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AA (Alcoholics Anonymous), 62, 73–74, 103, 109, 121, 324, 522
AAS (American Association of Suicidology), 116, 118, 201, 258, 304, 309, 310, 350–51, 417, 524
Abimelech (biblical figure), 151
abortion, 144, 317
Abram, Morris, 368
accidents, 269–70, 273–74
accidie, 162
active listening, 287
Addison, Joseph, 166
Adkins, Janet, 376, 378, 379, 382, 384, 385, 399, 572n
ler, Alfred, 188
Admiraal, Pieter, 390–91
“Admonitions of a Sage,” 129–31
adolescent depression, 41–43, 321, 322, 331
adolescent suicide, 15–126
of African Americans, 252–53
antidepressant medication and, 3, 57, 319, 321–22
attempts vs. completion of, 38–39, 95–97, 438
case histories, 15–37, 59–79, 93–94, 97–110, 121–26, 518–20
causality of, 39–58
childhood trauma and, 45, 60, 61, 252–53
clusters of, 2, 11, 39, 78–83, 85–86, 87, 92, 114–15, 116, 259
cultural influences on, 53–55, 86–92, 139, 542n–43n
depression as factor in, 41–43, 322
home location of, 95
as impulsive act, 48–49
in Japan, 139
of males vs. females, 38, 39, 97, 260, 264
mother-infant bonding issues linked with, 46–47
of Native Americans, 259, 260
parental loss and, 43–44
parents’ divorces after, 125
peer reactions to, 31–34, 36, 37, 81, 123–24, 126
prevention programs on, 2, 32, 37, 79, 111–20, 259, 260–61
psychiatric hospitalization and, 63–65, 71–72, 103–4, 105–10
rates of, 2, 3, 11, 37–39, 51, 56–57, 197, 252, 314, 539n
serotonin dysfunction in, 47–48
sexual-identity concerns and, 48, 66, 101–2, 264–66
substance abuse and, 46, 48, 62, 73–74, 93, 99–100, 101, 103–5, 106
triggering events of, 48–49
Viennese psychoanalytic panel on, 86, 188
adrenaline junkies, 275
advance directives, 371–72
adversity, responses to, 222, 256
AEA (autoerotic asphyxiation), 83
Aedesius, 152
African Americans, 234–35, 251–58, 263, 557n–58n
African Homicide and Suicide (Bohannan), 85
African tribal cultures, 131–32, 133, 135, 364
Age of Reason, The (Paine), 87
aggression, psychoanalytic theories of, 188, 189–90
aggressive behavior:
antidepressants in reduction of, 320
mass media violence coverage vs., 542n
serotonin function vs., 196
suicide as, 224–26, 239
suppression of, 245
in young male suicides, 47–48
Ahithophel (biblical figure), 152
AIDS, 38, 263–64, 270, 384, 386–87, 429
air hunger, 406
Alabama Indians, 132, 259
Alaska, high suicide rate of, 247
Albigensians, 155
alcohol abuse, 41, 46, 271–73
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 62, 73–74, 103, 109, 121, 324, 522
Alexander, Amy, 255, 257
Alexander, Leo, 421
Alexander III (the Great), King of Macedon, 136
Allen, Nancy, 351
Al-Queda, 186
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), 382
altruistic suicide, 1, 186–87
Alvarez, A.:
on Donne’s suicidality, 161, 162
on family history of suicide attempts, 230, 496
on history of suicide, 85, 268
on impulsive behavior, 445
on logic of suicide, 229–30, 250
on painless methods, 234
suicide attempted by, 230
on triggering events, 49
Alzheimer’s disease:
mercy killing and, 570n
suicide of people with, 378, 575n
Amboyna, 431
Ambrose, Saint, 548n
American Association of Suicidology (AAS), 116, 118, 201, 258, 304, 309, 310, 350–51, 417, 524
American Psychiatric Association (APA), 262, 326–27, 438
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), 389
Amish, suicide study of, 198
amygdala, 194
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 382
Anatomy of Melancholy, The (Burton), 162, 267–68
Anatomy of Suicide, The (Winslow), 179
anesthetics, 366, 416, 490, 574n
Angell, Marcia, 368, 427, 442
of suicidal persons, 491
of survivors, 491–92, 500, 520
bereavement behavior exhibited by, 489
euthanasia of, 366, 415, 436
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 353
anomic suicide, 187, 188, 255, 551n
anorexia nervosa, 273
Anthony, Saint, 153
anticonvulsant medications, 320, 564n
antidepressants, 318–23
compliance rates on, 320, 564n
development of, 3, 195, 318–20
dosage levels of, 320
efficacy of, 320–21
in Japan, 143
lethal potential of, 320
pediatric prescriptions of, 3, 57, 319, 321–22
psychotherapy vs., 318, 322–23, 439
rollback phase in use of, 320
SSRIs, 3, 143, 192, 319, 320–23, 331
suicidality allegedly induced by, 3, 57, 321–22, 539n
antiretroviral medications, 264
anxiety attacks, 490
Aokigahara-Jukai, 342, 344
APA (American Psychiatric Association), 262, 326–27, 438
Appointment with Doctor Death (Betzold), 572n
April, highest suicide rates in, 249
Arango, Victoria, 191–92, 193, 197, 200–201
Arapaho, 259
Archer, William, 444, 445
Aristotle, 146, 156, 415
Arizona, suicide rate of, 247
Arluke, Arnold, 437
Arnold, Alice, 300–301
Aronowitz, Eugene, 79
Arras, John, 445
Arroyo Seco Bridge, 342
Artaud, Antonin, 226
“Arts, The” (Hippocrates), 365
Åsberg, Marie, 195–96, 200
asceticism, 153, 154, 547n, 560n
Asimos, Chrisula, 324
assimilation, cultural, 248, 251, 256–57
assisted suicide, see euthanasia
Hebrew scapegoat ritual of, 492
suicide as, 139, 223
Aubrey of Wystelesburg, 467
Auenbrugger, Leopold, 179
Auer (German physician), 422
Augustine, Saint, 154, 156, 203, 414
Augustus, Emperor of Rome, 365
Auschwitz, 222
aboriginal tribes of, 275
voluntary euthanasia in, 410, 573n
suicide attempts prosecuted in, 164
suicide rates of, 187, 246
autoerotic asphyxiation (AEA), 83
auto fatalities, 273–74, 354, 542n
autonomy, 418–19, 424, 425, 435–36
see also free will
AUTONOMY, Inc., 435
Aymara Indians, 365
Aztecs, 135
baby boomers, 432
Bacon, Francis, 366
Baechler, Jean, 277, 560n
Baganda, 131–32
balance-sheet suicide (Bilanz-Selbstmord), 417
Baldessarini, Ross, 319, 320
Baldwin, James, 253
Balogh, David, 92
Baltus, Ellen, 388
Bancroft, Anne, 305
Bannaus, 132
baptism, 152
barbiturate suicides:
access limitations on, 346–47, 392, 408
in euthanasia, 375, 376, 385, 386–87, 388, 392–93, 399, 402, 408, 410, 411
plastic-bag methods vs., 399, 408, 411
Barbusse, Henri, 270
Barnard, Christiaan, 374, 375, 571n
Barnes, Donna Holland, 557n–58n
Barnett, Isobel, 223
Barraclough, Brian, 438
/> Barrington, Mary Rose, 436
Barron, Bailey, 512, 513, 516
Barron, Fredi, 513, 525
Barron, Stanley, 512, 525
Bartling, William, 571n
Batavia, Andrew, 435–36
Battie, William, 178
Battin, Margaret Pabst, 419, 442, 444–45
Beachy Head, cliffs at, 341
Beaumont, Louis de, 164
Beccaria, Cesare, 172
Beck, Aaron, 43, 314, 323
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (SSI), 314
Beddoes, Thomas, 175
befriending, 294
behavioral psychological therapies, 314, 323
Belarus, suicide rate of, 246
Belgium, euthanasia practices legalized in, 573n
Bell Jar, The (Plath), 229
Benin, sacrificial suicides in, 135
Bentham, Jeremy, 167
Berdyaev, Nicholas, 415
Bergman, Ingmar, 518
Berman, Alan, 49, 50, 54, 543n
Berryman, John, 495
Best in Show, 523
Betzold, M., 572n
Beyle, François-Marie (Voltaire), 167, 168–69, 174, 469
Biathanatos (Donne), 161–62, 165, 267, 420
Bible, 151–52, 267, 472
Bicêtre mental institution, 180, 334
Bilanz-Selbstmord (balance-sheet suicide), 417
Bills of Mortality, 182
Billy Budd (Melville), 569n
Binding, Karl, 367
Binet-Sanglé (French physician), 444
Binstock, Robert, 433
Binswanger, Ludwig, 531
bipolar disorder (manic depression):
in children, 42, 541n
dialectical behavior therapy for, 323
failure of treatment for, 492
medications for, 64, 229, 318, 319–20, 353
substance abuse and, 272
suicidality vs., 41
black bile, 194
Black Death, 84, 187
Black Panthers, 254
Blackstone, William, 173, 468
Blair, Robert, 174
blame, 492
bleeding, medical technique of, 271
blister packaging, 347
Blumenthal, Susan, 79, 200
Bohannan, Paul, 85, 364
Boismont, Brierre de, 181, 183, 184
Boldt, Menno, 354
Bolivia, Aymara Indians of, 365
Bolton, Edmund, 267
Bolton, Iris, 475
Bonger, W. A., 562n
Booth, William, 293
borderline personality disorder, 41, 323, 351
Borneo, suicide beliefs of, 133
Bostrom, Alan, 336
Boswell, James, 173–74
Boudin, 184
Bowlby, John, 46–47, 489
Boyd, Jeffrey, 347, 348
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