A Killer's Game

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A Killer's Game Page 16

by Amy Andrews


  Arriving at the boat launch, the team piled into Layne’s dual cab truck, leaving Thorne handcuffed to Sonny in the back of the boat, to ensure he wouldn’t be going anywhere. They arrived at the station thirty minutes later with the boat in tow on its trailer.

  Thorne was booked and processed, and the Medical Examiner’s office was phoned to pick up Sonny Holden for autopsy.

  Lieutenant Whitten called for a brief meeting for all of those involved. Moving into the break room, she had a nice spread of donuts and muffins, waiting for them. The scrumptious sweets filled their empty bellies, and between the five of them, they washed it all down with several pots of freshly brewed coffee.

  Tessa sat on the black leather sofa, and flipped through magazines during the meeting. The rest of them sat around the break room table, discussing what and what not to put into their official reports.

  The entire meeting took only about fifteen minutes. Lieutenant Whitten dismissed the team, but not before giving Lenny a week off with pay.

  As everyone stood, Lieutenant Whitten said, “Not you, Wilshire. I need to speak with you in private.”

  Detective Wilshire glanced around the room. “Okay, Lieutenant,” he said, as he pulled his chair back out and took a seat.

  Layne and Wilshire glanced at each other, and Wilshire shrugged his shoulders.

  As the team left the room, Manny Sanchez was waiting at the door. “Lieutenant,” he called. “Can I speak with you for a quick minute?”

  Looking at Wilshire, Lt. Whitten said, “Give me just a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  “Why are you still here?” she questioned, as she and Manny walked to her office. “You should be home enjoying your weekend. We got our man. The rest of the evidence can wait until Monday.”

  Manny closed the door behind them. “Sara, I just wanted to let you know that I need to give my resignation. I accepted an offer this morning, with Miami Metro. I start in two weeks. I know it’s probably bad timing right now, with everything you and the rest of the department have just been through, but I needed to tell you. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that all of the evidence from this case is handled and processed by me, before I go.”

  Lt. Whitten felt relieved that a one thousand pound elephant had just been lifted off of her chest. She had to keep herself in check, because she didn’t want to seem overjoyed at Manny’s news. She really hated to see Manny go, but it was also somewhat of a relief for her, due to personal reasons. Irrational, selfish personal reasons, she thought. At least now, it wouldn’t be so awkward around the station. She wouldn’t have to go through giving an explanation to him about her and Wilshire’s relationship. Not that she owed him an explanation, but she would have felt obligated to give him one if he were sticking around. That is, if Wilshire wanted to have a relationship. Her stomach turned in knots just thinking about the conversation she was about to have with Wilshire in the other room.

  “I appreciate you telling me now,” she said. “You’re really great at your job, Manny, and they are lucky to be getting you.” She gave him a hug, and said, “I wish you nothing but the best. If things don’t work out, or if you ever want to come back, you know you are always welcome on my team.”

  “Thanks, Sara,”

  She gave him a faint smile. “I’m sorry, Manny, I have to get back,” she said, nodding towards the break room.

  “Yeah, yeah, of course,” he said, as he opened the door for her.

  She hesitated as she was crossing the threshold of the door, and turned towards Manny. “Thank you for picking up the refreshments. See you Monday, then,” she said, as she lightly touched his shoulder.

  “Yeah, Lieutenant,” he smiled. “See you Monday.”

  This wasn’t your typical break up, because they were never really together. It was mutually understood between the both of them, that they released each other to move on with their lives, in whatever direction it took them.

  Lt. Whitten’s heart raced, and her palms were sweating, as she made her way back to the break room. In her head, she was trying to figure out what to say, without looking like a total idiot.

  Entering the room, she closed the door behind her. Detective Whitten was sitting calmly at the table, with his hands wrapped around a crisp white coffee mug. To further avoid the conversation, she walked over to the coffee pot, and poured herself a mug, topped off with cream and sugar.

  Walking slowly over to the table, she told herself to quit being so ridiculous, and just spit it out. The worst he could do would be to reject her. No, on second thought, the worst scenario would be for him to schmooze her and use her, then move onto the next, as per his usual MO. That wouldn’t make for an awkward working environment, or anything.

  Taking a seat across from him, Whitten began. “Look, Wilshire…what happened out there, was…” She had absolutely no idea how to word it, or what to say. At the time, she thought she felt the reciprocation, but now, she began to wonder if she was simply imagining it.

  Detective Wilshire looked intently at her with his steely green eyes. He reached across the table, and took her hand in his. “What happened out there, was amazing. That’s the word you’re searching for, Lieutenant. Everyone around here thinks I’m a playboy, and I guess it does look that way. All of those girls were just distractions to me. Something to pass the time, while I waited for what I’ve really wanted all along.”

  Lt. Whitten’s jaw dropped slightly, but nothing came out. Now she was completely speechless. She glanced down at his hand, holding hers, then glanced back up at him.

  Detective Wilshire released her hand, stood up, and walked towards the door. Before turning the handle, and without turning around, he said, “I’ll pick you up at eight tonight, Lieutenant. Wear something nice. I’d love to see you in a dress and heels.”

  He exited the room with a pep in his step, and a smile from ear to ear. He planned on romancing Sara Whitten, like she had never been before.


  The Mustang’s window’s were rolled down, as Lenny and Tessa cruised out of the station, down US 41 towards Palm Drive, with their hands intertwined. The sun was up, and the warm air blew through their hair.

  They cruised down their palm lined street, and skidded to a halt, as Lenny whipped into their driveway. Hitting the remote automatic garage opener that was attached to his visor, the squeaky sound of the rolling door prompted Tessa to say, “you really need to fix that thing.”

  “Put it on the list,” Lenny said with a wink, as he pulled the Mustang into the garage, and hit the close button on the remote. “Lieutenant did give me a week off with pay, so I’ll be waiting for you to hand me my honey do list,” he joked. Hand in hand, they ran into the house, like a couple of giddy teenagers.

  Once inside, they split up, and urgently double checked to make sure all of the doors and windows were locked, and all of the shades were drawn. For the next couple of hours, they wanted to be alone, without being disturbed. They especially didn’t want an unwanted visitor to come strolling in, namely Mr. Perkins.

  Tessa finished her side of the house first, and headed into the master bath. Stripping her clothes off in a frenzy, she left them lay in a pile on the floor. Opening the frameless glass shower door, she turned the double full body shower on, and stepped in to the arctic-white granite enclosure. The coolness of the smooth surface felt good on her aching feet.

  Stepping face first under the shower head, she let the hot water run through her hair, and over her face, as she closed her eyes. The body jets soothed every inch of her aching body, and filled the air with billowing steam.

  She heard the shower door open, and was caressed from behind. Lenny gathered her hair, and gently kissed her neck.

  His hands massaged her scalp for a good five minutes, in glorious fresh scented bubbles, followed by another five minute scalp, neck, and shoulder massage with her hair conditioner.

  Spinning her around to face
him, Lenny used the lightest touch to run his fingers over the bruised and swollen area of her head. “You could use some ice on this,” he said.

  “I’ll do it later,” she said gruffly. “Right now, ice is not what I need, Mr. Shane.”

  She leaned in and kissed him deep and frantically. Lenny responded by locking his lips with hers, hoisting her light frame up, and holding her straddled legs around him. With her back to the wall, they became one.

  Tessa let out a moan, as her void was completely filled. Pleasure rippled through both of them, as the steady rhythmic rocking grew to be deeper and faster.

  The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room.

  Tessa’s body quivered and grew tense, as her love muscles started to contract and release, sending a flow of warm wetness over Lenny’s shaft. Her head reared back, as she said breathlessly, “Oh, baby, that feels so good.”

  Sending Lenny over the edge, his entire body grew rigid, as his throbbing manhood erupted in it’s own release.

  Lenny let her down slowly, and they shared a loving kiss.

  Taking turns washing each other, they finished with their shower, feeling clean, refreshed, and satisfied.

  They settled together, into their king sized bed for a nice long nap, wearing nothing but smiles.


  Several hours later, Lenny and Tessa woke, feeling completely rested. They made love once again, but this time it was more slow and less urgent.

  After getting dressed, they headed out on the motorcycle, to grab some lunch.

  They walked into Brick Oven Pizza, and Lenny requested to be seated by the hostess in a booth at the back of the restaurant.

  He ordered a large meat lover’s pizza, and a pitcher of Bud with frosted mugs. The waitress promptly brought the drink order, along with a complimentary basket of fresh out of the oven garlic and parmesan breadsticks with warm marinara.

  They sat there in silence snacking on the breadsticks, and sipping the amber ale.

  Lenny piped up, “Do you want to talk about it, Tessa?”

  She breathed in an audible deep breath, and blew it out. “No, I want to forget about it,” she said.

  “Okay, you’re the boss,” he said. “If you change your mind, I’m here. I’ll always be here.”

  “I’m fine, Lenny. Can we change the subject?” she said as she smoothed the cloth napkin on her lap.

  “Sure,” he said. “You were pretty damn smoking hot this morning, Mrs. Shane,” he teased.

  Tessa let out a giggle, and blushed. Shaking her head, she said, “shut up, Lenny,” followed by another giggle.

  He looked at her with a twinkle in his eye. “That’s the smile I was looking for.”

  “So,” he said in a more serious tone. “While you were getting into the shower this morning, I had to call and reschedule the dinner reservations I had planned for our Anniversary.”

  Tessa turned her head in curiosity. “Oh?” she said quizzically.

  “We’ll be having dinner tonight, seven o’clock, at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse.”

  “That sounds fantastic! Thank you, honey,” she responded, as she leaned across the booth to give him a peck on the lips. Her taste buds watered at the thought. It was her absolute favorite place to get a nice filet mignon. Melted in your mouth like butter.

  “I do have another surprise, that I wanted to give you during our Anniversary dinner. I just can’t wait any longer though to give it to you!” he said with excitement growing in his voice.

  “Really?” she asked, with anticipation in her voice. “There’s more? What is it? What did you get me?” she asked in excitement.

  Lenny nodded his head, as he prolonged her agony. “Oh, you’re gonna like this. You’re really gonna like this,” he said as a large grin consumed his face.

  Reaching into his vest pocket, he pulled out a large business sized envelope, and handed it to her.

  She maintained eye contact with him, as she accepted it. “And what might this be?” she wondered aloud.

  “Open it,” he said. It was unclear who was more excited. Lenny to give the gift, or Tessa to receive it.

  After taking a couple of gulps from her beer, Tessa tore the envelope open, careful not to rip the contents inside. She pulled out two pieces of tri folded paper, and unfolded them.

  Her eyes scanned the paper and read it’s contents. “A vacation?” she said giddily. “We’re actually going to go on a vacation?” she asked with excitement.

  “We’re actually going to go on a vacation,” he said with laughter.

  She jumped up from her side of the booth, and squeezed in right next to Lenny. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she smothered him with fast, light kisses. “Thank you, honey! I love it, I really love it! I’m so excited,” she squealed.

  Her face suddenly grew somber. “Wait,” she said. “I don’t want to get all excited about us going on a romantic getaway, just to have to cancel at the last minute because of one of your cases, like always.”

  “Well,” he sighed. “The thing about this trip is, it’s not just for our Anniversary. I thought it would be a really good start for our next chapter.”

  Looking at him like he had two heads, she hesitantly asked, “What are you talking about?”

  Brushing her cheek, he said, “I’m retiring from the department.” Her face grew slack, as he continued, “it’s time for a different direction for me, Tessa. A direction that we can move towards, together. You know I love my job, but it’s my job. It’s who I am, who I’ve grown to be, but you’re my world. My life. My everything.” Changing to a more jovial voice, he said, “besides, I’d much rather hang around a pretty girl like you all day, than a bunch of criminals and boneheads…and, on top of that, it’s not like I can’t make citizen arrests,” he laughed.

  Tessa laughed at the last statement, because it was funny. Funny because it was probably more truth than not. Grabbing his hand, and gazing into his eyes, she said, “if that’s what you want to do, I support you all the way. Nothing would make me happier. Just make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Don’t do this just for me,” she pleaded, with the flow of hot tears escaping her eyes.

  “Honey,” he said, as took his thumbs and wiped the tears from her eyes, “I’ve thought about this long and hard. I’m doing this because it’s what I want. That’s the reason. No more, no less.”

  Tessa became so overwhelmed with happiness, she got choked up, and excused herself to go to the restroom to wash her face. The last thing she wanted was for everyone in the restaurant to think was that she was a bubbly faced victim, and that Lenny was a bad guy that made her cry. Nothing could be farther from the truth. These were tears of joy. He was a great guy, that made her very happy.

  While Tessa was off washing her face, the waitress came and delivered a thick crusted, meat topped, gooey cheesed, circular pan of goodness. She dished the first slice onto each of the two plates, and indicated that she would bring another pitcher of beer.

  Tessa returned from the restroom with a fresh face. She and Lenny had their fill of pizza and beer, then headed home, both of them satisfied in every way.


  Lieutenant. Sara Whitten stood in her bedroom in only a black lacy bra and matching panties. Her auburn hair hung down to the middle of her back in soft loose waves, and her flawless alabaster skin was highlighted with natural looking makeup. She had five different dresses scattered across her bed, along with five different sets of heels strewn around her bedroom. It was the most clutter her monotone minimalist designed bedroom had ever seen. The room was large, but cozy, with it’s soft monochromatic color scheme. When designing the room, she had viewed pictures of other monochromatic rooms that looked cold and sterile. To avoid this, she used soft neutrals as opposed to hard, bold, saturated colors. She stuck with soft antique whites, and grays with a hint of blue hue, in varying shades.

  Pulling yet another dress from her closet, she held the white and blac
k number up against her, and smoothed it out. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tilted her head from side to side. She slipped it off of the hanger, and onto her body. The dress fit her like a glove, and looked sexy but classy. The white chiffon top clinched just below her breasts, with a high waist thin silver belt, which accentuated her bosom. The remainder of the dress was a black nylon fabric that clung to her curves, and came to just below mid thigh. She opted for a pair of slung back, open toed four inch heels, that showed off her perfect, freshly manicured fire engine red toenails.

  Hearing the doorbell ring, she did a quick once over in the mirror, and reapplied her soft pink lipstick, followed by two quick squirts of her light, floral scented perfume to each side of her neck. Her heels click clacked across the clean white tile. Reaching the door, she placed her shaky hand on the handle. Tonight wasn’t going to be just another day at the office. Swallowing hard, and gathering her nerve, she opened the door.

  Detective Brian Wilshire’s eyes danced with delight. “Wow!” he exclaimed. “You look absolutely stunning!” At the station, he always thought she was pretty in her demure business attire, but he had never seen her look like this. She was the epitome of sexy with her hair down, and her long flowing naked legs showing. And he thought she looked hot in her jeans? Yeah. This was going to be a loooong fucking night. Minus the fucking.

  He was looking pretty dapper himself, in his charcoal gray suit and tie. And, he smelled amazing. My God, what have I gotten myself into, she thought.

  Handing her a single orchid, he said, “Here, I brought you this.”

  “Thank you, on both accounts,” she blushed. Taking the orchid, she set it on her coffee table. “Shall we go?” she asked.


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