The One_A Cruise Through the Solar System

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The One_A Cruise Through the Solar System Page 18

by Eric Klein

  Borders can be planted with bamboo and other plants to help with air cleaning / O2 production as well as production of raw materials for everyday life. Bamboo can be used for paper, construction, food (the young shoots), and even fibers for clothes. The addition of blue agave plants was a plot device to have locally made tequila. But in researching it, I found that the blue agave plant grows both at sea level and in the mountains. In the higher altitude, these plants do quite well if they get water at the right times.

  AnimalsFor the primary herd and work animal, I expect that a hybrid yak will be used - hybrid to make them a bit smaller, as they may grow larger in lower gravity. Note as to why Yaks: they can survive at lower air pressure than most animals; their milk can be drunk straight or turned into butter and cheese; their meat is nutritious; their fur can be turned into yarn or woven; they will eat easy-to-grow (hydroponically or in the soil) alfalfa; they are docile and will not attack people. Most importantly, when provided with proper pastures and water, yaks have little to no detectable odor. In fact, the yak’s wool is odor resistant. Other easy to care for meat/fur animals would be rabbits and limited numbers of chickens, both that would tend to smell when in enclosed spaces.

  The ShipAntigravUsing the theories of Burkhard Heim, I am using his concepts to enable the antigravity. He was a German physicist who worked on a way to reconcile the two pillars of physics, quantum theory and general relativity. He was able to equate, at least in theory, gravitational energy and electromagnetism. After his death, several physicists attempted to prove and later expand upon his work and developed the Extended Heim Theory (EHT). In 2006 Dr. Martin Tajmar and collaborators announced experimental evidence that spinning superconductors can lead to the generation of gravity-like fields with parity (either attractive or repulsive).

  Thus, a superconductive ring (made out of materials that I’m extrapolating can be mined in the asteroids or on one or more of the various moons and dwarf planets) set around the central ridge of the ship would reduce its weight enough to let it lift from the Earth’s surface. While in the atmosphere it would probably need to be kept cool. It may not need to be cryogenic temperatures, but by launching from water the ship would be able to regulate the temperature, while in space mild rotation would keep it from warming up too much from solar radiation.

  Additionally, smaller platforms would enable increased or decreased gravity to make people from Earth (1G) and the various colonies (0.3 – 0.6 G) comfortable while on each other’s surfaces. Thus, someone from the Earth’s moon would be able to perform or move on Earth even though their relative weight would be three times as great as they are used to.

  The Extended Heim Theory is still highly controversial, based on how the original was self-published and was not in the common language and mathematical conventions of modern physics. It has taken time and effort to translate it and to begin actual testing of the theories.

  Real time Communications: (Ansible)Ursula K. Le Guin created the word Ansible as a plot point in her 1966 novel Rocannon’s World:

  “You remember the ansible, the machine I showed you in the ship, which can speak instantly to other worlds, with no loss of years — it was that that they were after, I expect.”

  In this book, a potential real-world version of the ansible is a method of communications that always enables the user to contact whom they wish regardless of where they are located. Thus, it implies a series of functions to ensure such communications.

  In her 1969 novel The Left Hand of Darkness she explains a little more about the concept:

  He said in his shrill harsh voice, “What’s that?” — pointing to the ansible. “The ansible communicator, sir.” “A radio?” “It doesn’t involve radio waves, or any form of energy ... What it does, sir, is produce a message at any two points simultaneously. Anywhere.”

  This almost exactly sounds like the work being done in quantum entanglement. It is currently not possible to reliably measure both ends of an entangled electron in order to read it. I’m presuming that by the time of this book, this problem will not only be resolved but will be solved by using three or more ‘twisted’ entangled electrons. As demonstrated in 2015 by Mehul Malik, by combining multiple units we would, in theory, be able to transmit data faster than a single “on/off” or even the six quantum positions. In computing terms, if we use 8 or 16 pairs (or triplets) we would be able to send over a byte at a time and be able to at least match today’s technology for data transfer, but in this case, over immense distances and potentially to multiple locations. I envision that each colony would be connected to the United Solar Nations (USN) headquarters and to at least one other colony. This would form what in networking is known as a semi-mesh network (Every colony wouldn’t directly connect to every other colony, as this would get very expensive in terms of hardware very fast.) using one or more hub locations. By using the twisted entangled electrons, each colony could be jointly connected to the primary hubs – most likely USN Headquarters – and a central point on Ceres. I imagine that there would also be several connections back to Earth (NASA or another launch site) for the older colonies. Thus, Mars would have an original one-to-one entangled link to Houston, Texas, and newer connections to the USN HQ and Ceres.

  This would mean that sending a message to Mars or Jupiter, would be as quick and efficient as a connection between New York and Paris today. As such, real-time video (holographic) calls would be possible, and routing would almost always be automatic with little or no human involvement.

  The ship would be connected to two points (as above) via Ansible and other places either by cross connect through one of the two hubs or via radio when they are close enough.

  In a similar way, wristpads are connected via radio waves to the local network, which in turn is connected to the rest of the solar system data network from there, similarly to how a mobile smartphone is connected to the local tower and then to the internet today. For convenience, each planet and moon would have its own equivalent to GPS satellites in orbit to assist in both direct connections for communications (like satellite phones today) and location information.

  As shown in the story, having point-to-point communications is key to government control. While the benefits described in the novel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Robert Heinlein show how important secure communications are to a revolution. In this case, Dodge is going from colony to colony providing entangled communications modules to be used by the revolution. The key limitation was the equipment needed to make them work, so anyone with the ability to entangle electrons and to build the needed hardware could have their own private, undetectable communications network.

  Shawyer EmDriveThe Shawyer - or EmDrive was first proposed by Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd (SPR), under Roger J. Shawyer, in 2001. The concept of an EmDrive was that electromagnetic microwave cavities might provide for the direct conversion of electrical energy to thrust without the need to expel any propellant.

  When NASA tested the controversial drive, their findings surprised them. During the test “Approximately 30-50 micro-Newtons of thrust were recorded from an electric propulsion test article consisting primarily of a radio frequency (RF) resonant cavity excited at approximately 935 megahertz. Testing was performed on a low-thrust torsion pendulum that is capable of detecting force at a single-digit micro-newton level, within a stainless-steel vacuum chamber with the door closed but at ambient atmospheric pressure. Several different test configurations were used, including two different test articles as well as a reversal of the test article orientation.” To be clear, one newton (1N) is defined as force (F) that accelerates an object with a mass of one kilogram (1kg) one meter per second each second (1m/sec²), and a micronewton is 1 millionth of a newton. Thus throwing a baseball at a speed of 155 kph (for reference, the speed of a pitch by a professional pitcher is around 100 mph) would take 22.5 newtons.

  The following independent tests have been performed for the EmDrive:

  A test at 2500 W of power during whi
ch a thrust of .750 microewtons was measured by a Chinese team at Chinese Northwestern Polytechnical University.

  A test at 50 W of power during which a thrust of 50 micronewtons was measured by Eagleworks at the Johnson Space Center at ~760 torr of pressure. (Summer 2014)

  A test at 50 W of power during which a thrust of 50 micronewtons was measured by Eagleworks at the Johnson Space Center at ~5.0×10−6 torr of pressure. (Early 2015)

  A test at 50 W of power during which an interferometer (a modified Michelson device) was used to measure the stretching and compressing of space-time within the device, which produced initial results that were consistent with an Alcubierre drive fluctuation.

  NASA has successfully tested their EmDrive in a hard vacuum, or, as was reported, “It works in a vacuum. It works in a Faraday cage, and it works when you reverse the device (The thrust reverses.).”

  In my version, each of the life craft has an EmDrive with two power supplies. The craft’s own internal storage is good for relatively short trips. For the main part of the trip, they are tied to the main power of the ship, and are used as supplemental thrust beyond the units at the base of the ship. The combined thrust would increase the speed of the ship, enabling rapid, constant-boost travel between colonies. Shuttle craft above the median line would be used for direction control and to slow down if needed, especially during the “skew flip” when the ship would flip 180 degrees with the main thruster now pointing towards the destination in order to slow the ship down without stopping the trust.

  Originally, I was planning on using the forward-facing thrusters used to slow down, but unless I adjust the anti-gravity to compensate, then the whole ‘floor becomes ceiling’ problem would make a mess. Thus, the ship is in zero forward thrust for a short time while it spins (combination of gyroscope and controlled thrust from selected emergency craft) to face the opposite direction for slowing down.

  Protection from solar storms / radiation.While traveling in space the passengers and crew will need to be protected from several types of radiation. Simple x-rays from solar radiation and during flares can be blocked via a simple ship coating. For more serious solar and cosmic rays, “The best way to stop particle radiation is by running that energetic particle into something that’s a similar size,” said Jonathan Pellish, a space radiation engineer at Goddard. “Otherwise, it can be like you’re bouncing a tricycle off a tractor-trailer.”

  Because protons and neutrons are similar in size, one element blocks both extremely well—hydrogen. Thus water, already required for the passengers and crew, could be stored strategically to create a kind of radiation storm shelter in the spacecraft or habitat.

  Solar flares run based on several cycles; the main one is every 11.37 years, and the one in this book will be known as number 37. Cycle 37 will be at a minimum number of flares in 2151.74 (end of September), and again at a minimum in 2163.19 (middle of March), so the story has a low likelihood of a serious flare occurring during the spaceflight.

  ZeroG PoolConsider that the average person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day. This includes bathing, brushing teeth, using the toilet, drinking, preparing food, cleaning clothes/pots/house, etc. In a closed system like a spaceship this water is being recycled all the time, but still needs to be there. Even with the water in the recycling process, inside of people, etc., there needs to be some form of water storage. I figured, if you have it sitting around, why not put it to use? Originally, I planned on using the tried and true sci-fi trope of a floating ball of water as a swimming pool. But using actual scientists as advisors means that they sometimes point out why something wouldn’t work. After calculating the size of the ball, the amount of water, and how to deal with things like air bubbles (They don’t rise to the top in zero G.), and the air flow to push splashes back towards the main sphere, both my advisors came back with the response, “that won’t work”. Objections included things like what happens when the ship changes course, stops, accelerates, etc.? (Hint: “splash” was the nicest description used.)

  So as mentioned in the previous section about protection from solar flares, I needed a large supply of spare water lying around to use. While this meant the floating ball of water was out, I still needed a repository to hold the spare and a way to store it.

  This became a sealed room with clear walls and “airlock” entrances. Swimming still required a breathing mask, and the question of open or closed came up (I left them open, and the bubbles still appear in the water in the story.). The overall design was to take the water, filter and sterilize it, then use it in the water-flow for the ship. With enough small suction points, and a room that was not full (but with an enforced maximum occupancy) the pool would work, and have enough flow for the bubbles to dissipate in not too long a time.

  Colonies Legal status and administrationThe Outer Space Treaty is more formally known as the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (1967). Article IV states that “the activities of non-governmental entities in outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Treaty,” and that State Parties shall bear international responsibility for national space activities, whether carried out by governmental or non-governmental entities. It places the responsibility on each country for the actions of its citizens in space, while prohibiting countries from claiming resources or ownership of celestial bodies and the Moon. It also prohibits the placement of weapons of mass destruction into orbit or space, but other weapons were permitted. The goal was to keep space available for the benefit of all countries. Unfortunately, there is already speculation and attempts to take advantage of loopholes. There is speculation that China could colonize and get exclusive control of part of the lunar South Pole, complete with access to a location believed to contain water ice.

  The Space Colonization Treaty, formally the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Administration of the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (2028), arose in light of the various corporate endeavors in space (SpaceX and Mars One’s plans to colonize Mars, Planetary Resources’ plans to mine asteroids, various companies looking to run space tourism and orbital hotels, etc.). It became necessary to formulate some level of law and governance for activities in and beyond Earth’s orbit. Towards this end, the United Nations amended the 1967 Space Treaty to leave policing and administering (and taxing) various colonies or activities on the principal of the location of the corporate headquarters or nationality of the first human to land on the body. This resulted in various attempts to incorporate under nations of convenience, but these soon became as cumbersome as the developed nations.Thus Luna, Earth’s moon, belonged to the USA thanks to Neil Armstrong’s (and NASA’s) first step. Orbital hotels varied by the corporate controlling interest. Each country treated their external responsibilities with various levels of oppression and control. Think of the various overseas territories of the 16th and 17th centuries. England oppressed the North American colonies to the point of revolt; Denmark was more tolerant; France, Spain, and Portugal all had their good and bad periods.

  How and whyHabitable placesPlaces for colonies were chosen based on the availability of water and access to solar or other energy. Water ice can be used for drinking, creating air, or as a propellant. Additional requirements are a stable surface for building on or under. Nice-to-have items are access to metals (Ceres), hydrocarbons (Titan), and an atmosphere (Venus and Europa). Places where the atmosphere collapses on a regular basis (Io) are less likely to be colonized, while ones where the temperature is very cold but stable would be fine.

  Solar Dynamical TimeDerived from Terrestrial Dynamical Time, this time is the basis for all times used in space and on the colonies. Each colony has both its local times (as their day and year are different than that of the Earth) in addition to the SDT. SDT is similar to the GMT or UTC (Greenwich Mean Time and
Coordinated Universal Time) we use today.

  As the colonies, for the most part, don’t have regular 24-hour days, they are all using the same SDT regardless of where on the surface the colony area is located.

  Asteroid miningVarious asteroids have materials that benefit colonization or commerce. These can include high levels of metals, water ice, precious metals, etc. Large enough ones (like Ceres) can be used as bases of operations for mining other nearby asteroids. Effectively, the principle of collection and use of Saturn’s rings for water ice, as described in this novel, was taken from Dr. Asimov’s The Martian Way and is a good example of how Saturn’s rings, asteroids, or comets could be of use to improve conditions for humans as we explore or colonize.

  By rough distance from SolVenus (Planet) Administered by: Russia

  The day on Venus is slightly longer than the year, so the colony is not in orbit but on floating platforms. These stay mostly to the sunny side, allowing ice drops into the side in shadow. Also, being on the sunny side, the solar collectors help reduce the heating of the surface.

  Earth (Planet) Administered by: individual nations, UN.

  Still a mess, with nation-states pushing their own agendas, but by using their power on the colonies some of the larger nations have managed to keep the multinational corporations in check.


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