Resisting Cupid

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Resisting Cupid Page 6

by Chanta Rand

  His hands rubbed her breasts. The fine sand residue on his palms felt deliciously rough across her nipples. She felt his erection. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one ready for more. “You’re insatiable,” she accused.

  His blue eyes captured hers. “You turn me on, Kendra. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  He pulled her to her feet. She draped her arms around his sculpted shoulders as he cradled her ass in his arms. He carried her to the water’s edge and walked in with her. “Ooh,” she cooed. “You’re so strong.”

  They stood waist-deep in the clear waters, one of her legs wrapped around his midsection. The buoyancy of the water helped her stay afloat. The waves softly lapped against them, creating an erotic, watery rhythm. “I used to be an amateur body builder.”

  “Seriously? I can’t see that.”

  “Why not? You don’t think I have skills?”

  “No. I think you’re too much of a pretty boy to have pumped iron.”

  She felt one of his fingers hook the edge of her bikini bottom and yank it to the side. “Can pretty boys do this?”

  Before she could respond, he thrust a finger into her. She gasped with pleasure.

  “You want more?” he teased.

  “You know I do.”

  She clung to him as he slipped a second finger inside her. It didn’t take long for her to become slick between her legs, making it easy for him to slide his fingers in and out of her. Never mind that she’d already had two orgasms today. Never mind that he’d licked her clitoris until she screamed his name. Never mind that they were on a public beach where anyone could happen to see them. With the sunset as their brilliant backdrop, she undulated her hips against his hand and succumbed to the red-hot fire building inside her. Within minutes, she was careening toward another orgasm, her juices mingling with the salty ocean.


  They spent four more fun-filled days in the Maldives. They dined on delicious dinners of cold crab salad with champagne. They swam in the ocean at two a.m. They went horseback riding along the white sand shores. They explored the island, holding hands and collecting shells. And of course, they had mind-blowing sex. Mark couldn’t keep his hands off Kendra, and better yet, she was a willing partner, always hot and ready. She was the most passionate woman he’d ever met. It was hard to believe that beneath that all-business exterior was a giving, adventurous lover. She withheld nothing, pouring all of herself into their coupling. One minute she was conventional, the next, she was kinky as hell. Her unpredictability excited him. The physical attraction was definitely a factor, but there was so much more that drew him to her.

  She had a dry sense of humor that kept him on his toes. Even though she was tough-as-nails in business, she was a compassionate woman. The way she treated the locals with kindness and respect warmed his heart. He enjoyed hearing the soothing cadence of her voice. After their intense love-making sessions, they talked late into the night about everything. She was keenly intelligent and unafraid to speak her mind. They both voted for the same political party. They were both people of faith. They were the same age. They were both the middle siblings of families with three children. The similarities were astounding. It was refreshing to talk to a woman who could relate to practically every single thing about him. Maybe it was the euphoria of being in a paradise on Earth, but every day, he fell harder for Kendra. He tried not to put too much stock into the feeling. He just wanted to enjoy the time they had together. But Kendra had him thinking about the possibilities of a permanent relationship.

  Expert swimmers, they filled their remaining days with water activities. They went snorkeling near the vibrant reefs and swimming in the turquoise waters. They charted a local fishing boat and competed to see who could catch the most fish. Then, each evening they had a cocktail while watching the crimson setting of the sun bouncing off the waters. The Maldives was a picture-perfect utopia, filled with sunlit days and breezy nights. Then, all too soon, it was time to go home.

  On their last morning together, the two had coffee and fresh fruit in bed. They leisurely made love one last time before Kendra’s flight. Mark was leaving out on a later flight–one of the drawbacks of traveling on a steeply discounted fare. After kissing Kendra goodbye, he returned to his bungalow, and he immediately felt the void of her presence. Things would never be the same for him. He would never be able to see her in the office without wanting to drag her into the nearest empty room and kiss her breathless. He would never be able to sit through a meeting with her in attendance and not remember their intense love-making sessions. He would never forget the feel of her supple skin beneath his fingertips. One thing was certain. His plan to seduce her had failed miserably. The tables had been turned. Now, he was the one aching for another taste.


  Usually after a long trip, Kendra was happy to return to her condo in the upscale neighborhood near Memorial Park. This time, she was riding the tailwinds of elation from her trip. She still had the scent of the Maldives wind in her hair. She could still hear the sing-song dialect of the locals. She could still envision those awe-inspiring sunsets. Now that she was back to civilization, not even the hustle and bustle of the city, honking car horns, and yapping dogs could steal her joy. It was only when she powered on her cell phone and found twenty-seven voice mail messages, nineteen texts, and one-hundred and forty-eight emails that she snapped back to reality.

  The first thing she did was to change into her PJs and call Tatum–who’d left three of the messages and one text. “Girl,” Tatum enthused, “I’m so glad you’re back. I hadn’t heard from you since the day you left. I was about to file a missing person’s report on you.”

  “As you can see, I made it back safely.”

  “Details, girl. I need all the details.”

  “I’ll come over later and we can chat.”

  “Oh no. You can’t deprive me of this juice. Out with it. Now.”

  Kendra laughed as she made herself a cup of herbal tea. Tatum was like a bloodhound on the scent of gossip. Working in a call center, it would seem her best friend had all the drama she could stand. Yet she was foaming at the mouth for more. Kendra began with her long plane ride to the Maldives and ended with her goodbye kiss to Mark over fourteen hours ago. She gave Tatum all the details, including their incredible, all-night sex marathons. “It was like something out of an erotic novel,” Kendra told her. “Mark fulfilled all my wildest fantasies.”


  “It felt so right. Oh, and I forgot to tell you he gave me spark plugs. He’s been my Secret Valentine all this time. I thought it was Carl.”


  “Is that all you can say? I just delivered a saga worthy of a Lifetime movie.”

  “I know. That’s what I’m trippin’ on. What are you going to do about this? What about your ‘no fraternization’ rule?”

  “I haven’t thought that far, Tatum. I was just having a good time.”

  She heard her friend sigh. “As long as you’re sure that’s all it was, and nothing more.”

  Kendra sat quietly, Indian-style on her couch, cupping her mug of tea. Tatum had let all of the wind out of her sail. The time she’d spent with Mark had felt so right, she’d begun to convince herself that the fledging spark of a relationship might have been ignited. For the first time in a long time, she’d let her hair down and enjoyed herself. She hadn’t thought about consequences or realities. As a result, she’d gotten caught up and let her emotions rule. She’d let her guard down. She stared at the stack of mail that had accumulated in her absence. Her bills hadn’t taken a vacation. This was the real world. This was life.

  The truth of what happened with her and Mark was beginning to dawn on her. What was she thinking? The combination of being on a tropical island with a hot guy had her coochie working overtime. Mark had worshipped her body with his hands and his mouth. Every touch was like liquid fire. Every glance made her cream. The sex was the best she’
d ever had in her thirty-two years on Earth. No wonder, she wasn’t thinking logically! She had been effectively dick-whipped. And tongue-whipped. And finger-whipped.

  She replayed the events of the past four days in her mind. Yes, Mark was gorgeous. Yes, he was a wonderful lover. But did that make the basis for something more permanent? Was she ready for a serious relationship with him? What if he didn’t want a relationship? What if he just wanted some–?

  “Kendra, are you there?”

  Tatum’s voice jerked her back to the present. “I can’t do this. Mark is my boss. Do you realize how awkward this is going to be?”

  “Uh, yeah. That’s kinda the point I’m trying to make.”

  “I need to let him know right now. I need to set some limits.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I’m serious, Tatum. I’d rather nip this in the bud than create tension between the two of us at the office. We’ve both worked hard to achieve this level of success in our careers. We can’t afford to have a lapse in judgment hanging like an albatross around our necks. In fact, I bet he’s thinking the same thing. We both got carried away. I’m going to give him an ‘out’. This way, we can both save face.”

  “Now, you’re thinking straight. Let me know how it works out.”

  Kendra hung up. She had to call Mark right away. She took her half-empty cup to the kitchen sink. She didn’t have the stomach for tea or anything else. She wrung her hands. What would she say? How would she start the conversation? In the Maldives, they’d talked about everything from religion to politics. They were in sync on so many issues, and conversation came naturally for them. For almost a week, they’d been inseparable. They’d shared intimacies she wouldn’t dare share with anyone else. She trusted him with not only the details of her life, but with her body as well. Mark knew how to handle every nook and cranny of her flesh. She let out a long breath. She couldn’t muster the strength to call him. She was a coward. Maybe secretly, she didn’t want to hear his voice agreeing that she was right: What they’d done was a mistake. Yet, she had to tell him somehow.

  She jumped as her cell phone rumbled to life on the granite countertop. Her eyes darted to the caller ID, almost afraid to see who was calling. Her heart thumped when she realized it was Carl Winters. How did he get her cell number? Her mind raced. Somewhere in the deep recesses of her brain, she recalled that she’d given him her business card with her cell phone number listed on it the day they’d met. She pulled herself out of ‘Oh, Woe is Me’ mode and into ‘Business mode as she answered. “Kendra speaking.”

  “I’ve been calling for a week with no answer. Good thing I have such high self-confidence or I might think you’ve been trying to avoid me.”

  His deep voice oozed like honey over her. She hadn’t had time to check her emails, so she wasn’t aware that the Sweet Thang! owner had been trying to reach her. “Sorry about that. I’ve been out of the country. I just got back today.”

  “Well, at least you can give me the pleasure of having dinner with me.”

  The way he said the word pleasure made her skin pucker with goose bumps. But not with thoughts of him. She was still reminiscing over her time spent with Mark in the white sands, and the pleasure he’d given her. “Um...,” she struggled for a way to politely wiggle out of the invitation.

  “I’m not a client anymore. So, it’s no longer a conflict of interest.”

  “What happened?”

  “I removed myself from the vendor list. I got an offer I couldn’t refuse. I’ll be opening a store in Europe. My first overseas venture, so I’ll need to put all of my focus there.”

  “Congratulations!” Kendra leaned her butt against the counter and crossed her legs at the ankles.

  “Will you have dinner with me to celebrate? C’mon,” he entreated. “It’s Tuesday night.”

  She laughed. “What’s so special about Tuesday?”

  “Nothing. Let’s make it special. You know you ain’t got nothin’ else to do.”

  Oh yes, she did. She still had to unpack and go through her shitload of messages. Afterward, she planned on sleeping off some of her jetlag. She drummed her fingers on the black countertop. She wasn’t due into work for two more days. “Okay,” she capitulated. “I’ll go.”

  “I’ll pick you up in an hour. Where do you live?”

  Was he crazy? She was not going to let some guy she barely knew come over to her place. If things went south, she might never be able to shake him. “Let’s meet at Ruggles restaurant on Westheimer. It’s about ten miles from your shop.”

  “Aw,” he complained. “Still don’t trust me, huh?”

  She smiled at his perceptiveness. “You might be the Chocolate Candy Killer for all I know. I think I saw that on an episode of America’s Most Wanted.”

  He chuckled. “Woman, the only thing I kill is them recipes. I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

  She laughed with him. “Yeah, right. Nonetheless, meet me at Ruggles.”

  “See ya soon.”

  Kendra marched to her huge walk-in closet, which was in her opinion, the best feature about her condo, and the thing that made her pay what she considered an exorbitant sticker price. She would go to dinner with Carl and handle him once and for all. Who knew when she might need him as a business connection? This industry was small. She couldn’t afford to alienate anyone. She pulled out a pair of black leggings with crystals lining the sides. She topped them with a long, charcoal colored sweater and a pair of ankle booties. The weather was heavenly in the Maldives, but back in Houston, January nights still held a chill.

  She stopped in her tracks. Thoughts of the Maldives gnawed at her conscience. She still had unfinished business. She glanced at her watch. She couldn’t call Mark now. She had to get dressed and meet Carl in less than an hour. She padded barefoot to the extra bedroom she used as an office. She powered on her laptop. She didn’t know Mark’s personal email, so she sent an email to his work address. Tacky, but hey, she was in a pinch. Her fingers raced across the keyboard, her typing as jumbled as her thoughts. She had to re-read the message and edit it twice before she was satisfied. She inhaled a deep breath. Then, before she lost her nerve, she hit Send. There! It was done. There was no turning back now.

  Chapter 8

  Carl spotted Kendra the minute she sashayed through the door. Her caramel complexion glistened as she walked. Her coppery locks bounced when she moved. Dressed from head to toe in black, she reminded him of a sleek panther prowling the jungle. She looked sexy as hell. He waited inside by the front door, his eyes flitting over her curves as she approached. She tried to shake his hand, but he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. He might have humble beginnings, but he recognized that scent. Chanel No. 5. Classic, just like her. Kendra Michaels was a woman accustomed to the finer things in life. He wanted to show her he was on her level. He was an accomplished businessman, and tonight, he meant to let her know he was worth every minute of her time.

  The waiter found them a secluded table near the back of the restaurant. Carl pulled Kendra’s chair out for her. “Umph. Umph. Umph.” He licked his lips. “Girl, you look good enough to eat.” When she twisted her pretty lips and waved him away, he laughed. “What?” he teased. “You’re not used to brothas telling you that?”

  She crossed her arms, drawing his attention to the deep vee of her neckline. “Not really.”

  “What about those guys I saw you with at the store that day? None of them ever compliment you? ‘Cause if they don’t, they’re crazy.”

  She studied her menu. From the uncomfortable look she shot him, he could tell he’d touched a nerve. “I work with them,” she said.


  “So, in Corporate America you can’t simply go around telling everybody they look good enough to eat.”

  “Glad I don’t work in Corporate America.”

  “One day you will.” Her hazel eyes peered at him over her menu. “Your business is growing, Carl. Soon, you’ll have a lot mo
re employees than that nubile youngster I saw in the t-shirt. You don’t want to get slapped with a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

  He grinned. Was Kendra jealous? “Oh, I wouldn’t worry ‘bout her.”

  “Why not? Do you have some sort of influence over her?”

  “You could say that.” She looked at him like he was a dirty old man. He chuckled at her reaction. “Some days I have influence over her. Other days, she treats me like most kids treat their daddies–she barely listens.” When Kendra continued to stare at him, he explained. “I gave birth to that nubile youngster as you referred to her.”

  Kendra’s eyes practically popped out of her head. “That teenager was your daughter?”

  “Yeah. You couldn’t tell?”

  “I was so busy looking at you, I didn’t pay attention.”

  His grin deepened. “I’ll give you points for honesty. I am damn good-looking if I do say so myself.”

  She shook her head. “And you’re so modest too.”

  He took a long drink from his glass of water. “I can’t believe you actually thought there was something going on between me and my child.”

  Her pretty mouth dropped open. “I never said that.”

  “No, but you were thinking it. You must not have a very high opinion of me.”

  “That’s not true. I researched your biography.”

  “No, that’s the official version. Let me tell you about the real Carl Winters. I came up from the streets of Fifth Ward. My grandmother raised me. I started my first business when I was eleven. I used the money Grams gave me for church to buy candy bars at 7-11. Then, I’d turn around and sell them for double at school and church. From that time on, an entrepreneur was born.”


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