Cam (Hollywood Binge Book 1)

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Cam (Hollywood Binge Book 1) Page 26

by Julia Bright

  She nodded, still in shock that this was really happening. It wasn’t a dream. Cam loved her. How had it all turned around so fast. Maybe fast wasn’t the right way of thinking about it. She’d run away when she should have stuck around. Doubting Cam had been a mistake. The man really was amazing.

  “That sounds good,” she said.

  “And, Rose, don’t think that just because we’re not hopping into bed right this minute it isn’t going to happen. I’m just afraid your mom will come home, and I don’t want to have to explain to her why we’re in bed together.”

  Rose rolled her eyes and shook her head. “My mom would freak out if she caught us having sex. So yeah, we should wait until—wait, won’t we be staying at your parents’ house?”

  “No, their place is small, and Zach doesn’t need the stress of having us both there. We’ll get a hotel room, and then you are mine.”

  Rose laughed and lifted up on her toes to give Cam a quick kiss. She turned to move to her room then spun around. “So we’re together, right?”

  He chuckled as he nodded. “Yes. You agreed to marry me, so I think that means we can count ourselves as being together.”

  Her heart felt lighter than it had in ages. She and Cam would be together. They had stuff they would have to work through, but they were a couple. They wouldn’t announce it to the world, not yet. She would have to discuss with her mom the value of keeping their lives private even if it looked like they might be lying. Maybe after looking at the reports on the internet, her mom got the importance of keeping everything quiet. The trolls hadn’t been kind to her or Cam, and they sure as heck hadn’t been nice to Zach. If her mom knew these two men would be part of their family, maybe it would help to keep her mouth closed about the secrets Rose had to keep.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Cam was sitting in the den, waiting for Rose to wake up from her nap when her mother came home. His stomach flipped and he wasn’t sure where to put his hands as he stood in her house wondering just how angry she was at him. He deserved any words she flung his way.

  “Hello, ma’am, I’m—”

  “Did you fix it?”

  Her question took him by surprise. “Yes, ma’am. I think I did.”

  She threw up her hands and her eyes went wide. “Well, either you did or you didn’t. She still crying?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “My name is Clara by the way. Stop calling me ma’am.”

  Cam nodded. “Yes, ma—Clara.”

  Clara came close and patted his arm. “So tell me, how exciting was that last movie you shot?”

  The question was unexpected, and he had to draw in a breath before he let it go slowly. “Well, it was interesting.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she shook her head, her lips pinching together. “What can you tell me about it?”

  “Not much. I can tell you that I spent a lot of time fighting and protecting people in Europe.”

  “Really. I thought Mia Forsythe was in it. Isn’t it a romance?”

  He chuckled, feeling a little uneasy talking about Mia with Rose’s mom. “It is, but I’m a security officer for hire in Europe. I filmed with her for two weeks here in the states, but most of the filming took place in Europe, mostly Paris.”

  “Wow. So you were in Paris?”

  He nodded, his lips tilting into a smile at her excitement. “I was and then Barcelona.”

  “Oh, Barcelona, was that exciting?” Clara waved at him to follow, and they headed to the kitchen where she stopped still.

  She shook her head, shooting him an angry look. “Did that girl clean this kitchen while she was supposed to be resting?”

  “No, ma’am—I mean Clara. She’s been sleeping for a while. I made her some waffles and strawberries. She ate a bunch then was tired. I made her go lie down. I came back in and just picked up a little.”

  Clara wiped a finger down the counter. “You did more than just pick up a little. I don’t think I’ve ever had a man clean my kitchen.”

  Cam laughed, trying to relax. “My brother and I have lived on our own for a few years. If I didn’t clean the kitchen, it would be a mess, and I couldn’t stand that. I’m used to cleaning. It’s what you do when you have a house.”

  Clara nodded as she opened the refrigerator and pulled out a package of chicken. “I’m liking you more and more. Will you do that for my daughter when she’s with you?”

  “What? Clean the kitchen?”

  “Yeah, or do you think it’s beneath you if a woman is there to do the work?”

  Cam shook his head, unsure why Clara was asking these questions. “I—um, I don’t have any sisters, only Zach. My momma raised both of us to see the value of cleaning and doing chores. Zach went a little crazy when he got to Hollywood, but I think he’s in a good place now. But to answer your question, if I live in a house, I should be willing to keep it clean. Being male isn’t an excuse to get out of keeping things neat and clean.”

  Clara nodded, a smile spreading on her lips. “I can see why my daughter would prefer to be with you instead of alone.”

  “I do like him a lot,” Rose said behind them. Cam spun around, his heart rate speeding up.

  “I didn’t know you were there.” He moved quickly and pulled her into a hug, kissing her briefly but remembering her mom was standing right behind them. He wanted to drag her back to bed and make love to her, but not here, not with an audience. “How did you sleep?”

  She gave him a little smile. “I feel rested.”

  His heart expanded as he thought of her carrying his little baby. He’d done some research online and had found that the baby didn’t so much look like anything human at the moment, but every day it was growing. Soon, it would begin looking like a human tadpole but it would quickly grow arms and legs. It scared him and thrilled him to know that one day he would hold that small human in his hands and kiss its head as he sang to him or her.

  He stared into her eyes, seeing love reflected back at him. She wasn’t just his girlfriend, she would be his wife. They had to work through a few things, but they were going to make it. She wanted to be in his life and he wanted to be in hers.

  “Are you two lovebirds going to talk to me or should I go out for the night?” Clara asked.

  Rose laughed then rolled her eyes before moving away from him. “Mom, I guess you met Cam. He’s…well, he’s going to be my husband one day.”

  Clara lifted a brow and cocked her head to the side. “Really?”

  Rose laughed. “Yes, really.”

  “Does he know that?” Clara asked as she pulled out a pan from below the oven.

  “Yes, I do. I love Rose, and maybe things didn’t start out smoothly, but I think we can both make it work because we’re willing to work on it.”

  “Good…good.” Clara grabbed some other ingredients out of the pantry and started mixing flour with spices.

  Rose moved to the kitchen counter to help, but when she looked at the raw chicken, her face paled. Cam quickly stepped in and took her place.

  “Rose, Andrew called and he really needs you to check your emails,” Cam said, hoping she got the hint and didn’t try to work in the kitchen with the chicken.

  “Oh.” Rose’s brows pinched together, and her mouth turned down in a frown. “I can—”

  “Check now. I’ll help your mom get dinner prepared.”

  Rose looked relieved as she left the kitchen and headed to her room. He made a mental note to prepare all chicken dishes for a while.

  “Who is Andrew?” Clara asked.

  “An agent who is working with Rose.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know she had an agent.”

  Rose stepped back into the den and sat on the couch with her computer. She was just visible out the kitchen door, and he had a hard time keeping his eyes off her. There wasn’t anyone in the world who matched what Rose had. She inspired him and made him feel whole.

  By the time he and Clara had finished preparing dinner to go into the oven, Rose had com
e back in the kitchen and was practically vibrating.

  “What’s up?” Cam asked as he washed his hands.

  “I need to be back in Hollywood by the eighteenth. A director wants me to read for a part in a movie. It’s not the leading role, but it’s the leads best friend.”

  “Wow, that’s great.” Cam picked her up and spun her around. “Congratulations.” He was so happy she had a shot at acting. She could be a waitress if that was what she wanted, but once they had a kid, she would have more time on her hands if she acted instead of trying to hold down a full-time job in a restaurant.

  “A movie?” Clara asked.

  “Yes, a movie. I might get a part in a TV series too, if the pilot does well.”

  Clara shook her head and smiled at Rose. “I never believed that you going out to California would amount to much, but girl, I’m proud of you. You chased your dream and found it.”

  “I’m really happy, Mama, and it’s not just the movie stuff. I was happy being a waitress out there. I like the people and the energy. I just feel different there.”

  “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to come for a visit to see you then.”

  Cam’s heart soared at the smile Rose gave him. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He may not have been ready for a relationship when Rose stumbled into his life, but now he couldn’t imagine life without her.

  Rose slept for most of the trip, and when they checked into the hotel in Oregon, she felt like she could take a nice little nap. She’d adjusted to East Coast time, and though it was only eight in the evening in Oregon, it was late in South Carolina where her body clock had adjusted to.

  Cam set their bags down then grabbed her around the waist and pressed against her. He rocked his hips and the evidence of his desire brushed against her. Her body woke up, and the need to feel him totally naked and inside her overwhelmed her.

  Rose tugged at her clothes, stripping off her shirt before tossing it to the floor. Cam had her bra off and was shoving her pants to the floor as she kicked off her shoes. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, setting her on the counter. It wasn’t a huge bathroom, but there was just enough space for him to stand between her legs.

  He reached down and slid his fingers over the insides of her thighs before moving to her center and stroking her clit. He knew what she liked and he didn’t hold back as he dipped his fingers into her before running them up her delicate flesh to her clit, making her wet all over.

  “So good,” she moaned.

  “I want you now.” Cam’s voice was low and gravelly, turning her on even more.

  “Yes.” It had been since before he left for Europe, and she needed to feel his thick cock sliding in as she came. She tugged at his pants front and pulled them open. Reaching into his underwear, she popped out his cock and ran her thumb over the smooth head. He groaned and arched forward.

  “Feels so good to have your hands on me.”

  “I need you.” Rose wrapped her legs tight around him and scooted forward, lining up his cock so he slid in. They both groaned, their eyes closing as they came together, bodies pressed tight, unmoving as they held on.

  “I never want to lose you.” Cam pressed in all the way and stilled.

  Rose’s eyes popped open, and she stared into the depths of pure love. This man was amazing. He did more than just fill her heart, he made her whole.

  “I’ve never felt so alive, so loved, so perfect as I do when I’m with you. It’s more than just sex. It’s everything. I love being with you. I love having you in my arms, or just beside me. Please don’t ever leave me. I’m serious about that.” Cam slowly pulled out then plunged back in and she gasped.

  It felt amazing having his cock buried deep inside her. His words meant the world to her. He really loved her and she loved him. Before him, she hadn’t imagined life ever being this good. Cam made everything complete.

  “Tell me you won’t leave again.” He pulled out all the way then shoved back in, taking her breath away.

  “No, I won’t leave,” she gasped.

  Cam slowly slid out then pushed in quickly. “Really, tell me. I need to know that you’ll talk to me.”

  She clung to him, her fingers digging into his shoulder. “Yes! God yes, Cam.”

  He reached between them and slid his finger over her clit, making her lose control. She felt as if she’d shattered into a million pieces, her pulse loud in her ears. Cam stilled while she came, allowing her to ride the waves of her orgasm as she clung to him and bucked her hips as relief spread through her.

  After her last shudder, Cam wrapped his arms tight around her and pumped his hips, slamming into her as he bit down on her neck. They were both slick with sweat and she slid easily against him as he pumped into her. The sounds of them slapping against each other echoed in the small bathroom. She clung to Cam, never wanting to let go.

  “Rose,” Cam cried out as he held her even tighter, his body as tense as she’d ever felt it. He cried out again and twitched as his whole body shook from his orgasm.

  They were both breathing hard as they separated. She stared at him with wonder. They were perfect together.

  After a quick shower, she dropped into bed and didn’t stir until morning.

  When she woke, she was nervous about meeting his parents, but he promised they would love her. Before the meeting, she could barely eat, and time seemed to pass too quickly.

  When they pulled up to the house, Zach stepped out and walked down the steps to meet them at the car. He tugged open her door and helped her out before dragging her into a tight hug.

  “Thank you for being so nice to my brother. He’s better because of you. I’m sorry for any trouble I’ve caused you. Can you forgive me?”

  Rose drew back enough to see Zach’s face. Her heart went out to him. This was Cam’s brother, and he would be in their lives for years to come. Holding a grudge wasn’t her style and wouldn’t make any of their lives better.

  “Of course I forgive you. Really, there is nothing to forgive though. We both want what’s best for Cam, and I know he wants what is best for you. He really loves you.”

  Cam came around the car and put his arm around Rose first then one around Zach. “Hey, brother, how’s it going?”

  “Slow, but I think it’s going good.”

  Cam squeezed them both before stepping back. “Awesome. Let’s get inside. I want Mom and Dad to meet Rose.”

  “She’s pretty awesome. You’re lucky to have found her,” Zach said.

  Rose laughed as Zach and Cam exchanged hugs. She turned and saw Cam’s parents standing on the porch, and her stomach flipped. Now wasn’t the time to be sick, but she did feel a little queasy as Cam walked her to the porch.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Rose, my fiancé.”

  Cam’s mom squealed, and a smile spread on his father’s face. Rose was inundated with hugs and well wishes. She felt lost in the joy of this family. It had only been her and her mom for so long, so this was twice the family she’d grown up in.

  “I’m Rachel, and this is Thomas. Rose, it’s so nice to meet you. Come in. I have some breakfast warming in the oven. I hope you’re hungry.”

  She nodded and was glad her appetite had emerged without punishing her with sickness. “I am.”

  “Good, good. Cam, Zach, hurry inside and set the table. I want some coffee in those cups and you’d best set out the butter.” Rachel turned to her and smiled. “Sometimes you have to tell them what to do. They have ears, but they don’t always listen.”

  Rose smiled at her and nodded. Thomas followed behind them, and when she glanced back over her shoulder, he winked. When she entered the house, she could hear Zach and Cam laughing and talking. It was obvious her man had grown up in a warm house filled with love. Now she knew without a doubt that their family would be filled with lots of love. Cam looked up and caught her gaze. Warmth spread over her as he shot her a sweet smile that twisted her heart and made her stomach do funny things. When she’d first
met Cam, she’d thought he was different, and now she knew he was. He came over and leaned in close, kissing her cheek before moving his lips to her ear.

  “I love you with all of my heart, Rose. Thank you,” Cam whispered.

  She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. She’d done it. She’d left home and found something to call her own. Together, she and Cam would make it. Nothing, not even Hollywood and all the trashy reporters looking to expose a story, could keep them apart. They were solid, and that was something she knew she could trust.


  Rose caught her lower lip with her teeth as she waited for the director, Rob, to say something. He stood and moved closer to her and stopped about three feet away. She’d read the part and thought she’d done well, but now the man was staring at her feet as he drummed his fingers on his chin. Cam was standing off to the side, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Rob looked up then back to her feet. She hadn’t been good enough. She didn’t want to let the disappointment show, and really, she shouldn’t be upset. She wasn’t an actress, and she had the proof now.

  Rob took in a deep breath and blew it out. “I wish I had met you six months ago when I was choosing an actress for another film I was working on. Really, you would have been better for that role than the actress I chose, though I will never confirm that I ever said that, so don’t repeat me. You’re very good. Why haven’t you been in anything yet?”

  She shrugged, unsure how she should answer his question. “I-I don’t know.”

  “Well, I’m happy to have discovered you. There’s a movie that is being tossed around. We haven’t even got the full script, it’s just an idea. It’ll film in about a year maybe a year and a half. I think I’ll keep you in mind when we start. Are you up for that?”

  Her heart raced and her head spun. Maybe it was the baby, or the travel she’d done lately, or it was the surprise from hearing this man’s praise, but she was about to burst. She nodded and went up on her toes. “I am. I would love to do a movie with you. We want to start a family soon though.”


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