into Charlotte’s apartment. She didn’t like the feeling or the silence.

  “Charlotte!” She called up the stairs, going to the front and checking outside before she opened her phone and dialed up the police.

  Gina arrived for the afternoon shift to a parking lot with two police cars and three officers. She slid out of the small import at the same time the familiar SUV pulled into the lot.


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