Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book Page 17

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  “Well, maybe because you’re the type who would throw your last name and connections around to get in.” Nick made a disdainful face, as if he just ate an unpleasant plate of gyros.

  “On the contrary, mate. I’ve always disliked the world of the Bourgeoisies. One thing I’m sure of, though, is at least I had more balls in telling someone how I feel about her, as opposed to a coward hiding behind pies, Christmas trees and the friend zone!”

  Both men stared at each other. Darcey didn’t know what to make of the sudden turn of conversation. She couldn’t figure out how her friends could turn from two sophisticated gentlemen into two schoolboys who were ready to punch each other in the throat. She wondered if it would be terribly irresponsible of her if she were to pour her guests any more wine.

  She tried to come up with something to say to lighten the mood but then her phone flashed in front of her. It was a text message from Nathan. It read:

  Are we OK?

  What am I going to do with Nathan? She mused, quickly forgetting the nonsensical arguments occurring at her own dining table. The wine was making her head woozy. Knowing that Nathan was the guy who stole Nick’s girlfriend made her feel very weird about Nathan, no doubt. But it didn’t change the fact that she missed him. Her emotions were tearing her apart.

  She looked up from her phone and noticed both men staring at her. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. By the time she came out, Nick and Dimitri were back to being friendly with one another. They were laughing at some Youtube video Dimitri was showing Nick from a phone. A video of a baby goat kicking its siblings, no less.

  Men! Who could understand them? Darcey wanted to burn their fingers.

  Nick eventually left but not before assuring his friends he was fine to drive. Darcey made him walk a straight line which he executed like a pro. She then sat with Dimitri on her living room couch to watch the late night news.

  “Each day the news gets worse and worse.” She sighed after hearing about another shooting episode in America.

  “I know. When I went back to Greece, the condition of our economy was depressing to say the least.”

  Darcey placed her teacup on the table and turned to look at him. He went on. “I really didn’t want to admit this but I was affected. I chose a life different from my family’s choice for me. But at the end of the day, I would return to them if they ask and help them repair what the older generations have worked so hard to build.”

  Beneath Dimitri’s handsome features, Darcey saw a man whose love for his country and family ran deep. She found it very admirable. She knew that at the end of the day, despite his carefree ways, Dimitri was a man who would choose to do the right thing.

  She smiled at him and patted his hand. “No family is perfect. We look around and we sometimes wonder why our families aren’t picture perfect. But in reality, it’s only the surface that we see. No one really knows what goes on behind closed doors.”

  Dimitri’s eyes softened. He turned his palm over and squeezed her hand. Darcey gently pulled her hand away. She felt comfortable around him but didn’t want to send the wrong signals.

  “I didn’t grow up with a father, Dimitri. Sometimes I wish he would visit me. Sometimes I wish he would come home and tell me he’s sorry for leaving us.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s OK because my grandpa was like a father to me. Besides, my mom was just so wonderful. She never made me feel lonely. Our family will always be our source of strength. Even if you want to have a different life, you just can’t deny that you’re a Stenolaskis. People would trade to be in your shoes in a heartbeat. But the fact that you see that the best things in life don’t come with a price tag, I find that very admirable.”

  “Darcey, you’re really special. I--”

  She shook her head and put a hand up to silence him. “No, it’s common knowledge. We’re just too busy working for things that don’t really matter in the end, forgetting the things that actually do.”

  He cleared his throat. “Darcey, I pride myself to be a very straightforward guy. When I want something, I’ll move mountains to get it.”

  “Well, there you go, that’s the spirit.” She forced a cheerful tone.

  “Darcey, I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to say to you.”

  Darcey gave him a puzzled look. As far as she was concerned, he might as well have been speaking Greek.

  “Darcey, from the very first time I saw you, I was intrigued. You’re funny, adorable. Always getting into mishaps yet I find myself drawn to you. What I’m trying to say is, I’m really, really into you. I like you. A lot.”

  Darcey could feel the blood rush out of her face. She felt weak.

  The confession, the kind she once wished to hear from Superman next door, didn’t seem right anymore. It wasn’t how she imagined it to be with Dimitri. Wasn’t she supposed to feel happy?

  “Dimitri, first of all thank you. Your words flatter me. But…”

  “Don’t you feel the same way?” He stared at her with sad eyes, making it harder for Darcey to say what had to come next.

  “I mean, well, yes, I was attracted to you. Very much so. But I don’t feel that way. Anymore.” She smiled weakly. Looking at his deep brown eyes, she wished she still felt the way she did when she first laid eyes on him. “I want to be honest with you. I want to be fair because we have become good friends. I don’t want to lead you on.”

  “I understand. Maybe, who knows, I could change your mind. I really like you, Darcey.” He stared wistfully at the large window in the living room. “It’s that guy Nick, isn’t it?”

  “Huh? What do you mean?” His question genuinely surprised her.

  “Come on, Darcey. All night long you weren’t yourself. I’m not blind. Your so-called friend is in love with you.”

  She laughed. “Dimitri, you got it all wrong, Nicholas isn’t in love with me.”

  He reached out to stroke her cheek softly. “Darcey, I’m a guy. I know when a guy likes a girl.”

  “Well, you’re wrong. Nick and I are just good friends.”

  Dimitri’s eyes narrowed. “So, if it’s not Nicholas, then who?”

  She stared at him with wide eyes. “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know.”

  She knew it was a big lie.

  Chapter 21

  As promised, Darcey took Carmen to Onslow square for the Christmas tree lighting and a small Christmas fair. They were greeted with yummy festive delights. It was difficult to get enough of treats like German sausages, bratwursts, good old cotton candy, mulled wine, candy apples, marshmallows, chocolate-covered fruits and freshly made pretzels.

  The little girl couldn’t contain her excitement. “Darcey, look it’s Father Christmas!” Carmen pointed at the authentic looking Santa Clause. He might as well have stepped out of the pages of old Christmas films and books. “Can we please talk to him later? I want to tell him what I want for Christmas.”

  “Of course, sweetie.” Darcey patted the child’s soft blonde hair and adjusted Carmen’s scarf.

  They walked to where a large crowd was gathered. A tall dapper guy stood on the stage, hosting the event. To the side was a group of carollers singing beautifully.

  “Do you see what I see!” Carmen sang along at the top of her voice.

  The performers ended a classic and popular Christmas song on a high note and the host thanked the event sponsors. “The staff and patients at St. Luke’s are very grateful for the generosity of all our sponsors, especially that of the charity president who I would like to invite up here on stage to say a few words. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a round of applause for the COO of Club 42 and head of the committee charity that supports St. Luke’s, Mr. Nathan Cromwell.”

  Even with the loud applause, Darcey heard Nathan’s name clearly. The tall figure that occupied most of her thoughts walked up the stage. It was the face she knew only too well. But there was a different air about him as he stood in front of an audience. The charming and
gentle Nathan exuded charisma and authority.

  She felt her heart pound at the sight of Nathan. His bespoke tailored suit made him appear all the more dignified. Yet his face was the same face who gave her the kisses that caused her toes to curl and her cheeks to blush a deep crimson.

  Nathan smiled at the audience. He waited for the applause to die down. His voice was enigmatic, at least to Darcey’s ears. She couldn’t look away. Feelings she tried to repress rushed back with a vengeance.

  After an introduction on the history of St. Luke’s charitable projects, Nathan spoke about the magic of Christmas.

  “Christmas, they say, is a time of hope and love. People look forward to this season each year because it’s a season that culminates the gathering of family and friends. The season is a reminder of love that was given the day our Savior was born. I hope each one of us can find it in our heart to share that same love to the very people around us. To the parent we haven’t spoken to in years, to the lonely man who eats alone at work, to the stranger with the sad eyes.”

  Nathan paused and looked at the crowd. Darcey held her breath. He was staring right at her. Could it be? Did his eyes really find her in the crowd? She couldn’t trust her imagination yet she felt her whole body tense, remembering his touch.

  His next words sounded as if he was talking directly to her.”After an unfortunate event, I personally wasn’t a big fan of Christmas. Even as a little boy growing up, I felt more like Uncle Scrooge.”

  Laughter came from the crowd. Nathan smiled before continuing. “Luckily for me, I met someone from this Christmas present who made me forget the ghosts of Christmas past. My outlook has changed, not only for this season but for life as a whole. I’m thankful for this person, thankful this wonderful blessing has given me hope once more. And maybe it would be too much to ask but I dare wish this person could be part of my Christmas future.”

  He then turned to look at Santa Claus on stage. “How about that, Santa? Can you grant me that wish?”

  Father Christmas gave Nathan his two thumbs up before Nathan went on. “I wish you all a Happy Christmas. Find someone to celebrate this season with, someone special, before it’s too late.”

  There was a hush in the crowd. Darcey could hear her own heaving breathing. Nathan rubbed his palms together and smiled handsomely at the crowd. “So, who has been good this year and wants to meet Santa? Anyone?”

  Most of the children in the crowd raised their hands but Carmen screamed out loud while jumping. “Me, me! Over here. Pick me!”

  Darcey almost covered the child’s mouth. She didn’t want Nathan to see them. “Maybe we should wait for our turn, sweetie. Let’s make someone else go first,” she said kindly.

  But the little girl was persistent. Darcey had been avoiding Nathan and now his eyes were scanning the crowd, searching for the excited young voice.

  “Pick me!” Carmen screamed even louder, jumping up a tad higher.

  The lights were so bright Nathan had to squint to find the screaming child. The people standing in front of Darcey stepped aside to make way for Carmen. After what felt like ages, Nathan finally saw them.

  He smiled widely when he got hold of the sight of Carmen dragging Darcey by the hand towards the stage. Nathan wore an inscrutable expression on his face as he walked down the stairs to greet them. As soon as he stood in front of Darcey, he didn’t say a word for what felt like forever.

  Nathan looked as uncomfortable as Darcey felt. She wanted to search for an escape route but she suddenly remembered that evening was for Carmen. The little girl wanted to meet Santa.

  Nathan extended his hand out Carmen and cheerfully said, “Hello there. I’m Nathan. And you are?”

  Carmen shook his hand like a proper lady and happily introduced herself. “Carmen. And this is my nanny. Well, she’s actually mummy’s personal assistant. But, anyway, her name’s Darcey.”

  Nathan offered Darcey his hand to shake. She lifted her chin and finally dared to look into his eyes. She found his eyes dancing with humour. She shook his hand. The simple touch sent electricity down her spine.

  “Hello, it’s my pleasure to meet you, Darcey.”

  Darcey smiled back and played along. “Oh no, the pleasure’s all mine, especially if Santa can grant Carmen’s wishes, Mr. Cromwell.”

  Two can play this game, Nathan, she thought to herself.

  She patted Carmen’s hair. “Right sweetie?”

  Carmen gazed back and forth between Darcey and Nathan, her eyes curious.

  “Come on, Carmen and Darcey,” Nathan said, his eyes never leaving Darcey’s face. “Let me escort you both to Father Christmas.”

  He took Carmen’s hand while Darcey held the little girl’s other one. People smiled at them as they walked up the stage. The host greeted them as soon as they got up and Nathan gave instructions.

  “Please ask the children to queue up and have the photographer ready.”

  The host made the announcement over the microphone, instructing the parents and children to form a line. Excited voices and laughter filled the air. Darcey felt some of the tension ease a bit. She was aware Nathan still had his eyes on her but didn’t dare stare into his face once more. She didn’t know how long she could contain the strong emotions heating up inside her. On one hand she was beyond happy to see him. On another hand, she knew he wanted nothing more than friendship and it was more than she could bear. Nick’s revelation about how Nathan stole his girlfriend did nothing to soothe her feelings.

  Carmen let go of both their hands and ran to Father Christmas, her small feet stomping hard on the wooden floor. Santa sat on a plush chair, surrounded by artificial reindeers.

  “Hello there, little girl! Ho, ho ho!”

  Darcey smiled and shrugged, quickly looking at Nathan before she followed Carmen. He trailed behind her, his eyes making her feel more self conscious than she could ever remember.

  “Hi, Santa. May I sit on your lap?” Carmen breathed.


  Nathan lifted Carmen carefully and placed her on Santa’s lap.

  “Now tell me, what’s your name?”

  “Santa, don’t you remember me? It’s me, Carmen. Maybe you don’t recognise me because I’m wearing a hat.”

  “Oh yes, Carmen.” Father Christmas looked up at Darcey and winked.

  “So, Carmen, have you been good this year?”

  Carmen looked thoughtful. She wrinkled her cute button nose.

  Darcey spoke for her. “Santa, I’m Darcey, her nanny. I can assure you Carmen has been nice. Most of the time.” She smiled sweetly at the little girl and winked.

  Carmen giggled. “Santa, I know you’ve been very busy but I’m really glad you came tonight. I often fall asleep when you come and eat the milk and cookies my brother Max and I leave out for you on Christmas eve.

  Santa chuckled. “Oh, why yes, they were absolutely delicious. Thank you, my dear. So, what is it you want for Christmas, Carmen?”

  “Well, Santa, you see, I have lots of toys, so much more than most of my friends. Daddy recently bought me a pony and mummy bought me loads of clothes last week when she came back from Paris. So I don’t really want anything but can you please tell Daddy to come home for Christmas day?”

  Darcey’s heart bled at the little girl’s request. Tears threatened to spill down her cheeks.

  “You see, I love my Daddy and Mummy very much and I would be very happy if we could spend Christmas together if Daddy doesn’t have to go to work.”

  Darcey choked back a tiny sob. “Carmen,” she started to speak.

  Nathan beat her to it. “Carmen, sweetie, that’s a very sweet thing to ask. I also wished for that when I was your age.”

  Carmen looked at Nathan with wide eyes. “And?”

  “Our Mummy and Daddy are quite alike. They want to give us all the toys in the world, along with all the nicest clothes and send us to the best trips and schools. That’s why sometimes they have to work longer than other parents do. I used to spend
Christmas alone with my sister and my nanny, too. But plenty of children have far less toys and some don’t even have parents and never get to meet Santa.” Nathan’s eyes softened.

  He looked at Santa before continuing. “Santa, I think I would like to give her my wish, too. I hope she gets to spend Christmas with her parents.”

  Santa patted the little girl’s head. “I’ll see what I can do, Carmen. I can’t promise you but let’s hope because Christmas is all about hope. You have been such a good girl. I’m sure you will have a happy Christmas, one that will tickle your heart, Carmen dear.”

  Carmen hugged Santa and a photographer took their photo. He then asked Nathan and Darcey to join the next shot. Before Darcey could protest, Nathan put an arm around her and smiled for the camera.


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