Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 29

by Cassie Strickland

“It was a heavy couch,” he countered.

  “Whatever,” I grumbled humorously. “All jokin’ aside, have you talked to Justin in the last few days?”

  “We had lunch earlier. He mentioned headin’ out of town again tomorrow.”

  “Hmm,” was all I said.

  I’d been trying to call Justin since the night Clara told me about Paige and him. I had a niggling doubt, even though I didn’t want to admit it. Justin’s behavior was too suspicious. Still, I couldn’t see him cheating on Chelsea.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Adam questioned, confused.

  “Nothin’…just tryin’ to find him. I’ve called but hadn’t heard back.” I tapped a pen on my desk in agitation. “Has he seemed weird to you lately?”

  “Weird how?”

  “Just not himself…bein’ odd at times.”

  “Nope. Not really…but I haven’t been payin’ attention. I’ll check it out the next time I see him.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s probably nothin’,” I replied quickly, not wanting to drag him into this.

  “Okay…” he drawled.

  My cell beeped, so I checked the screen and saw Clara’s name displayed. “Gotta go. Clara’s callin’.”

  “And he’s whipped already,” he joked, then disconnected.

  I rolled my eyes and reclined in my seat as I answered. “Hey, darlin’.”

  “Hey, you. What are you up to?” Her voice was light, cheerful.

  “Just finishin’ up for the day. You?”

  “About to run into town. I was wondering if you had any luck.”

  Any luck with Justin, she meant. She’d been just as anxious as I’d been to get answers.

  “No. Nothin’. But I’ll figure it out eventually. Don’t worry.”

  She sighed jaggedly. “But I do. What if Paige is right? And Chelsea…” She let the words hang for a moment. “She was over here earlier today. I’m having a hard time acting normal around her, Grey. I feel like I’m deceiving her.”

  I sat up straight, my neck growing tight. “You aren’t, Clara. Don’t think that. Let me work this out before you talk to her. What if this is all some mis-”

  “Misunderstanding. I know. Still, I feel like Paige is right.”

  I groaned. “Give me a few more days, please? I don’t want to hurt her if there’s an explanation.”

  “I know… I happen to agree with that.”

  “What are you doin’ in town?” I asked, hoping to steer her to better thoughts, and relaxed again.

  “I’m going to Teal and Lace. I want to find a few things for the house. I need a picture for Bella’s room and a few other things for the house.”

  “How about I pick you up and take you?”

  Surprised, she questioned, “You want to go shopping with me?”

  “Darlin’, I get to watch you and that sexy body of yours. There’s not much more I want in life.”

  She giggled. “Sweet talker.”

  “Only for you.”

  “Fine. Come pick me up. Paige is keeping Bella with her while I go.”

  “Be there in five.”


  I watched Clara as she slowly and methodically combed through the little store. I could honestly say that I’d never been in here. I saw why women loved it, though – it had a lot of charm.

  A teenage girl I didn’t know was manning the register, watching Clara as she moved around. Old Mrs. Hunter owned Teal and Lace, but was in the back somewhere. From what Mom told me, she was always here, though you never saw her. She liked to have her little minions work the floor, instead. She had a way of scaring people.

  Mrs. Hunter was in her late sixties and still stood well over six feet tall, therefore she was very large. Old Mr. Hunter died some time ago, but you wouldn’t have guessed the two of them were married. It was like the roles were reversed – where Mrs. Hunter was massive, Mr. Hunter was small. People used to say that Mrs. Hunter forced him to marry her by using her brute strength. It was an odd pair. However, when he died, she became a shell of her former self and was now a hermit slash ogre.

  Even with that, Mrs. Hunter had good taste. Her inventory was classy, elegant. I eyed a couple of pieces that would look really good at the B&B.

  Clara turned to me and held up a two small pictures, both of black and white flowers at different angles surrounded by beautiful frames. “What do you think of these for Bella’s bathroom?”

  “They’re pretty,” I replied, even though I didn’t know much about what she was doing.

  Clara beamed and turned back to look at other things.

  The teenager at the counter next to me banged something against the counter, sending pebbles all over the floor. She sucked in a breath and rushed to pick them up. I bent down and started helping her, halfway keeping an eye on Clara.

  “Sorry,” the girl mumbled as we stood and took the ones in my hands.

  “No problem. Accidents happen,” I responded, giving her a smile to put her at ease. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place it. She nodded and scurried back around the counter, hurrying to put the pebbled back in the jar. “You from around here?” I questioned, hoping some conversation would make the time go by a little faster.

  She eyed me warily. “No.”

  “You look familiar. You sure?” I tilted my head to the side, positive I’d seen her before.

  “Church. Probably at church,” she replied softly and turned to do something behind her.

  I shook my head. “Nah, that’s not it.”

  Even though Jon was the pastor, it was rare to see me there. I’d probably been to that church a total of two times outside of his funeral.

  The girl turned again, giving me a tight smile. She was a cute little thing, no taller than five foot and had short, black hair cut a bit past her chin. Her features were dainty, with an upturned nose and vivid bronze eyes.

  Suddenly, it hit me where I saw her.

  “I remember now. You were at Jon Vincent’s place. You were in the runaway program.”

  She paled and then darted her eyes around she shop, panicking. “Look, mister. I…I’m doing’ really good here with Mrs. Hunter. I don’t need any problems.” Her voice trembled. “I’ll do…I’ll do whatever, but please don’t make me lose this job.”

  I felt like a shmuck. It probably wasn’t a good idea to remind her that she was a runaway.

  “I’m sorry I offended you. I’m just makin’ conversation while my girlfriend shops.” I held up my hands to let her know I didn’t mean any harm. “Honestly, you’ll have no problems from me.”

  She studied me with suspicion. “Okay.” She turned again and gave me her back, no doubt wanting me to leave her alone.

  I headed for Clara, giving the girl a break. “Need me to hold anythin’?” I asked, teasing a bit.

  She handed me the two pictures she’d shown me. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure I’d manage.”

  “Here to serve…”

  She laughed softly and went back to perusing.

  After another ten minutes, I had more than I could carry. I took them back to the counter, only to find the girl watching us avidly. “She’s gonna want these,” I told her as I laid Clara’s finds on the counter.

  “That’s Pastor Jon’s sister, isn’t it?” she asked instead.

  “I wouldn’t go around callin’ her that, but yes. That’s Clara Vincent.”

  She hummed under her breath as she rang up Clara’s purchases.

  “Did you-”

  I didn’t finish because Clara walked up and placed a glass dish on the counter. “I think that’s it. If I spend any more time here, I’ll buy the whole store.” She gave me a wide smile and then looked at the girl behind the counter. “This stuff is amazing.”

  The girl merely nodded and then rang up the dish. She wrapped tissue around it and put it in the bag with the others. She gave Clara her total, and then they finished checking out. The girl kept sneaking glances at Clara, but I chalked it up to
curiosity since Jon died and she was now here to take care of Bella.

  With Clara’s bags in my hand, we ambled out the front and onto the sidewalk. “Where to?” I asked.

  “Home,” she replied, taking a deep breath and smiling. “God, I love the mountain air. It’s so clean compared to Chicago.”

  “You look really happy today.”

  “I am,” she confessed, grinning. “The house is looking great, and I have you.” She stood on her toes to kiss my jaw. “I feel like I’m home for the first time.”

  I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her down the sidewalk, heading behind the store where the parking lot was. “Good, darlin’. Nothin’ I want more than your happiness.”

  “Get rid of it,” we heard in a warning growl.

  Clara and I stopped as we came to the entrance of the back parking lot. “I won’t,” a woman replied, her voice fierce.

  “I told you-“

  “Yeah, you’re married. I get it. I’m not askin’ you to divorce her and for us to sail off into the sunset.” The woman snorted in amusement. “But you will be sendin’ child support.”

  “I don’t want you or any other woman but my wife havin’ my baby. This wasn’t the plan!” The man was furious.

  Hell, I was furious.

  I recognized the voice.

  Clara tugged on my shirt, forcing me turn toward her. I whispered instead, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  “Like this was planned! Shit happens! This happened. I’m not getting’ rid of my child.”

  “That’s Justin and some woman, isn’t it?” Clara questioned, her voice wobbling. I clenched my jaw and gave a tight nod in confirmation. She stared wide eyed at me as I handed her the bags.

  “Stay here,” I ordered quietly.

  “Sure. Uh, yeah.” Clara nibbled on her lip, clearly disturbed.

  “You have to get rid of it. If my wife finds out, she’ll leave me!”

  The woman chuckled defiantly. “You should have thought about that before you started fuckin’ me.”

  “You know-” Justin started to say.

  “Yeah, I know. Your wife is holier-than-thou, can’t give you what you need. Don’t go preachin’ it again, Justin. You’ve told me too many times already. I’m sick of hearin’ it. You need to man up”

  Oh, I was ready to kill Justin for doing this to Chelsea.

  I’d weaved my way through the cars before I found Justin at the back of the parking lot. He was standing with a very pregnant woman, more pregnant than I would have thought since he was urging her to get rid of it. She looked ready to pop. I couldn’t see her face because it was turned to the side, staring off.

  “You have no idea what you’re talkin’ about,” he snarled and stepped closer.

  When she tilted her face up to him, I recognized her instantly.


  No wonder Justin was uneasy the night at The Ridge. She was the waitress serving the table across from us. He saw her and figured out he was going to be a father…but not a father to his wife’s child.

  “Justin,” I said as calmly as I could as I approached, when all I wanted to do was slam my fists in his face.

  He glanced at me and then cursed, fisting his hair in his hands. He spun around, muttering under his breath, before facing me again. “How much did you hear?” he asked, resigned.

  “Oh…you mean hearin’ about you becomin’ a daddy? Congrats, man. Children are great.” I tsked at him a couple of times, continuing, “Bet Chels won’t be sayin’ that, though.” I didn’t hide my sarcasm or anger.

  “Grey, you can’t-“

  “Tell her? Oh, she’s gonna know. What in the hell’s a matter with you, Justin?!”

  “Look, it was a one-time thing,” he attempted to lie.

  “I’m out of here,” the woman muttered, waddling away in a hurry.

  Neither of us paid her any mind; our focus was on one another.

  “Oh, like it was a one-time thing when you tried to pick up Paige?”

  “The bitch told you?” he growled, taking a menacing step toward me.

  I rushed him and got nose to nose with him. “The bitch? Is that what you’re callin’ a woman who won’t sleep with you ’cause you’re married?! This is gonna crush Chelsea, Justin! What in the hell is wrong with you?!”

  “You can’t tell her, Grey. You can’t! You’re my best friend – you have to have my back on this. I’d do it for you. You can’t let this ruin what Chels and I have.”

  “How can you say that? I’d never keep this from her, man. We’re close, just like you and I are. There’s no way.” I jabbed my finger into his chest. “You ruined it by steppin’ out on her. She’s good to you. You love her, Justin. What in your right mind made you think this was okay? If you have a woman like that waitin’ for you at home, you care for her, you love her…you show her that she’s the best thing in the world. You don’t find women like Chelsea but rarely in life, Justin.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “You’re right. I don’t,” I ended in a whisper.


  “One hour…you have one hour to go home and tell her, or I will.” I wasn’t joking.

  “No.” His face shut down as panic took over.

  “Chelsea is better than this, man. So much. Either tell her or I will. Maybe you can work it out, maybe you can’t – I don’t give a shit.” I hated pointing out the obvious, but he seemed oblivious. “You’ve knocked up some woman. You’re gonna be a father, Justin. You’ve got a lot to think about here. The repercussions are a lot more serious than just Chels.”

  “Damn you-” he started to stay, growing more irate.

  “No! Damn you, Justin!” I slammed my hands against his chest, forcing him back. I followed him, staying in his face. “I wanted to believe in you. God, I wanted to believe you couldn’t do somethin’ like this.” I shoved his chest again. I was vibrating with a fury, wanting to unleash it on him. “But you proved me wrong. You piece of shit!”

  I turned then.

  I was done.

  Our friendship was done.

  “Grey! Grey!” I heard his rapid footsteps behind me.

  “I think you need to step back,” Clara advised, appearing from behind a car, her hands weighed down with bags.

  Skidding to a halt, Justin muttered, “Fuck me.”

  “Now. Car. In.” I hurried to my SUV and threw the door open, climbing in before slamming it shut. I beat on the steering wheel, cursing up a storm as I vented my anger.

  The back door opened so that Clara could load everything. She joined me in the front hesitantly. I was still breathing heavily, betrayal playing havoc in my veins.

  “You okay?” she asked softly.

  “No,” I clipped as I started the engine and reversed out of the parking spot. I saw Justin in my review mirror as he rushed away from the scene.

  “I’m sorry, Grey. I’m so sorry you had to do that.”

  I turned onto Main and gunned the engine. “There’s nothin’ you should feel sorry for. You were right.”

  And I wouldn’t hear it.

  “I don’t like being right in this,” Clara murmured, miserable.

  I exhaled harshly, calming a bit, and reached for her hand. “No, I guess not.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Did you hear it all?” She nodded. “I’m gonna do just that. I’m gonna give Justin an hour and then head over. Chelsea is gonna need someone.”

  “I’ll have Paige keep Bella, and I’ll go with you.”

  “I don’t know…” I didn’t think Chelsea would want a bunch of people there to witness this.

  “She needs as much support as she can get,” Clara pointed out.

  My chest ached at the thought.

  “You’re right,” I admitted and brought her hand to my lips. “Thank you, darlin’. That means a lot.”

  “What do you think she’s going to do?”

  I didn’t see this playing out
well. How could it?

  “This isn’t the first time. What happened with Paige proves that.” The thought was killer. “I’m gonna have to tell her about that if he doesn’t. I don’t see her stickin’ with him after that. Hell, I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be with someone that continued to be unfaithful to me.”

  “I agree,” she whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow.

  “Shit,” I snarled, damning Justin all the way to hell.


  Clara, Paige, and I were anxious the entire hour we’d waited to hear from Justin. Paige, reading between the lines when we got home, knew something bad happened, therefore we had to explain. Of course she was horrified. That was expected – we all were. But I had to stop her from feeling the guilt when it came to Chelsea. This wasn’t her fault, even if she’d kept details to herself while she figured the next step. Hell, everyone deserved time to work through things – it wasn’t her burden to bare.

  Once the hour was up, I called Justin, but he didn’t answer. I called again fifteen minutes later, and again, he didn’t pick up.

  Furious, Clara and I climbed back into my Tahoe and headed to their cabin outside of town. Paige watched Bella, making us promise to call when we left so that she knew how Chelsea was coping.

  The drive was silent. Clara and I were both tense, dreading what was about to happen. When I pulled into their driveway, I saw Chelsea’s car was sitting in the driveway.


  Justin wasn’t here.

  I took a deep breath as I shut off the engine, steeling myself.

  “Ready?” Clara asked quietly.

  “No. Not at all.” I leaned my head back and cursed again. “Let’s get this over with.”

  We climbed out and strolled to the front door, our fingers linked. I knocked on the door and waited a minute. When she didn’t answer, I knocked again. Finally, the door swung open and there was Chelsea, smiling.

  Fucking smiling.

  She has no idea.

  “Hey! Sorry, I was pullin’ some bread out of the oven. What are you two doin’ out here?” Her eyes darted between Clara and me, confused, but then she felt the heaviness in the air and fear flashed in her eyes. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  Shit, shit, shit.

  “Uh, can we come inside? I need to talk to you,” I answered, my voice weighed down with sadness.


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