Finding Bliss (Bliss #1)

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Finding Bliss (Bliss #1) Page 47

by Cassie Strickland

  “Thanks, Sam. I’ll call you later, let you know how it goes.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She sashayed into the living room, giving Jared a show, and said her goodbyes before disappearing down the hall. I watched as Jared’s eyes tracked her through the house, clearly interested. Hell, I wasn’t surprised. She was beautiful, inside and out.

  Ignoring this, I sat the full mugs on a tray and was about to pick it up when Grey stopped me. “I’ll get it, darlin’. Go sit down.”

  I huffed, annoyed. I was trying to bide my time, keeping myself busy, so I didn’t have to sit down and begin.

  Grey leaned in and kissed me. “I’ll be right here,” he murmured. “Everythin’s okay.”

  I exhaled and closed my eyes. He was right. I knew he was. Still, this was difficult. Talking to Jared in the kitchen at the office was one thing – this was something different altogether.

  “I’m okay,” I assured him.

  He flashed me those dimples when he smiled and then carried the tray away. I was a bit hesitant to follow, but I finally took my place next to Grey. Jared was watching us closely, curious. He was probably wondering how I went from single to living with someone in a few months’ time.

  “It’s nice to see you, Clara. The entire office was shocked when you up and disappeared on us,” Jared said, smiling.

  “It was a bit of a shock to me, too.”

  Galen’s phone rang before we could continue. He glanced at his screen and frowned. “I’ve got to take this. Go ahead and start. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “How are things here besides this? Enjoying the move?” Jared asked as Galen walked out the back door to the patio.

  “I love it here.”

  “I’ve never been to North Carolina. It’s beautiful. I was surprised when we drove in to Bliss, too. It’s…quant.”

  “Breathtakin’, isn’t it?” Grey glanced between Jared and me. He’d been a bit taken aback when Jared walked in. I might have left out the fact that Jared was around his age and very good looking.

  Jared smiled courteously. “Definitely.” He was stalling. He didn’t seem to want to begin until Galen came back inside. I was more than okay with that.

  Bella’s cries came through the monitor in the kitchen. Grey leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I’ll grab her so you can get started.” I smiled tightly, not wanting him to leave me. He squeezed my thigh reassuringly and hopped up to head upstairs.

  Jared let out a long sigh and slouched against the couch cushions once Grey was gone. “That was awkward.”

  Confused, I questioned, “What’s awkward?”

  “Did Galen know you were seeing someone else? I mean, I know you’ve moved, but I figured when Galen came to see you, you two were still…you know.”

  I was still highly confused. “What do you mean Galen and me? I…” His meaning became clear suddenly. “You thought Galen and I were seeing each other?”

  Jared observed me oddly. “Well…yeah….”

  My giggles had started out small before they turned uproarious. “You really thought…that Galen and me…?” I couldn’t quit laughing. “Oh, my God!”

  “You weren’t? I mean, I tried…but you weren’t… And you and Galen were so close, you barely talked to anyone other than him. He always hugged you and kissed you…” Jared stumbled over his words, trying to dig himself out of the hole he’d found himself in.

  My laugh subsided a bit. “Because I wasn’t interested in you, you thought I was in a relationship with Galen?”

  He fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably, flushing. “That sounds egotistical, doesn’t it?”

  All my hesitation vanished, and I couldn’t stop laughing. “I can’t believe you thought that. Did you ask your father? Tom would have gotten a kick out of it.”

  “No, I never brought it up.” He tipped his head down and stared at his lap, ashamed. “I didn’t want to bring it up. You know, the whole older-man-younger-woman scenario. I didn’t want to embarrass anyone, although I’ve done a great job of doing it to myself.”

  “Oh, wait ’til Galen hears this.” I covered my mouth to hold in my laughter.

  “Hardy-har-har, you’ve gotten your laughs.” Jared’s lips were twitching. “You can quit now.”

  “No. This is too funny.” A thought came to mind, and my laughter died. “Did everyone think this?”

  “It was obvious that you two were close. Everyone just figured…” He bit his lip, flustered. “It wasn’t bad. He’s a widower and deserves happiness. He seemed to have that when you were around. It wasn’t anyone’s business.”

  I put my head in my hands and groaned. “Oh, God. That’s ridiculous. I knew there were rumors, but I had no idea that everyone really thought that. I wonder why Paige never mentioned it.”

  “No idea. She knew, though. It was a popular subject. A lot of the guys wondered how Galen got a woman so beautiful.”

  My cheeks heated. “Uh…”

  “Paige probably didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” He tilted his head and studied me. “So you and Galen never…?”

  “No!” I was appalled by the thought. “Galen’s like my father.”

  He digested that for a second, then nodded. “That makes sense. Now that I think about it, your relationship looked more like that from the outside. He was affectionate with you, but it wasn’t romantic.”

  “Right.” I rolled my eyes. “Now you notice that.”

  Galen joined us again and sat on the couch next to Jared. He looked between us, his brows furrowing. “What did I miss?”

  I broke out into a fit of giggles all over again.

  “I, uh…” Jared fidgeted, mortified. “Clara was just clearing up a few things.” He gave me pleading eyes, hoping I wouldn’t rat him out. I wanted to, but I figured he’d had enough embarrassment for one afternoon.

  Galen’s eyes darted between Jared and me, bemused, but he didn’t comment. “I guess it’s time to get started.”

  My nerves started up again, but I pushed them back. I was going to get through this. Jared’s inaccurate assumptions seemed to have broken the ice, and it made him seem less imposing.

  Grey trotted down the stairs with a happy Bella in his arms – she had recovered quickly from the ear infections. He must have heard Galen’s suggestion because he said, “Go ahead. I’ll get her a bottle and then get her settled in her swing.”

  Galen began, not hesitating. “Jared’s already read over all the documents. He knows about the will and your guardianship. As far as the backstory goes, I waited for you to do that, Clara. I didn’t know…” He didn’t know what I did or didn’t want to tell Jared. “Remember, whatever you say here is confidential.” He gave me a pointed look that told me not to hold back.

  Well, hell.

  “Galen mentioned that you and your brother hadn’t been in contact for many years?” Any embarrassment Jared had, vanished. He grabbed a note pad and pen from his briefcase and rested them on his knee, focusing on me.

  It was strange that I’d told this story so many times over a short period of time. I had come a long way, and I proved that to myself as I told Jared everything. I didn’t cry. I didn’t whine. My voice never broke. I was calm. I was collect and straight forward. I gave him every detail from my past, as well as everything that had happened with the Montgomery’s. Galen and Grey piped in here and there when it came to the Montgomery’s. Jared asked many questions, making me repeat myself many times. They were complex and difficult as he broke down scenarios, like he was trying to understand the situations from different standpoints. He’d never lost a case for a reason, I concluded.

  By the time we were done, my head was spinning. It had been hours since we’d begun, and it had grown dark outside.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that Clara was practically my cousin, Uncle Galen?” Jared stared at Galen, perplexed.

  Galen shrugged, unapologetic. “Never came up. Clara was very private, and I thought that if she wanted anyone to know, she�
��d tell them.”

  Jared accepted the explanation and smiled at me sadly. “Well, Clara, I have to admit, that’s a hell of a story.” He shook his head and sighed. “It makes sense now, though.”

  “What makes sense?” I asked, not understanding.

  “The Montgomery’s are going to use what happened to you to their advantage.” My stomach sunk to my toes. “They are going to make you seem unfit based on your history. They’ll paint you as frail or unhinged.”

  “Can they do that?” Grey asked, his jaw ticking.

  “Yes.” Jared’s eyes were kind as he regarded me. “Don’t worry, though. Since they don’t know all the details, they won’t have much. Plus, I’ll be prepared for it. I want you to undergo a psych evaluation to prove that you are mentally stable, too. It will discredit anything they’ll try to use against you.”

  “Christ,” Grey muttered under his breath. “Is that necessary?”

  “Not necessarily. It’s more of a precaution.”

  I nibbled on my lip, thinking it out, and then nodded. “That’s fine. I’ll do it.”

  “Do you have copies of this letter?”

  “No, but you can probably get it from Wes.” I stood to track down Wes’s card. After finding it in a drawer, I handed it to Jared.

  Jared placed the card in his briefcase, saying, “I’ll get in touch with him. I’m going to need to speak with your friends here – people that have spent a lot of time with you and Bella. We’ll need character witnesses.”

  “Oliver Montgomery has offered to be a character witness for our defense,” Galen added. “I’ve already spoken to him. You might have a few questions.”

  Jared wrote something down on his paper and replied, “I saw your notes on that. He’s going to prove useful.”

  “My parents and sister don’t mind helping, either,” Grey recommended. “You can speak with my cook at the B&B, Mrs. Birdie. She’s spent a lot of time with Bella and Clara.”

  “Don’t forget Dr. Melbourne,” I added, remembering the nice old man’s offer.

  “Dr. Melbourne?” Galen questioned.

  “He was the doctor that treated Bella earlier this week. He heard about what was going on and offered to help.”

  Galen wasn’t convinced. “I don’t know…”

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Jared stated. “I bet he’s seen a variety of things in his profession. If he gives you a raving review, it will help tremendously. Is he well respected in the area?”

  “He’s the best doctor in town,” Grey returned. “He had to cut down his hours at the clinic because he doesn’t get around as well as he used to, so he only works nights. I know people that wait until his shift begins before they’ll go to the clinic.”

  “So he’s been practicing here for years?”

  “Since medical school, probably forty years ago.”

  Jared smiled, liking Grey’s answer. “The judge probably knows him then. That’ll have some sway.”

  “What else do you need from us?” I questioned, glancing at everyone. “What happens next?”

  “They waited until the perfect time to subpoena Galen. They want us scrambling. Don’t worry, though, I’ve got it covered. Galen had notes and explanations for just about everything, other than your past with Jonathan, so I’m not as behind as they thought I’d be,” Jared explained. “I’ll have follow up questions for you eventually. I need to speak with everyone you’ve mentioned. After that’s done, we’ll go from there.”

  “Okay,” I replied, hesitantly.

  Jared stared at me, his face intense. “I need to know how far you are going with this, Clara.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The judge needs to know you’re serious about Bella.”

  “Isn’t is obvious,” I interjected. “Isn’t that why you’re here?”

  “If we win this, I’d recommend adopting Bella. First, if everything goes as planned, you wouldn’t have to worry about the Montgomery’s again. She’d be your daughter, therefore they’d have no legal rights to her. Secondly, if the judge knows your intentions, it might give you a bit of a boost.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. I figured since I was her guardian already…”

  “I think that’s a good idea,” Grey added, smiling at me. “You already treat her like your own, might as well make it legal.”

  “Of course, I’ll do it. I didn’t say I wouldn’t. I just hadn’t thought about it,” I admitted, overjoyed by the thought. “I’d love for her to be my daughter.”

  “As far as the money is concerned,” Jared continued, “it might be a good idea to come up with an offer. Maybe they’ll back down if they knew they were getting a part of the estate.”

  “I said the same thing to Oliver. He said they’d exploit anything we give them.”

  “I’ll speak to Oliver about this…find out why,” Jared assured me.

  “They can have every penny for all I care.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Jared muttered, glancing to Grey. “What about you, Grey? You’d be giving up your portion, as well.”

  Grey shrugged. “I’ve already given most of it to my family. I don’t want it, either…not after what I’ve found out about Jon. I’m sure my family wouldn’t be too heartbroken to see it go. They’ve had the same outlook as me.”

  “That’s good then. I’ll speak with the Montgomery’s attorney and see if we can sit down to discuss the possibilities. It will save everyone some grief if we settle this outside of court.”

  “I think that’s best, too,” Galen chimed in.

  Jared stared down at his notes again, nodding to himself. “I think that about covers it then.” He slipped the notepad and pen back into his briefcase. “I’ll call you when I have some questions compiled for you.”

  Galen got to his feet, saying, “It’s late, and we still have a lot of work to do.”

  Jared followed Galen’s lead and stood. “You’re right.” His gaze met mine. “We won’t allow you to lose Bella, Clara. I believe we have a very good chance of winning this.”

  Grey helped me up and kept an arm around my shoulders while I said, “Thanks, Jared. I appreciate all your help.”

  “Me too,” Grey concurred, shaking Jared’s hand.

  I glanced at Bella sleeping in her swing, more hopeful than I was before.


  The house was quiet as I shut Bella’s door. She was fast asleep, without a worry in the world. She had no idea what we were facing, which made me happy. It was better that this was happening now, rather than later in her life. If I lose her, she wouldn’t know that heartbreak. She’d be too little to remember, even though I’d be devastated if it came to pass.

  I let out a woeful sigh as I walked downstairs. Grey was lounging on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table, a tumbler of whiskey in his hand. He watched the flames of the fire dance in the fireplace, his expression stark.

  I grabbed the glass of wine waiting for me and relaxed next to him, pulling my feet under me. I leaned against him and rested my head on his shoulder. He’d been quiet since Galen and Jared had left. I’d been busy taking care of Bella, so I hadn’t had a chance to discuss things with him. I had no idea what he was thinking.

  I sipped my wine and watched the flames with him, giving him a few more minutes to sort out his thoughts, hoping he’d confide in me. The sounds of the fire crackling were the only sounds in the room for a long while.

  Done with the silence, I whispered, “What are you thinking?”

  His exhale came out pained. “I’m worried.”

  “I know… Me too.”

  “What are our chances? Do you think they’ll win?”

  I turned my cheek and kissed his neck. “We can’t allow ourselves to think like that. We cannot lose her, Grey. We have to keep the faith.”

  “You’re right.” His whisper was soft, hesitant.

  “If they thought we didn’t have a chance, Galen and Jared would tell us, too,” I advis
ed, conveying more optimism than I felt.

  “Just don’t run from me,” he whispered again.

  I sat up and put my feet on the floor, studying him. “What?”

  “I’m scared that if this doesn’t go our way, you’ll run back to Chicago and never look back.”

  Hurt, I stated, “You need to have more faith in me.”

  He finally took his eyes off the fire and stared at me, his apprehension unmasked. “I do have faith in you, but I know you, too, Clara. When things get hard, you retreat into yourself.” He paused when he felt me recoil. “This isn’t a bad thing, darlin’. Everyone has a coping mechanism, and yours is to shut down. And I understand why. But I’m afraid that if the Montgomery’s get Bella, it’ll drive you away from me. I won’t just lose Bella if that happens – I’ll lose you, too.”

  “Oh, honey.” I cupped his jaw and tilted my head. “I’m sorry this is bothering you. Our relationship hasn’t been the easiest. We’ve faced things unimaginable, and I’ve been dealing with my past on top of that. We’ve hit a bunch of roadblocks, but I promise you I won’t run. If, God forbid, we lose Bella, I’ll stay right here with you, finding comfort in that. I cannot lose you, either. I love you.”

  He took my hand in his and rubbed his cheek against it. “I love you, too.”

  “You and I will be okay. We’ll come through this stronger than ever, no matter what way it goes.”

  Switching gears, he murmured, “I think Jared’s idea about adoption is a good one.”

  I grinned. “I’m looking forward to that. Once this mess is cleared up, I’ll talk to Galen about it.”

  “Good. And when we’re married, I want to adopt her, too.”

  My heart stuttered in my chest. “Married?” I squeaked.

  “I’m not askin’ yet, Clara. When I do, you’ll know,” he guaranteed, his eyes glinting. “When it does, I want you to know that I want Bella to be my daughter, too. Hell, I already think of her as mine.”

  I gave him a watery smile. “I’d love that,” I whispered.

  “I’ve thought about this since the day in my office,” he continued, his voice soft. “I know you can’t have children, Clara. I’m okay with that…but I wanted to see if you ever thought about surrogacy. I want more children with you one day, darlin’. I don’t want Bella to grow up without any siblings.”


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