Kiss & Cry, Where Passion Awaits

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Kiss & Cry, Where Passion Awaits Page 7

by Lipson, Ramona

  “I suffered too. It was agonizing leaving a sport I loved and being left with a void that nothing seemed to fill. When I needed you, you pushed me away.” Their bodies cried for each other as did their souls.

  They tried to make the moment last as long as they could. When it was over, they didn’t move. Neither wanted the moment to end. Unlike with Bradley, Dhalia didn’t feel any sense of guilt being with Ryan. With a sense of peace and tranquility, they fell asleep in each other's arms.


  Their morning was filled creating an itinerary for the athletes, rules for the Village, and viewing the Olympic arena to arrange for flooding the ice during the year.

  That afternoon, Dhalia received a call from the front desk. She was just about to step into the shower before going to the Olympic Village to see the rooms. When she answered, the person at the front desk said there was a gentleman there to see her. She assumed it had to be Ryan. He must have forgotten his key. She told her to send him up. She left the door to her room open by slipping a piece of paper between the door and the jamb and stepped into the shower as originally planned.

  When her shower was finished, Bradley was standing before her in the bathroom dressed in a business suit, a suitcase at his feet. She was surprised, happy, even shocked to say the least. She ran over to him with only a towel wrapped around her, and she threw her arms around his neck. He dropped his head and kissed her mouth. When they were able to break apart, Bradley told Dhalia how much he missed her. She quickly got dressed and she noticed that in Bradley’s arms she felt a rush of excitement yet in Ryan’s she felt a familiar comfort.

  Dhalia stepped back and informed Bradley, “We met the manager of the arena yesterday and we will have the arena Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. with two people who will be there to do floods; we can preschedule them or page/call them according to our needs. Ryan and I were on our way to meet a person at the Village to see the floor where the competitors and coaches will be staying. Oh, I compiled a list of regulations for the athletes that need approval from you.” She took a breath.

  Bradley smiled. “It sounds like the two of you have been busy. I was worried about you when you called in sick for five days. Why didn’t you call me before you left?”

  “I was just too rundown ... and tired,” she lied.

  “I think there’s more to it than that,” he admonished. She couldn’t look at him straight in the eyes, but she could tell he was trying to look into hers. She quickly rushed him off topic by saying she had to get Ryan and go to the Village because the woman was expecting them at 2:00.

  “Mind if I tag along?” he asked.

  “Of course not,” she replied. With that, they knocked on Ryan’s door. He appeared shocked but hid it better than she was able to.

  They all went to the Village in their subcompact car. It was awkward. The two men sat in the front. Ryan drove. The white Village building looked like a hotel on the outside. The woman met them promptly at 2:00 at the front doors and showed them to the floor they had booked. Dhalia counted the rooms and figured that none of the athletes would have to share. There was minimal storage space, but they were well kept. The entire floor shared two shower rooms except for their rooms and those of the coaches.

  Dhalia made a mental note that she had to add to the regulations that no boys were to go into the women's shower room and vice versa. When they were happy with what they saw, they headed for the cafeteria. It was brightly lit with booths bordering the perimeter and tables in the middle. The food was served buffet style.

  They finished looking at the Village and its offerings, and they headed back for their hotel. The next step was to complete the schedules of the skaters and coaches. Dhalia's only thought was Ryan was not going to take it well if Bradley spent the night with her. As time progressed it became more clear that Bradley never had any intentions of checking into another room. This was definitely going to be a night to remember.

  Policy and Rules

  1. No sex, drinking, smoking, or drugs will be permitted by the athletes during their time at the camp.

  2. Attendance to all booked ice and off-ice times is mandatory unless athlete is ill, and in said case, be able to provide a doctor’s note.

  3. Rooms are to remain neat; competitors are liable for any damage done to their rooms.

  4. Free time is just that, free time. You do not have to account for where you are when you are on your own free time.

  5. No member of the opposite sex is allowed in your room after curfew.

  6. Curfew is midnight.

  7. There will be no swearing or cursing. We wish you to present a professional appearance and attitude.

  8. Steroid usage is strictly prohibited.

  9. Makeovers must be accepted and clothing provided by CSA must be worn when officials request you to do so.

  10. No food is to be brought into Village dorm. All food must be consumed in cafeteria.

  11. Athlete is responsible for any items of value. The camp takes no responsibility for any of your belongings so lock your rooms.


  Bradley and Ryan stood inside Dhalia's room. She looked at both men, shook her head and decided to focus on her work. She suggested she would meet the men at 6:00 p.m. in Ryan’s room. "I need to work on the schedules." They agreed and left. Bradley didn’t take his bag. That single action spoke volumes to Ryan and Dhalia.

  Dhalia pulled out her laptop and started typing the schedule. By the time she finished, she looked at the clock and it was already 5:30 p.m. She barely had enough time to get ready for the evening. She showered and used her prettiest smelling soap. After she stepped out of the shower she spread vanilla body cream all over. She smelled edible. Dhalia decided to leave her hair down and took her time putting on her makeup making sure it was just right. She used gray shades with black liner to bring out her blue eyes, along with shiny red lipstick highlighting the fullness of her lips.

  She wore a red camisole covered with a see-through ebony chiffon blouse and a black pencil skirt with black heels. With her skirt being so tight, she decided it was best not to wear underwear. There was nothing worse than panty lines showing through clothing. When she was done, she looked in the mirror and thought, not half bad! Dhalia knew she looked hot for Mr. Hotman. This was the best she made herself look in a long time. She was determined to have a good time this evening, and nothing would get in the way.

  The men knocked on her door at 6:10. Both were dressed in black suits. Cologne filled the air like an invisible cloud around them. Their scents were intoxicating but yet not overpowering. She had a weakness for both men who were wickedly handsome in their own ways. Her libido was in overdrive tonight.

  Bradley immediately showed his territorial nature by placing his arm around her and leading her to the lobby. It was painstakingly obvious that he was making it clear who had control over the situation and who was with her. She could see for a fraction of a second the look of defeat in Ryan’s eyes. Dhalia was only praying that Ryan remembered the conditions she had made to Bradley for him to come to the camp. He had no choice but to act as though indifferent.

  When they got to the lobby there was a limo waiting out front. Bradley was a man of image and Dhalia could never see him driving to a dinner in a subcompact car so she could have predicted this before they reached the lobby. The driver got out and held the door open for them. She entered the car first, and Bradley followed right after taking seat next to her. Ryan was forced to sit alone. She crossed her legs and then uncrossed them most definitely giving Ryan an eyeful from where he was sitting.

  They drove to a restaurant specializing in steaks in downtown Calgary. The outside was unimpressive. The inside was starkly lit with a romantic air about it. The tables were compact with frilly table cloths flowing to the ground. Soft music played in the background. Over half the restaurant was occupied. When they entered the restaurant, she noticed everyone looking at Bradley and Ryan. She maintained a stride of nonchala
nce as they followed the maitre d' to their table. Bradley never once took his arm from around her shoulders.

  Arriving at the table, it was Ryan who got to her chair first and pulled it out for her. She smiled at him and winked flirtatiously.

  “It’s quite elegant here, Bradley. Where did you hear about this restaurant?” She pulled her skirt downwards as she took her chair.

  “My secretary; it’s five star.”

  “Did she tell you what we should order?” she asked, placing her hand on the menu.

  Ryan’s lip turned up with that question.

  “Nope, she just gave me the name,” he answered.

  Dhalia decided to redirect the conversation even though she had originally decided to keep this night business-free. “I’m almost finished the program. I just have to fine tune it and I would like to go over it with both of you tomorrow night, when we’re back in Toronto. Our flight back to Toronto is at 0700 hours. Are you on that flight with us, Bradley?”

  “No, I had to book a later one. There’s some business I want to finish up here that I can do myself after the two of you leave.” Bradley placed his menu down on the table, which alerted their waiter that he was ready to give his order.

  He approached the table and glanced at Dhalia first. “What would you like, ma'am?”

  “Please, take their orders first. I need a minute.” She looked at the waiter apologetically.

  He did as she requested and she listened to what the men were ordering for dinner. Bradley’s dish sounded more appealing so when they finished giving their orders, she looked at the waiter and said she would have what Bradley selected. They kept the talk at the table light, discussing the skaters and the improvements they wanted to see each one accomplish over the course of the year.

  Dhalia found the perfect time to pull the schedule out of her purse and decided to give it to Bradley early, before the meal came. He thanked her and placed it in his pocket to review later. She didn’t think it needed too much tweaking, and if it did, she was sure Bradley would definitely point out what he didn’t like.

  Camp Schedule:


  7:00 a.m.: Breakfast

  8:00-8:45 a.m.: Patch (5 skaters granted 15 min private lesson)

  8:45-9:30 a.m.: Stroking and Footwork Coach Matt, Jay, Michael

  9:30 a.m.: Flood

  9:45-10:30 a.m. Freeskate (Group LessonX2 3 skaters in each)

  10:30 a.m.: Flood

  12:00-1:30 p.m. Lunch

  1:30: 2:15 p.m. Patch (5 skaters will get 15 min private lesson)

  2:15-3:00 p.m. Freeskate (Group LessonX1 4 skaters)

  3:00 p.m.: Flood

  4:00-5:00 p.m. Off-ice training Coach Matt

  5:30-7:00 p.m. Dinner

  7:00-9:30 p.m. Private Lessons (1 fifteen min coach and skater alone on ice for all 10)

  9:30 p.m. Flood, Free time begins

  12:00 midnight Curfew

  9:45-10:30 a.m. Group 1 Lesson (Diane, Trevor, Paris Coach Jay)

  9:45-10:30 a.m. Group 2 Lesson (Sheena, Brandy, Sally, Coach Michael)

  2:15-3:00 p.m. Group 3 Lesson (Rick, Brett Coach Jay, Scott, Liam, Coach Michael)

  The waiter brought their entrees. Bradley and Dhalia had eight ounce steaks served medium rare with baby potatoes. Ryan had prime rib. Their food was delicious. Their steaks were so tender, and the spices were marinated expertly and could be tasted with each mouthful. Dhalia lost herself, closing her eyes and savoring the flavor. It was the best steak she ever had. A quiet moan slipped from her mouth. When she reopened her eyes she was met with the stares of both men. She smiled and said, “Sorry!” Dhalia tried desperately to recompose herself.

  Ryan said, “Don’t say you're sorry, you looked blissful.”

  Bradley laughed. “Glad you like it.” With that, he excused himself from the table.

  Ryan looked at her. “You look gorgeous tonight.”

  “So do you,” she responded and stared longingly into his eyes. He looked back at her and then down to her mouth. It was like he wasn’t able to control his actions. Losing himself, he grabbed her by the nape of the neck and pulled her into him for a kiss with such intensity, she could do nothing but surrender to it. His tongue probed deeply into her mouth. The look in his eyes burned with desire; her body quivered for him. He grabbed her private area remembering the display she gave him in the limousine. His fingers dove into her soft exposed folds, and a moan escaped her lips, then suddenly he pushed her away and stared past her, making sure Bradley didn’t see them.

  “I want you to come to my room tonight,” he said huskily. He picked a piece of food off his dish and licked his fingers after placing it in his mouth. She could tell he was savoring her flavor, not the flavor of his food as he stared into her eyes.

  He was so sexy, she could barely pull herself together wishing it was her he was sucking on rather than his fingers. There was no time for reaction. She could only try to catch her breath before Bradley returned.

  After Bradley’s return, they maintained light conversation as they finished their meals. They completed their dining experience with an unaffordable bottle of wine that was undistinguishable from one’s average bottle of wine, unless one was an expert wine taster, to which she wasn’t.

  The car didn’t leave to take them back to their hotel until 9:00. They went back early because Ryan and Dhalia were flying out in the morning. Ryan thanked Bradley for dinner and reached over to give Dhalia a hug good-bye. His lips brushed her ear and he whispered, “Text me if you can sneak out later."

  She opened the door and Bradley followed her in. She sat on the couch facing him and undid his tie. His fingers touched her cheek tenderly. She closed her eyes, concentrating on his touch. He kissed her with urgency, revealing his needs. Usually she was doing all the initiating. He placed his hand on her knees and she could feel his hand slowly glide up her leg. When he discovered she wasn’t wearing any panties he stopped what he was doing. He lifted her from the couch and placed her on the bed. Bradley took her knees, bent them ever so slightly and spread them as far apart as he could. “Don’t move,” he ordered as he held them like a vise.

  She closed her eyes and obeyed. With her legs held down firmly, she felt his tongue licking her clit. Then he paused. He kept her legs securely in place. “Do you want more?” he teased. He had a knowing smile on his face. He was deliberately baiting her.

  “Oh, yes!” She moaned.

  “Say please,” he ordered.

  “Please.” He stroked her with his tongue. His speed increased. His tongue dove into her depths. She was consumed with desire. He halted again.

  “Who do you want?”

  “You.” She moaned.

  “Free me," he ordered.

  She undid his pants and yanked them down. He was free and ready for her. Her desire for him exploded when she saw just how hard he was.

  He re-pinned her legs and continued to tantalize her with his tongue until she was on the verge of losing control.

  He stopped again. Bradley adjusted his position to assure she couldn’t move. He was directly on top of her and stared into her eyes. With a sense of finality he said, “You say that you are finished with him and after tonight, I want you to be completely sure, there’s no turning back. Are you sure you want me?”

  “You,” she avowed.

  “Louder!” he said.

  “You,” Dhalia urged. “I want you,” she groveled.

  Pinning her roughly, he took her with brute force. The headboard slammed repeatedly against the wall with every thrust. Bang, Bang, Bang...

  Her face was hot with the realization that Ryan also knew Bradley was taking her. She surrendered to this man and moaned as tears for Ryan’s pain streamed down her face. She felt as though she was ripped apart. Torn between two.

  Bradley was relentless. His thrusting continued. The bed kept banging, jarring the lamp on the nightstand.

  In that moment, she stopped caring. He didn’t care. He thrived on the
thrill, the conquest. He completely dominated her. His sweat was dripping on to her body as his golden chest hovered atop her.

  Her body on the brink of orgasm, he ordered, “Come.”

  Her body began to pulse around him, oozing with satisfaction.

  He filled her, and then he dried her tears away.

  “He needed to know you’re not his anymore,” Bradley said without remorse.

  Bradley rolled off her and she curled into his arms. Dhalia knew there was no sneaking anywhere anymore. She phoned the front desk and asked for a wakeup call for 5:00 a.m. When it came, she left Bradley lying in bed and went to shower. She finished packing all her toiletries and pieces of clothing that were left in the room and headed over to Ryan’s room to pick him up so they could share a car to the airport. She knocked on the door, but there was no answer. She went back into the room and tried the adjoining door. His room was empty. Dhalia went downstairs and confirmed her suspicions with the front desk. Ryan had checked out.

  Dhalia took the rental car back to the airport. Ryan wasn’t in the boarding lounge. She checked her bags and waited for the plane to board. She went to the bathroom, and when she returned she noticed people boarding for Toronto. She followed them down the tunnel and showed her ticket to the flight attendant for guidance. Ryan was already seated. The shine from his eyes was gone. He looked tired and utterly defeated. She took her seat next to him.

  “Do you want to talk?” Dhalia asked, scared of his response. He offered no reply. He stared blankly ahead. Then he turned to her.

  “Will it make you feel better if we talk?” he asked. “I’m better at listening. I heard your moaning, picking him over me. I heard the bed board hit the wall.” He seethed. "I was wrong, you’re not worth fighting for. I hate what you’ve done.” His harsh words overwhelmed her. Camp hadn’t even started yet.


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