The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy)

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The Comyenti Series Book Bundle, Volume 1 and 2 (Epic Romantic Supernatural Fantasy) Page 27

by Natasja Hellenthal


  “There is no one by that description or name living here, sorry,” was the response Feline got time after time when asking the few people she came across living scattered in the dunes. She then entered the small cosy village of Randaria, named after a mermaid Randa, who, after she was rescued by a fisherman from his nets, is said to have appeared every so often to say thank you to the fisherman, for years after.

  The land behind the dunes near the village was fertile and there were many fruit trees. The houses appeared to be well maintained and it did indeed look prosperous. But there was no sign of Shazar. Even when giving his description to them, it did not seem to ring any bells, so either he had never showed his face there, which most likely he wouldn’t have from what Sula had told her; comyentis stayed away from people and their settlements; or he never made it there in the first place. Which meant that she had no idea where else to look.

  Feline packed up her mare, whilst staring at the sky, and upon seeing a flock of geese above her thoughts went immediately to Sula and Felix, With Felix your heart is caged with ribs for bars, Sula. With me your heart would not be entrapped and the cage would always be open; you would be soaring free…

  She grabbed the pommel of the saddle and hauled herself onto the horse’s back; she stared around at the trees and suddenly felt very tired. She pushed herself and her horse westward.

  Then just when she was about to give up after several days of combing the dunes for holes and caves or signs of dens in the surrounding woods, a tall dark figure appeared before her, blocking her path…

  He stood between the small spruce trees with his hands by his sides, legs spread wide and his eyes, dark green with a hint of ruby; looking menacing.

  She was startled and felt a bit scared too. Ula nearly stumbled at the sight of Shazar but the mare seemed to calm down when he looked at her with soothing eyes. The horse’s head hung low as if she submitted. It was not the same look from him for Feline though.

  ‘What do you want from me?’

  Swallowing away her fear, she tried to focus on the good things Sula had told her about him; his compassionate side and love for animals.

  ‘Shazar…My name is Feline,’ she took her hood off, so that he could see her features. ‘Felix’s sister.’

  His eyes changed and grew lighter when he saw the resemblance to her brother and golden flecks seemed to sparkle upon hearing his name. His posture changed visibly too as he relaxed his arms and legs and stepped closer. He was dressed in tight fitting black clothes and wore a matching headband.

  ‘Have you come to bring news of them; of… Sula?’ he asked gingerly.

  ‘Yes and no. I have come to find you. Where can we talk? Where do you live?’

  Confused he bit his lip. ‘I’m staying with a friend and her son.’ he answered hesitantly.

  ‘How come I didn’t find you, I’ve looked all over?’ she asked him.

  An arrogant smile flickered across his face now. ‘I am well hidden. Besides you should know I have no intention of wanting to be found. But for Sula’s…acquaintances I make an exception.’

  ‘Family,’ she corrected him. ‘I’m her family.’ And she gave him a fake smile back. He was certainly very handsome with his smooth almost feminine dark looks and Feline was amazed that Sula had not been attracted to him.

  Perhaps she prefers blonds, she thought, but she reminded herself of his act towards Sula. Knowing that and his arrogance and his dogmatism, besides being married to Felix had been the greatest hindrance for any kind of relationship between the two of them.

  Shazar studied her face and she had to remind herself that he couldn’t read her mind.

  ‘We can talk here. Now tell me, how is Sula faring?’ He came a bit closer with a concerned expression on his face.

  ‘She’s doing reasonably well all things considered,’ she retorted.

  ‘What’d you mean, all things considered?’

  ‘She told me what you did to her,’ Feline who normally was so calm had to try her best to keep her anger and frustration under control, but still she felt her blood boiling and her heart raging. ‘How could you? What right did you have? She is your only living link to your ancestors! You took advantage of her, you…you raped her!’ and she coiled her fists and stepped closer to him even though he was about a foot taller. Shazar paled visibly, not because of her accusations, but because of Sula’s feelings towards him. Sula had told this…human…this girl?

  ‘She told you? She…remembers?’

  ‘Ha, so you admit it!’

  ‘Pah, I never meant her harm! I told her so!’ But he relented a bit and added softer, ‘Does she hate me for it?’

  Now Feline felt pride and strong and she spat at him, ‘She despises you!’

  Shazar felt incredibly hurt and looked away, rubbing his neck nervously.

  ‘Please sit down,’ he said gesturing towards a fallen tree. ‘Let’s talk.’

  She gave in but sat down opposite him on the forest floor whilst he sat on the tree, looking like a king.

  ‘What do you know?’ he asked her.


  ‘So why are you here? To tell me this or to accuse me?’

  ‘Both, but I have questions that need answering.’

  He rubbed his forehead; touching the black headband and opened his hands.

  ‘Why isn’t Sula here herself?’

  ‘She doesn’t know I’m here.’

  ‘Hmm, interesting,’ Are they spying on me? ‘Speak then.’

  ‘Tell me more about the Heartmerge,’ she said very suddenly.

  Surprised he frowned and then narrowed his eyes at her, cocking his head slightly and she tried very hard to compose herself so as not to be affected by his arrogance.

  ‘The Heartmerge with Felix has weakened, has it not? I’m guessing that’s why you’re here. I’m surprised your brother is not here instead of you,’ he said in a cocky manner, almost mocking. ‘Does he always let his sister do the work for him?’

  ‘He doesn’t know you raped her,’ she said bluntly with fire in her belly. ‘and he won’t! It will kill him and,’ she looked him right in the eyes furiously, ‘it will be the end of you as well, if he ever does! So answer me this if you want to keep it a secret between us: I know Sula can still hear Felix’s thoughts and she does love him but he on the other hand worships the very ground she walks upon, but…you-’ and she asked pointing at him. ‘Do you exclusively have a Heartmerge with Sula now; did you break theirs somehow by raping her?’

  He stared at her blankly.

  ‘Interesting,’ he said after a while. ‘Very interesting.’

  ‘I asked you a question,’ she retorted annoyed.

  ‘Would you say she is thinking of me?’ he asked frowning.

  He is so arrogant! I can’t stand him and now I can see why Sula couldn’t!

  ‘No she doesn’t think or dream about you at all! She loves Felix and…another but it’s not you!’

  Those words hurt him immensely as was Feline’s purpose.

  She loves another?

  Confused he rubbed his neck and he raised one eyebrow.

  She has a human heart after all so she can love more than one. There is still hope for me… He thought oddly.

  Shazar, being a full comyenti however, who according to his family, could only bond with one alone, knew now that the Heartmerge with Sula hadn’t worked for either of them. For even though he loved Sula with all his heart and she would always be ‘the one’ for him and maybe one day she would be his, he already had feelings for Ashanna. Sula clearly didn’t think about him or miss him but already had moved on to someone else and she still loved Felix. How very human.

  His plan hadn’t worked; it had been so quick that Sula could never have enjoyed it; one of the key elements for a Heartmerge to work in the first place it seemed. But then again he had had a second motive; a child. But Feline was here. Surely she would know by now…

  He cleared his throat, c
omposing himself.

  ‘You have come all this way from your friendly little village up north, all through the wilderness, faced the elements and dangers of the road, especially dangerous for a pretty girl travelling on her own, just to have that question answered? I admire you for that,’ he stood. ‘But…I’m afraid I’ll have to disappoint you, for that information will not be shared with the human race.’

  Feline frowned at that and shook her head incomprehensively.

  ‘Sula is half human and I am her family after all.’

  ‘So she’s told everyone what she is then, including this other person?’ he said with a raised voice, accusingly.

  ‘No, not everyone; only Felix and I know and that I can assure you. You needn’t worry. Now,’ and she also stood. ‘I would like my question answered please for I’m not leaving without an answer.’

  ‘I don’t deal very well with threats,’ he said through pursed lips.

  ‘It is not a threat. Look,’ she said sighing, opening her hands. ‘This might be hard for you to understand, not having a family and all, but I care about Sula and she knows so little about the comyentis and their ways and she has so many questions. You are privileged to have lived with your people who undoubtedly knew a lot more. Why not share it with me so I can tell her?’

  ‘And why should I tell you, when I could tell her myself?!’ his voice rose and she stepped back in shock.

  ‘You can’t!’ Feline said with sudden alarm in her voice.

  Shazar painfully remembered the promise he made to Sula; the binding Comyenti Oath, to stay away from her until he had children of his own. Did Feline know about that too?

  He lowered his head in defeat but then looked at her with his eyes dark and narrow, like a wolf.

  ‘I’ve searched high and low for her. You really think I will let go of her that easily?’

  Feline’s heart raced in her chest, afraid for Sula, not herself. What if it was just a trick; the Comyenti Oath to ease Sula’s mind; but what did she know? But then again he wouldn’t harm Sula, would he, or Felix? He was comyenti who apparently wouldn’t hurt a fly. No, Sula had been pretty adamant about it; the Comyenti Oath was something her mother had lectured her about. It was mainly used to thank the animals that had shared the Mindmerge with the comyentis. No, he couldn’t return to Rosinhill. He had made his promise and if he broke it, his abilities would be taken away as a punishment. Sula and Felix were safe until…Shazar had produced his own children. It sounded like a curse, what if the Heartmerge worked in a similar way? Feline found herself thinking. What if her brother was in danger?

  ‘I can understand what Sula did,’ Shazar said standing, ‘but I cannot fathom why she had to marry the father of her child!’ he mumbled throwing his hands about.

  ‘That’s love,’ Feline reflected, shaking her head. ‘You would have married her if you could have, why not Felix? Oh, I know, because he is human?’

  He bared his teeth at that. ‘Precisely!’ And Shazar suddenly saw Felix in her; the same furious eyes, the same grin.

  Feline sighed and suddenly she blinked a couple of times remembering.

  ‘Hold on, are you not staying with a human at the moment?’

  He didn’t answer but he didn’t need to as his face showed the answer.

  ‘So, why is that any different?’

  He turned round so he didn’t have to hear her anymore; trying to block her out.

  ‘Please leave!’ His voice thundered.

  ‘I would like to meet the woman who can put up with you!’

  His shoulders shook, as if he laughed at that, but she couldn’t tell.

  ‘It would only be polite to invite me to your home,’ she said daringly.

  ‘You’re not welcome. They have enough on their plates already,’ he mumbled.

  ‘Your girlfriend doesn’t know about Sula? Surely she needs to know, if this is the woman you mentioned to Sula. Doesn’t she deserve the truth; that you…raped a woman?’

  The word ‘rape’ resonated in his mind, over and over…

  Ashanna, no- she would never understand…He turned round angrily and hissed. ‘Do not mention her! I’ve told you to leave! Now!’ he shouted at her. Her horse whinnied in alarm, but Feline wasn’t fazed. She wouldn’t leave until she got what she came for.

  ‘I can’t,’ she stood rigid, trying to be strong although she felt fear rising up and her heart hammering against her chest. But she wouldn’t leave without an answer. For Sula, for Felix…and for herself too. ‘For Sula’s sake, answer me! Or I will tell your girlfriend all about Sula and what you did to her!’

  Shazar felt a sudden weight in his boots as if his heart had sunken. Ashanna was never to know. The once priestess who was kidnapped and raped on a daily basis. And as perspicacious and compassionate and different from any human being he’d ever met as she was; she wouldn’t understand. Even if Shazar explained the reason behind his actions, that it was to continue the comyenti line and could not be compared with any other situation. Empathetic as she was, she was still a woman with terrible memories of abuse. And she would never forgive him…

  The knowledge would kill her! Shazar thought.

  Rage, blind rage, old and familiar rose within him, with himself and with humans. With a strength he forgot he had, without using any abilities, he stormed into her; knocking the air out of her, grabbing her by the throat. He threw her against a tree, still holding her, squeezing the life out of her...

  ‘Never!!! he roared.

  Feline gagged and turned white, her eyes growing big, begging him, pleading with him with her expression to stop. He didn’t see her anymore though; only the people that had killed his family; humans, always humans ruining every little bit of hope and love the comyentis had. And seeing the resemblance of Felix in her; the man that had occupied and taken Sula away from him; the only comyenti man left alive, only angered him more!

  Sula and Shazar should have been partners for life by now, ensuring the comyenti line with many children.

  He heard her choke in the distance of his darkened mind, but very far away.

  After a while it just… stopped.

  He felt a limp weight in his hands; he let go, horrified. The woman dropped to the floor, dead.

  Looking down on the body, Shazar blinked a couple of times and shook his head, unable to believe what he had just done, but too late to change it.

  The End

  The story continues in Book Two, ‘Children Of The Sun’, on the next page…



  THE SUN #2



  Halfling Sula: half-human, half-comyenti, who has supernatural empathetic powers to merge her mind with animals, is torn. Feline is still missing after her personal quest to confront the bigoted comyenti Shazar to learn more about the mysterious Heartmerge. Sula and Felix are desperately looking for her, but will they ever find out the truth about what really happened to Felix's twin sister and Shazar’s involvement in this tragic event?

  Twenty years later, powerful but milder Shazar, seems to be getting his own fair share of misery when his human mate, Ashanna, abruptly dies. He sets off to visit and reconnect with the other last of their kind, Sula. However, he is closely followed by Twello, his adopted human son who has his own secrets.

  When they enter Rosinhill they soon discover that Shazar’s iniquitous plan from twenty years ago has worked: Sula has born him a son: Aigle.

  And with him new hope arises and a new different future for the comyentis is about to begin…

  As tensions mount with Shazar’s and Twello’s arrival, which threaten the life Sula has built for Felix, herself and their children, a new danger enters their lives; much worse than Shazar could ever be. One that is about to engulf the comyentis and with that their new hope.

  Who are these strange shape shifting creatures and what do they want from Sula and her children? Can the comyentis stop them before it’s too late?

  And who are the comyentis really, where do they come from, why are they on Bhan and what is their connection with their new found enemy?

  Return to the world of the last two comyentis: Sula and Shazar and their offspring, and read what happened after the shocking cliff-hanger of book 1, 'Call Off The Search'.

  Both books can be read as a stand-alone novel and are full length books, but you might want to know what has gone before by reading volume 1, 'Call Off The Search'.

  Read 'Children Of The Sun', the darker, dramatic sequel to 'Call Off The Search', and enter a world of secrets, family drama and fantasy adventure.

  Copyright©2014 Natasja Hellenthal. All rights reserved.

  This e-book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents therein are entirely the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the author.

  Extinguish thou my eyes: I still can see thee,

  deprive my ears of sound: I still can hear thee,

  And without feet I still can come to thee

  And without voice I still can call to thee.

  Sever my arms from me, I still will hold thee

  with all my heart as with a single hand,

  arrest my heart, my brain will keep on beating,

  and should thy fire at last my brain consume,

  the flowing of my blood will carry thee.

  A. E. Flemming’s translation of a poem by R. M. Rilke


  They say that people come into our lives for a reason. That when they’re gone they’ve left their marks on our souls. We are forever changed.

  I’m sure of that now. All she ever taught me, even when she didn’t say a word, has changed me into a better person, a better man even, I hope. The hardest part though is, how do you let those people that meant so much to you go? How do you go on?’


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