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Climax Page 10

by Kohl, Sexxa

  His breathing quickens in the phone and drives me even more over the edge.

  “Taste yourself, Raven. See how sweet that pussy of yours tastes.”

  I am still in a daze from my orgasm, but I manage to pull my soaked fingers up to my mouth and ease them between my lips.

  “Mmmmm,” I moan unknowingly into the phone.

  “Raven?” he whispers, his breathing now erratic and desperate. I know this is having just as much an effect on him as it is on me.

  “Yes, Sir?” I reply and hear him let out a hiss and growl.

  “Go to the ladies bathroom down the hall and face the wall. Do it NOW!” he demands and then the line goes dead.

  What the hell? He’s here?

  My body reacts before I have time to consider my actions. Without thinking, I jerk my head up just in time to catch the dark shadow move away from the light of the balcony overhead. He’s been watching me all along. Did he see me looking for him just then? I know I don’t have much time to follow his instructions.

  Grabbing my coat and purse, I make my way to the bathroom in the front hallway of the church. The moment I am inside, I see that I am alone. Laying my things on the chair, I walk towards the long wall. Tracing my fingertips across the familiar flowers on the wallpaper, I smile. It’s been over twenty years, and they still haven’t changed this!

  Suddenly, the door behind me opens and I feel the electrified shift in the air. It smolders with sex and desire so intense that it instantly causes my clit to begin throbbing. I don’t understand what is changing in me. It terrifies me how much my body needs him. Mr. R. inches closer and closer, his hypnotic spicy cologne filling my nose. No matter how badly I want to, I don’t dare turn around to face him. I know that it isn’t allowed. The loud click of the lock indicates that he means business. I hear the leather of his belt as he slides it through his pant loops.

  “Keep facing forward, Raven! Put your hands on the wall! You know the rules! You forgot to bring your blindfold, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry,” I reply as I place my hand on the crumbling, floral wallpapered wall. His hand inches underneath my skirt and he discovers that I’ve already removed my panties.

  “Very good, Raven. What a little slut you are. You really should be ashamed that you made yourself come on that pew.”

  My body sings its lustful melody. I want him inside of me.

  “Spread those feet apart. I’m going to fuck you hard and quick! Don’t hold ANYTHING back from me! I want to hear you scream to the Heavens above! I want God to see just what a dirty girl you really are! Trust me. He already knows that I’m going to make you come harder than you ever have in your life!”

  I hear him jerk his zipper down and drop his pants. In one swift move, he grabs my hips, spreads my cheeks, and rams his long hard cock inside of me. This is the first time that I’ve felt him bare and I had no idea how magnificent it would feel. I can feel every ridge of his smoldering hot dick as it slides in and out of my wetness.

  Fucking hell! This feels so damn good!

  With his free hand, he slips the brown leather belt around the base of my throat, pulling it hard against my skin. My head slings back and rests against the front of his forehead as he fucks me harder and harder from behind. My airway becomes restricted, making my world dizzy. I don’t care. I just want more of him. The sweet, musky scent of sex flavors the air around us while the glorious sound of our skin slapping against one another echoes in the small bathroom.

  Digging my fingernails into the crumbling floral wallpaper, delicious sensations ripple through my body. Waves of ecstasy wash over me. He releases the leather belt from around my neck and the metal buckle hits the floor beside me. I want to turn and see his face so badly, but I know better than to ever risk it. Reaching up, he wraps his hand around my long dark waves, forcefully yanking me back to him. He slowly breathes in my hair and a loud growl fills my ear. His free hand slides off the wall and lands on my ass. Two hard strikes to my skin, then his fucking becomes even more feral.

  “Give me more of that ass!” he grits out as he yanks back violently on my hair.

  The instant I push out my ass, I take all of him in the next forceful thrust. The wonderful sensation of holding all of him inside of me is mind blowing. My eyes roll in the back of my head when the tip of his cock presses hard into my cervix.

  “Fuck, Baby! That’s it! Feel all of me!” He gasps and wraps his other hand around my waist.

  “OH GOD!” I yell as the orgasm erupts through my body. There is no way I can hold anything back. He owns my body.

  “Go ahead and scream His name. Just remember, He isn’t the one making you come! I AM!”

  “Oh … my AAGHHHHH!” I scream louder, not caring who can hear me.

  “FUCK! FUCK!” he shouts, coating my core with his hot seed.

  I’ve never felt anything as erotic as his spurts of cum.

  I can’t breathe. Every inch of my body is still on fire for him. He is gasping for air just as much as I am right now. I frown when he pulls out of me. Inside of me is the only place I want him to be. I know it is insane to say, but it’s as if he belongs there. Bracing myself against the wall, I catch myself before my knees give way. I expect to hear him begin dressing, but he doesn’t. Lifting up my curls, I feel him brush my hair to the side, exposing the skin of my bare back. I feel his lips lightly brush across my neck. My sex throbs, begging him to push back inside of me. His hot tongue traces across my neck and down to my shoulder.

  “Raven, what are you doing to me?” he whispers so low that I wonder if I am even meant to hear it.

  He blows across my skin where he’s licked, sending shivers all the way down my spine.

  I want him. God help me, I do. How can I need him so much? I’ve never even seen his face! I don’t even know his name. He is a stranger.

  I feel him reach beside me to pick up his belt. Unexpectedly, he slips it around my neck once more, forcing my head back towards him.

  “You are fucking amazing, Raven. So. Fucking. Amazing.” He trails his finger down my hip. When he pulls away, I instantly sadden at the familiar sounds of him dressing. How can I bear for him to do this to me over and over again? Better yet, how do I survive this in the end? I will be ruined. Who am I kidding? I am already ruined.

  The door shuts behind me, and I know he is gone. Adjusting my skirt, I try to compose myself. I feel the warmth of his cum as it trails down my inner thigh. Reaching down, I swipe it with my finger and draw it into my mouth. The mixture of his pleasure and mine is so damn erotic, so delicious. I don’t want to clean myself up. I want every part of him to remain on me. I wear his marking. He has claimed me. This man has awakened desires in me that I never want to sleep again.


  I can’t wipe the smile off my face as I close the bathroom door behind me. Turning down the narrow corridor of the church, I hesitate at the table to take a mint from the crystal bowl. When I look up, two old ladies with horrified looks on their faces are standing in the hall. Judging by the looks on their faces, I’m sure they heard us in there fucking. Giving them a wink, I pop the mint in my mouth and continue walking.

  I hear the gasping and loud talking as they both enter the bathroom. I’m sure Raven is about to get the scolding of her life, but I think she can handle them. People are so self-righteous. Sex is not something to be ashamed of. I bet the two old wenches haven’t gotten any in years. I’ll admit, fucking in a church is a bit much, but I would gladly chance losing my soul to experience that again with her. HOLY SHIT, that was off the charts HOT!

  My plan has worked. She’s passed my test. I’ve reminded her who is in charge. The only catch is that I feel like I’m slipping even further out of control. She claims more and more of me each time I am with her. If things keep going like this, by the time this contract is over, I will be bowing at her feet. That can never happen. I will never love anyone.


  Throwing up my hand at the two women
, I angrily fling open the door and leave. Something inside me has changed. I feel almost empowered by what we’ve just done. I feel no shame. I crave him and don’t know why. He is a stranger; I know nothing about him.

  I shouldn’t be smiling, but I am. Being new to sex, I have nothing to compare this to, but I can easily say that this has been incredible. My body still hums from the excitement he made me feel. I don’t know why, but every time we are together, I imagine Beautiful Man touching me. Maybe that is why I desire him so much. I’ve deluded myself with this fantasy.

  Leaving the church, I head to the bank to make the wire transfer to the hospital. Afterwards, I grab a chicken salad sandwich from the corner deli and sit on the bench to enjoy the warm sunshine. People pass me by. Some men smile at me. I wonder if they know or can sense what I’ve just done.

  Can they smell the sex that lingers on my body?

  I close my eyes. I can still smell his cologne; his touch is saturated into my skin. When this contract is over, he will walk away; I will walk away.

  Thing is, I am not sure I will want him to.

  I’m not sure if I can.


  It’s official. I’m a stalker.

  I have told myself that I am not going to do it, but I’ve followed her home. This part of the neighborhood isn’t bad, but the place where she lives should be condemned. The building looks as if it hasn’t had any repairs in decades. This makes my blood boil with anger. I cross the street and make my way inside of her apartment building, scanning the list of tenant names on the inside mail boxes. My fingers land on the only Michaels name in the building. Michaels 4D. That has got to be her.

  The elevator has an OUT OF ORDER sign taped to the outside. When I see an older lady with a walker having to take the stairs, it makes me want to find the owner and break his fucking legs. I gently take her arm and help her up the flight of stairs. As we reach her second level apartment, she pats me on the cheek and smiles. Once I leave her, I climb the additional two stories, and find myself standing in front of Blaire’s apartment. Jiggling the doorknob, I am pissed to find it so loose. It doesn’t take but one swipe of my credit card to gain access. As I look around the small, cramped space, I can’t help but wonder how she lives here. The tiny living room is overtaken by a huge hospital bed and medical equipment. A small kitchen bar overflows with medicine bottles.

  As I look around, I find myself drawn to the second door on the left. When I open the door, I am immediately slammed by her delicious scent. It’s so damn hypnotic that it makes me lose myself for a moment. Closing my eyes, I slowly breathe in, savoring it as it flows deep into my senses. I open my eyes and take in the room around me. Her trophies, her awards, the framed snapshots of her life growing up, they all tell the story of my beautiful Blaire Michaels.

  She deserves so much better than this place, so much more than the life that she’s been handed. For the time being, Blaire belongs to me. And I intend to make things easier for her, starting right now.

  Day 6


  The past two days have been a complete blur. Thankfully, my mom makes it through her surgery without any complications. The doctors have said they will have to watch for signs to make sure her body doesn’t reject the valve they have placed in her. I think I’ve said at least a thousand prayers since they took her back for the procedure. Although she still hasn’t woken up, the doctors are very pleased with her progress. Her color is already almost back to normal and the heat of her skin has finally returned.

  Mr. R hasn’t contacted me at all. I can’t help but find that to be strange. I’ve even worried that something is wrong with my new phone, but that hasn’t been the case. I can only assume that he will contact me when he is ready. Right now, I just need some rest. As much as I hate to, I’m going to have to return to my apartment to lay down. Maybe now that I know my mom’s doing better, I can sleep more soundly in my own bed.

  On the drive home, I can barely hold my head up. Parking the car across the street, I notice a huge moving van at the front entrance. Someone is either moving out of this dump or regretfully moving in. To be in a decent part of town, it is probably the most rundown building in the city. I don’t know how it has managed to evade inspection like it does.

  The Out of Order sign is no longer taped to the elevator door, and I’m left shaking my head in amazement. I’ve been living here for over a year now, and that thing stays broken more than it ever works. Normally, I would just as soon take the stairs, but I am so exhausted that I choose to take the ride on the elevator. I prop my head on the inside wall and listen for the fourth ding to indicate I’ve arrived on my floor.

  As I step off the elevator, a heavyset man pushing a two-wheeler with boxes stacked high almost crashes into me.

  “Oh, excuse me, Miss. I didn’t see you,” he politely apologizes.

  “It’s fine.” I wave off our encounter and continue towards my apartment. Taking the few remaining steps, I rummage through my purse for my apartment keys. I am stunned when I reach my door and find it wide open.

  For a second, I think it is just because I am so tired. I must be at the wrong apartment door. Then my eyes zone in on the picture frame in the mover’s hand, and I know I am at the right place.

  Wait! That’s mine! What is going on?

  “What the hell is going on?” I scream at the man covering my frame with bubble wrap. I reach down and snatch it out of his hands, and he frowns at me.

  “We have orders to move this resident out of her apartment,” the man says.

  For a second, I panic. I haven’t paid the rent yet for this month, but it is way too soon to be evicted.

  Isn’t it?

  “Who are your orders from?” I demand and the large man huffs, shoving a clipboard into my clenched hands.

  Scanning it over, the paperwork only shows my current address. It does not give any names for billing or who ordered the move in the first place. The only thing listed is the new address where they are moving me. This has got to be some sort of error. These men obviously have the wrong apartment.

  “This is obviously a mistake. I’m not moving, so don’t you dare pack another thing!”

  The heavyset man takes the clipboard from my hand and shakes his head at me.

  “No mistake, ma’am. We were given specific orders to move everything from this address and set you up at the new address by this evening. If you don’t mind, I need to keep on schedule.”

  “Now you listen here! This is my apartment and …”

  I am interrupted by the ringing of my designated phone.

  Mr. R.

  “Hello, Raven.” His voice sends shivers through me.

  “I am sorry, but this isn’t a good time. I am dealing with something very import-”

  He cuts me off before I can continue.

  “Yes, well, important as it may be, need I remind you to not use that tone with me?”

  “No, Sir, but you don’t understand what is going on here.”

  “Tell me what is wrong, Raven. Why are you so upset? I don’t like it.”

  “There are a whole team of movers here to move me out of my apartment. I can’t get anyone to understand that this is some kind of mistake.”

  “It’s no mistake, Raven. I issued the order myself.”

  “You? But why?”

  “Where you live is unacceptable. I’m a very busy man, Raven, and I can’t be worried about you when I am not around.”

  “Where I live is none of your business!” I yell into the phone. I try to disguise the hurt in my voice. Why is he putting down my home? He has no idea how hard I’ve fought to keep us here. The anger overtakes me, and I continue lashing out at him.

  “I’m doing the best I can do! You don’t understand anything about me! How could you?”

  “Calm down, Raven.” His voice suddenly softens.

  I have prepared myself to get a verbal lashing at my outburst with him. I’m sure I will be punished physically the next tim
e he wants me.

  “I’m trying to be calm, but you don’t understand what this is like for me. Especially right now,” I sob into the phone.

  “I’m trying to help you, Raven, not hurt you. The place you were living was in such bad need of repairs that I couldn’t bear for you to live there another moment. I’m moving you somewhere where I know you will be safe and taken care of.”

  “I appreciate your offer, but I can’t accept it. This may not be the Ritz to you, but it’s the best I can do for now.”

  “The movers will move you to your new address, Raven. Your new place is completely furnished, but feel free to change anything you like with your things. I will be contacting you later this evening.”

  And then the phone line goes dead. I stand there in a complete daze, looking at the phone in my hand. Movers continue moving around me, carefully packing items into boxes. Defeated, I stagger past them and go to my room, shutting the door behind me. Collapsing onto my bed, I no longer have the energy left in me to fight. Exhausted, I slowly begin to fall asleep. Beautiful man’s face is there when I close my eyes.


  Standing in my apartment, I stare out into the night. Car lights dance below and reflect across the dark river in front of me. No one would ever dispute that this is certainly the best view of the city. When I purchased this building three years ago, I renovated the top three floors, opening most of the space up like a studio apartment to appreciate the magnificent view through these large windows. Now, the new tenant below me can appreciate the same view she did when she signed her contract just days ago.

  Yes, that’s right. As of today, Blaire Michaels lives two floors below me. Whether she likes it or not, I will be taking care of her. Now that all the pieces of her puzzle come together, I’m seeing more and more about why she’s so independent. She has been taking care of everyone else for quite some time now, and it’s high time someone else starts taking care of her. She can fight me all she wants, but that is exactly what I will be doing.


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