Undercover Husband

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Undercover Husband Page 10

by Rebecca Winters

  Rod cocked his head and looked at Roman. Obviously he hadn’t considered such a possibility. “You think?”

  “Maybe. Women are complicated creatures.”

  “You can say that again.”

  Brit was listening with her heart. Was Roman referring to himself? Had he lost someone? Was he afraid to risk loving again? She didn’t know what to believe.

  “Do you have a girlfriend, Rod?”


  “I didn’t have one at your age, either. I had too many other fun things to do with my brother, Yuri.”

  “I wish I had a brother.”

  “Well, you’ve got me today. How about coming downstairs? I’ve got a bunch of cameras and gadgets you might like to look at. My family’s company makes them. James Bond stuff.”


  “Let’s go.”

  Before they got up from the table, Roman flashed her a private glance, causing her heart to turn over. “The breakfast was delicious, Mrs. Lufka,” he murmured, brushing his mouth against her unsuspecting lips before he and Rod walked away.

  When they were gone, she touched fingers to her mouth. For Rod’s benefit, every affectionate hug and kiss had been a premeditated gesture on Roman’s part to create the semblance of a happily married couple. His superb acting had pulled it off. Rod didn’t have a clue. Obviously he thought Roman was the best.

  Roman was the best...

  He would make a fantastic father. Brit could feel it in her bones.

  He already made a wonderful husband. But you’re not his wife, Brit, so don’t even think about it.

  The fact of the matter was, she was single, and would probably end up an old maid. Furthermore, she was being stalked, and Roman had been hired to protect her. In terms of the emotional security he’d provided, that wasn’t something you could measure in monetary value.

  Financially, it would probably take her the rest of her life to pay him back what she owed.

  There would be no fairy tale ending here. Period.

  “Whoa... What’s this, Roman?”

  Roman had just come from the downstairs rest room. He’d excused himself minutes earlier to call Deke on the cellular.

  Eric still hadn’t called in, and until he did, everyone would be on full alert. If the finest investigator Roman had ever known had lost Baird’s trail, then they had a statewide manhunt on their hands.

  “That’s a night vision pocket scope, Rod. The unit is a real powerhouse.”

  “What can it do?” Rod murmured, awestruck by all the equipment: stun guns, personal alarms, batons, locksmithing tools, two-way radios, body armor, survival products, self-defense products, recording devices, micro-recorders, bug detectors, sound amplifiers, surveillance equipment and telephone security systems. The list went on and on.

  Roman saw in a glance everything Rod was looking at. He knew exactly how the teenager felt—like all his Christmases rolled into one.

  “It’s a starlight scope used by the U.S. troops during Operation Desert Storm. There’s an automatic brightness control built in. You can see anything in the dark.”

  “This is so awesome!” he cried out excitedly. “The guys at school would go crazy!”

  “That’s an expensive piece of equipment. About four thousand dollars’ worth.”

  “Whoa.” He put the scope back on the table. “Hey? What are these?”

  “They’re like handcuffs, only they’re called leg cuffs. They’re made of heavy-duty nickel-plate with an 18-inch chain. The police use them for maximum restraint when they’ve captured a violent prisoner.”

  The more he thought about it, the more Roman wished he were back on active duty so he could be the man who put those restraints on Glen Baird.

  The thought of that creep touching so much as one silky hair of her head...

  If it looked like Baird was going to be difficult to apprehend, he’d send Brit back to New York to stay with Yuri and Jeannie until the fireworks were over.

  Which reminded him of another problem. Not only had he not been able to find a moment to discuss the slip with Eric, he still hadn’t been able to get hold of Yuri or Jeannie to tell them the truth about the situation with Brit. They weren’t at the house or the office. No one seemed to know where they were.

  Gossip always ran rife at home. Like feathers tossed to the wind, it would be impossible to gather them up. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to imagine the explosion at the Riccardi household. No doubt the news had sent Angela’s parents into shock.

  They’d wanted Roman to marry their daughter since day one. Roman’s family had wanted it, too. If Roman’s life hadn’t gone in a completely different direction, he might have ended up with her.

  Unfortunately the longer his brother and sister-in-law remained in the dark, the more everyone who ever knew Roman back in New York would believe he had married a Utah girl.

  No doubt Yuri, particularly, would be stunned by the news that his own brother hadn’t even bothered to inform him of his intentions to marry. Worse, Jeannie would be hurt that he had gotten married without them, especially when he’d always maintained that being a bachelor suited his career and lifestyle.

  Looking at it through their eyes, it was a callous, cruel, insensitive thing to do to them. An outright betrayal of their love.

  So why aren’t you trying to reach them on the phone again right now to set the record straight, Lufkilovich? What are you waiting for?

  You can’t answer that question, can you?

  Maybe it’s because you don’t want to.

  Maybe it’s because you can still taste Brit’s essence on your lips, and it’s not enough. Maybe you don’t want to pretend anymore.

  And maybe you’re out of your mind...

  “Your phone’s ringing,” Rod called out, sporting a pair of single-tube night goggles around his head, jerking Roman back to reality with a grimace. While Roman’s thoughts had been focused on Brit, Rod had turned out the lights to make the room pitch-dark, and Roman hadn’t even noticed...

  “Thanks, Rod.”

  He pulled the cellular phone from his pocket and said hello, aware that nothing like this had ever happened to him before. Definitely not during a life-and-death situation of these proportions.

  “It’s Deke. We still haven’t heard from Eric. Chief Bayless has put out an APB on Baird per your instructions.”

  Roman gripped the phone tighter, and turned his back to Rod. “Good. As a safety precaution, I’m sending Denise and her brother to California on the next plane.” He spoke in a low voice. “We’ll be on our way to the airport shortly. Keep me informed.”

  “Will do. What are you going to do about your wife?”

  “Very funny, Deke.”

  “She’d like to be your wife. I know that much.”

  Roman swallowed. “Since when do you have the inside track on my client?”

  “Since I saw her pasted to you earlier. The last time my wife gave me a greeting like that, we were just home from our honeymoon.”

  “Brit was frightened.”

  “Tell me another story, boss. Over and out.”

  “Rod?” A fragmented Roman turned to him the second he’d clicked off with Deke. “I’m sorry, but it looks like I’ve got some business to take care of. I’ll let you go through my stuff another time. Is that all right with you?”


  “Thanks for being a good sport.”

  The likable teenager pulled off the goggles and handed them to Roman before they went up the stairs. Brit and Denise were still in the kitchen talking. Roman eyed Rod’s sister.

  “It looks like I’ve got to go to work. Denise, why don’t you tell Rod about the early birthday surprise trip to your grandparents in California. I thought I heard Disneyland mentioned.”


  BOTH women jerked to attention. Brit went pale as streams of unspoken messages flowed between her and Denise.

  “Are we going to Disneyland?” Rod cried out in exci

  Denise had recovered enough to nod.


  “Today.” Roman answered for her. “In fact, I have enough time to drive you to the airport if you’ll hurry and get your gear together.”

  “That means I’m going to miss school! Cool!” he cried out with excitement and ran out of the kitchen to start getting ready.

  Once Rod was out of earshot, Roman turned to Brit. “If you’ll keep Rod occupied for a few minutes, I’ll use the cellular phone to call the airlines and make reservations.”

  His gaze swerved to Denise. “You can use the phone here in the kitchen to inform your work and your grandparents. Just so you know, I’m keeping up the vigil on your parents’ house in case Baird shows up there. It’s purely a precautionary measure.”

  Denise’s eyes filled. “You’ve done too much already. When they get back from their trip, they’ll see that you’re paid for all your work.”

  “Forget that. Until he’s arrested, you need protection. If you’re so worried about paying me back, then have a great vacation in California.”

  “Thank you, Roman. I don’t know what any of us would have done without you. One day my parents and I will find a way to show you our gratitude.”

  On her way out of the kitchen to keep Rod secretly entertained. Brit saw her dear friend hug Roman in a spontaneous gesture of affection, one Brit craved to give him herself.

  Brit may only have been around him for less than a week, but in her psyche she already recognized that he had become the most important person to her existence.

  Whatever his past, she imagined there’d been a lot of women who would have given anything to be noticed by him, to spend personal time with him. Brit included. She certainly wasn’t going to lie to herself about that.

  However, that was as far as she would allow her thoughts to wander.

  After all, she was Roman’s client, nothing more. Even if he were as attracted to her as she was to him, he would be too professional to act on that attraction.

  In any event, Brit wanted to be the woman who was unforgettable, the woman whose shoes no other female could ever fill.

  She wanted to be number one—the hard act to follow—not the other way around. So whatever pain of loss Roman might be carrying inside him, it made no impact on her life.

  With that decided, she hurried down the hall to the guest room to join Rod who immediately launched into a running commentary on all the spy paraphernalia downstairs. Already it seemed Roman had become Rod’s new hero.

  He didn’t take that long to pack everything. Soon they joined Roman and Denise who were out in the garage, putting luggage in the trunk of his car.

  “Roman?” Brit ventured because she hated being separated from him, never mind all the reasons why. “Do you think I can come along to say goodbye, or are you in too big a hurry to bring me back here before you go to work?”

  His dark head lifted abruptly and their gazes locked. “Missing me already?”

  He shut the trunk and started walking toward her, an enticing smile hovering at the corner of his mouth. “For that, I’ll make the time.”

  Twice in the same morning, she found herself being given another swift kiss. It caught her completely off guard so that there was no moment of awkwardness or hesitation.

  With each new day spent in Roman’s company, Brit was having trouble remembering that they weren’t really married.

  Bemused by her feelings and Roman’s vital presence, she climbed into the front seat of the car, unable to think, let alone talk.

  To her relief, Rod chattered nonstop to his idol about all the spy equipment Roman had shown him. Denise, like Brit, didn’t offer much in the way of conversation. She had an idea her friend was equally preoccupied by the unexpected turn of events. If Roman insisted that Denise and Rod leave today, that meant that Glen Baird hadn’t been captured and was still on the loose somewhere close by.

  For the last twenty minutes Brit had been so deep in thought, she’d completely forgotten about Glen. In fact, until Roman had turned off the motor, she hadn’t realized they’d come to the airport, or that Roman had found a free space in the short-term parking near the doors to the skywalk.

  “I’ve booked you two on the next Delta flight leaving for L.A. I’ll get your bags checked while the three of you go to the waiting area at gate four.”

  Brit was positive Roman had pulled some strings to get them on one of the regularly scheduled flights out of Salt Lake headed for the. West Coast.

  As the three of them passed through the security check and headed for their gate, Brit was aware of Lyle following them. Though it made her feel perfectly safe, it also reminded her that this wasn’t some strange dream.

  This was real. Lives were in danger.

  Roman was a P.I. doing his best to keep her and Denise out of harm’s way. But one more kiss and Brit knew she would be in real danger of an entirely different kind. She didn’t dare put a name to it.

  Rod chose that moment to comment on how great Roman was, how much he loved being with him. Just then Denise flashed Brit a meaningful look. To Brit’s embarrassment, a blush crept over her face, giving away her guilty secret. She started walking faster.

  “What’s the hurry?” a deep, familiar male voice spoke behind her. In the next instant, she felt Roman’s arm slide around her shoulders, causing her body to quicken in acknowledgment.

  She absolutely refused to look at him, and tried to quell the frantic beating of her heart, but her breath still came out haltingly. “I—I just wanted to be sure they don’t miss their flight.”

  “There’s no danger of that,” he whispered near her ear, sending little shivers of delight through her nervous system. “The plane barely arrived from New York.”

  It was true. They’d reached the waiting area in plenty of time. The place was packed to the brim with people getting ready to board, as well as those persons thronging to greet debarking passengers. There were no vacant chairs anywhere, forcing them to stand.

  Rod glommed on to Roman. “I wish you were coming with us.”

  “I do, too, Rod. I’ve never been to Disneyland.”

  “You’re kidding!” everyone else said at the same time.

  Roman chuckled. “No. It’s something I’ve always wanted to see, but never got around to doing.”

  “When you and Brit have kids, you can take them.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, Rod,” Roman murmured, tightening his arm around Brit as he spoke.

  The idea of having Roman’s children sent another charge of electricity through her trembling body.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Y-yes,” she lied. “Of course.”

  “We’re going to catch Baird,” he whispered.

  To her shame, she hadn’t been thinking about Glen.

  Roman was the man who occupied her thoughts until there was no room for anything else. What would it be like to be loved by him, create a family with him?

  “I know that,” came her lame response at long last.

  “It’s just a matter of ti—”

  “Romanov Lufkilovich? Over here!” she heard a male voice call out above the din of voices, interrupting the last of Roman’s response.

  She felt his head swerve in the direction of the line of people deplaning. Almost immediately she spied an attractive man and woman moving toward them as fast as the crowd would allow.

  The man was shorter than Roman, a little heavier, but he had his brother’s dark, good looks. Brit would have recognized him anywhere.

  She heard Roman mutter something undecipherable. “It’s Yuri and Jeannie—What in the hell are they doing here? No wonder I couldn’t reach them on the phone!”

  Roman’s hand tightened on her shoulder, probably without his realizing it. “Continue to play the role of my wife until I tell you otherwise,” he demanded before ushering her forward.

  “Eric was supposed to keep our arrival a surprise!” Yuri spoke to Roman with a
grin on his good-looking face. “I should have known he wouldn’t be able to keep his big mouth shut, but I’m not sorry you’re here to greet us. It’s good to see you, you sly old fox.”

  Within seconds the two brothers were embracing with such heartfelt warmth, Brit felt a lump in her throat.

  The vivacious auburn-haired woman at his side rushed over to hug Brit. “You’re Roman’s new bride. I can’t tell you how absolutely thrilled I am.”

  Brit hugged her back, unable to do anything else until Roman gave her permission.

  Dear God. No wonder Roman was so upset. He hadn’t yet had a chance to tell his brother and sister-in-law the truth about their bogus marriage. Unfortunately the lie would have to go on a little longer, at least until Rod and Denise boarded the plane.

  “All right.” Yuri’s voice could be heard above the others. “Now let me have a look at the woman who accomplished the impossible and snared my little brother when everyone said it couldn’t be done.”

  Yuri let go of Roman and turned to Brit, a definite gleam of male admiration in his eyes as they swept over her.

  “You’re even more gorgeous than I had imagined. Welcome to the family, Brittany.” Then she was engulfed by arms every bit as powerful as Roman’s.

  “Have you forgiven me yet for teasing you on the phone the other day? I’m afraid you’ve married into a rather unique family. Jeannie can tell you all about us, can’t you, darling—”

  He turned adoring eyes to his wife who appeared equally enamored of her husband.

  Brit could understand the other woman’s feelings since Roman brought out that same sort of emotion in her, Brit.

  “Yuri? Jeannie?” Roman spoke up before Brit could say anything. “Allow me to introduce Denise and Rod Martin. Denise is Brit’s oldest and dearest friend, and Rod is her brother. They’re on their way to Disneyland. We were just seeing them off.”

  When all the introductions were made, Rod squinted up at Yuri. “Did you really plant a bugging device in Jeannie’s car before you got married so you could spy on her?”

  “What?” Jeannie cried out. The astonishment on her face had to be genuine.


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