Chronicles of Galadria III_Lessons

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Chronicles of Galadria III_Lessons Page 27

by David Gay-Perret

  He gathered the food his master had left behind for him and hefted his traveling bag—the same one he’d carried when he’d left Shinozuka—to his shoulders. After checking one last time to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything, Glaide passed through the door and headed down the path that led down the hill, then he turned back for one last look. Once more, he thought back to the first time he’d taken this path, his heart full of hope at the thought that he might be about to find the man he was searching for. With a smile, he thought to himself that he never could have imagined what had awaited him.

  “It’s now the first of March,” he declared out loud, as if speaking to the house that stood in front of him, “and my training lasted for five and a half months. Today I leave, with no certainty that I will ever return. I have become stronger, wiser, and I know much more about this world. Yes, I’ve accomplished what I had so desperately hoped to.” As he spoke that last phrase, the words Drekhor had spoken, that had haunted him in his first two months here, returned to his mind. “You’re not strong enough to do anything against that.” That was now no more and no less than the thing that had led him to leave.

  “It’s over,” he murmured. “Finally, at long last I’m strong enough to do something, and to protect those that are dear to me. Finally, I’m capable of taking on the charge of three other lives.”

  And so ended the training that Glaide had so desired. More than half a year after arriving, most of which passed under the tutelage of Kezthrem, the last master of Iretane, he had finally become a seasoned and keen warrior. Though he knew the journey to victory was still a long one, he also knew that a new chapter of his life was beginning, and with it, he was drawing a little closer to that grand finale, though he still wasn’t sure whether he was waiting for it with impatience... or with fear.

  End of Volume 3

  The adventure continues in “Chronicles of Galadria IV: Tranquility”

  And so ends the third volume of the adventures of Glaide...

  You are now halfway through the story, but the three volumes to come will include even more important revelations and a few shocks. After a long phase of education, it is now time for Glaide to truly begin his quest, and the volume to come will mark an important step in that direction.

  As with the previous volumes, don’t forget to leave a comment wherever you procured this book. That will help other readers know if the book is for them, and I’d love to know what you’ve thought of it myself.

  To prolong the adventure, why not listen to the music associated with the story, which I composed myself? If that interests you, the tracks are available on Jamendo (as a series of albums entitled “Chroniques de l’Autre Monde”), and I can also suggest a combination of music paired with text from the books, available on Youtube (as a playlist entitled “Chronicles of Galadria”).

  Don’t hesitate to, (under Music, My Compositions, Chronicles of the Other World) for more information.

  If you wish to contact me, don’t hesitate to send me an email (I speak French, English, and Swedish) at!

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