Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book

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Be Mine This Christmas: A Lovers in London Book Page 24

by Mary Lynn Cooper

  “Good night, mother. Your chauffeur is waiting for you outside,” Nathan said, his voice clipped. He kissed Sissi on both cheeks.

  Sissi lifted her chin and exhaled. It sounded like a huff. “Very well. Good night.” She waved and left the ballroom.

  Nathan faced Darcey and gave a small bow. “I’m heading home now. You may join me if you wish.” He turned around to leave.

  Darcey gave Nick a quick hug. “Good night.”

  She followed Nathan’s footsteps. It was going to be a long drive home.

  Chapter 30

  Darcey trailed behind Nathan. In silence they took their coats from the cloakroom.

  Darcey saw Dimitri leave with his parents. She felt sad to miss the chance to say goodbye but, for good and obvious reasons, she chose to remain next to Nathan.

  They stepped outside, the cold air greeted them sharply. Darcey shivered. Nathan, despite the angry expression on his face, removed his coat and placed it over her shoulders. She smiled, grateful for the extra warmth.

  They stood in silence for a few minutes. The valet finally delivered Nathan’s car. Her un-date went over to her side, opening the door for her.

  At least he hasn’t forgotten his manners, she thought.

  He put the key in the ignition and started the car. His eyes stared ahead. The car cut a right and the night lights of London sparkled around them. But the lovely cityscape did nothing to brighten the mood in the vehicle.

  After several minutes she couldn’t bear the silence any longer.

  “I had fun.”

  He didn’t reply right away. When he finally spoke, his tone was dry. “Good, it would be a shame if you didn’t.”

  The curt reply and cold expression on his face unsettled her. “Didn’t you have fun?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. If you were me, would that be considered fun?” His tone didn’t hide any irritation.

  She couldn’t take his irate behaviour. “Well, at least you put on a good show.” She slowly clapped, not caring if she was mocking him.

  He finally turned to look at her for a moment. “No, darling, I think you put on a good show. I didn’t realize how skillful you are.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. She tried to remain calm but her voice raised an octave. “So, was your £10,000 worth it?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged once more, annoying her further. “Are you worth £10,000, Miss Vaughn?”

  They were almost at her street. “What’s your problem, Nathan?” Her hands shook with rage.

  “My problem? I can’t believe someone with a master’s degree can be stupid.”

  She didn’t like his insults. Not one bit. “Are you going to tell me why you’re so cross with me?”

  He parked the car in front of her flat. When he didn’t reply she carried on. “Who the hell do you think you are? You think you can insult me like this? Sorry I’m not worth your £10,000, Mr. Cromwell. Let’s just hope the charity puts your money to good use.”

  “Darcey.” Nathan’s tone actually went down a notch. He looked taken back by the anger in her voice.

  She wasn’t done. “No, you listen to me. You took me to that stupid ball when clearly you didn’t even need a date since you’re in the committee. Yet you took me to make your precious Lena jealous. And, to top it all off, you didn’t bother to hide the fact that you think of me as nothing more than a trollop!”

  “I never said you’re a trollop.”

  “Let me remind you what you accused me of. Not that you deserve an explanation but Dimitri lives in my building and he was simply passing by when you saw us. Do you think I’m that sort of woman? Am I not allowed to have male friends?”

  Nathan scoffed, disbelief clouded his eyes. “And the fact that you were snuggling close to Nicholas before I cut you off? Did he finally declare his undying love for you?”

  She didn’t say a word, her anger was clouding her judgment.

  When she didn’t reply, he shook his head slowly. “You think I’m a fool? You should’ve asked Nick to take you home instead.”

  “You know what,” she replied, unable and unwilling to let his remarks go unnoticed anymore, “I wish I loved Dimitri because at least I know where I stand with him. He doesn’t play with me like a marionette. There’s a part of me that wishes I could return Nick’s love, too. The last thing I want to do is hurt him. The idea that I could break his heart--” She couldn’t finish.

  “Then why were you hugging him then?” Nathan glared at her.

  “Maybe because I know and understand how he feels. Did you ever consider that? I know what it’s like to love someone and not have that someone love you back!”

  It was his turn to be silent. His eyes glared at the street in front of him.

  She wasn’t done talking. “Whoever told you to donate £10,000 for a bid to dance with me?” Her eyes sparked with anger. “You’re right about one thing. I’m not worth the money because, Nathan, you can never afford me. You should’ve danced with Madeleine if you wanted her so badly.”

  To her surprise Nathan nodded. “You’re right.”

  That silenced her. He turned to meet her eyes. “You’re not worth £10,000 because you’re priceless.”

  She inhaled deeply. Was she hearing him right?

  He continued. “Neither Nicholas, Dimitri nor I could ever afford a woman as precious as you. But you’re wrong, too, because I didn’t do all that for Madeleine.”

  She raised a hand. “Stop. Please, I don’t want to listen anymore.” Nathan continued to confuse her. She didn’t know what to believe. “This conversation isn’t going anywhere. I better go.”

  She reached for the door handle but Nathan put his hand over hers. His grip was tight.

  “Don’t. Darcey. Please stay.” There was urgency in his voice.

  She stopped and turned towards him. “Nathan, let’s be honest with one another. How did I get that job from your mother? And why didn’t you tell me your family owns the publishing company?”

  “I sent her your work but her hiring you had absolutely nothing to do with me. You must know one thing about my mother—nobody can make Sissi Anderson do something, let alone hire someone to work for her without her approval.”

  There was sincerity in his voice. He hadn’t let go of her hand. His eyes were almost pleading, gone was the anger in his face.

  “Why did you bid that much to dance with me? Why did you kiss me? Not once, but several times?” Her eyes searched his face for answers.

  He was quiet for a full minute. When he finally spoke his voice was shaky. He didn’t sound like the confident Nathan she was so used to hearing.

  “Darcey, when I first met you at the café, the day I spilled coffee on you, I felt a spark. Something I couldn’t explain. Then when I saw you at that interview, I didn’t want to hire you.”

  He stared at the dashboard, unable to meet her eyes.

  “Why?” She involuntarily squeezed his hand.

  He sighed before speaking. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you working with Jack when I wanted you for myself. But after I was betrayed in the past, I couldn’t trust myself to fall in love again.”

  His confession shocked her. She could hardly believe she heard him right.

  He continued, his voice growing steadier once more. “When you took me to your grandpa’s birthday and I caught a glimpse of you holding your newborn niece, I fell in love with you. Right then and there, Darcey. But I knew you weren’t ready so I promised myself to be patient with you.”

  She shook her head. “But you said tonight it was all about having an audience, playing a part.”

  “I was jealous. I saw you in Dimitri’s embrace and all I saw was red.”

  “What do I mean to you then, Nathan?” She knew she had to ask, once and for all.

  He looked at her with gentle eyes. “Darcey, before I met you, I was fine being alone. I broke off my engagement with Madeleine a few days before Christmas, as soon as I found about her fling with your friend N
icholas. Christmas was never a good time for me. But you changed that.”

  The tears she fought back all evening won the battle. A teardrop cascaded down her cheek. Nathan slowly lifted his hand and, with utmost tenderness, brushed the tear away.

  She continued to shake her head slowly. “Why didn’t you tell me about Nick and your ex?”

  “Because it wasn’t his fault. Madeleine didn’t tell him we were engaged. I brought you tonight to tell the world I was finally ready. When I kissed you at the ballroom, that was my declaration. You won’t believe the number of times I had to stop myself from holding you. You make me happy, Darcey”

  He traced her face and her lips with his fingers, ever so softly.

  “Oh, Nathan, I’m such a fool. I ruined everything.” Another tear escaped.

  “I’m sorry for judging you. I’m sorry for all the hurtful words I uttered. And, most of all, for the times I pushed you away. God knows how much I want you, how much I wish you felt the same way.”

  Another tear fell, a tear made of joy.

  He cupped her face in his hands. “Shush, darling, don’t cry. You know I hate it when you cry.”


  “Because I love you.”

  She thought her heart was going to burst. “I love you, too, Nathan Cromwell.”

  He continued to hold her face with such gentleness, like she was the most fragile thing in the world.


  “Yes, my Darcey?”

  “If you truly love me like you claim, please be mine this Christmas.”

  “Not just this Christmas, but for a really, really long time. This time next year we will be celebrating Christmas with sand between our toes, sharing a kiss and a drink while we enjoy the view of the Pacific.”

  She paused, not understanding what he meant.

  Nathan laughed, a laughter filled with so much happiness. “Did you forget I have a home in Malibu? I’ve already made arrangements to move my operations to California, Darcey. You will be my angel in the City of Angels.”

  She couldn’t contain her joy. Darcey reached over and hugged him with all her might. “Nathan! I don’t know what to say! I deserve to be punished for causing you pain.”

  He gazed at her, the stunning eyes she loved so much shimmered with love.

  “Yes, indeed, Miss Vaughn. And I know just what punishment you deserve.“

  And with that, Nathan pulled her closer and gave her a deep kiss, a kiss that said what no words ever could.

  The End

  “Although it’s been said many times, many ways,

  A very Merry Christmas to you!”

  Excerpt of Mary Lynn Cooper’s

  Always, My Valentine (Trisha’s Story)

  Chapter 7

  Love is always in fashion, always. So, darling, allow me to tell you that nothing looks good on me, but you. Only you.

  “I’m so glad you’re here.” Trisha kissed Luis on the cheek.

  “Well, you know I can get into any event, anywhere. That’s why I love my job.” Luis sipped champagne as he scanned the room full of paparazzi, fashion students, socialites and other members of Europe’s high society. The Portico room at the Somerset House was elegantly designed to mimic the Havana in the 60’s, which happened to be the theme of Paula Bianca’s new collection. The Somerset House, being a major cultural centre in London, was the perfect place for the exclusive fashion show.

  “Look, it’s Bradley Cooper,” Luis said excitedly.

  “Luis, you’re with me, please don’t act like we care,” Trisha exclaimed, half jokingly. “Besides, that’s not Bradley Cooper, you’re blind. Most men prefer attending the Spring and Summer collection where the clothes will be skimpier, especially the swimsuit collection. Unfortunately for us, this happens to be the Autumn and Winter Fashion Week.”

  Despite what she just said, Trisha gave the man Luis was pointing out an admiring glance. He was indeed handsome, but she couldn’t care less about celebrities. She rarely felt star-struck, even if the Royal family was in attendance, except in the case of her favourite athlete.

  Luis flicked a soft hand in the air. “You have a valid point there, but I’m gay. I like fashion, regardless of the personalities in attendance. We just happen to be chilling with the stars. It’s just how we roll.” He giggled at his own pretentious comment. “And I wonder why you dislike this world so much! It’s dazzling and fabulous, you must admit. You get to sip champagne and people-watch the crème de la crème.”

  She groaned. “Luis, I don’t like being on society pages, and neither am I graceful enough to be a debutante, or be on the list of the young, rich and fabulous.” Trisha perused messages on her phone while her other hand dangled a champagne flute absentmindedly. Work had been piling up but she set time aside for the fashion show, as she promised Paula she would attend. And so much for being her date, Matt didn’t even check to see if she was coming.

  He can pack his ego and go to the hottest place on earth, she fumed inwardly. Trisha did admire fashion, despite her low-maintenance style, and she thought Marcus’s fiancé was a true artist. She had bought a few pieces from Paula’s line way before she heard of the designer’s impending nuptials.

  “Oh, look who just walked in,” Luis whispered, grabbing her arm.

  “Who?” Trisha asked, disinterested and with eyes still on her phone.

  “That’s Mia, the Spanish heiress who was last seen with Matt skiing in St. Moritz last month. Saw it on the Lipstick and Drama blog,” Luis replied. The Lipstick and Drama blog was the widely read yet vapid gossip blog of Edward Oman, the skinny oaf they ran into at the tennis courts. As much as Luis loathed the man, he had to admit Edward’s blog had an amazing, and usually accurate, grasp of high society gossip.

  Trisha immediately looked up when she heard Matt’s name, angry at herself for being interested. “And since when were you interested in Matt’s love affairs?” she asked Luis, annoyance dripping from her tone.

  “I wasn’t. I can’t help it when the photo caption said ‘Hot Affair Melts Any Snow’. Aren’t these two just the hottest couple? I must admit they both look gorgeous,” he told her nonchalantly. “And Mia can get Matt off your case. Isn’t that what you want?”

  Trisha felt her irritation grow by the second but she wasn’t sure why. “I bet they also have the same condescending attitude, making them just right for each other.”

  She didn’t know why the idea of Matt dating Mia would bother her. He didn’t mean anything to her, or at least that’s what she was trying to tell herself. He could take his flirting attitude and massage skills to the hottest place on the planet as well. Trisha didn’t trust Matthew Warwick one bit. She knew that despite his friendly attitude towards her recently, nothing could rewrite the history they unfortunately shared. A history the pained her to think about.

  She continued to pretend reading her emails but Trisha’s icy blue gaze stole glances at the Spanish beauty named Mia. Trisha was somewhat familiar with Mia Cequina, the only granddaughter of a wealthy retail magnate. The family’s chain of department stores was named after the beloved grandchild. Trisha knew her old friend Cristina and Mia were close, and, with a heavy heart, she had to admit the newcomer looked fantastic. Mia, dressed in a tight white dress that showed off her tanned skin and long legs, might as well be a contender at a world-class beauty pageant. She walked in with three sultry girls, one of them Trisha recognized as a Brazilian supermodel.

  The paparazzi immediately took dozens of photos of the girls, and Trisha noticed they sure enjoyed the attention. With their nicely shaped brows, thick lashes and voluptuous bodies, she felt she wouldn’t stand a chance next to these girls if they were in a Miss Universe competition. Well, she wryly thought to herself, unless the competition was based on talent or the Q&A portion. She was feeling so insecure she had to smugly remind herself that she completed Grade 8 classical piano, mastered the violin, and excelled in her fencing classes.

  Whatever, Trisha, she told herse
lf. These girls are still hot, hot, hot. She regretted attending the fashion show. Damn, Matt! Damn Warwicks!

  “They are Spanish Barbies. Life is beyond unfair sometimes. When God showered beauty on women, they were first in line,” she muttered to Luis.

  Her friend chuckled. “Do I hear a hint of jealousy?”

  “No, I’m just saying. Plus, better to appreciate other women’s beauty than to simmer in jealousy,” Trisha replied with a more defensive tone than she would have cared to project. “And why should I be jealous? It isn’t like I actually like Matt.”

  “Trisha, Trisha!” Luis poked her in her ribcage, and not too gently. “I never said you were jealous because of Matt, I just thought you were jealous because these chicas are muy caliente.” Luis giggled as he sipped more champagne.


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