Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 22

by Cassie Strickland

  But Grey knew all of this and he was still around.

  Slowly and surely, Grey was changing the views I had of myself and the possibilities for my future. My mind was officially blown.

  “Hidie-ho!” Sam cheered as she marched into the kitchen, carrying bags filled with groceries. Brad walked in right behind her, his arms full, as well. Sam sat hers down, her mischievous gaze on me.

  I was in for it – I just didn’t know what it was going to be until it was too late.

  “Clara, you’ve gotta help me with your boyfriend. He’s been a big bear for the last few days. He seems – what’s the right word I’m lookin’ for? – frustrated. Yeah, that’s it. Frustrated. Care to enlighten me on why that is?”

  My face must have looked like a tomato, I was blushing so profusely.

  “Sam!” Grey yelled, but the cheeky bastard was laughing through it.

  Sam smirked at him. “What? I’m callin’ it like I see it.”

  “Forgive Sam, Clara,” Emma stated, fighting her own humor. “She has no decorum.”

  “Hey!” Sam cried, not in the least bit insulted.

  “Sorry, Clara,” Brad muttered as he came up behind me. He threw his arm over my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. “When we love, we love deeply. But when we play, we tease the hell outta ya. And nothin’s off limits.”

  “What’s this about a tease and nothing being off limits?” Adam asked as he stepped into the kitchen, surprising us all.

  “Just messin’ with Clara,” Sam stated, laughing.

  Adam gave me an impish smirk. “You can come tease, mess, or do whatever-the-hell else to me, Clara. I don’t mind.”

  My laugh bubbled out of me involuntarily, mixing with everyone else’s.

  Well, everyone but Grey’s.

  Instead, Grey smacked the back of Adam’s head. “Watch it.”

  Adam rubbed his head and gave Grey a glare. “What the hell was that for?”

  “I’d watch it, Adam,” Sam teased, grinning like a loon. “He’s been a bit testy lately.”

  My blush came back at full force when she emphasized testy, her meaning clear.

  “Testy, hmmm?” Adam bantered, seeming to eye Grey thoughtfully. “You know…there are ways to alleviate that.”

  “All right, enough,” Emma shook her head back and forth, muttering, “Still just a bunch of children.” She gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Clara.”

  I tucked my lips between my teeth to stop from smiling.

  Wanting to change topics, Brad questioned me. “How’s it goin’ at the old Cline house? Grey said you had your hands full.”

  I nodded, happy for the change. “That, I do.” I gave him the same rundown that I gave Emma. As I explained, Grey passed Bella to Sam and came to my side, curling an arm around my waist.

  “Do you need help tomorrow?” he asked when I was done, his face set with concern.

  “I wouldn’t think so,” I told him, amazed that he was always so considerate of me. “They are supposed to set everything up. I don’t see why you’d need to be there.”

  “How about Grey and I come over in the mornin’ and help out?” Brad offered. “You shouldn’t be there alone with men you don’t know. It’s not safe.”

  “That’s sweet – but only if it’s not too much trouble. I don’t want either of you to go out of your way.” But then another thought came to mind. “Actually, the stuff Paige sent from home should be here tomorrow. I might need help with that.”

  Grey kissed my temple and gave me a squeeze, whispering, “This is home now, Clara.”

  “Oh, right.” That was a revelation in itself. This was home.

  “That’s settled,” Emma decided. “Now, off with you.” She shooed the men. “We’ve got our work cut out for us if we wanna finish in time. There will be an uprisin’ if we don’t have food on the table when all the hungry guests arrive.”

  “Got it,” Grey muttered, grinning at his mother. He glanced down at me. “Want me to keep an eye on Bella? We’ll just be watchin’ the game.”

  “The game?”

  He laughed and stared at me like I was adorable for not already knowing. “Football.”

  “Oh, um, yeah…sure. If you don’t mind.”

  He leaned in and gave me a soft, quick peck on the lips. “Holler if you need me.”


  His eyes warmed. “Okay.”

  God, he was beautiful when he looked at me like that.


  Emma and Sam chattered away as we cooked. I listened, not adding anything. I was relishing in the moment. I felt like a part of a family again. It was wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. I missed my mom and dad more today than I had in a long time.

  Snapping me out of my melancholy, Sam asked, “So…how are you doin’ after last weekend?”

  I stilled as Emma snapped, “Sam!”

  I breathed in deeply and started moving again.

  “What? I was just wonderin’.” Sam glanced between her mother and me, confused.

  Grey had told me about his conversation with Sam and what else they’d found in the house from hell, as I liked to now call it. I knew that Brad, Emma, and Sam had a pretty good idea of what happened to me, even though Grey promised he didn’t give them specifics. All of that was hard to swallow.

  Still, it wasn’t the end of the world. I wouldn’t allow it to affect me any longer. Not with them. They’d accepted me and had proved they cared.

  “It’s fine, Emma. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me.” I switched off the burners on the stove and swiveled toward them. “I’m okay now…I think. The shock is gone, and it’s not like anything horrible has happened to me. The worst is over. I’ll survive.”

  Emma glared at Sam, but then turned back to me, her face gentling. “We won’t ever pry, Clara. Well, at least I won’t.” She shot another blistering look at Sam. “But if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or just an ear, I’m here for you, sweetie.” She gave me a smile as she walked up to me and engulfed me in her arms. “You’re family now.”

  Tears stung my eyes, but I blinked rapidly to get rid of them. They didn’t belong here today. “Thank you, Emma. That means a lot.”

  “All right, all right,” Sam complained as she waved a hand in the air. “Enough mushy shit. What I really want to know is…what’s goin’ on with Grey and you? I can’t even count how many people have come up to me and told me about the two of you at The Ridge. It’s all anyone is talkin’ about, and I’ve got nothin’. Grey keeps evadin’ the questions and has been tight lipped about it.”

  My face went bright red as Emma spun around and yelled, “Dang it, Sam! Does that mouth ever stop?! You’re the nosiest woman I’ve ever met. Mind your own business.”

  “You know you want to know, Mom.” Sam pointed a spoon at her mother. “You’ve told me so yourself.”

  Emma’s expression was apologetic when she glanced over her shoulder at me.

  My embarrassment vanished as I laughed at them, loving their back and forth. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it, Emma. As far as Grey and I are concerned, that is our business. But you are his mother and sister so…” I took a deep breath, wondering if I was really going to lay this out there for them. Yep, I was. “We care for one another and are taking things slow – one day at a time. I don’t know what’s going to happen or where it is going, but I very much like where we are now.

  “He makes me feel special and cared for in ways that are… I can’t even explain it. But I can say it’s amazing.” I knew my face conveyed all of this because both of them stared at me with eager and excited expressions. “Grey’s wonderful.”

  “Good answer,” Grey said from behind me.

  I squeaked as I jumped and spun around. “How long have you been standing there?”

  His eyes danced. “Right when you said it’s fine.”

  So pretty much at the beginning.

  I groaned and covered my face. I heard his footsteps as he ca
me closer, and then his arms were around me. He pulled my hands away and stared down at me. “You’re beautiful when you blush.”

  Sam and Emma laughed behind me.

  “And you’re a sneak,” I teased and wrapped my arms around his neck, cherishing his words.

  “I came in for a drink. There was no sneakin’ about it.”

  I rolled my eyes, but then asked, “How’s Bella? She’s not giving you too much trouble, is she?”

  “Nah. She’s a princess.”

  Emma approached us and shooed him away again. “Out, you. We aren’t done pryin’ information out of her and gossipin’. Go back out there with your father and Adam.”

  He chuckled as he kissed my temple and let me go. I felt that sound to the depths of my soul. It was that beautiful. He grabbed a beer out of the fridge and gave me a wink before he left the kitchen.

  I sighed.

  “She’s got it bad,” Sam whispered to her mother.


  Dinner was ready and people were pouring into Emma and Brad’s house in droves. While we cooked, Brad and Grey weren’t just watching the game – they had moved the couches to the walls and set up rows of folding tables and chairs. Christmas music played throughout the house as we organized the food on the kitchen table and countertops to act as a buffet. I’d never seen or cooked so much food in all my life.

  I was introduced to too many cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends of the Raiden’s. I wouldn’t remember a name to save my life. Grey stayed at my side during all of the introductions, which were done by saying that I was Grey’s new girlfriend. That wasn’t something I expected, but I didn’t hate it.

  Actually, I was eating it up.

  The last to come were Grey’s grandparents. When I was informed that his grandfather was frisky, nothing could have prepared me for him.

  “Grandma, Grandpa, this is my girlfriend, Clara,” Grey said after kissing his grandmother’s cheek.

  “Give an old man a hug,” his grandfather replied and wrapped his arms around me. But he didn’t leave it at that. His hands slid down before grabbing a big handful of my ass.

  I jumped and stared wide-eyed at Grey.

  “That’s enough, Grandpa. Leave my woman alone. You’ve got your own,” Grey growled as he pulled me away from the old man and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

  “What I do?” the old man asked, his smile sly.

  “Leave that poor child alone, Hershel,” Grey’s grandmother warned, elbowing him in the ribs. “Forgive him, child. Now that he’s old, he thinks he can get away with everythin’ under the sun. I’m Violet, but you can call me Grandma if you’d like.”

  I giggled at the two of them. They were adorable together.

  Hershel was tall, with a weathered face and white hair. He moved around really well, and there was a great deal of naughtiness in his gaze. He was still very much a mountain man, like his son and grandson, too. Even though he grabbed me like that, I liked him.

  Violet was tiny compared to her husband, wearing a billowy blouse and skirt and a heavy leather belt around her hips. A bunch of strange necklaces adorned her neck and long, straight white hair flowed down her back. She looked like a modern-day gypsy.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I told them, giving them my best smile.

  “Where have you been hidin’ this pretty thing?” Hershel asked, his eyes raking down my body. “She wasn’t here this summer when we visited.

  Seeing this, Grey warned, “Cut it out, old man.”

  “What?” Hershel asked innocently.

  I pursed my lips together and ducked my chin.

  “He’s right, though,” Violet pointed out. “How long have you two been together?”

  “I haven’t been in town very long. I just moved to Bliss from Chicago.”

  Hershel’s mouth soured. “I hated that city. Too damn windy for me.”

  I bit my lip to stop from laughing. “It is that,” I concurred. “I’m enjoying Bliss very much. It’s a great change.”

  “And it seems your enjoyin’ my grandson, too,” Violet chirped and cocked a brow at me. “He is a sexy thing, isn’t he?”

  My eyes bugged out as Grey chuckled. “Leave her alone, you two.”

  Sam chose that moment to approach with Bella, whom was crying. “She’s been fussy for a few minutes. I couldn’t get her to quiet down.”

  Grey let me go so Sam could pass her to me. I took Bella in my arms and stared down at her. Her tiny bottom lip was trembling, and there were tears staining her cheeks.

  “Hey there. What’s going on, sweet girl?” I fussed over her and found the pacifier clipped to her outfit, popping it into her mouth straight away. She took it, suckling rapidly, and burrowed deeper into my chest.

  “Who’s this little darlin’?” Violet asked as she moved closer. She gave Grey a pointed stare. “Grey, did you have a baby and not tell your grandma about it?”

  He closed his eyes, like he was trying to reign in his patience. “No, Grandma. This is Clara’s niece, Bella.”

  Violet looked at me sharply. “Niece? I would never have guessed. She’s the spittin’ image of you.” She leaned in closer and caressed Bella’s cheek sweetly. “Such a pretty little thing.”

  I swallowed roughly. Over the last few days, I’d received this reaction. Everyone in Bliss knew our story, so it hadn’t come up. While shopping, when a stranger made a remark about my pretty baby, I didn’t correct them. There was no reason to explain.

  “Um…” I started to say, trying to figure out a way to describe the circumstances regarding Bella. They were, after all, his grandparents and deserved to know.

  But Grey saved me.

  “Clara received guardianship over Bella. Her brother and sister-in-law recently passed away. It’s the reason she moved here from Chicago.”

  “Oh, you poor dear,” Violet whispered softly.

  My smile was tight, but I nodded. “Thank you. It’s not a hardship on my part. I’m blessed to have Bella.”

  Violet patted my arm. “That’s a great way to look at it. Very courageous.”

  Bella let out a squawk of displeasure. “I’m going to change and feed her. It was great meeting you two.” I wanted to end all conversation regarding Jonathan.

  “I’ll come with you,” Grey murmured as he followed me. I felt his eyes boring holes into my back, probably wondering how I was holding up after that exchange.

  After weaving my way through the crowd in the kitchen, Grey helped me make a bottle and then guided me toward his parent’s bedroom. Once there, I laid Bella on the bed and changed her wet diaper.

  Grey stayed silent until I was done, then asked, “You okay?” He handed me the bottle as I sat on the bed.

  “Yeah,” I tipped my lips slightly. “They were just curious. It’s okay. You didn’t have to come with me, you know?”

  He sat with me and wrapped me in his arms. “I wanted to spend some quiet time with you…alone,” he confessed.

  I felt my face grow soft. “That’s sweet, Grey.”

  His gaze smoldered as he leaned in closer, my insides doing summersaults. His mouth touched mine gently. He licked my bottom lip before nipping it. I moaned as he soothed my lips with his tongue, dragging it along the seam. I wanted to deepen the kiss, but Bella decided she didn’t like what she was seeing and let out a grunt of protest.

  We broke apart, both of us chuckling down at her, which only caused her to giggle. Milk bubbled up in her mouth before dripping down her chin.

  “Looks like someone is happy now,” Grey pointed out before playing with her toes. She giggled harder, loving the attention.

  I laid my head on Grey’s shoulder while watching her finish the rest of the bottle. When she was done eating, Grey murmured, “How about we watch a movie at my place after all this is done.”

  I smiled as I stood, keeping Bella in my arms. “I’d love that.”


  Something in his voice held promise. Inside I smiled, thi
nking that any frustrations we’d had before tonight would be a distant memory.

  Instead of saying this, I looked over my shoulder and questioned him honestly, “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “That, darlin’, is what I should be askin’ you.”

  I never meant for him to answer – the question was rhetorical – but his answer was absolutely perfect.


  Thanksgiving dinner was more fun than I’d originally imagined. There was a lot of love in the house, and it filled me to a point where it overflowed. Laughter rang out loud and often, the conversation was bright and cheerful, and all the people…they were wonderful. I made a couple of new friends and met a lot of the townspeople I hadn’t been introduced to yet. And to make it even more enjoyable, there was no more mention of Jonathan or Stacy.

  The night was perfect.

  And it was ending on an even more perfect note.

  Grey and I lay on the couch, my back to his chest, his arms curled around me, keeping me close, as we watched a movie. Bella was resting peacefully in her new bassinette, having fallen asleep during her bath. Our empty cups of hot chocolate sat in front of us, therefore not only was my belly blissfully happy, but my heart was also soaring.

  But then shrilling ring of my phone shattered the tranquility of the moment.

  “I wonder who that is,” I murmured. I glanced at the clock under the television to see that it was after ten at night.

  I’d spoken with Galen already, so I knew it wasn’t him. Our conversation had been brief, because it was in the middle of the festivities, but he did promise to make it for Christmas, which I was ecstatic about. Other than him, I had no one, so my phone shouldn’t have been ringing.

  “I’ll grab it for you,” Grey offered and lifted himself over the back of the couch.

  After he’d tossed my phone to me, I glanced at the screen to find Paige’s name. My brows dipped, wondering why she was calling. She’d told me she was going to be busy with her family all day today and wouldn’t get a chance to talk.

  As I accepted the call, and before I could say anything, I heard, “Get the hell out of the way, you jackass!” being yelled.


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