Fall from Grace

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Fall from Grace Page 9

by Syra Bond

  I felt a weight against my shoulders and something straining against me, or me straining against it - I wasn’t sure. I leant forward slightly and felt the resistance of something behind me. I did not understand what it was. My confusion made me giddy. I felt faint. I thought I would pass out. The jeering of the men turned into a muffled drumming as I struggled for breath and fought to keep myself conscious.

  A flash of light made me reel as the bag was pulled from my head. I couldn’t see anything. A biting pain on my buttocks made me reel. Another, this time sharper and even more painful, made me lurch forward. Another, and I wanted to scream. I took a pace forward and felt the weight behind me. Another cutting stroke and my skin burnt. Another and another. I took a full pace forward. I looked to the side. I still couldn’t see properly, but now I could just make out the shape of the other woman and behind her a small pony trap, attached to the harness at her shoulders.

  We were in a race, and we had no choice but to run - the men behind us were flailing at us with crops and belts. They struck our buttocks and backs with stinging cuts. Some of the flailing leather licked around our necks or caught our shoulders or the backs of our arms. I ran as fast as I could. At first, I could hardly move the weight of the trap but, as it got going, it was easier. The men ran after us, lashing us, beating us, and we both ran on matching each other’s pace, trying to escape our punishers, forced to compete for victory.

  The men lining either side of the course leant out and cheered us on. Some of them spat on us, some of them urinated on us. I felt the sting of their urine on my legs as it mixed with the heat of my skin, my own sweat and the coldness of the night air.

  We raced on even faster. I bit onto the metal in my mouth. I slurped at the spit that ran from each side. I opened my nostrils as wide as they would go and drew in huge long breaths. I saw the red and white finishing line. I felt the pain of my tormentor’s lashing straps. I raced on. I saw the other woman falling back. I sensed I would win. I bit harder on the steel rod in my mouth and lurched forward in a sudden burst of strength. The weight on my shoulders seemed to be pushing me. The pain of the clasping split strap around my nipples seemed to be drawing me forward. I felt as though the bit in my mouth was pulling me towards the only thing I could see - the finishing line, and my ultimate victory.

  I burst through the tape and fell forward against my harness. I had won!

  Hands pawed at me. I felt fingers in my cunt, and in my anus. I wanted them inside me. I wanted to be defiled. I shook my head - neighing in victory. Spit flew from my mouth in a shower. I shook my head again. Just watching the saliva bursting into the cold air in a sparkling shower filled me with excitement. I flexed my arms wide. I wriggled against the cutting straps around my nipples. I opened my legs and welcomed the probing fingers. I let my wetness run onto them. I squeezed myself down onto them. I buried them inside me. I sat my anus on the others, taking them deep, wriggling on them, being exhilarated by their penetration - thinking of nothing else except how they filled me.

  My harness was released and I dropped to the floor. I lay on my back. Cocks were in front of my face. I watched their semen splashing down on me. I moved myself so that it would come into my eyes. I blinked on it, letting it run beneath my eyelids, blurring my vision, satiating me with its sticky delight. Some of it ran along the bit in my mouth. I tasted its saltiness. I tried to drink it but it lay on my outstretched lips, unavailable, tantalising me with its scent and only the vaguest hint of its flavour.

  Urine poured down on me. It washed my eyes, stinging them as it cleared them of the sloppy mass of semen that had run over them and blinded me. It ran up my nostrils, into my ears and over my breasts. I rolled in it, soaking myself in its golden rain, bathing in it, drowning in it, as I drove myself repeatedly onto the fingers that filled me and which brought me suddenly to a massive exploding orgasm. My eyes were filled with a sparkling storm. My body and my mind were overtaken by it. I did not know where I was, what I was doing. I wanted violating more. I wanted humiliating more. I wanted only to be the subject of the wishes of others. I fell on my side and, in a blaze of dazzling light and the throes of overpowering jerks of passion, I descended into a maelstrom of confusion, degradation, and delight.

  Leanne came out as I sat on the porch. She grinned broadly and gathered the wide neck of her thick jumper around her neck. She was clutching a pile of still-wet photographs.

  ‘You had a good time last night, sweetie? I can see that!’

  She went to the bright notice that advertised the barn dance. She started pinning the photographs around it. She turned some of them at different angles and peered at them diligently.

  ‘I sure as hell can see that!’

  She dropped one of the photographs and hurriedly bent to pick it up. It was a picture of me! I flushed red with embarrassment.

  Leanne laughed and carried on with her task.

  A car drove up. A pretty young woman got out and walked up to the porch. She was underdressed for the cold and shivered as she pushed the door open.

  Leanne pointed inside at the photographs which surrounded the life-sized image of John Wayne.

  ‘That’s my daddy there,’ she said proudly. ‘There he is with the Duke himself. My name’s Leanne. Are you looking for a good time? You must stay over for the dance. All good clean cowboy fun.’

  I ran to the pick-up. I was filled with a deep sense of humiliation. I had been made a fool of. As I opened the door of the pick-up and climbed in, my mind was filled with the degrading pictures of me, stuck clumsily to the poster on the wall of the porch.

  ‘Byee!’ someone shouted behind me.

  I turned. It was the beautiful woman I had raced against. She was standing with Leanne. They had their arms draped around each other’s shoulders.

  ‘See you again sometime!’ she shouted. ‘If you’re ever passing this way.’



  I drove for hours but still the humiliating pictures of me on the barn wall stayed burnt into my mind. They had played a cruel trick on me, and I had been so innocent, so willing to fall into their trap.

  I saw the images of myself, rolling on the dirty ground, covered in semen and urine, half conscious, craving, and screaming for more. That I could not remember exactly what had happened made it worse. Each image had filled me with a sense of undirected guilt. And I had seen them all - in one horrifying burst they had imprinted themselves on my mind. I had been unable to avoid them - I had soaked them all up in one go. I could not avoid them or pretend. I knew it was me, but I did not know how it had happened, how I had let it happen. But of course I had not ‘let it happen’. I had lost control. My passion and need had taken me over. And it had hurled me into a world beyond satisfaction, a world where nothing was enough - a world where I most wanted to be. I knew that, but the sting of humiliation and shame was all the worse for it. Pictures of the men parading me - dirt covered, head hung in shame - made me shiver. Images of me being dragged behind a pick-up, my face tortured with an insatiable need for more caused my mouth to go dry. Seeing myself rolling in their urine - rubbing it on my face and body, and all the time crying out for more - just made me just want to run and hide.

  I was suddenly overcome with a wave of desire. I stopped the car and drove my fingers into my cunt. I probed them deeply and rapidly as, in a frenzied burst of uncontrolled and violent passion, I fought desperately to exorcise the images from my mind. I lay across the plastic covered bench seat gasping noisily - my fingers sloppy with wetness from my cunt, my wet lips overflowing with a stream of frothy spit, my head filled with images of my own degradation. I felt completely debauched as I splayed myself wide. I slapped the palm of my hand repeatedly against the exposed wet flesh of my cunt. It was a way of punishing myself, reprimanding myself, but it did not work. The sound of my smacking hand against my wet cunt only inflamed me more and
, as I smacked the smarting flesh harder, I rose up against it, craving more, opening myself for more. My frantic cries echoed inside the car as glistening tears of joy ran in streams down my reddened cheeks.

  The sun got higher and it got hotter as I drove through the flat-roofed town of Mesquite. I pulled off at Glendale and parked on a rocky desert ridge overlooking Lake Mead. I stared at the twisting lake as it snaked its way through the orange desert south towards the Hoover Dam.

  I still felt the wetness of my cunt, and the stinging from my violated flesh. I squeezed my legs together in a pointless effort to mask my need, as an uncontrollable surge of excitement ran between my hips. I knew that still I was not satisfied. I opened my mouth and spit ran onto my chin. I sucked it back, rolled it over my tongue then blew it out between my lips in noisy frothing bubbles. I just wanted to be violated - that was all I could think of.

  I threw myself across the bench seat and tore down the zip of my jeans. I yanked them down to my knees - just enough to expose my white panties. My heart was thumping loudly. I was panting in noisy erratic bursts. I stared down at the white material that covered my cunt. I licked my tongue out towards the smooth mound and the indentation at its centre which heralded the crack of my flesh. I strained to reach it, pushing out my tongue as far as it would go. Suddenly, unable to hold back any longer, I pulled my panties down and ran my fingers across the smooth skin around the naked glistening slit. The warm plastic of the seat pressed stickily against my taut buttocks. The images of how I had been shown up at Luna Mesa - how I had been ridiculed and humiliated - flashed through my mind. My face flushed as I thought of it, but my probing fingers found the sweet moist valley of my cunt and I rose up on them as the very shame I felt drove me once more to satisfy the passion it aroused in me.

  Towards evening, I drove back up onto the I15 and turned left in the direction of the tempting sign - ‘Las Vegas 33 Miles’.

  The lights of Las Vegas were blinding - bright, flashing, endless. I drove down Las Vegas Boulevard. It was crowded with anxious bustling people eager to spend their money and find entertainment. I turned right between the glazed skyscrapers of New York New York and the fairytale towers of Excalibur and, distracted by the dazzling brilliance of it all, I rammed my pick-up into the side of a lumbering tourist bus.

  I was thrown forward and banged my head against the steering wheel. Everything became confused. I heard voices and sensed hectic activity around me, but I really didn’t know what was going on. The next thing I knew I was lying down on a large sofa in a red-curtained room with several women fussing over me.

  ‘You’ve had a nasty shock, sweetie. You’ve got a real bump.’

  One of the women bent down and looked closely into my eyes. She was young and beautiful. She wore a short bottle-green and black skirt, a neatly pressed white shirt and a green tie that matched the satiny sheen of her skirt. Her well formed legs ran down to shiny black leather shoes with pencil-width high heels. She smiled broadly, exposing her fine white teeth between her full and succulent lips.

  ‘I think you should lie down for a while. My name’s Crystal. I’ll keep you company. It’s good to sit down when you’ve had a shock. Would you like to hear how I found my way here?’

  Her childish directness was captivating.

  ‘Yes, I would,’ I said, realising as soon as I moved that my neck ached and I felt a dizzy.

  ‘Great! Let me get comfortable. Now, where shall I begin? Of course, the night he picked me up. Well, to be more exact, the night he won me!’

  She pushed herself close to me. Her thighs were athletic and tanned. She folded up her legs enough to bring her feet off the floor. She pushed her shoes off one at a time with her toes. I smelled her sweetness.

  ‘That’s better! These heels are so high! But I have to wear them. No choice.’

  She rubbed her calves and smiled again. She had beautiful teeth and the tip of her pink tongue poked out over them tantalisingly.

  ‘Now, where was I? Nowhere! Of course! Right, the night he won me. Wow! It seems an age ago! Are we sitting comfortably? Good, then I’ll begin.’

  She laughed and pushed herself closer. I felt the warmth of her body. She looked down and brushed the front of her white shirt with the back of her hand.

  ‘I hate wearing a bra. Don’t you?’

  I nodded absently.

  ‘Was I in an accident?’ I asked.

  ‘Just a bump, sweetie. No damage. Right, this was what happened. I’m from Tennessee - what a drag! I couldn’t get out quick enough. My daddy liked my sister and me a bit too much. You know what I mean. One day, when he was at church, I stole my brother’s wallet and hitched a ride to Vegas. I walked into the first casino I came to - New York New York. In case you hadn’t realised, that’s where we are now. I couldn’t believe the size of the place, and the glitz, and the girls, and so many people spending so much money. You’d think it grew on trees. I sat at a fruit machine - with the other schmucks. Ten minutes later I’d lost all the money I had. What a swindle! An old woman next to me was scooping it up into a bucket. I don’t mind telling you, for a moment I thought of robbing the old bitch. She’s still there now - she’s on the payroll, of course. There are ten of them in this casino alone - just to encourage the punters.

  ‘Anyway, I hadn’t sat there for long and this guy comes up to me. He was sort of swarthy looking. He’d got a black patch over his one eye. Can you believe it! He looked like some sort of a pirate! He asks me if I’d like to earn some money. If I’d like to make up my losses. “Sure Thing,” I said. “Sure thing.” I’d need to do what I was told, he said, but if I could, well, if I could ... He cocked his head to the side and looked at me knowingly. I hadn’t got a clue what he meant, but I went with him anyway. When you’re desperate it doesn’t much matter. We walked across the main floor of the casino. I hadn’t realised it was so big. I mean, I thought it was big when I came in, but I’d only got a part way into it. He walked ahead and I followed. I felt like some sort of slave, following him like that. He never looked back, he just expected me to do what he had said. He led the way into a room behind a heavy leather-padded door.

  ‘Five men sat at a table. I can tell you, they looked like something out of the Godfather. They all held their cards tightly in their hands. One stared at the others, another looked at the money on the table, two of them stared at their cards, and the last had his eyes completely closed.

  ‘“Here, sit down,” the one with his eyes closed said. How did he know I was there? That’s what I wanted to know. If he had his eyes closed, how did he know I was there? The man who’d brought me in nodded to him. Anyway, I sat and they played. Every so often they reached forward and pushed some money into the middle of the table. I can tell you, I don’t know what they were doing. It was all beyond me. Suddenly the one who had his eyes closed when I came in, Jake they called him, smacked his fist down on the table. The piles of money scattered everywhere. It was a bit fractious, that’s for sure.

  ‘“Alright then,” he said. “If my money’s not good enough, what is?”

  ‘The others looked at me.

  ‘“Jake, if you’ve got no more money. What about the girl?”

  ‘He looked me up and down. I felt his stare go right through my clothes. I realised I had no panties on. My face went red.

  ‘“Okay,” he said. “If the girl sucks your cock, is that enough?”

  ‘“If she swallows it down as well, yes.”

  ‘Then he tells me outright, not “ask”, you understand, but just tells me.

  ‘“Suck his cock,” he says, just like that. And make sure when he comes that you swallow it all. We don’t want to see any left over. A bet’s a bet. Now get on with it. Go on! Get on with it!”

  ‘For a moment, I hesitated. I thought, who the hell’s this guy telling me what to do like that? But, well, you know, I hadn’t
got a dime. What else could I do?

  ‘Well, I got down on my knees and took this guy’s cock out. It was really big - stiff as a rod and a really venous shaft - and the end, that was swollen and really purple and throbbing. As I put it between my lips I thought it would burn me - it was so hot. I ran my tongue around that hard end. It tasted really good. I sucked it hard. I closed my eyes. I was enjoying it - no doubt about that. Suddenly, he grabbed my hair. He told me to open my eyes and look up at him, and so I did. He told me to hold my lips at the back of the glans and then rub my hands along the shaft “Five times!” he said. “No more! No less!” Well, I did what I was told, exactly what I was told.

  ‘When he finished I sucked it all down. I didn’t think of doing anything else. I just felt totally obedient. There was a lot of it, his semen, and it was like drinking, and I really enjoyed it - the whole lot. It was because of the way I had been taken there, I think. The way I had been told to do it, and the way I had just done it - never asked any questions, just done it. Being under control like that had thrilled me so much. I’d never done anything like it before. Well I wouldn’t would I? Coming from Tennessee an’ all. Anyway, I kept his cock in my mouth, even after I had swallowed all his semen. Yes, I kept it there, just looking up at him, waiting for him to tell me I could pull away. He made me wait for quite a while. And I waited. Then he reached down and opened my mouth. He pulled his still hard cock out between my lips. He looked inside my mouth until he was satisfied there was no semen in it. Then he closed it, pinched my left cheek between his thumb and forefinger, dropped back onto his seat and carried on with the game. They all ignored me. I just stayed there on my knees - waiting to see if I was needed for anything else. When I swallowed, I could still taste the metallic saltiness of his semen. What a mouthful! What a beautiful mouthful!


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