Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 37

by Cassie Strickland

  “Oh! I, uh… Hey, Detective Wilde…I mean Wes. Good to, um, see you,” I stammered, trying to recover.

  “You too, Clara,” he replied, smiling cordially.

  He was going to make a woman seriously happy if he hadn’t already.

  Get it together, Clara!

  I think coming to Bliss had warped my mind. I never had thoughts like these in Chicago.

  I waved him in, shaking it off. “Come on in.”

  “Sorry to drop by unannounced. This won’t take but a minute,” he replied as he followed me in and shut the door.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him as we walked down the hall. “It’s fine. I’ve been wondering when you’d stop by. I was starting to think you’d forgotten about us.”

  He smirked with something devilish in his eyes, murmuring, “Not a chance.”

  What did that mean?

  I deleted it from my thoughts.

  Galen and Shelley were staring at us as we arrived in the kitchen – Galen seemed concerned and Shelley looked intrigued.

  Seeing them, Wes glanced at me warily, saying, “I didn’t realize you had company. I can come back if now’s not a good time.”

  “I’m just leavin’,” Shelley announced as she stood. “Nice to see you again, Galen. Give me a call about coffee.” She gave him a wink as she approached Wes and me. “I’ll come by on Saturday to pick up whatever you have. Is that okay, Clara?”

  “Sure…perfect. That gives me plenty of time. Thank you for including me.”

  She waved me off. “No, thank you, sweetie. It’s a big help.” She turned to Wes and extended her hand out for him to take. “We haven’t met yet, Detective, but I’ve heard all about you. I’m Shelley.”

  He dipped his chin and shook her hand, murmuring, “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “Whelp, I’m out of here.” She let go of Wes’s hand and surprised me with a hug, whispering, “Looks like Grey’s got some competition. Good girl. Keep ’em on their toes.”

  My eyes were round when she let me go, and all I could do was watch her walk out of the room. The last thing I needed was the rumor mill in Bliss going rampant.

  “You okay, Clara?” Wes asked, chuckling lightly. He’d obviously overheard Shelley.

  I shook myself out of it. “I, uh, yeah… Just a strange morning is all.”

  Galen approached us, holding his hand out for Wes. “Detective Wilde, I’m Galen Talbert. We spoke briefly the other day.”

  Wes shook his hand, saying, “Of course. Nice to meet you, Mr. Talbert.”

  “I guess you’re here with news. Why don’t we sit in the living room, son?” Galen held out his hand, gesturing toward the couch.

  I felt like I was falling back into the role as his assistant, so I asked, “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Coffee would be wonderful, Clara.” He gave me a kind smile and took a seat.

  “Galen?” I called out.

  “Sure, girly. A cup would be nice.”

  “How do you take it, Wes?”

  “Black, please.”

  I listened to them idly chat as I made us some coffee. They were waiting for me to finish up, talking about the town and whatnot.

  “Thank you,” Wes said when I finally handed out the mugs.

  Galen took his, but Wes had his attention. “Have there been any developments?”

  I took a seat next to Galen and sipped my mug, waiting.

  Seeing that I was ready, Wes nodded. “There has been, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it at this time. I’ve got a few things I need to check into before I can.”

  Galen pursed his lips, not liking this answer.

  “If that’s the case,” I started, getting to the point, “you’re here for other reasons.”

  Wes gazed at me over his mug, his eyes kind. “You’d be correct, Clara.”

  “And that is?” Galen questioned, his patience thinning.

  Wes placed his mug on the coffee table and reached into his pocket. He stood and handed me a piece of paper. “I believe you requested this.”

  I took it, confused, and unfolded the paper. There was a telephone number written on it. “Oh…” I blinked a couple of times at it, unprepared.

  “What is it?” Galen asked, watching me with concern.

  “It’s the Montgomery’s number,” I explained, then smiled a strained smile at Wes. “Thank you. This means a lot.” I was not looking forward to the conversation I’d have with them.

  Seeing this, Wes frowned. “I contacted them yesterday. I figured it was best to give them a bit of time to get over the shock before you called.”

  “That’s probably wise,” Galen remarked.

  “I agree,” I concurred, not taking my eyes off Wes. “How did they take it? Are they okay?”

  “Better than you’d expect,” Wes stated, pursing his lips. “They’ve been waiting for something like this to happen, so it didn’t come as a shock. Still, it wasn’t the best conversation I’ve ever had…but that goes along with the job.”

  “Understandable,” I murmured, staring down at the number. It felt like lead in my hands.

  “I also wanted to prepare you,” Wes continued solemnly. “Albert Montgomery wasn’t the warmest man. It’s your best bet to ask for his wife, Teresa, when you call, but if you do speak to him, I figured it was best you went in with open eyes.”

  Well that wasn’t reassuring.

  “I appreciate it, Wes,” I returned, nodding my thanks.

  “No problem, Clara. Would you like me to stay with you while you call? I can step in if you need me to.”

  That was even worse.

  Who was this Albert guy, and what happened during their conversation that made Wes so wary?

  “I’ll be here, Detective Wilde,” Galen interjected, scowling.

  “I’m sure you will be, Mr. Talbert, but I wanted to make sure someone was here for her,” Wes explained, grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary.

  Okay, now what was that?

  Is he flirting?

  I must be imagining things.

  “I think I’ve got that covered,” I heard, causing me to jump.

  I looked over my shoulder and found Grey standing there. I hadn’t heard him come in. “Hey,” I said, standing to greet him. “What are you doing here?”

  When I approached, Grey curved an arm around my waist and kissed me. “Shelley called wantin’ to know why the new detective was at the house. I was a bit curious, as well.”

  Of course she did.

  And the rumor mill begins churning.


  “He came to drop of the Montgomery’s number,” I enlightened him, chewing on my lip.

  “That’s what I figured,” Grey murmured, sighing-. He guided me to the couch and sat, placing me at his side, tucked in close. “Is there any other news?” he questioned Wes.

  “Not at this time,” Wes explained, watching us with avid attention. “I’ll be in the city the next few days, tracking down some leads. I’ll let you know more when I return.”

  “Well, at least it’s somethin’. Thanks for comin’ by, Detective,” Grey finished, ending the conversation.

  What was this undercurrent I was detecting?

  “It’s not a problem.” Wes smirked again – I had no idea why – and stood. “Good seeing you again. Wish it was under better circumstances. Call if you need me, Clara. I’ll show myself out.” He gave us all a nod and disappeared down the hall.

  Galen let out a chuckle, surprising me.

  “What was funny about that?” I asked, confused.

  “You, girly. You have no idea…” He shook his head and stood. “I’ve got a coffee date. See you two later. Let me know what happens with the Montgomery’s.” He disappeared almost as quickly as Wes did.

  “What was that about?” I asked Grey, bewildered.

  Grey’s eyes danced. “That was Galen’s way of sayin’ you have no idea how beautiful you are.”

  “I’m sorry, what?”<
br />
  Today was getting stranger and stranger.

  “Our clever detective could have easily called to tell you all of that. This was his way of gainin’ insight on you and our relationship. You enamor him,” Grey expanded, getting a kick out of this.

  “That’s crazy!”

  “You were too busy oglin’ him when you met him, you didn’t see his reaction to you.”

  “I wasn’t ogling him!”

  Grey laughed and lifted a brow. “Weren’t you?”

  I swatted his chest. “Stop. You’re clearly out of your mind.”

  “And you’re oblivious, darlin’. Detective Wilde wanted to see if he had a shot.”

  I bugged my eyes out at him. “Why do you think this is so funny then? Shouldn’t you be getting all jealous and marking your territory or something?”

  “There’s no need, Clara darlin’. I know you’re mine, just as I am yours. The detective doesn’t stand a chance with you.”

  I sighed and melted against his chest, resting my head on his pectoral. “No, he doesn’t.”


  “How’s work?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

  “Work was work…” He let out an audible sigh. “But I don’t wanna talk about that. When are you gonna call?”

  I’d rather not, but I had to.

  “Should I do it now?” I asked hesitantly.

  “Might as well get it over with.”

  “Crap,” I muttered.

  Grey kissed my temple. “It can’t be all that bad. They probably can’t wait to hear about Bella.”

  I blew out a shaky breath. “Yeah, I know… But you didn’t hear what Wes had to say about Mr. Montgomery. Apparently, he’s not the warmest man.”

  Grey winced. “That can’t be good.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  “You’ll feel better once it’s done,” Grey pointed out and stood, holding out a hand for me. “Come on, darlin’. I’ll stay ’til you’re done.”

  “Do I have to?” I whined playfully, placing mine in his.

  Grey chuckled as he pulled me off the couch. “Don’t be such a baby.”

  “You suck, you know that?”

  “I like it better when you suck, babe.”

  “This is no time for your head to be in the gutter!” I griped, giving him the evil eye.

  He strolled to the island and found my phone on the counter. “Here, darlin’.”

  “Fine,” I grumbled jokingly and took it. “I’ll do it now.” I punched in the number off the paper, and it rang. “It’s ringing.”

  Grey shook his head like he didn’t know what to do with me and signaled for the stools.

  As we sat together, a woman answered the phone. “Hello.”

  “Hi.” My voice came out more timid then I would have liked. “My name is Clara Vincent. May I speak to Teresa Montgomery?”

  “Oh,” the woman said, startled. “Oh…yeah. Let me find her.” I heard high heeled footsteps against the tiles in the background. “This is about my sister, correct?”

  My stomach sank. I didn’t think about Abby having siblings.

  “Um…yes. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  I heard the woman’s long exhale, and then she snapped, “We lost her a long time ago, Miss Vincent.”

  I could see how hearing from me would be unpleasant for her, so I didn’t take offense. “Call me Clara, pl-”

  She interrupted me, her tone unpleasant. “Here’s mom. They’ve been waiting for you to call.”

  Another voice came on the phone, this one kinder, more mature. “This is Teresa.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Montgomery. I’m Clara Vincent. Detective Wilde passed along your number.”

  “Yes,” Teresa whispered, her sorrow evident. She’d cleared her throat before she said anything else. “Yes, I asked him to have you give me a call. He told us about Abby…and Bella, my granddaughter.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. I…” I faltered. Grey squeezed my hand, bolstering my courage. “I can only imagine what you’re going through right now.”

  “I…thank you, Clara. That’s sweet.”

  “I know you probably have many questions…”

  “Yes, I do. You’re the one caring for my granddaughter, correct?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I was granted guardianship over her. She’s…well, I love her very much.”

  “How old is she?” she asked with tears in her voice.

  “Five months.”

  “Wow, so little. The detective didn’t give us much. We only know that she exists.”

  “If you have an email address or a cell phone number, I can send you pictures.”

  “You’d do that?” she questioned warily, but it was tinged with hope.

  “Of course. She’s your family, too. I have no reason to want to keep her from you.”

  “Oh. Well, that’s…that’s good to hear.” She seemed surprised by this. “I wasn’t sure what to expect, truthfully.”

  “This has been a huge shock for us all. I didn’t know about Bella’s existence, either. It wasn’t until after I’d arrived for the funeral that I was told. If I had known about you, I would have contacted you immediately. This whole situation is rather…shocking.”

  “Yes, definitely shocking. I’m happy to know that you understand.” She hesitated for a moment. I looked to Grey and gave him a smile, letting him know that it was going okay. “Can we meet her? I know that it’s the holidays and all, but we’d love to see her as soon as possible. Just knowing she’s out there…”

  “That’s per-”

  Teresa talked over me, rushing, “We can come to you. We don’t mind making the trip, as long as we get to meet her.”

  My heart hurt for her and her family. “Of course.”

  “Abby wasn’t my only child. She was the youngest out of four. She had two brothers and you’ve already spoken with Gretchen, her sister. Bella makes my fifth grandchild.” There was pride in her voice. “They are eager to meet Bella, but I think the first time should just be Al, my husband, and me. I don’t want to overwhelm her, or you for that matter.”

  “It’s not a problem for your family to come, Mrs. Montgomery.”

  “I’ll speak with my husband and let you know. Uh, I’d like to come as soon as possible. I was thinking the day after Christmas. I don’t want to ruin Christmas for my grandchildren, or we’d come sooner.”

  “Wow. That is soon.”

  “Too soon?”

  “No, no,” I assured her. “Not at all. Just a surprise. Like you, I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

  “We are thrilled to see her,” she whispered. “I didn’t think I’d ever see my Abby again…and I won’t. Knowing she gave us Bella… Well, I’m overwhelmed.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Okay.” She sniffled, but her voice was now buoyant. “Here’s my cell phone number and email.” I jotted it down on the legal pad next to Galen’s laptop. “Call at any time if you need us.” I gave her my cell number in return.

  “I’ll send you pictures as soon as we’re off the phone.”

  “That would be wonderful.” Her tears were back, but these sounded more like joy. “I still can’t believe it…” I didn’t know what to say to that, so I waited for her to go on. “I will call you once we have our travel arrangements in order.”

  “Perfect. I look forward to meeting you, Mrs. Montgomery.”

  “Me too, Clara. And it’s Teresa.”

  “Teresa then…”

  “We’ll see you in a few days. Thank you for being so understanding.”

  “Same to you, Teresa.”

  “Goodbye, Clara.”


  I placed the phone on the counter and stared at Grey, wrapping my head around the conversation.

  “That went well,” he remarked, studying me.

  “Yeah…better than I’d thought.”

  “They’re comin’ here?”

  I nodded and chewed my lip. “The day after

  Grey’s lips parted slightly in surprise. “That’s quick.”

  “She was sweet and heartbroken. Abby’s disappearance hasn’t been easy for her,” I enlightened him.

  “That’s expected, Clara.”

  “I know.”

  “What are you thinkin’, darlin’?

  “I honestly don’t know.”

  “You’re thinkin’ something.”

  I was, but I didn’t want to come off as selfish.

  “Clara?” he urged, his voice gentle.

  “She’s been mine since I got here…Bella has. I don’t want to keep her from them, but I don’t want to share, either. Does that make me a bad person?”

  Grey pressed his lips together as he eyed me knowingly. He ran his fingers down my hair and cupped my jaw. “No, Clara, it doesn’t. You have no idea who these people are or what they’re like. Your first instinct is to protect Bella. That’s what you’re feelin’ here. You don’t want anythin’ bad to happen.”

  I looked off to the side, wondering if he was right. “I don’t know, honey.”

  “I know you, Clara. You understand the value of family. You want Bella to have a large one, but you’re scared of what will happen when you bring these strangers into her life. You have a firsthand experience of this, so it’s frightenin’ you.”

  I turned my head and kissed the inside of his wrist, thankful for his insight. “Where have you been all my life?”

  His eyes warmed. “Waitin’ for you, darlin’.”

  Chapter 25


  I was cleaning like a mad woman, preparing for the Montgomery’s arrival. I was pensive, not sure what to expect, and the only way I was able to distract myself was to stay busy.

  Teresa seemed sweet and all – I’d spoken to her many times since our first conversation –but I had no idea what the rest of the family was like.

  Christmas had been a blast, even though meeting the Montgomery’s stayed close to everyone’s mind. We had a small dinner with Grey’s family at my house on Christmas Eve. Grey, Galen, Bella, and I exchanged gifts Christmas morning. I might have gone a little overboard, but it was my first Christmas with Bella and Grey.

  Grey had gotten me a couple of pretty things from Teal and Lace and a beautiful set of diamond stud earrings, but the real kicker was the two week vacation in Tahiti in a few months. I might have jumped around like a little girl over that. He also informed me that Mrs. Birdie and Emma had already agreed to babysit Bella, so I had nothing to worry about.


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